Japan Today

Big comments

Posted in: Osaka woman causes 8 separate traffic accidents in 35 minutes See in context

Chico3Today  04:13 pm JST

Japanese are terrible drivers. This hopeless woman ought to have here licence permanently cancelled.

Actually, from my driving experiences in Japan, some of the best and courteous drivers have been from Yokohama and Kobe. The worst - the south and eastern part of Osaka, parts of Kyoto near the tourist areas, and downtown Osaka and Tokyo. Parts of south Osaka to me resembles GTA.

100%. Going to Kobe from Osaka is like stepping into another world. In Kobe you don't need to play chicken at crosswalks because cars actually stop and give way to pedestrians... In Osaka you're taking your life in your hands stepping onto a crosswalk if there is a car visible on the horizon. Even when they do give way to pedestrians Osaka drivers expect to be acknowledged, just for following road rules.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Osaka woman causes 8 separate traffic accidents in 35 minutes See in context

rainydayToday  10:08 am JST

This is an article from SoraNews so the humorous tone is expected. 

As is the complete lack of wit or writing skill.

These articles usually cover interesting tidbits of Japanese news, but the grating writing style - that needlessly drags each story out with way more paragraphs than necessary - almost always prevents me from reading them.

Not defending SoraNews, but ironic you criticize writing style with a three-line sentence.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Posted in: Osaka woman causes 8 separate traffic accidents in 35 minutes See in context

More evidence Osaka drivers are the worst in Japan.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Posted in: Is obesity a disease? Sometimes but not always, experts decide See in context

"Is obesity a disease?" Yes. It's a disease of putting too much crap in your pie hole.

"Is obesity genetic?" Yes. Kids copy the eating habits of their parents. Parents eat crap, feed their kids crap, kids grow up thinking crap is normal and their "overweightness" is just because they drew the short straw in the genetic lottery (funny this never happens to any other species - they all look the same, they also don't have access to ultra-processed food, save domesticated animals who can suffer the same as us).

"Am I obese because obesity runs in my family?" No. No one runs in your family.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

Posted in: Japan's largest bank apologizes over theft of more than ¥1 bil from safe deposit boxes See in context

She was using it for host clubs, while the host gets to keep all the money. The same scheme repeats over and over again as Japanese females turn to crime, get caught and ruin their life, while hosts gets to keep hundreds of millions of yen

It isn't the host's fault. The same as if she'd bought groceries with it, it wouldn't be the supermarket's fault. Blame lies with her and her alone. Second is the operating standards of the bank that allowed it to happen. Seems like you are trying to excuse the culprit because she is a woman.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

Posted in: Japan's largest bank apologizes over theft of more than ¥1 bil from safe deposit boxes See in context

“The case has undermined the customers' trust and confidence and shaken the very foundation of our banking business," Hanzawa said. He apologized for causing concern and trouble to MUFG clients.

This is the problem with Japan: The apology is not good enough. What are doing to compensate the affected customers? What are you doing to make sure this doesn't happen again? There is never any detail, just empty apologies and bowing.

-10 ( +15 / -25 )

Posted in: A twice-yearly shot could help end AIDS. But will it get to everyone who needs it? See in context

"A twice-yearly shot could help end AIDS." The word "could" in the headline tells you everything you need to know.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Posted in: A twice-yearly shot could help end AIDS. But will it get to everyone who needs it? See in context

There is no way this could have been properly controlled and tested - you could never get ethical approval to do a properly controlled trial on this. It's just about making money.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Posted in: A record 59% of private universities in Japan failed to meet their enrollment quotas this past spring due to the country's declining birthrate. What do you think this means for universities in Japan in the future? See in context

Let 'em fail. They are basically barrier-free exam passing businesses. They don't rate well against the most institutions worldwide, except perhaps the North Korea Institute of Technology.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Posted in: Stocks, bond yields and bitcoin advance as U.S. election brings Republican gains See in context

yen dropping. Happy days.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Posted in: Trump elected U.S. president in stunning comeback See in context

I didn't want Harris to win to protect freedom of speech, but even if FoS hadn't been an issue she was the worst candidate they could have put up and didn't deserve to win.

1 ( +10 / -9 )

Posted in: Trump elected U.S. president in stunning comeback See in context

Very good result!

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

Posted in: Qantas apologizes after R-rated film airs on every screen during Sydney-Haneda flight See in context

The thing QANTAS do really well is coming up with new ways all the time to convince the flying public to choose carriers other than QANTAS. Whenever I fly home to Australia I happily take the longer route with a stopover just to avoid QANTAS and Jetstar.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Japanese gov't admits doctoring 'untidy' cabinet photo See in context

The youthful vibrant energy is just jumping out of the picture! Japan is in good hands.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

Posted in: What to expect as Japan prepares for Oct 27 election See in context

"What to expect as Japan prepares for Oct 27 election"

This one's easy... What can we expect? Noise.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Posted in: YouTube launches new TV-focused tools for creators See in context

Gene HennighSep. 21  11:10 pm JST

YouTube now wants $188 per year to go ad-free. I don't even go there anymore. If they had the best of everything on their site, I still won't pay that much. $ ruin yet another site.

They're not forcing you to pay anything, just watch the occasional ad that comes up - you can skip most of them.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Drug-resistant superbugs projected to kill 39 million by 2050 See in context

Perhaps if doctors didn't give out antibiotics for everything we wouldn't have a problem.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Posted in: Only 13 female CEOs among Japan's 1,600 top-listed companies: survey See in context

John-SanToday  06:39 pm JST

...was this work into the equation. No I doubt.

Never is. The stats are cherry-picked to get the results they want to present. None of these people is ever going to report "...actually we had a good look at the stats and considered all contributing factors and it turns out it's nuanced." Doesn't make a good headline.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: Only 13 female CEOs among Japan's 1,600 top-listed companies: survey See in context

Raw BeerToday  06:22 pm JST

A major reason behind this is likely that there are fewer women than men that would want to be a CEO.

Just like there are fewer men than women that want to work in a day care; the reason why day cares have many more women than men is not that men are discriminated against.

Well said. Sadly, the ideological peeps are not swayed by logic and reality.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Only 13 female CEOs among Japan's 1,600 top-listed companies: survey See in context

virusrexToday  01:26 pm JST

When it is easy to demonstrate the bias and you give up trying to defend that bias that is a perfectly valid argument that you demonstrate true by choosing not to argue against it.

The difficult part (not so much in this case) is to demonstrate that bias with arguments, arguments you implicitly recognize as correct when you no longer address them and instead choose to make personal attacks.

Over-educated, under-experienced. Got it.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Only 13 female CEOs among Japan's 1,600 top-listed companies: survey See in context

virusrexToday  01:15 pm JST

Which again is something that you automatically happens for women, based on nothing but your own bias. You are demonstrating exactly how pervasive is the problem and how those affected think nothing about discriminating women, since in your mind they can only work to a lower standard.

Not having a bias would be to assume men and women can do work of the same quality, but when you automatically assume women are not CEOs because they can only work to a lower standard that is where your personal bias comes out, in your mind the equal ability to do something no longer exist.

And to followup: "Bias" is a stupid argument, because when you argue "bias" you're not arguing facts.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Only 13 female CEOs among Japan's 1,600 top-listed companies: survey See in context

virusrexToday  01:15 pm JST

Which again is something that you automatically happens for women, based on nothing but your own bias. You are demonstrating exactly how pervasive is the problem and how those affected think nothing about discriminating women, since in your mind they can only work to a lower standard.

Not having a bias would be to assume men and women can do work of the same quality, but when you automatically assume women are not CEOs because they can only work to a lower standard that is where your personal bias comes out, in your mind the equal ability to do something no longer exist.

Your main argument being bias shows that you don't actually have an argument. You can accuse anyone of bias - This is the Millenial/Gen Z way of shutting down discussion and saying "I'm right"

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: Only 13 female CEOs among Japan's 1,600 top-listed companies: survey See in context

virusrexToday  12:59 pm JST

You don't get handed things for being present in a company, man or woman.

But you can get denied things even doing the same work, for gender, race, age, etc. pretending this does not happen is just denial.

But you can also get denied things for doing the same work to a lower standard. I've managed people and seen women who do the same work as men but to a higher standard. I've also seen men produce the same work to lower standard than other men. In your example, who is evaluating the work? Because the work is completed doesn't mean the standard is the same or better. Again, it is your bias that's showing, no one else's.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: Only 13 female CEOs among Japan's 1,600 top-listed companies: survey See in context

virusrexToday  12:51 pm JST

Again, is a question that reveals an internalized bias and automatic discrimination against women. If a child brings a new expensive toy, and someone asks him "where did you find it? did you try to see who it belongs to?" it is a "logical question" in response to seeing it, but it is also evidence that the person automatically assumed something negative so felt the need to ask it.

Nobody is threatened by a question, but some people feel threatened when the intention behind those questions are made evident. That is what says something about the person, mostly that the question was not as innocent as they wanted to present originally.

Yukiko Uchinaga did it by working her a** off. Why can't other women (or men) who want to get ahead do it?


1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: Only 13 female CEOs among Japan's 1,600 top-listed companies: survey See in context

virusrexToday  12:51 pm JST

Again, is a question that reveals an internalized bias and automatic discrimination against women. If a child brings a new expensive toy, and someone asks him "where did you find it? did you try to see who it belongs to?" it is a "logical question" in response to seeing it, but it is also evidence that the person automatically assumed something negative so felt the need to ask it.

Nobody is threatened by a question, but some people feel threatened when the intention behind those questions are made evident. That is what says something about the person, mostly that the question was not as innocent as they wanted to present originally.

Yukiko Uchinaga did it by working her a** off. Why can't other women (or men) who want to get ahead do it?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: Only 13 female CEOs among Japan's 1,600 top-listed companies: survey See in context

virusrexToday  12:51 pm JST

Again, is a question that reveals an internalized bias and automatic discrimination against women. If a child brings a new expensive toy, and someone asks him "where did you find it? did you try to see who it belongs to?" it is a "logical question" in response to seeing it, but it is also evidence that the person automatically assumed something negative so felt the need to ask it.

Nobody is threatened by a question, but some people feel threatened when the intention behind those questions are made evident. That is what says something about the person, mostly that the question was not as innocent as they wanted to present originally.

It's your bias. Your assumptions based on your bias. I would say the same about an article talking about men not getting ahead. Who are these men? And what are they doing towards their goals? You don't get handed things for being present in a company, man or woman.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: Only 13 female CEOs among Japan's 1,600 top-listed companies: survey See in context

Which Japanese women want to do this work and what efforts have they made towards it?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: Australian PM hits back at Musk after 'fascists' quip See in context

Truth hurts, Albanese. If you can't handle the heat stay out of the fascist legislating kitchen.

-3 ( +21 / -24 )

Posted in: Is weight loss as simple as calories in, calories out? See in context

HawkToday  06:13 pm JST


I'm not. I'm just wondering what advice you think doctors give to their patients. You seem to be very anti-doctor.

I'm anti-doctor-giving-nutrition-advice because they know nothing about nutrition. This is why any nutrition "advice" you get from a doctor will be nebulous in nature, such as "calories in, calories out", "eat less move more", "it's all about balance". And none of this advice is correct or meaningful.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Is weight loss as simple as calories in, calories out? See in context

HawkToday  06:00 pm JST


Sorry to bother you again. Links to medical associations that recommend eating chocolate over eating broccoli. Please and thank you.

I think you're confusing me with Ian. I'm saying it's a ridiculous assumption, Ian thinks it's not.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

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