Posted in: Israel threatens 'all hell will break loose' on Hamas in latest Gaza ceasefire crisis See in context
The fascinating thing about consistently rejecting peace (for example, rejecting 95% of the west bank and half of jerusalem, as was rejected by Yasser Arafat, to Bill Clinton's disbelief), and rejecting it IN FAVOR of:
-Intifada (slaughtering Israelis at bus stops, weddings, markets, etc, in the hundreds) -Lobbing completely imprecise missiles DESIGNED to maximally kill civilians (as opposed, ya know, to targeting military and accidentally killing civilians) -Sending 4000 terrorists and civilians (half of those who entered Israel on Oct 7 were Gazan civilians) into Israel to slaughter 1200, gang rape teenage women at a music festival, burn families alive, and kidnap that there are CONSEQUENCES to such things.
This is the important point which seems lost on so many.
There are only SO MANY times you can reject peace in favor of slaughter,
Before the other side says: "Hey you know what? You and me? This just ain't working"
It will be interesting to see where the future takes things...
ONE THING is certain: No people, anywhere, who is this bent on destruction (Israel's destruction, as well as THEIR OWN destruction, as Palestinians place remarkably little value upon their own lives, choosing to martyr their children), will gain statehood.
The alternatives? Who knows?
Certainly the Arab states --- JORDAN, EGYPT, SAUDI ARABIA, KUWAIT, LEBANON, for example --- know that those alternatives do not include giving citizenship to the palestinians, who would only try to overthrow those countries.
It is a dilemma that, unfortunately, only the Palestinians themselves can solve. Will they choose to stop teaching their children to hate?
Will they choose love and life over hate and death?
I hope so :)
(but I ain't holding my breath)
-4 ( +1 / -5 )
Posted in: Israel threatens 'all hell will break loose' on Hamas in latest Gaza ceasefire crisis See in context
Fortunately, the palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
Thus giving the IDF the best chance to finally end Hamas once and for all.
The best part is that there is finally a US administration with some sense (FINALLY!), that the two state solution is simply unworkable.
The palestinians (whether represented by an ELECTED HAMAS), or by the PA, who is just Hamas-lite) have rejected COUNTLESS peace overtures
ONE simple reason: they want ALL of Israel, not just a sliver. They want ALL..
Trump sees through the nonsense fortunately.
His plan most certainly won't work (because Egypt won't take in palestinians, fearing their ultimate revolutionary tendency which has bitten Egypt many times)
However THE KEY is that the two state solution is FINALLY dead
-5 ( +1 / -6 )
Posted in: Trump presses Jordan to take in Palestinians from Gaza; king opposes displacement See in context
Trump said he would buy Gaza. Now he says he won't buy it but will own it.
He only ever said he would own it. He never said he would buy it.
The reason he can own it is because the last owner WAS EGYPT
And guess what? Egypt doesn't want it back after Egypt started a war with Israel and then quickly lost, lol
Egypt doesn't want it back because the gazan arabs only ever incite revolution and jihad, so no surprise.
So there's no one to "buy" it from, duh.
-4 ( +3 / -7 )
Posted in: Netanyahu threatens to resume fighting in Gaza if hostages aren't released Saturday See in context
Fos, the Lancet is a medical journal lol, you do realize that yes?
Besides which, the critical point is that no urban combat conflict IN HISTORY has had such a LOW civilian:fighter mortality ratio than the conflict in Gaza.
IT IS UNPRECEDENTED. All thanks to the accuracy and morality of the IDF.
Stop quoting medical journals (which themselves extrapolate their internal figures from Gazan health ministry data: this ministry is literally part of Hamas, lol)
If the IDF really wanted to cause damage, this ratio would be NOWHERE CLOSE to what it is. Could you imagine what the JSDF would do if China massacred 1200 Japanese civilians and gangraped hundreds of women at an EDM party and burned families alive? (oh wait we already know what would be done based on the historical precedent set between those two countries)
-8 ( +1 / -9 )
Posted in: Trump presses Jordan to take in Palestinians from Gaza; king opposes displacement See in context
The UN and the international community state
LOL, wallace, who (besides reddit and student protesters) give a rats behind about what the UN thinks???
They are the most corrupt international body in history (even moreso than FIFA: and that's saying something lol)
Their human rights council is led by dictatorships more often than not. It's simply a vox box for the corrupt and irrelevant.
-6 ( +3 / -9 )
Posted in: Trump presses Jordan to take in Palestinians from Gaza; king opposes displacement See in context
Elected. Past tense. It isn’t forever.
Unfortunately for your ill considered argument, 75% of gazan arabs SUPPORT HAMAS today, even knowing the Oct 7 atrocities.
In other words, if elections were held AGAIN, they would elect Hamas AGAIN.
Sickening really
-4 ( +4 / -8 )
Posted in: Trump presses Jordan to take in Palestinians from Gaza; king opposes displacement See in context
many of those hope to be able to return
Lol wallace, you're getting ahead of yourself my friend!
Let's LET THEM LEAVE first, as you pointed out this has happened with millions already globally.
I can only hope (pray?) you feel the same and don't actually support Hamas
But, since you brought it up, why on earth should gazan arabs be allowed to return to a place from which they launched the Oct 7 massacre against Israel?
And YES: more than HALF of those who committed the Oct 7 atrocities were palestinian CIVILIANS
No surprise since they are taught to hate jews from birth (see Farfur the mouse teaching children to martyr themselves by killing jews). Those that didn't attack, SUPPORT Hamas.
NO ONE would let nighbors like that to continue living beside them.
It would be INSANITY to allow a people who HATE you to live beside you when all peace offerings were met with perpetrated atrocity
-5 ( +4 / -9 )
Posted in: Trump presses Jordan to take in Palestinians from Gaza; king opposes displacement See in context
Ah Underworld, Why on earth should gazan arabs get their own state when THEY VOLUNTARILY ELECTED HAMAS??
in other words: the ONE time they were given a chance to create a state, they CREATED A TERRORIST STATE
One which they STILL support!
Madness (is doing the same thing again and again and expecting something different, like offering peace to palestinians and expecting anything but relentless destruction)
-4 ( +4 / -8 )
Posted in: Trump presses Jordan to take in Palestinians from Gaza; king opposes displacement See in context
The Gaza Palestinians could be moved into the illegal Jewish settlements on the West Bank.
Hardly illegal lol. That land was taken from Jordan when JORDAN LOST THE WAR of 67 (a war they STARTED lol)
You know, as land gets lost when a side loses in battle, as happens in ALL CONFLICTS around the world, for all of human history.
That said, Israel would LOVE to give it back to Jordan, but guess what?
Jordan doesn't WANT it back! Why you ask?
Because palestinians EXCEL at inciting revolution WHEREVER they go (including Jordan)
-5 ( +4 / -9 )
Posted in: Trump presses Jordan to take in Palestinians from Gaza; king opposes displacement See in context
The only way the Palestinians will leave Gaza is if they are forced out by US/Israel troops
Ah Wallace my friend, this would seemingly be disproven by the MILLIONS OF SYRIANS who voluntarily left Syria, not to mention the MILLIONS OF UKRAINIANS who voluntarily left Ukraine
You aren't even being asked to read a history book, lol, this is RECENT HISTORY
It turns out (shocking!) that when given the option, civilians LIKE to LEAVE active warzones, lol
-5 ( +4 / -9 )
Posted in: Netanyahu threatens to resume fighting in Gaza if hostages aren't released Saturday See in context
65.000 people in Gaza
Lol where are you getting your numbers from Fos?
EVEN HAMAS says only 45,000 lol
The FACT is that ALL numbers are simply MADE UP by Hamas
This has been demonstrated statistically
More than HALF of the numbers are HAMAS terrorists
A figure completely unprecendented in THE HISTORY OF URBAN COMBAT
All thanks to the remarkable precision of the IDF, who fight in a warzone created by Hamas, who EMBEDS themselves in the civilian population.
(oh the UN is a complete absurdity which only the extreme left wing or the insane take seriously, lol. sad to see you taken in by their appeal)
-9 ( +2 / -11 )
Posted in: Trump presses Jordan to take in Palestinians from Gaza; king opposes displacement See in context
The US could take the 2 million Gaza Palestinians.
Fortunately, the US isn't foolish.
Hopefully they can pressure Egypt to take them into the Sinai.
But then again, Hamas and palestinians generally are STRONGLY ALLIED with the Mulsim Brotherhood, who has already overthrown Egypt at least once.
No wonder Egypt is massing tanks by the Gaza border.
The only practical solution is for gazan arabs to be taught to stop hating jews, as they have been miseducated to do for DECADES.
Sadly this is a pipe dream. Then again, the Japanese and the Germans were retrained after WWII, so who knows!
-4 ( +5 / -9 )
Posted in: Trump presses Jordan to take in Palestinians from Gaza; king opposes displacement See in context
No, they don’t.
You do realize that "from the river to the sea" means one thing:
ALL JEWS DEAD between the jordan river and the Mediterranean Sea
They state QUITE CLEARLY what they desire in their hearts more than anything.
They have rejected peace overtures one after the other because none involve the death of all jews and the reclamation of all of Israel
-4 ( +5 / -9 )
Posted in: Netanyahu threatens to resume fighting in Gaza if hostages aren't released Saturday See in context
Hamas doesn’t realize they’re not dealing with the Biden administration anymore, if anything their actions prove once again why at the current level there will never be a two state solution.
They definitely didn't get the memo, I agree
They're about to find out the HARD WAY
Sadly, the two state solution died ages ago, particularly after Clinton noted that Arafat had zero interest despite being offered 95% of the west bank.
Palestinians want ONE THING (stated over and over):
Fortunately, Israel and the mighty IDF ain't gonna let that happen!
-13 ( +4 / -17 )
Posted in: Trump presses Jordan to take in Palestinians from Gaza; king opposes displacement See in context
Lol Wallace, it ain't ethnic cleansing if they leave voluntarily from a WARZONE.
You know, like the way hundreds of millions of people have left warzones throughout human history.
Like the millions who have fled Ukraine most recently
Or the millions who fled Syria.
But yes, as you point out, Jordan won't take them (you left the part why: it's because palestinians instigate revolution wherever they migrate to)
-2 ( +5 / -7 )
Posted in: Trump presses Jordan to take in Palestinians from Gaza; king opposes displacement See in context
they need to split that part of the world into 2 separate countries; Palestine, and Israel.
Lol Tamarama, this was tried twice at least: the first time in the late 40s when the partition plan CREATED TRANSJORDAN, ie., present day JORDAN
Jordan IS the palestinian states: 2/3 of all of the original territory held by the British mandate
The second time of course was in 2005
You know, when Israel pulled ALL it's people out of Gaza and left the Gazan arabs free to hold elections and attempt statehood
They ELECTED HAMAS and STILL support Hamas even after the Oct 7 ATROCITIES.
I think the time to experiment with palestinian statehood is OVER
-2 ( +6 / -8 )
Posted in: Trump presses Jordan to take in Palestinians from Gaza; king opposes displacement See in context
So, the Palestinians have absolutely no say in their future-doesn’t seem very democratic to me.
Lol since when does democracy have ANYTHING to do with arab states in the middle east?
They are all ruled by kings and dictators.
Besides, the last time Gazan arabs were given the possibility of expressing themselves democratically, THEY ELECTED HAMAS
And they STILL support Hamas. If democratic elections were held today, gazan arabs would ELECT HAMAS
-1 ( +7 / -8 )
Posted in: Trump presses Jordan to take in Palestinians from Gaza; king opposes displacement See in context
If Germany can take in a million Syrians in one year, certainly Palestine's neighbors can accept all of its refugees. Come on, folks, let's work for regional peace.
Exactly JeffLee
The problem is the constant instigation of revolution of course by the palestinian people
But for the sake of not being hypocrites, those arab states who pretend to love the palestinians should offer to take them in
-4 ( +5 / -9 )
Posted in: Trump presses Jordan to take in Palestinians from Gaza; king opposes displacement See in context
Little surprise Jordan doesn't back taking in large numbers...
Jordan massacred tens of thousands of palestinians when palestinian terrorists tried to overthrow the country.
Indeed there is a stark pattern at play: Every country palestinians go to, sees violent revolution within a few years. This is followed by subsequent massacres and expulsion of the palestinians taken in
Palestinians have instigated revolutions in:
One can only pray that this time palestinians will not instigate revolution and try to live in peace.
Alas, training their children for martyrdom has predictable consequences (see Farfur the mouse - a palestinian childrens show teaching kids to become jihadists)
-4 ( +5 / -9 )
Posted in: Netanyahu threatens to resume fighting in Gaza if hostages aren't released Saturday See in context
The false equivalency at play is also beyond bizarre. Kidnapped civilians exchanged for terrorist prisoners who have murdered in cold blood, and at a more than a 50:1 ratio, at that!
The extent to which Israel values life is incredible that they would make a deal such as this. I can't think of any civilization in the history of humanity that would agree to a deal such as this.
And yet, despite this, Hamas STILL breaks the deal. Will wonders never cease??
Goodbye Hamas. You had a long run, but it wasn't short enough!
-11 ( +5 / -16 )
Posted in: Netanyahu threatens to resume fighting in Gaza if hostages aren't released Saturday See in context
has to live up to the agreement that was made.
So sorry I must have misread you kurisupisu! I'm sure you meant to say the agreement was just broken by Hamas.
Happy to correct though, no trouble at all.
May Hamas get what's coming their way very shortly.
-12 ( +5 / -17 )
Posted in: Netanyahu threatens to resume fighting in Gaza if hostages aren't released Saturday See in context
May there be peace! Trump's plan is the best shot we've had in ages for peace in the region. Clearly Gaza, being the first trial period for a palestinian state, was a complete and utter failure.
The election and continued support of Hamas by the Gazan arabs indicates zero prospects for future peace. It's the continued support of Hamas by the Gazan arabs that is the true issue at the heart of all this.
Unfortunately, decades of raising children to hate will do this (look up Farfur the mouse - a palestinian children's show teaching children to martyr themselves).
-15 ( +3 / -18 )
Posted in: Israel detains 240 Palestinians including medics after Gaza hospital raid See in context
strict links with the American interests
Israel is the ONLY democracy in the middle east. The ONLY place in the middle east where LGBT can proudly declare themselves. A place with equal rights for women (and Arabs: 20% of Israelis are arabs and they serve in the Knesset/government)
Of course America has interests in Israel: DUH!!
The alternative is what, my dear friend?
To have interests in Hamas? In Hezbollah?
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Israel detains 240 Palestinians including medics after Gaza hospital raid See in context
Israel's protracted impunity
Lol again as usual (so many Lols!! wonderful!)
Do you mean the impunity to get REPEATEDLY ATTACKED by Iranian proxies?
The impunity to have Hezbollah launch thousands of rockets at the north of Israel, so that Israelis (including Druze and Arabs) cant return to their homes?
The impunity to get attacked by the Houthis launching rockets constantly?
The impunity to have Hamas (and Gaza civilians) invade Israel and slaughter 1200 Jews, many of whom were teenagers at a rave and got gang raped and then shot in the head?
If that's the impunity you shake your head at in dismay, then it's an impunity few would choose lol
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Israel detains 240 Palestinians including medics after Gaza hospital raid See in context
delaying all needed food, medical supplies, humanitarian aid and destroying all medical care, to manage starvation,
Hmmm... maybe the fact that armed Hamas convoys are stealing all incoming shipments and redistributing it to the Gazan people has something to do with those delays you speak of.
If only there was a way to effectively distribute this aid to the people... OH WAIT!!! Maybe, the IDF should ELIMINATE Hamas, so that the Gazan people can get that food without having to pay Hamas a surcharge (nor risk their lives to steal it from Hamas)
-3 ( +2 / -5 )
Posted in: Israel detains 240 Palestinians including medics after Gaza hospital raid See in context
This terrible conflict would end the first 24 hours the US administration stops shipping lethal weapons to Israel.
FORTUNATELY, Trump is returning to office in January. He will ensure that Israel is well supplied to fight not JUST Hamas, but the rest of Iran's PROXY ARMIES: the Houthis, Hezbollah, palestinian islamic jihad.
NB is content to support Iran and their proxy armies no doubt. Ironic, given that Iranians themselves loathe the Iranian leadership and can't wait to see the overthrow of the Ayatollah
You see, NB, this ISN'T ABOUT Gaza. This HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT IRAN. And it turns out you need weapons to fight Iran. You might want to educate yourself on the REGIONAL CONTEXT.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Israel detains 240 Palestinians including medics after Gaza hospital raid See in context
Palestinian Genocide survivors as young as 3 days old are being HUNTED down daily by the Zionists air force and IGF soldiers on the ground.
Lol if Israel's conduct in this war (by far the LOWEST ratio of civilian to combatant deaths in any urban warfare in history) is genocide, then LITERALLY ANY CONFLICT IN HISTORY would be defined as genocide (by you and the rest of the rabid anti Israel types).
Meanwhile, you and your ilk are always so QUICK to defend ACTUAL genocidal monsters: i.e., HAMAS and their Gazan supporters: 80% of Gazans support the mass rape and murder of Jews on October 7, and many can be seen handing out candy on that day. Moreover, many (if not an outright majority) of the mass rapists and mass murderers of Oct 7 were Gazan CIVILIANS who went along for the thrill of it.
Keep up the MASSIVE HYPOCRISY WoodyLee
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Israel says it has killed Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in Gaza See in context
that doesn't make them a terrorist, it makes them a freedom fighter.
Good heavens, if fighting for freedom means gangraping Israeli women before shooting them in the head, or burning families alive bound in wire, or murdering parents in front of children and vice versa, I shudder to think how you imagine a terrorist.
-5 ( +2 / -7 )
Posted in: Israel says it has killed Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in Gaza See in context
you cant kill an idea. You simply cant.
You sure as heck can deprive it of oxygen! And you can even do ONE BETTER: provide COUNTER IDEAS.
You see, history is actually full of the back and forth ebbing and flow of ideas.
The real key is to re-educate Gazans AWAY from hatred. You see, teaching children to martyr themselves ISN'T VERY POPULAR IN MOST PLACES IN THE WORLD.
So given that this is the case, there is a VERY HIGH PROBABILITY that Gazan arabs can be taught NOT to teach their children these things.
-8 ( +2 / -10 )
Posted in: Israel says it has killed Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in Gaza See in context
So he will be replaced by another leader, it's a nothing achievement.
Hardly, the more leaders they cross off the list, the more they get replaced by inexperienced acolytes with a poor understanding of how to engage in warfare with one of the best militaries in the world (IDF)
The real key though is to re-educate Gazans AWAY from hatred, as they have been taught for so long by Hamas and UNWRA (check out the rabidly antisemitic palestinian childrens tv shows, where children are encouraged to martyr themselves - oy vey!)
Only then will future peace be possible.
But as for future military successes, that on a FAST DECLINE vis a vis Hamas
-9 ( +1 / -10 )
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