Japan Today

binhan comments

Posted in: In memoriam See in context

I will pray to Almighty God for all these victims,and for Japan tonight.

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Posted in: Aso says elderly should be allowed to 'hurry up and die' See in context

No need for a mere mortal human being to argue about right of birth ,life ,death ..it is endless and far beyond human capacity to understand. If you say an old person who can not feed himself should die , what will happen to a new born baby? when you say a baby has a future and this sick old man does not, can you tell me what will be the future of this baby? can you tell me you will be still alive in the next morning?...

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Posted in: U.S. stands by Japan on island dispute with China See in context

China, this is the chance for your reflection and repent! Chose the path of peace ,peace for tibet, peace for xinjiang peace for your neighbors...and you will see the world will smile at you ,again. you already have a very vast ,beautiful country with tremendous mountains rivers, fertile soil huge ocean...stop there and let others live.

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Posted in: Temperature hits all-time record 45.8 degrees C in Sydney See in context

Yeah it was a little hard ,nearly 46 degree , a little uncomfortable but only for a short time.In the afternoon ,strong cool wind blew all over Sydney and temperature went right down to about 28 very quickly. it was quite fun to have cold shower under the shade of a tree during hot summer day in Australia,just can't complain.

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Posted in: Delhi gang-rape suspect beaten up in jail See in context

The consequences are so severe that I can only hope police did catch the right criminals.

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Posted in: U.S. Congress less popular than cockroaches: poll See in context

the survey itself is ....mad. comparing cockroaches and US congress???? it is hard to have a laugh ,really.

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Posted in: Indian guru blames Delhi rape victim, sparking outrage See in context

At low level,common sense of understanding his statement is completely out of touch and easily be misunderstood.But at a very high level of understanding, in spiritual sense, his statement can be understood as " trust God completely ,whatever may happen". Just an interpretation.

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Posted in: Praying for success See in context

When you choose not to believe in God ,you will end up believing in something lesser than God.

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Posted in: Men who use trains on dates: Please stay single See in context

Forgive her , and just carry her on your back for a date.

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Posted in: Southeast Asian nations feud over China See in context

SCS is a completely misleading name ,it must be abolished ,the sooner the better. The name makes greedy China wrongly think that this entire sea area belongs to its backyard.

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Posted in: China unveils new leadership with Xi Jinping at helm See in context

After one read some informations of this new leader on the net, one can assume that he is a good man, and then one can have some hope for better future of China in the area like human rights, equality, peace with its neighbors...How can one good man in the system of bad do anything is remained to be seen to believe.

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Posted in: China fires back at U.S. presidential candidates See in context

China simply wants to make the so called " international laws" into " laws made in China, by China , for China". The worst thing is they believe that they have or will have muscles and justification to back it up.

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Posted in: Japan's indifference to 'Gangnam Style' riles S Korea See in context

Oh well, Japanese people don't like it too much because ....they don't like it that much ! I watched one video of his "exercise"on youtube, and thats that.

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Posted in: 2 cabinet ministers visit Yasukuni with non-partisan group; S Korea, China protest See in context

What is there to protest? According to the Holy Bilbe after death ,human body go back to dust, spirit return to God, soul belong to hades ...nothing at Yasukuni jinja anyway; all is just emptiness.

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Posted in: Okinawans use kites to protest against Osprey aircraft See in context

These people have a privilege to watch so many different sophisticated war planes year in year out but they don't realise it !:-).

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Posted in: Japan 'stole' our islands, Chinese foreign minister tells U.N. See in context

May the Almighty God bless Japan for standing firm against thug. Talking about" stealing" form China FM's mouth ,it sounds so funny....Tibet , Paracel islands ,Xinjiang, spratly islands , lands from India,lands from Vietnam..etc do not exist in his mind? , at all?

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Posted in: Message for Japan See in context

How can you tell if these people are not from mainland China? Japan will just keep cool and stay on its own Senkaku.,its perfect legal.

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Posted in: Japan protests after 3 Chinese ships enter waters near disputed islands See in context

You can't live in peace if the other side is so desperate for a war! Japan should explore all diplomatic options but must prepare for the worst, war. It seems that the writing is already on the wall .It is very sad to see that a country with old civilisation like China just want to fight so much to expand its territory these days.Xinjiang, Tibet, Paracel islands, Spratly islands, Taiwan ,Senkaku.... i

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Posted in: Japan embassy, businesses shut as more protests erupt in China See in context

If there is a war between Japan and China,ever, China is the country has the most to lose, nothing to gain,at all. China is like a big, fat juicy meat everybody can share while Japan is like...bone! think about it China , before you commit yourself to a totally nonsense ,greedy conflict with Japan.

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