Japan Today

Black Sabbath comments

Posted in: Sydney synagogue sprayed with antisemitic graffiti in latest attack on Australian Jews See in context

The graffiti on it's wall read "Hitler on Top", Alla huaXX" and there was a swastika. See here: https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-836930

That's not very nice, now is it?

Should it be news on this site under World News? I don't think so. But then again, Japan Today has front page articles about shoplifting.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Himeji Castle entry fees set to be hiked for all non-local visitors See in context

Fair 'nough,

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Surge in inbound tourists pushes Japan to explore dual pricing See in context

How are they gonna tell the difference?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict See in context

MAGA has been arguing against "democracy' for years now because they can't win elections anymore and they want believe our elections are not legitimate, because of all the" illegal votes" by people who don't vote Red. Y'know Mexicans, Blacks and the Woke Libtards who ruined their movies.

The outrage they've ginned up with this myth of illegal voting goes part and parcel with the myth that the justice system is rigged against their Dear Leader. It also means a certain number of these bloodthirsty fools will advocate for the violent resistance of the perversions of their country.

And, considering today's guilty verdict, Trump will start even more outrage rhetoric, and incite violence in his followers. And some stupid idiots will heed the call.

You've heard it here first.

13 ( +18 / -5 )

Posted in: Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict See in context

The United States was NEVER a democracy. We're a Republic, those are two different thing.

First, we are federal republic. If you want to be technical pedantic, at least do your homework and be right. [GAwd, I miss I conservatives who actually cared about persuasion and winning arguments]

That is the form of our country. And democratic elections have ALWAYS been the method by which each and every state MUST use to choose its legislative and executive representatives.

The ongoing issue is and always been who amoungstthe governed have the legal right to participate in those democratic elections. IOW enfranchisement. We started with a rather limited enfranchisement: land owning males.

Things have changed a bit since then.

So buck up pal, sharpen your pencil, and don't be afraid to learn or things or two.

17 ( +19 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict See in context


First, The Bad Orange Stain was convicted in state court. Perhaps you confuse a federal crime and felony?

Anyways, sentencing depends on the kind of felony ( in this case a strong class E felony) which provides sentencing guidelines, and 1) how repentant the convicted felon is, and 2) his or her likelihood to be repeat offender, aka, "recidivism"

NY state guidelines states: For a class E felony, the term shall be fixed by the court, and

shall not exceed four years.

16 ( +19 / -3 )

Posted in: Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict See in context


The only uprising they can get done is the biscuits in their ovens and the water level in their bathtubs.

Pathetic weak losers.

16 ( +21 / -5 )

Posted in: Jury finds Donald Trump guilty on all 34 counts at hush money trial See in context

@ Wallace "Probation will restrict his movements."

Yes, it will. And he should have thought of that before he broke the law.


12 ( +12 / -0 )

Posted in: Jury finds Donald Trump guilty on all 34 counts at hush money trial See in context

Good news!  And, of course, a series body blow to his chances this fall.

A felony is as real as it gets.

As for those among poo-pooing how important this is: Don't believe it.

They know how important this is. The only things they believe in is power, the power to compel others to their will. That is the language they understand. That is the language they really appreciate. The power to force others to your will.

Well, this guilty verdict is proof positive that Trump is weak. That we the socialist communist leftist fascsist mob beat their boy.

And they know it.

26 ( +30 / -4 )

Posted in: Pandemic agreement talks go to the wire See in context

"The main disputes revolve around access and equity"

Access and equity. Hm. What is fair, giving up more money or more lives?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Philippines calls for expelling of Chinese diplomats as South China Sea row escalates See in context

According to the transcript published by the Manila Times, a Philippine admiral had agreed to China's proposal of a "new model", where the Philippines would use fewer vessels in resupply missions to troops at the Second Thomas Shoal, and notify Beijing about missions in advance

I look at the map, where this shoall is, and where the multi-contested Spratley Islands are. I read the history of who has claims on what shaols, reefs, outcrops and islands and and on what basis do they base those claims.

It's all kind of a mess.

In short, the "new model" seems like a reasonable modus operendi.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Posted in: House rejects Greene's effort to oust Speaker Johnson, but chaos lingers See in context

oops. Their days being able to get a majority in the House...

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Posted in: House rejects Greene's effort to oust Speaker Johnson, but chaos lingers See in context

This is a good thing. In a way not mentioned in the article or the comments so far.

Taylor Green's, along her erstwhile pals on the Freedumb Caucus, stale antics and-click bait performative nonsense neither play in Peoria nor with a good chunk of the GOP House.

So much so that House Dems and Republicans have repeatedly now worked together to get the basics of governing done. Recall the same cooperation with the recent budget non-show down.

Now, here's the kicker: this cooperation demonstrates the disunity in the Republican party. The House Majoirty cannot govern because of that disunity. And House Dems are solidly behind the shadow Speaker Jeffries.

In the past, going all the way back, when this happens to party, their in the majoirty are numbered.

Simply put, the Republican party is frayed. If it does't self-correct soon, which it won't so long as the Bad Orange Man is around...

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Posted in: Arizona indicts 18 in case over 2020 election in Arizona, including Giuliani and Meadows See in context

Well, I would just like to say that thought the wheels of justice may grind slowly, in the present instance, they have not stopped. Despite the best efforts of traitors, criminals and their marks.

In short, "Arizona indicts 18 in case over 2020 election in Arizona, including Giuliani and Meadows" -- couldn't have happened to more deserving group of deplorables.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Posted in: Australian police consider special search powers ahead of pro-Palestinian protest See in context

Countries across the developed world are curbing pro-Palestinian protests out of concern the Israel-Hamas conflict could trigger violence at home

According to the article, the Palestine Action Group Sydney condemned and expelled the trogs who showed up to their rally and chanted "Gas the Jews". So that's good.

But, on Oct 9, I assume these are same guys: "Hundreds of Australians have marched in solidarity with Palestinians after the Israeli government formally declared war against Hamas in response to its surprise attack." https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/oct/09/pro-palestinian-rally-in-sydney-calls-for-australia-to-drop-support-for-israel

Oct 9. Two days after the attack. You gotta squint real hard not to see that as solidarity with Hammas.

So, yeah, I'd say the police have legitimate concern here.

As an American, I would object to barring these people from protesting. But, in the US, we protect our First Amendment rights about as much as possible. Which I favor. Because I often find myself in voicing unpopular postions, and we can say just about anything in the public sqaure, so long as is doesn't incite immediate violence.

How does it work in Australia?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan to send SDF plane to Djibouti to evacuate citizens in Israel See in context

Well, if Japan is planning to evacuate Japanese from Israel, that tells me they know the war is going to long and dangerous.

Which I take as bad news.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Israel says it won't allow aid to flow to Gaza Strip until Hamas releases hostages See in context


What do you expect? Should Israel just capitulate? Send them flowers? Hamas brought this on to their own people. 

I expect Israel to use Hamas's barbarianism and blood lust as a pretext to do a bit of their own.*

I hope, I support, Israel does what needs to be done to protect itself, and I do not think, as you seem too, that Hamas's atrocity towards the innocent permits Israel to do the same. I remember that a good chunk, what, 1/3? of the people in Gaza are under the age of 14.

[And, no, I am not doing any moral equivalency here. In the end, Hamas is a jihadi terrorist group and and Israel is a country, warts and all ]

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Israel says it won't allow aid to flow to Gaza Strip until Hamas releases hostages See in context

Hey Strangerland. LTNS!

It's not only terrorism. It's Islamic State Jihadism.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Israel says it won't allow aid to flow to Gaza Strip until Hamas releases hostages See in context


Most secularly-minded people are largely confused by Jihadist violence. Hamas is Jihadist.  There is no possibility of living in peace with Jihadist; they are perpetually at war with us, and we, whether we know it or not, are at war with them.  They have very different values about the value of human life. Hamas and the people who like them rejoice at death, carnage and savagery. What we call war crimes, they call justice. And rejoice in it.

[We in the the West, BTW, with our public lynchings picnics, our gas chambers, and Japan with the head chopping contest and the Rape of Manilla. -- all for the demi-god Hirohito --, are only a few generations removed from that kind of barbarism]

That said, this article is about Israel collectively punishing Gaza.

What do you think about that?

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: Israel says it won't allow aid to flow to Gaza Strip until Hamas releases hostages See in context

Which side are you on?

The innocent. And you?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Supreme Court rules for a designer who doesn't want to make wedding websites for gay couples See in context

The issue is this case is the intersection between free speech AND discrimination when providing goods and services to the public.

[The cause of the discrimination is not germane. Religious freedom is not at issue]

The problem, IMO, with the majority opinion is, under CO law, homosexuality is a protected class, meaning it is considered the same as race and national origin. That is why, as Sotomajor wrote,   

“...the decision’s logic cannot be limited to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity."

Do you all you see the problem now?

According to the conservative majority, I can tomorrow start a web design business, and advertise the following:

“I design original, customized Webpages weddings,  tailored for you to capture that special moment in your life.”*

*Japanese will not be accommodated, because of my deeply held beliefs.

If you all are ok with that, then there you go. Are you also ok with this?

“I design original, customized Webpages weddings,  tailored for you to capture that special moment in your life.”*

*Blacks will not be accommodated, because of my deeply held beliefs."

Read the decision. Sotomajor is right: The decision’s logic cannot be limited to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Malaysia seeks Interpol help to track U.S. comedian over MH370 joke See in context

Yeah, that ain’t gonna happen.

I guess it’s not such a bad thing after all at the United States Empire, with all its flaws, is on the right side of at least one issue.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump risked national secrets, U.S. prosecutors allege in indictment See in context


Well, when you put it that way, I guess a must agree.

Maga Man is the single worst thing to happen to my country since slavery.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Posted in: Trump risked national secrets, U.S. prosecutors allege in indictment See in context

EFD "Legally it doesn’t matter."

According to his attorney, that Maga Man is facing a charge under the Espionage Act ( and obstruction of justice, destruction or falsification of records, conspiracy and false statements)

The Espionage Act prohibits " obtaining information, recording pictures, or copying descriptions of any information relating to the national defense with intent or reason to believe that the information may be used for the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation"

You think he was going to sell them to a foreign power and/or use them as blackmail against his own country.

That sure sounds a lot like advantaging any foreign nation and injury to the US, respectively.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Posted in: Trump risked national secrets, U.S. prosecutors allege in indictment See in context


I sure hope you are right. And it's looking like he will end up incarcerated.

Which is necessary for our republic.

Then and only then will half of those who vote Republican dump him. Because they don't care about right and wrong. They care about winning, and winning only.

To break the spell, Trump must be jailed. Weak, old and jailed. Then they will forget him as quickly as they forgot Shrub.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

Posted in: Trump risked national secrets, U.S. prosecutors allege in indictment See in context

Well, I am lawyer, so ask away.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Posted in: Trump risked national secrets, U.S. prosecutors allege in indictment See in context

This guy and his followers are the single worst thing to happen to my country since Nixon.

Oh, wait a minute. Nixon: Republican. Southern Strategy. Racist criminal.

This guy: Republican. Racist criminal.

Hm. I just wonder if all of this guys followers really like racist criminlas, well,

Cause they're racist, and they only care about being 'tough on crime' when its a black or brown person who is suspect.

There's a word for this guys followers, the die-hard 28%ers. Starts with a "d"....

Oh right.


5 ( +10 / -5 )

Posted in: Trump risked national secrets, U.S. prosecutors allege in indictment See in context


Once convicted, I predict his approval rating will drop to 28%

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Ex-lawmaker GaaSyy arrested upon return to Japan See in context

"“There's no such thing as bad publicity, as long as they spell your name right”

“There's only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.”

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Indonesia bans sex outside marriage in new criminal code See in context

 It will also ban insulting the president or state institutions....

Ah, lèse-maj·es·té, When dissent = treason.

So much for Indonesia and any semblance of democracy.

And what is democracy, stripped of all its ideological dressings, other than feedback to power.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

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