Japan Today

BlackOut comments

Posted in: Employees reveal absurd company regulations See in context

i just got a chance to read this article. seriously, are they real? what a freak cop orate culture there?

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Posted in: When choosing an airline to fly with, what factors influence your decision? See in context

1.if it fly out of nearest airport, in this case haneda 2.if it is not the China Airline 3.if it offer online reservation service. 4.flight time 5.price

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Posted in: Do you think smartphones are becoming too complicated with too many functions? See in context

it is getting a lot more easier to use for me.

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Posted in: People want a simple answer: Is it safe or is it dangerous? But given the state of radiation science, there is no such thing as a simple answer. See in context

no simple answer because the goverment and TEPCO make it way too complicate by not telling all truth or sometime simply just lie.

you don't need to say a simple answer, you just have to tell the truth as soon as you know it and tell it all, so people can process it and take their own proper step if they will stay or leave.

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Posted in: Which form of renewable energy do you think is the best alternative to nuclear energy? See in context

this somehow make me feel like the person or people making this poll doesn't have much idea of what's the idea bebind renewable energy and how we can the most out of it, so i am not going to vote for this. it's just non-sense to pick only one over other!

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Posted in: Bin Laden's sons say U.S. broke international law by killing their father See in context

throwing his body into the sea in that way, which demeans and humiliates his family and his supporters and which challenges religious provisions and feelings of hundreds of millions of Muslims.

i guess the kid want to see his papa got head cut of during somebody video tap it and upload to show it world-wild. that should be a respect way for his family, his supporters and his religion.

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Posted in: Obama: 'Getting our man' outweighed risks of raid See in context

Pakistani government has to investigate

what Obama want to hear? Pakistan know that they can say anything, and the americans will have to support them financially anyway, or the american will have to risk a possible nuke attack by terrorists that Pakistanis are feeding in their own backyard!

having nuke and feeding terrorists at the same time proof to be only a win win for parkistain corrupted politicians and loose loose for american tax payers.

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Posted in: Mozilla resists request to remove Firefox tool See in context

truth goddog, i just try to update ff on my old mac and it said that. you can pay for osx version update to anything above v10.4 and it should work.

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Posted in: Bin Laden's death prompts questions about legality See in context

Because OBL is gone, it probably saved one inncent life somewhere. Is that wrong?

i am talking about and disagree with people "blindly supporting" things without a care of right or wrong.

i am not saying that what has been done to bin laden was right or wrong. it is still too early to say. let wait for somebody interview the wife and daughter first. we will see their version of story.

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Posted in: Bin Laden's death prompts questions about legality See in context

see many people right now just blindly support the killing of bin laden no matter what. that make me think of when the very same people blindly support the invasion of Iraq by GWB.

no agurement on how bad Saddam and Bin Laden was, but two wrongs don't make one right to me. sad that people always has million of reasons to ignore doing the right thing when they want to set something right!

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Posted in: Mozilla resists request to remove Firefox tool See in context

One of my old iMacs will not allow firefox to work or update.

newer FF and Chrome can not run on OSX "under" v.10.4.11. i am not even sure if newer safari will do it.

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'The official said his body was handled in the Islamic tradition" what about when i saw his people decapitate victims, record it and sent to tv station? is that islamic's way? if so...well islamic ways is "eyes to eyes teeth to teeth".. opps! i am not a muslim so i am not going to say do the same with his crops but why give a dam.n doing it correctly islamic way?

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Posted in: Why did those foreigners who decided to leave Japan in the aftermath of the March 11 disaster come in for so much derision from some people who labeled them with words like 'flyjin?' See in context

Zenny11, anyone every tell you that being too extreme is not good in real life too?

i talk about those make it big deal for people have a need to leave in this situation. i never say it all good to do damage to other.

and sorry about your estate-agent friend, by the way. but i think japan got it system to take a month or two deposit money. didn't your friend did?

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Posted in: Why did those foreigners who decided to leave Japan in the aftermath of the March 11 disaster come in for so much derision from some people who labeled them with words like 'flyjin?' See in context

Zenny11, it is not a big deal in my view, that is what i want to say.

people come and go. the host have to clean up sometime, in other occasion they don't have to. i have seen those unwilling to leave, have no better place to go, no one welcome them or unable to lever by their own personal reason then they seem to angry and bitterly complain those left or think of leaving! make it such a big deal for those want to leave in time like this, that is just childish to me.

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Posted in: Why did those foreigners who decided to leave Japan in the aftermath of the March 11 disaster come in for so much derision from some people who labeled them with words like 'flyjin?' See in context

Zenny11, in time like this? and they are foreigner. how big the ripples they will cause. i am sure it will be some, and we can not say all of them will leave and cause so much damage behind. anyway i don't see it as a big deal. people view thing differently. see if japanese won't leave host country in time of war or big nature disaster!

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Posted in: Why did those foreigners who decided to leave Japan in the aftermath of the March 11 disaster come in for so much derision from some people who labeled them with words like 'flyjin?' See in context

why some people have to make it such a big deal seeing people leave the country in time like this!

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Posted in: N Korea vows 'nuclear strikes' in latest threat See in context

i am wondering if Kim is really sure his rocket can fly. he might end up nuke his own country.

on another thought, Kim is more devastate to his own country than any nuke can do anyway!

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Posted in: Google deals in doubt amid spat with Beijing See in context

reading on another news, Go Daddy and Network Solutions LLC also left china after the evil Chinese government has begun demanding pictures and other identification documents from their customers.

godaddy's executive vice president say that "We just made a decision that we didn't want to act as an agent of the Chinese government"

hope all the big player weak up, stop kissing the communist ass and pull out soon.

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Posted in: Anti-Chavez TV channel owner arrested in Venezuela See in context

that remind me of what Thaksin of thailand used to do when he was in power.

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Posted in: Japanese town with dolphin hunt tests for mercury See in context

i hope we will get to see a news on the result too.

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Posted in: 5 men found guilty of Australian terror plot See in context

read some people comment here and in many place on internet.

it always wonder me why most if not all people from this religion try so hard to defense bad muslim with deathly intention and mass murder activity.

instead of stand up and say no to those killing in the name of islam, this people protect and some even support terror act.

then try to everyone that islam is all about peace?

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Posted in: Dutch anti-Islam lawmaker due in Britain See in context

I bet if the so-called Wilders read any book about The True Islam, if he did, he would not have said fake things about Islam in his movie.

read his interview articles. i bet he didn't only read the book, he examined it in to some extend degree even.

you can even try to pick his word and proof it wrong if you think you know the book better.

i really want to see any muslim defend the book by it content rather than say something by anger but proof nothing and leave the conversation.

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Posted in: Windows 7 strong, but don't pay to upgrade See in context

every expert i came across, they recommended to do clean install, not upgrade the system.

even this link i took from MS social answer.


Currently, there is not a direct upgrade path from Windows XP to Windows 7. You will need to backup your data manually and restore after doing a clean install.

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Posted in: Dutch anti-Islam lawmaker due in Britain See in context

by the way if the UK government try to keep him out of england, then the UK gove themselves is acting nothing difference from Mr.Wilders who try to keep muslim out of Holland!

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Posted in: Dutch anti-Islam lawmaker due in Britain See in context

i read this guy "I don't hate Muslims; I hate Islam." interview article one. it was ...WOW!

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Posted in: Windows 7 strong, but don't pay to upgrade See in context



but "upgrade"

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Posted in: Windows 7 strong, but don't pay to upgrade See in context


just to remind you, it is a window7 article.

if mac is really nice for you, then stick with it. no point to tell anyone to change unless if you want to buy one for each of us.

or if you really interesting in using or learn Win7 then use it for real, don't just, i heard this that then make some wrong comment about the system.

and i have never seen anyone advice people to update from xp to win7. if that is what Mac people try to do on MS platform, no wonder you got endless problem. learn it the right way if you want to work with win7.

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Posted in: Microsoft patches 34 security holes, many critical See in context

first, i am not MS fanboy

2nd, i don't think it isn't because no one "can" create a virus for mac, but no one "want" to do it. if people really want to do it? we all has see the result already. considerable lame browser like IE or a bad OS like Vista can stand the punch way way longer than whatever Mac can offer.

remember safari called (part of that insult on IE) before it release safari for window? -Safari was designed to be "secure from day one"-

the guy that hack safari for window at the first day the browser released actuary said the claim was


and what he said next was nail it,

"Everyone has bugs, but not everyone says that they are 'designed to be secured from day one,'" he added. "I guess it's day zero now."

noone attract mac, that can somehow make mac user feel safer, but that doesn't tell mac is really a safer system at all.

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Posted in: Microsoft patches 34 security holes, many critical See in context

Macs are on the up and up Windows is on its way down.

lol yeah! but this isn't about who up and down.

i say it as this news is all about security patch and security issues. microsoft issue 34 patches across its 3 OS. than we got a mac guy come and try to tell mac is not like windows which is a kind of vulnerable for attack and crash.

let see,

2007, Safari for Windows released with Apple's claim that Safari was designed to be "secure from day one", and it took hacker couple of hours to hack the browser (less than a day).

2008, MacBook Air was hack in a contest within 2 minutes

2009 March, another contest, and this time "It took a couple of seconds" to hack a fully patched MacBook computer by the same guy as 2008, Charlie Miller.

it getting better, isn't it?

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Posted in: How can Japan best help in Afghanistan? See in context

help telling muslim nations around Afghanistan to help them out in a positive way. then leave

let muslim helping their own sister and brother.

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