Japan Today

Blacksamurai comments

Posted in: Japan to halt funding for U.N. women's rights panel over call to end male-only imperial succession See in context

The UN has no elections, none open to anybody who helps fund this massive, non accountable organisation made up of the same ol political associates/favor doers/family/ex politicians who want to keep putting their snouts in more of the money trough. It has no open job advertisements so that the populations of its member countries who fund it the most cannot find out what is on offer, except for very few occasionally placed in govt publications that the public never sees.

The UN is about political networks doing themselves and theirs favors. It has literally thousands of 'committees' and 'panels' unanswerable to the tax paying populations that fund them and many of those on them have never been heard of as accomplishing anything for the citizens of member countries because it's all about the closed political circles.

Why on earth should Japan put up with these gravy train riders preaching to them about its internal affairs? Cutting off money and the freeloading like international trips to Japan and other countries to lecture them on their own culture is a good start. Other member countries with some commonsense still and sovereignty need to copy Japan.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Arab nations reject Trump’s suggestion to relocate Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt and Jordan See in context

Pointing to a list of countries that don't recognise Israel doesn't say much considering most of those countries are not even democratic let alone supportive of any diversity including religious. In fact some of those countries have horrific human rights abuse records and do not have the rule of law.

As for an anti Israel poster having an issue with the term 'Jewish westerners' - this refers to the Jewish populations of countries like the US, UK and Australia, many of whom have lived for more than a century there. The Jewish people in the UK are proud to call themselves British and Jewish and even sang God Save The King when they had their demonstrations in London to bring back the hostages.

Not one of them attacked a police officer or police horse, sprayed graffiti, expressed hatred agains the UK/the wish to do violence in the UK, used discriminatory slurs or prevented people from going about their lawful business. Many people in the entertainment industry in the UK have Jewish ancestry and other notable people like David Beckham who is Jewish on his mother's side. Jewish people are well integrated in the US and Australia to name only 2 other countries.

As for the IDF etc reference, the Jewish population of Israel have many who come from the Jewish diaspora to the west. Including British, American and European Jewish people. And a fact that is often unrecognised, deliberately in some cases, is that there are Arabic citizens of Israel with full rights.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Posted in: Arab nations reject Trump’s suggestion to relocate Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt and Jordan See in context

Trump said the area was 'a demolition zone', nothing wrong with that and demolition zones need time to be cleared out and cleaned out. The peanut brigade in the left leaning mainstream media and elsewhere always fasten on to what they want to hear and put their nasty spin on it.

As somebody said, Saudi Arabia could fund the renewal all by itself. It could also take the Palestinians - after all, Hamas used public executions and violent punishments as part of its 'governance' yet we keep reading how terrible the west is. If our countries are so bad, stop asking us to do everything especially as most Palestinians are Muslim.

Don't demand to go to British founded countries like Aus, NZ and Canada and then scream that the locals who built those modern states are 'occupiers', 'murderers' etc as has happened in demonstrations there. You're happy to get all the free money and housing and other freebies from those states but want to insult the host and insist you are separate.

The trillions of dollars in foreign aid that have flowed to Palestinians from the west, some of it used for weaponry, are a reason alone to now no more. As for Arafat, he and the Israeli leader Barak tried to solve the problem but it was Arafat who refused to compromise on something key and that put an end to that.

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

Posted in: Arab nations reject Trump’s suggestion to relocate Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt and Jordan See in context

Nothing will work for the Palestinians until they and the oil rich Arab nations who should be the ones to assist them instead of ordinary taxpayers in western countries who have to bear the burden of taking in them as refugees even while many are unsuitable for a contemporary western society. Including unsuitable for living alongside Jewish westerners without bringing old resentments and hatreds.

Many times since the state of Israel was founded, were there attempts to provide solutions which were rejected by Palestinian leaders and their Arab world supporters. Time for them all to take responsibility.

European and other western countries no longer have their homelands for themselves due to the asylum seeking/refugee seeking people like Palestinians and Middle Easterns and the Irish who had the English for 600 yrs in their native land and weren't even allowed to know their own language now have their Republic have many, many people there now from countries and cultures with no historical, cultural or geographical connection.

Stop giving exceptionalism to Palestinians. They and their leaders rejected solutions for decades and then elected Hamas in Gaza. Why should western countries and asian countries pay the price for the Arab countries' refusal to also take responsibility? And don't give me the 'right of return' false argument.

Colonised western people like the Irish and others have no right of return even with both sides of the family being fully Irish in ancestry stretching back hundreds of years. You have to have a parent or grandparent born there. If not, you can't go home and you don't even have the right to go there that somebody from Africa or the ME does. The Palestinians should be given all their aid and where they live by the Arab nations - their responsibility.

-18 ( +4 / -22 )

Posted in: Two boys arrested for throwing raw eggs at police box in Shizuoka Prefecture See in context

No surprises there whatsoever. If you've ever been to Kannami Town you'll know why kids are bored enough to do something like this that was guaranteed to get them caught right away.

Nothing to do there tho the town of Mishima itself near the station is a nice old place. A dude who worked in Kannami at an English school there used to go jogging at tnight and was reported by the locals to the police. For jogging while foreign at night. Not so long ago. The kind of place I never worked at in Japan and never will even if there were the business jobs I do there. Which there will be never be.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Homegrown vegetables, cheap substitutes: Japanese get creative to fight soaring food prices See in context

Good luck to Nakata making his wife and baby try to sleep in sweltering, humid summer night temperatures because the air conditioning can't be on because of his little farm. Living in darkness and being unable to breastfeed the baby in the living room due to the curtains having to be open also doesn't sound good.

Sometimes you've just got to spend money to be comfortable and also save time - time is money. And Nakata quit his job to do this - youtube wouldn't be paying what he got before. Sounds like one of those proverbs about saving a few yen and spending thousands to do it.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Posted in: Starbucks Japan releases new sakura drink for cherry blossom season See in context

Great, more sugary 'lattes' with additives. And all those whining about the cost of living will still be buying this over priced junk.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Homegrown vegetables, cheap substitutes: Japanese get creative to fight soaring food prices See in context

Another 'trend story' that won't go far. Japan had years of deflation, now is the correction whether people like it or not. You can't live in a first world economic powerhouse like Japan and expect to forever get 100 yen onigiri, 250 yen sandwiches, 100 yen chicken pieces, 50 yen - 100 yen vegetables, bento from the conbini or supermarket for 300 yen etc.

Even the prices now are lower than what was being charged in South Korean supermarkets and conbini over 10 yrs ago - and their salaries and wages were much lower than Japan's at that time. Sure Japan's wages and salaries are lower than in US states like New York, much lower than in all states of Australia, lower than in the UK and Canada if you're looking at what's usual as we know instead of these 'Average salaries' tables.

But deflationary prices for everyday goods and consumables stayed the same for decades in Japan. The current foreign resident 'shock' at the cost of living says more about the 250,000 yen or less many westerners are prepared to take as a 'living salary' in Japan just to live here doing low paid jobs like English teaching in an industry that's going down the drain.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Posted in: Australian PM defends antisemitism response as Israel urges more action See in context

A bunch of neo Nazis parading around on Australia Day did not commit the firebombing of synagogues, the threats of violence and actual violence against Jewish people, the selling of t shirts saying Bash Zionists, the hateful graffiti referencing killing Jewish people because of Gaza etc etc in Austalia. The hysterical anti Israel protests with threats of death to Israelis and the catch all word 'Zionists' quickly degenerated into 'Where are the Jews?' and 'Drive Israelis into the sea, from the river to the sea Palestine will be free'.

The hard left govt of the disgusting Anthony Albanese and his cabinet of fools, hypocrites and issuers of visas to people from Gaza and the Middle East who bring their hatred instead of gratitude that they are not forced to watch public hangings and if they are women submit to beatings and being covered up under the Hamas regime.

Jewish people in Australia are not deceived, most of them know exactly who responsible for all the violence and threats of violence that has taken place in Australia since this despicable mob governing Australia refused to do anything about rabid demonstrations full of hate speech against them.

The hypocritical Labor Govt and Party need the votes of the ME /Muslim demographic in Australia because more and more Austalians are gearing up to kick them out in this year's election for importing hardline anti Jewish people into Australia when other countries said no.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Posted in: Japan to halt funding for U.N. women's rights panel over call to end male-only imperial succession See in context

This could change in the future but the point is a panel from the United Nations funded by the monies of member nations including countries' taxpayers who have no idea where their money is going feels free to play overlod to Japan and tell it that its laws on the Imperial succession are 'discrimination@.

Japan is exercising its right of reply and response as befitting a country that funds the UN and its thousands of unaccountable 'panels' and 'committees' made up of people who the overwhelming majority of people in member countries don't know. As a soveriegn nation Japan is saying you want to make these accusations? Do it without our money. As its Government knows, the UN has no legal power over sovereign countries and they can sign up to all the accords and declarations etc they like but feel free to put their own socio-political systems first. Power to Japan for telling these faceless people on the gravy train to take a hike.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Posted in: Trump aid freeze stirs chaos before it is blocked in court See in context

Foreign aid is one of the biggest sources of corruption and abuse from any western nation to the developing and third worlds.

In the case of the US so called NGOs and NPOs have used American taxpayers' funds to sterilise poor women who didn't give their real consent as they were misled and to move Haitian 'orphans' who had very real families out to the US after natural disasters. Without their families'/relatives' consent. A group of Haitian politicians kicked up about this but the mainstream media largely ignored it including those that are the mouthpiece of the so called 'progressive side of politics'. Only 2 examples, many more.

Infrastructure/other building projects line the pockets of families and individuals in the circles with influence and connections. Nobody should be surprised as this also happens in our countries with public money - contracts, often priced at abnormally high prices are given to those with connections to the party in power.

Many examples in the US from both sides of politics and in Australia ex PM Julia Gillard's school rebuilding programs gave contracts to Labor Party linked companies while local, independent businesses, sometimes family ones started from scratch, were excluded. And the pricing of this school infrastructure was abnormally high. Favors get returned.

Foreign aid is also funneled into armaments and in the case of the little dictator running the Ukraine, into a mulit million dollar home for his parents in Israel. These few examples are the tip of the iceberg.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Posted in: Growing Muslim population in need of burial plots in Japan See in context

It's not just tradition why Japanese people are nearly all cremated - it's about available burial space. Any western or other foreigner from a Christian background is going to have to accept that cremation in Japan when they die is more likely than burial.

Muslims are just going to have to accept they will have to be more flexible in a country like Japan and that the exceptionalism policies of Muslim and western countries do not apply here. And they shouldn't. Something about wanting the benefits of living in Japan without adapting in the case of some.

7 ( +15 / -8 )

Posted in: Japanese man ends 6,000-km Africa rickshaw trek in Cape Town See in context

No congatulations here, silly lil Suzuki has too much time and money on his hands. Interesting how some people are still narcisistically aiming for records in a day and age where social media means these kinds of stunts will be forgotten like a deleted page.

Probably most of the African people who encountered him along his gumpish journey shrugged and thought 'Whatever'.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Posted in: Births in Japan likely to fall below 700,000 for 1st time in 2024 See in context

The sky just keeps falling, doesn't it? The last thing Japan needs is the ol chicken little response to what has been a major demographic trend in all developed countries. After WW2 Japan was recovering from its losses and most of its population was at the lower end of the economic spectrum. Yet the number of children per family did not decrease.

Many Japanese women like women in other developed countries are making the choice with their male partners to not have children or to only have one. Society has moved way away from the old norms of women having 3 or more children and staying home to look after them. J women have more choices now and they're saying they will not have children just to contribute to Japan's fertility rate.

Sure, there are economic disadvantages to a falling birthrate but all the global organisations etc angsting about Japan and saying this means they need real immigration! forget that it's Japan's right to deal with this situation in its own way. But you can't turn back the clock to bigger families because the socio-economic conditions that made them are gone.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: White House says Colombia agrees to take deported migrants after Trump tariff showdown See in context

LOL at the hide of the Columbian President fronting that this is some major principle - illegal immigrants from his country, some of them attached to Columbia's infamous drug cartels, being taken back in military airplanes.

I guess 'sovreignty of a country' only applies to Columbia - their ruling regime had no problem with their citizens breaking the laws of a sovereign country in the US. Trump's got people mad because he's doing exactly what you expect the President of the US to do - prioritise its citizens and residents. And all the howls of outrage from the Dems and their fellow travellers just enforce why Trump won back the White House.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Posted in: Loyalty tests and MAGA checks: Inside the Trump White House's intense screening of job-seekers See in context

Of course no Democrat Government including the Obama and Biden ones did the same. They were as pure as the driven snow in their political/administrative appointments at all levels and made a conscious decision to employ people with good conservative values or just neutral people to balance the big jump in left side of politics interest groups.

How dare the Trump administration fire white anters, radical social agenda pushers and people with a record of playing their brand of politics at the expense of the American people!

No social agenda picks from the top to the bottom in Obama's and Biden's governments - no sir! No rewarding left wing activists with prime positions both financially and politically, just selfless servants of the American people. Why not just write a 'news' article along these lines?

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

Posted in: Captain Cook statue in Sydney defaced ahead of Australia's national day See in context

Prominent Indigenous Australians like Jacinta Price who is the opposition spokesperson for the Indigenous portfolio and Warren Mundine who is a Senator in the same Liberal party which leans conservative have spoken out againt decades of Labor-Left policies to do with Indigenous people.

They both point out the contradiction in raging against Australia Day in a time when Indigenous people have never had so much taxpayer money and opportunities in all walks of life. In the past decade alone, a lot of land has been given in all Aus states to 'the traditional owners' despite the fact that some of the traditional groups are long gone and the claimants now sometimes have no connection and have a lot of white ancestry with one or two Indigenous ancestors.

Labor-Left policies for decades have assigned billions of dollars to that 3 percent or so of the Aus population without much accountability and without expecting Indigenous people to meet the standards that would improve their own lives with all these resources.

A constant theme of the thousands and thousands of tax payer funded Indigenous organisations is 'self determination' yet they cannot meet any reasonable standards of improving the lives of their people. Partly to do with the fact that unqualified Indigenous who have family links to those in the loop and political associations are promoted over those with ability.

The Labor-Left approach of encouraging victimhood and the new racism of low expectations is behind many of the problems of Indigenous people. Billions spent on free everything, there is an Indigenous tv/media network fully funded like everything else by public money that continually plays on the victimhood narrative but many Indigenous people have good public paid jobs, run businesses that are also funded by the rest of Australia, their welfare is mostly double that of others and they are given exemptions from fees and obligations in many cases that everybody else has to pay. The Australian governance system has been incredibly generous for around 40 yrs in these ways and more.

Their healthcare is entirely free no matter if they earn over 100,000 dollars at one of those generous public positions. Yet non Indigenous people still have to go to the remote areas and crime ridden areas of the Nth Territory to be nurses and give healthcare because mostly the Indigenous younger people do not want to do those jobs despite their college degrees. Yet at the same time the 'activists' claim they are all oppressed by people of white ethnicity. You can't have it both ways but the activists try to.

Jacinta Price's mother is Bess Price, a traditional Indigenous woman who was given a high honor by President Obama for her services to Indigenous Australians. The left leaning newspapers and media barely covered this if at all because Bess Price is not from their side of politics and like Jacinta, Warren Mundine and others has called for accountability and a change in the way the dysfunctions in Indigenous culture are stopping progress, including running the victimhood narrative instead of using resources wisely and tackling the nepotism that stymies good initiatives.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Many countries, including China and Japan, grappling with shrinking and aging populations See in context

LOL on what planet is 'caring for the elderly going to be mitigated by zero taxation, free rent, free transportation' and other freebies. Not happening anywhere in this solar system and def not on planet earth in Japan. Increasing elderly cost a society more, not less especially as their productive days are well behind them in terms of contributing to the economy, even in Japan where some elderly are still doing hard work like farming.

You can't run a developed, contemporary society like that especially when a declining population means a fall in key areas such as education, for example - the shuttered schools in many regions of Japan and loss of opportunities for teachers and everbody else who earns their living in education. This flows on to affecting post secondary education with fewer colleges/universities and lowering of entry standards for those that are finding it hard to compete with the prestigious ones.

As for the happy happy vision of the economy becoming automated - some of it's happened already but the limitations of robotics are well known for more sophisticated purposes, The medical system can try to limit staff like nurses and doctors but patient care will always be trusted when humans are involved to a big extent. As for trucking becoming automated, yeah, self driving vehicles have proved to be a massive success, haven't they? Which is why their use is very limited and despite improvemens in the future will still be limited.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Record 36.8 million tourists visited Japan in 2024 See in context

A big selling point for Japan is its safety even tho that's over-rated at times. Most tourists will have a great time in cities like Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto without getting pickpocketed or scammed unless they're hanging around red light districts.

But the trouble with telling tourists to go to other destinations, even other cities like Nagoya and Himejii is that there's just not enough there in terms of cultural signficance/historical sites apart from rebuilt castles and some temples/shrines. Too much of J cities is taken up with unattractive concrete/woodframe housing and tangles of powerlines and little zoning to separate housing from different kinds of industry. They also lack the novelty value of Tokyo, for example. Yeah the local specialty foods are good but paying shinkansen prices to travel there are not good value for the ticket outlay if you starting point is from a city that tourists do flock to.

Fukuoka should be promoted more because the city has an urban lifestyle close to beaches and islands and more accessible to green places. It has distinct identities in Tenjin and Hakata.

Somebody mentioned Ehime but as somebody who lived and worked in Shikoku for a while some years ago, unless you'e doing the pilgrimage or going to see Awa Odori, there's not that much to offer unless you're into nature and even then the mountains etc are not any different from other regional places. Shikoku has an ageing population like the regional areas do, doesn't have a variety of attractions that tourists like, and the urban areas of Tokushima, Ehime, Kochi and Matsuyama are not enough to bring tourists.

Being a tourist in Japan is very different from being a resident with time on their hands to find out interesting places everywhere and get used to differences in what is called cultural. Japan has no equivalent of Paris, London, Rome, Madrid etc with their historic buildings, sculptures, and artworks and legacy of different waves of people.

And no matter how much regions like Tohoku need tourism, without a real selling point and infrastructure as well as locals being prepared for non Japanese tourists including with some knowledge of foreign languages, it aint happening. Especially with the older population there. Some great nature there and elsewhere in Japan is not enough to draw enough tourists.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan's tourism boom prices out business travelers See in context

And all the talk about 'funneling visitors elsewhere' will do jack if those other places especially in regional Japan where nature is the attraction don't have infratructue or staff or services/conveniences/shopping to accommodate non J tourist numbers.

Mr Takuto Yasuda needs to get out of his little bubble of a research office if he thinks 'funneling' is an appropriate way to talk about tourists who don't want to go to places that are not up to hosting them. Paris is a huge destination for tourists and always has been but the French Govt or people in research institutes or tourism organisations are not angsting about that and talking about ways to get them to go elsewhere in France.

Japanese people and foreign residents known of great places to go all over Japan because we live here. You can't tell foreign visitors who don't to go off to the regions and support places like the Tohoku region for example that simply aint got the youthful population to be flexible enough to offer tourist services especially in different languages. Nor the infrastructure and shopping areas that tourists like. Saying tourists can go to a ryokan doesn't magically transform the people running it into people capable of hosting and making comfortable international visitors.

And when you've got places all over Japan like Tottori that have breathtaking nature but depressing and shabby old shopping areas, with many shops shuttered, it's not encouraging for international visitors to hang around there. The Japanese people mentioned in this article seem to live on Planet We Used To Be.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan's tourism boom prices out business travelers See in context

Please - 'fighting back against over-tourism'? J Business people can't find their usual capsule hotel accommodation in a crowded city and could have booked it beforehand or gone to an alternative especially as they are Japanese and have no language/other barriers?

I'm all for J people pushing back against rude tourists and rude foreign residents who contribute zip to the society and country but all these semi hysterical articles about tourism are sounding dumb and dumber. Reality check number 1 - the J govt is responsible for tourist numbers and wants them, go complain there. Number 2 - places like Kyoto and elsewhere in Japan that get big tourist yen had a lot of people there shaking their heads over no tourism during the Covid pandemic and saying they were losing too much money.

Reality check 3 - just ask Canadians and Australians how it is to not be able to buy or rent in their own country because their immigration/international student intakes are too high and aint keeping pace with housing. When I last visited Australia, a country I love, I was shocked by all the homeless in the cities I used to go to when they didn't have those problems. Same with Canada. I was also shocked by the big jump in foreign buyers with big money, often from the PRC, able to outpay the locals for buying and renting houses and apartments.

When Japanese people have this problem instead of a whine about hotels and tourism, I'll listen seriously.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

Posted in: The visibility of incidents involving Kurds and the labeling of them as 'terrorists' have fueled online agitation and heightened hate, even among those with no direct connection to the local community. See in context

True online attacks on any group of people will result in discriminatory attitudes and actions but at the same time, you live in a country that's not yours and is your host because you're claiming you can't live in your own - better damn well behave yourselves and remind your community to show some respect.

The problem with groups like the Kurds and MEasterners to give only two examples is that when they go to the developed countries with their asylum claims and stay regardless of whether they're given refugee status or not, some of them bring their dysfunctional social patterns like being distrustful of authority to the point of attacking officers of the law when they come in to break up incidents or feuds with other ethnic groups. Kurdish individuals and groups have engaged in violence with Turkish individuals and groups in Japan, for example.

Settling disputes with violence and revenge attacks for insults and perceived insults to their honor is not part of how western societies and East Asian societies like Japan and Singapore operate, for example. The norms of not understanding civic society and acceptable social practices is brought by some to their host countries. It's up to the Kurdish community in Japan and other communities throughout the developed world like them, to fit in with the norms of a civic society with the rule of law. Their own communities have to change if they don't want to be associated with disrespect for their hosts' cultures and inability to fit in with the norms of countries they chose to go to and want assistance including financial from.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: 15 kg of cocaine seized from single passenger at Haneda See in context

These drug mules sure aint the brains trust of their home countries. First the Aboriginal woman from Australia who a few people here were supporting because she's Aboriginal and shouldn't face any real consequences because of that and now a Canadian.

Looks like these two should be given some elementary school classes in prison.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Posted in: Biden warns in farewell address that an oligarchy of ultrarich in U.S. threatens future of democracy See in context

3 razzies for the exiting Joe Biden. Sure, he and the Democrat Party think the USA is so threatened by the ultra rich that they cultivate and do deals with ultra rich like George Soros, select ultra rich Chinese business contacts, lobbysits for massive multinational businesses, high flyers in the tech industry, ultra rich corporate presidents who self righteously backed BLM even when some protests turned to riots that gutted the stores and businesses of decent ordinary people earning their own living instead of being on the gravy train etc.

And of course old shakey Joe's brand of nepotism is so much better. Funny how his and Hunter Biden's connections with Russian and Chinese businesses didn't get much airing in the media even when his son was rightly up on criminal charges. There's no political biz like hypocrisy.

5 ( +13 / -8 )

Posted in: Student suspected of hammer attack at university cites 'bullying' See in context

So this Korean student felt she was 'being bullied' and her solution was to grab a hammer in a class of 150 students, most of whom wouldn't know her, and attack 8 students. Some of the victims didn't know her.

I've never heard of a Korean student doing this kind of thing in Japan and the focus needs to be on what a disturbed individual Yoo Ju Hyun is. All we have are her allegations of bullying by Japanese students but her reaction is not something that a person with normal thought processes would do. Looks like another case of mental illness being excused.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Posted in: Increased defense spending pledge taxes Japan's strained coffers See in context

Time for people to get real - you can't complain about US bases in Okinawa and elsewhere and call for their removal and expect Japan will be given a magic pass out of the regional and global conflicts and a potential East Asian armed conflict due to China.

Real life doesn't work with Japan having the current military arrangement in its constitution. The Japanese military will have to receive an upgrade to its scale, weaponry and mission if Japan is to counter all the incursions of China including its recent hostile behavior around the Philippines and Vietnam. Regardless of whether President Trump implements the policy that the US is not the world's policeman but will back allies while expecting them to do more of their own military obligations.

Our taxes will have to go up, all the talk about taxing businesses but not the ordinary population is unrealistic and Ishiba's Govt knows that. Just like rises in city tax and health insurance are inevitable because of the ageing population. You want to live in Japan, you have to accept that your financial obligations will increase in line with realities including Chinese military and economic aggression which will not go away by itself.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Shibuya’s Hachiko statue will be covered up for New Year’s Eve, pedestrian barricades installed See in context

LOL and so the blowback against grown looking men and women running around in costumes drinking alcohol on the streets, filming themselves and the public without permission, continues. Good call - I like Shibuya City's stance which is on the side of the silent majority who like to shop and eat in peace in Shibuya without those who've got away too long with being meiwaku.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Jay-Z accused in civil suit of raping teen with Sean Combs: court filing See in context

And the dude responsed by an outburst letter which he put all over social media threatening a lawsuit against the lawyer handling the alleged victim's case. Regardless of whether Jay Z raped a teen with Diddy or not, that response aint wise.

Let's see if the cancel-happy Democrats and many liberal groups and individuals in Hollyweird and politicis etc in the US rush to cancel Jay Z on the basis of allegations - whcih they've done quickly to others who don't agree with them on the basic of alleged crimes. The National Football League gave this dude with some of the usual anti women lyrics including one where he said he was Ike Turner who beat and raped his own wife Tina Tunrer a great paying job. Interesting to see what they do now.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: Australian PM blames antisemitism for arson attack on synagogue See in context

Fascinating how some on here justify innocent worshippers of the Judaic faith having their synagogue fire bombed 'because of what's happening in Gaza'. Australia has never been involved in Gaza, the West Bank etc etc. Shameful, a new low has been reached in these comments.

But as the national election will show next year, most normal and moral Australians are gearing up to reject the justification of inter-ethnic/sectarian hatred, violence and killings because of what's going on far away in their homelands. The hard left Albanese Govt has imported groups who promote anti semitic hatred while pretending that has nothing to do with the vile and violent anti semitic displays that have been seen regularly over the past year in the name of 'free speech' by those who should never have been allowed in under the legal character tests of Aus immigration policy.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Posted in: Japanese court convicts Australian who says she was tricked into smuggling drugs See in context

Good. Asian countries and their courts will not accept the social and health dysfunction/normalization of crime that comes from having western countries lenient attitudes to illegal drugs including say that it's a so called 'victim less crime'.

This woman had travelled globally as part of the perks of her high paying publicly funded job. She knew that you don't take other people's belongings onto a plane and into a different country. Her country Australia looks more like mine of the US these days - my last vacation there I was shocked by how much crime and squalor exists in even the smaller cities there connected to illegal drugs yet the US has about 330 million people and Australia not even 28 million.

Pretty sure the hard left leader Albanese will try to get her home soon. Just like he wants some of the Aus criminals locked up in Bali for carrying hard drugs that would have destroyed countless lives in different ways to go home and get softer treatment. The Japanese don't play identity politics and believe that indigenous Australians aren't exempt from following rules and the law. That there must be consequences for wrong actions is still very much part of Japan and Asia - the opposite view in western countries is shameful and destructive.

0 ( +14 / -14 )

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