Japan Today

BlackTieAffair comments

Posted in: Woman catches 10-year-old boy who falls from 3rd-floor window See in context

Truth, I think you have a great question that no one seems to be talking about. Where was the teacher during this time? Once again another moment of carelessness during the day. I bet the teacher was on their cell phone or having coffee.

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Posted in: Cop caught taking up-skirt videos during anti-pervert campaign See in context

I am tired of the childish behavior.....clean up your act before you install any cameras. There is a serious problem but they never look at the source. The good policeman could resign so quickly...he should be made to stand a few watches with sign around his neck saying I got caught...don't be like me.

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Posted in: Comedian Hikaru Ohta’s wife admits sexless marriage See in context

Despite the growing trend of these kind of relationship problems. I think there is a deeper issue at hand in this article. I can only say that 1 week without any any contact would be considered sexless to me. How in the world did she wait that long to define a problem.

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Posted in: U.S. sailor gets life in prison for killing Japanese taxi driver See in context

A death sentence would have been a lot better for this guy. How is the taxi drivers family being compensated? Hopefully, The Navy will get their sailors under control but time will tell.

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Posted in: Japanese girls go sexier in their fashion styles See in context

I think its sad for a man to say that if he mentioned to his daughter about the sexy clothes she is wearing it would end their communication. I guess you get neutered after years working 12 plus hours a day and mom is running things at home.

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Posted in: Mother of murdered girl releases comments after funeral in Chiba See in context

I am moved by the mothers anguish, she has to take full responsibility for this tragedy though. Recently there have been many stories of careless parenting going on in the news. I can only hope that others learn from these mistakes.

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Posted in: Palin says she's ready to step in as president See in context

All fluff and show.....she needs to take care of that baby, daughter and other issues first.

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Posted in: 4 charged in underwear theft cases in Aichi, Chiba, Kanagawa and Niigata See in context

Stealing panties is what serial rapists,killers and molesters do. I'm not sure why they did it, but the only hope they have of getting over it would be going to counseling. The part I would be the most upset over would be the stealing. It's one thing for a guy to have a woman's underwear fetish, no law against that - then okay, go buy some women's underwear. But to actually be stealing it is a bit childish.

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Posted in: Palin mocks Obama as McCain claims nomination See in context

I think Hillary would eat Palin alive. The overall election process has turned in to a joke to the free world.

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Posted in: Sex and this city See in context

KaptainKichigai, I don't hold the show responsible but my friend feels as though she crossed the fantasy line in trying to live like the characters in the program. As for the show I watched the first episode and was let down since it is just chewing gum for the eyes. I must say that I am rather happy that there are no women around me who act in such a manner as they do on the show. Overall, I think it is leading women in the wrong direction.....WTF.

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Posted in: Sex and this city See in context

If your credo identifies with the satirical display of product placements, boorish behavior, sluggish contemplation, sexual curiosities and suggestive banter then the cinematic version of Sex and the City will be your cup of tea for the fleeting moment. Otherwise, the rest of us will be scratching our heads as to what is so liberating about these aging, curvaceous capitalists with the lingering provocative angst? A close friend recently contracted HIV due to her fascination with this program. She crossed the thin line of reality in to fantasy by following some of the characters on this show. I must say her biggest regret is that she let her traditional values go to the wayside. Now she becomes upset when she opens her closet to over priced heels, bags, and dresses....a pure waste of money and life.

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Posted in: Sex crimes rising with thermometer See in context

If you ski on your own pond....you don't hit any stumps. I think the article take the childish side view as a cop out. The bottom line is that men and women need to learn how to look and not touch.

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Posted in: Lawyer arrested for flashing woman on train in Kanagawa See in context

The natural evolution[?] Japanese boys come from a long, long tradition of being spoiled by their mothers. There relationships with women, of course, are based on their experiences with Mom. I think this type of thing is often promoted so you have to go back to the root to find the answer.

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Posted in: 2-year-old boy falls to death from 7th floor apartment in Osaka See in context

Japanese mothers seem to be too careless when it comes to their children......WTF. I stopped two kids from becoming road pizza recently cause their mother was not paying attention.

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Posted in: Former U.S. Senator Jesse Helms dies at 86 See in context

America is a better place now that this hypocrite and racist is gone.

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Posted in: The pizza man See in context

I was not really impressed with the food at his restaurants.

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Posted in: Victims finally learning to speak out against Japan’s outdated rape laws See in context

Jane, Concentrate on the steak and not the peas. I don't think the other crimes are important since the same issues happen in Australia a place where men get drunk and abuse women for sport. Overall, The people and groups around Jane seem to have a clear agenda: to make Jane stand in for all the women who were abused and violated by generations of foreign invaders. I feel that the following quote "If you live in the bar district you will die in the bar district" is rather true. It's virtually a low scale, though still sleazy, environment to socialise after dark. It caters to a mixed clientele of locals, tourists, expats and servicemen. The Yokosuka bar district is not a place where one expects to meet choirboys. The obvious point is that both men and women commit crimes, and lie about being the victims of crime. Justice is never served by mindless crusades. The victim should move on with her life. Even though she will be destroyed by this case, and while she is partly to blame for that herself, the other part of the blame rests squarely on her choice of a poor legal team.

I do agree that everyone has certain needs but a television personality/parent should not be looking for a quick hook up in the base bar district. Rape is a terrible crime. It should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But false rape charges are a troublesome reality. At least 10 percent and perhaps as many as 40 percent of all rape charges are lies. The alleged rape victims admitted that they had made the false rape charges for three reasons to create an alibi, to get revenge, to get attention or sympathy. Educated women lie, too....What kind of mother is in a bar outside a military base so late in the evening? I think she just set herself up for failure...poor judgement.

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Posted in: U.S. murder suspect went to pachinko parlor, then met girls after crime See in context

Seaman Olatunboson Ugbogu AKA "Kenny" is rather interesting character because he was a low life from the start. When you peel the onion back an look at events prior to this scandal we can see that leadership failed for sure. The young Kenny had numerous issues like identity theft, passing bad checks and was on his way to court martial. The COWPENS leadership failed to take care of this individual before he could climb down a mooring line, go UA and wreck havoc in the community.

At the end of the day the Navy has to take responsibility for its knuckleheads......this is nothing new.

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Posted in: U.S. murder suspect went to pachinko parlor, then met girls after crime See in context

Seaman Olatunboson Ugbogu should have jumped off the Yokohama Bay bridge instead of acting like a fool on the evening in question.

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