Japan Today

Blowzen comments

Posted in: Tokyo reports 5,534 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 25,156 See in context

Some shocking news that shows how hospitals are currently saturated...

COVID-19 patient forced to give birth at home, baby dies


7 ( +8 / -1 )

Posted in: Gov't to begin issuing vaccine passports in July See in context

Mentioned on Japan Times:

The certificates could help residents who have been inoculated in Japan travel abroad without being subjected to restrictions at border crossings. [...] However, Japan is not planning to establish a system that would allow vaccine passports issued abroad to be accepted when people enter the country.

How stupid is that...


8 ( +8 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan to test anti-virus measures for big events at near-full stadium See in context

BluemoonToday  09:07 am JST

"So the prime minister and the mayor can stand there, hold hands, and click their heels together three times repeating ... the virus is gone, the virus is gone, the virus is gone."

Well compared to Europe and the USA and Canada it is gone. The latest news from France:

Coronavirus: France reports more than 30,000 new infections


When I read the above headline. I pray and I say: Thank you god, I live in Japan. I don't live in the disease ridden West.

Makes absolutely no sense to compare France with Japan. France is currently testing over 1.4 million people / week.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 236 new coronavirus cases See in context

Or that infected but asymptomatics are not being tested.

Oh yeah of course, it suddenly went from over 2,000 tests to 1,000 tests because in a matter of one there were 50% less people in Tokyo were feeling less sick

...or just that asymptomatics are being less tested.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 236 new coronavirus cases See in context

gakinotsukaiToday  06:10 pm JST

Guys, you realize Tokyo metropolitan government did only 1012 tests out of 37,28 millions of people ???????????

It's like Canada but with a much higher population density !

(and Canada does around 50k tests daily)

Just saw this and could not believe the number of tests. The ratio of positive is over 23%.


Not saying it is alarming or not, these simple numbers should at least be mentioned by media when reporting to give a bit more context.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Posted in: No. of new coronavirus cases in Tokyo falls to 95 See in context


Completely wrong, where did you get that from?

If that's the case how have they been testing and saying most of the 20s, and 30s

showed no symptoms. They happened to be tested because they suspected to be

part of a cluster or working in the redlight district when they were testing in shinjiku.

Exactly this.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan to ease entry restrictions for foreign students See in context

Ok so they are first taking care of foreign students, then come next long-term residents and permanent residents... amazing Japan...

9 ( +15 / -6 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 206 more virus cases; infections high in tourist spots See in context

I give candies to my record-breaking downvoters, love you ;)

-15 ( +3 / -18 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 206 more virus cases; infections high in tourist spots See in context

"Thursday’s new cases are based on 1,698 tests conducted on Monday. Testing numbers are significantly lower than the weekly average, possibly because of the Bon holiday period."


Says it all.

-4 ( +9 / -13 )

Posted in: Tokyo issues alert after 34 coronavirus cases confirmed See in context

Sounds more to me like the government is using this just as a communication tool: "ok we're going to let people know we have slightly more cases so they don't forget to stay cautious now we lifted the state of emergency".

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Posted in: Tokyo issues alert after 34 coronavirus cases confirmed See in context

noriahojanenToday  07:33 am JST

The nationwide number is 52, with 0 in Osaka, 8 in Kitakyushu (once feared of a second wave).

Germany plus other virus-hit European states are moving on to reopen readily and quite progressively while some hundred daily cases are still reported. Tokyo's criteria is much stricter in this regard.

Oh yes, and what about comparing the number of tests in Germany, Italy, France etc with Japan also?

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Posted in: Japan more likely to completely end state of emergency on Monday See in context

fa477279Today  09:43 am JST

We need more testing!! Im glad those head in the sand dolts are no longer on here posting.

So you mean more testing is useless? How? Wouldn't it be useful for a clearer view of the outbreak, and to avoid potential new clusters in the future?

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan more likely to completely end state of emergency on Monday See in context

That's good news, but 3 new cases out of how many tests? 4? 500? 20,000?

More context would be useful with this kind of statement.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

Posted in: New virus cases in Tokyo drop to 5; none reported in Osaka See in context

fintoToday  08:34 am JST

Blozen, with such a contagious virus and the percentage that will require ICU, there are other indicators that can show if infections are on the rise, it is up to every country knowing its own health system and how it’s populations behaviour and life style will or will not contribute to its rapid spread to take the required measures that will allow it to get a control over this pandemic, Japan chose its own path and has made it through, they deserve to be congratulated even if the end isn’t there yet, Preventing tens of thousands of lives from being lost is not a bad thing.” Test test test don’t wear mask cos they are useless”. Seems to have resulted in more deaths

Not sure what you are telling me this.

Most of the people here are just saying that testing 100-200 people max a day in a city of 14 millions people is probably is probably not going to give a representative/transparent view of the situation, which I think is understandable. I am not supporting people who are bashing Japan, but also have absolutely no reason to congratulate how this situation has been handled.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Posted in: New virus cases in Tokyo drop to 5; none reported in Osaka See in context

nonu6976Today  07:56 am JST

For the record, 211 people were tested.

These are people tested on 14 May though. I do not believe the supposedly "5 new cases" are from the same batch of tests since it takes a few days to get the results.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 23 new coronavirus cases; number below 100 for 5th day in row See in context

BlowzenToday 07:11 am JST

23 new cases" for Tokyo right?

> Just a simple check on the Ministry of Health official website, numbers for 7 May are as below:

> . PCR tested: 697

. PCR tested positive: 108

> 15.5% of the people tested positive (considering they are of the same batch as the 697 tests), putting the ridiculous number of tests for a day aside.

> A little bit of context would be useful instead of just regurgitating some numbers, Japan Today.

> Link here: https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/newpage_00032.html

I should have mentioned that these numbers are for whole Japan...which is not really good news.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 23 new coronavirus cases; number below 100 for 5th day in row See in context

"23 new cases" for Tokyo right?

Just a simple check on the Ministry of Health official website, numbers for 7 May are as below:

. PCR tested: 697

. PCR tested positive: 108

15.5% of the people tested positive (considering they are of the same batch as the 697 tests), putting the ridiculous number of tests for a day aside.

A little bit of context would be useful instead of just regurgitating some numbers, Japan Today.

Link here: https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/newpage_00032.html

29 ( +37 / -8 )

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