Posted in: Australia, Japan to bolster defense ties amid China's rise See in context
No reason the fight. The Great Reset is shifting all economies towards the China model since it works better and is more efficient (for some). When that is complete, hold tight, we will be in for smooth sailing!
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Australia, Japan to bolster defense ties amid China's rise See in context
I expect all of this will be resolved in a peaceful fashion to the benefit of all the owners. Australia, Japan, the USA and China are all owned and operated by the same group of global plutocrats. Why would they fight among themselves and let a third party have advantage?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump wins Florida; locked in other tight races with Biden See in context
@Blacklabel Poor Biden probably actually believes he's winning. Dementia is pitiful
-5 ( +1 / -6 )
Posted in: As virus surges, Trump rallies keep packing in thousands See in context
@Graham DeShazo
I have heard of the Washington Post. It is owned by one of the aforementioned oligarchs. The rest of your info is imagined and published by the same. As a person of color, I and my family and friends have been voting for sometime and not once has any of us been molested, harassed or otherwise disturbed while voting. It happened before I was born but not in my lifetime. But I live in the deep south and people are probably nicer around here.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Biden says his unity can save country; Trump hits Midwest See in context
Don’t worry Biden and the other socialist “white saviors” are going to take care of us. All we have to do is give them everything we have and they will give us everything we need. Just like Joe Stalin gave it to the Russians, Mao Zedong gave it to the Chinese, Pol Pot gave it to the Cambodians and the list goes on and on. The only things socialists ever have delivered are lies, starvation, privation, devastation, desolation and hundreds of millions murdered in the name of their god, socialism. Please learn history. I personally know people who have survived socialist hellholes although often their families did not. The white saviors lie and say this time will be different but it will not. Learn history!
-5 ( +4 / -9 )
Posted in: Trump, Biden make their pitches to voters in pivotal Pennsylvania See in context
@Seapig Does any nation on God's earth, other than the US, give an extra $17K premium to a medical facility and doctor for declaring on the death certificate that a patient died of Covid? Proof of actual Covid cause of death is not required. Do you have any further questions as to why the Covid death rate is so high? Who in their right mind would refuse a fast $17K?
Carlos Salinas de Gortari was credited with saying "a poor politician is a poor politician". Biden is not a poor politician. Check out young Biden at
-4 ( +1 / -5 )
Posted in: Coronavirus deaths rising again in U.S. See in context
One thing about Covid that never has added up is the relative lack of Covid deaths among the homeless and prison populations. Both of these populations, because of their lifestyles and habits, are generally extremely unhealthy and have lots of comorbidities. Why are so few dying? Seems like they would be dropping like canaries in a coal mine.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: U.S. Senate confirms Barrett 52-48 as Supreme Court justice See in context
@The Avenger Do you know anything of Christian values?
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: U.S. Senate confirms Barrett 52-48 as Supreme Court justice See in context
*@u_s_reamer "Oh, the IRONY! And this will not go unnoticed when Trump is hauled into the courts next year as a lifetime criminal who has made a career out of breaking all and any of the laws of the land he holds in contempt," *
You've got to be silly if you ever think any politician at the national level would have another prosecuted. Think of the precedent! What happens when their own time is up and someone exposes their crimes? If that ever started every politician out there would end up in jail!
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: U.S. Senate confirms Barrett 52-48 as Supreme Court justice See in context
If all us minorities will just get back on the plantation... after all "you ain't black if you don't vote democrat!"... we can vote in the democrats. They can pack the court. Right this injustice and all will be right in the land of the then even less free. Uncle Joe will give us our checks and give us our cheeses and we will all be fat and happy as we quickly sink into the mire of socialism.
2 ( +7 / -5 )
Posted in: 2 Melbourne schools shut after new virus cases emerge; 16 protesters arrested See in context
A problem with Covid, and many other issues, is the expert worship that so many people engage in. Experts are often and indeed are usually wrong - sometimes dead wrong. A few examples are the wide spread avocation of trans-fats as being heart healthy, blood letting, the long lived claim by doctors and other experts that they could not transmit disease "A gentleman's hands are clean", the safety of DDT, agent orange, PCBs and many other chemicals and drugs. These people are just guessing and often poorly.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: 2 Melbourne schools shut after new virus cases emerge; 16 protesters arrested See in context
Whether lockdowns are useful, I don't know. It seems that without a vaccine, probably not going to happen, at some point everyone is going to suffer the illness. I can personally say Covid-19 is pretty bad. I was in bed for four days and it took another week to feel normal. Other people I know who have had the illness reported about the same course. I have felt much worse with a couple of other illnesses but it was pretty bad.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: Trump, Biden plan dueling town halls instead of scrapped debate See in context
In his Town Hall, I wonder if Biden will take any questions about or discuss the NY Post article concerning his meeting the Burisma executive. It would be informative if he did since both Twit and FacePlant have banned/censored any mention of it. The Ministry of Truth seems to rallying around him as usual. I would actually vote for him if he would commit to disbanding The Ministry of Truth and let the Sun Shine In. Light is a great disinfectant and he could the Town Hall to let some illumination in.
-4 ( +1 / -5 )
Posted in: Trump holds Florida rally in front of mostly maskless crowd; says he's immune to virus See in context
@HonestDictator I don't see a lot of difference between Rep or Dems on the issue of "let the rich rule over the poor and those not as wealthy as us..." What I see is the track record of the left. 100s of millions were killed in the 20th century alone. Mass starvation and privation in every corner of the earth that they touch. Also, think of the lack of opportunities for success and lack of ability to set your own path the left offers. How about the clamp down on just about everything that a leftist government brings with it.
What do they promise in return? They'll soak the rich give you the proceeds. They'll save you. Right! Never happened yet - never will. It is the big lie.
-9 ( +2 / -11 )
Posted in: Trump holds Florida rally in front of mostly maskless crowd; says he's immune to virus See in context
Uh Oh... The white saviors are down voting
-9 ( +1 / -10 )
Posted in: Trump holds Florida rally in front of mostly maskless crowd; says he's immune to virus See in context
Trump shows in his rally that he is the new Counter-Culture. The left is just a bunch of "white saviors" who think they know what's best for us brown people. White saviors think we can't think or do for ourselves.
-10 ( +1 / -11 )
Posted in: Suga's pledge to boost fertility treatment won't reverse declining birth rate, say experts See in context
The best way to resolve this is to enable (financially and socially) willing couples to marry at a young age and then practice making babies until they get it right and then repeat. For too long young people have been penalized financially and socially for starting a family. Additionally, the entertainment industry has been bent, for many years, on making the family lifestyle uncool.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump holds Florida rally in front of mostly maskless crowd; says he's immune to virus See in context
The PCR test is about as accurate as most posters here are when they attempt math.
-6 ( +3 / -9 )
Posted in: Trump holds Florida rally in front of mostly maskless crowd; says he's immune to virus See in context
Apparently a lot of people at the rally feel the same way as my favorite Punk Rocker Johnny Rotten.
Per Johnny Rotten -“He’s not the most lovable fellow on God’s earth, but I cannot see the opposition as offering me anything by way of a solution,”
In an interview with The Guardian, Lydon (Rotten) said “I’d be daft as a brush not to,” vote for Trump, claiming that the President “really is making the country a bit better,” and adding that “He’s the only sensible choice now that Biden is up – he’s incapable of being the man at the helm.”
-7 ( +2 / -9 )
Posted in: Trump holds Florida rally in front of mostly maskless crowd; says he's immune to virus See in context
Trump at a rally after COVID? What can we expect from Trump? Only the best because he's Trump! Go Trump!!!
-10 ( +0 / -10 )
Posted in: Japanese actress Yuko Takeuchi, 40, found dead at home in apparent suicide See in context
Doubtless she had problems. Problems are good. Problems are a challenge. Problems are one sure sign of life. People should always be mindful of this.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump tax revelations spark outrage among some, but supporters defend president See in context
Sorry, I meant to say, "libertarians".
I think you meant "liberals". Actual liberals are a different bread from the socialists, nazis, fascists, communists and other Marxist offshoots who have hijacked the term.
why does Donald owe $100 million to the IRS?
I think you might be referring to a story carried in the Huff Post? They said "may owe". A sight of difference I think. The Huff Post along with the New York Crimes are a waste of good electrons.
-7 ( +0 / -7 )
Posted in: Trump tax revelations spark outrage among some, but supporters defend president See in context
Nor would you while he's president. Precedent states you cannot indict a sitting president
Lack of indictment because he is President hold no water. Trump was regularly audited before he ever became President.
If you are angry about someone using the tax laws to avoid taxes blame Democrats. For many years the idea of simplifying the tax code has repeatedly been put forward. Even flat tax rates have been proposed so that situations like this don't occur. Every single time Democrats have lead the charge in shooting them down. I wonder why?
-6 ( +2 / -8 )
Posted in: Trump tax revelations spark outrage among some, but supporters defend president See in context
Trump has been audited by the IRS every year. I haven't heard about any tax fraud indictments, have you? With inspection like that it seems everything is legal and above board. He has paid all he owes according to the law. A person should pay all they owe but it is foolish and unconscionable for anyone to pay more than they owe. Does anyone here care to open their wallet and pay a little extra? Anyone? How about you socialists? No? I didn't think so. Case closed!
-11 ( +0 / -11 )
Posted in: Why do you think billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates, whose foundation has plowed billions of dollars into making vaccines against diseases like polio, malaria and HIV, is a regular target for fringe groups and anti-vaxxers accusing him of benefiting from vaccination or even using them for harm. See in context
I believe in vaccines. The biological principles behind them work. Vaccines have saved countless lives – both human and animal. I’ve taken many myself. My children are vaccinated. But not all vaccines are effective and not all vaccines are safe. When anyone says that all vaccines are good or cancels discussion with an Obama phrase like “That’s settled science!” or “I trust the experts!” my fool detector starts screaming. People need to be wary of those like Gates who “go around just doing good”. Philanthropy is very often a smokescreen for evil intent and bad actions.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: 72% of children in Japan feel stress over coronavirus pandemic: poll See in context
Surely these children aren't being told they are in danger? Latest numbers from USA CDC - chances of surviving according to age group are:
Age Group Probability of Survival
0-19: 99.997%
20-49: 99.98%
50-69: 99.5%
70+: 94.6%
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Worried by pandemic, unmarried Japanese couples want legal protection See in context
Using Covid19 to justify a law change seems a little late. Covid19 is almost a non-issue. Latest numbers from USA CDC - chances of surviving according to age group are:
Age Group Probability of Survival
0-19: 99.997%
20-49: 99.98%
50-69: 99.5%
70+: 94.6%
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Tokyo needs to convince sponsors Olympics will really happen See in context
Maybe the delays and expense caused by the CCP Virus fiasco along with all the cost overruns, graft, corruption and other problems will finally allow the next host to finally say enough is enough and reign the Olympics back to something more reasonable and affordable. Besides who wants to see all the political statements from the performers.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump to make court pick by Saturday, before Ginsburg burial See in context
Is it possible to kick John Roberts to the curb and install Amy Coney Barrett as Chief Justice? Just wishing
-3 ( +4 / -7 )
Posted in: Japan newlyweds can receive up to ¥600,000 to start new life See in context
Giving money for having babies has a long and painful history in many countries and never ever turns out well for society or the children. Rather than giving money, a better way to raise the birth rate may be to meaningfully reduce the tax liability of parents so they could keep more of their own assets to raise children with. Reducing the liability rate according to the number of children would probably have great positive effect. Meaningful tax breaks across the board on money earned and money spent would allow parents to earn their children's support but not grind them down and break them like under the current tax regime.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Good for Sumo.. Good for Japan.. Why the ignorant hate comments against Sumo??..
Posted in: Sumo returns to Paris and turns heads
I think you’ve educated us all enough on this topic. I’d stick to history. 50/1 on that!
Posted in: Sumo returns to Paris and turns heads
The only question is how big was the payoff from Xi so China and the CCP could take over aid…
Posted in: Forced leaves start for thousands at USAID under Trump plan to gut foreign aid agency
50/1 on him receiving widespread praise for this. 50/1 Yeah!
Posted in: Countries vow support for ICC as Trump hits it with sanctions