Japan Today

BlueSushiRedRamen comments

Posted in: What do you like about the way Christmas is celebrated in Japan, and what don't you like about it? See in context

The only reason Japan has made it a consumerist holiday is because the majority of people living there are not Christian, only a small minority there are Christian. The point/idea of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. And when they adopted this holiday, they looked at us (U.S.) and copied us. Christmas here is becoming more consumerist and i despise that.

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Posted in: Japan boosts military outlays to counter Chinese navy See in context

Minello, you cant avoid war, its inevitable. Thats the cold truth.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Posted in: Kennedy says JFK's spirit lives on See in context

What about the U.K.? Arent they also our greatest ally?

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Posted in: Why Kennedy was appointed U.S. ambassador to Japan See in context

I take back what i said about kennedy, she just needs to be careful in japan.

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Posted in: One of the points of contention in the state secrets bill being debated in the Diet is what constitutes a state secret. What kind of information (if any) do you think should be kept secret in the inte See in context

The Government should only keep secrets that included the following:

*Undercover agents names, profiles, and missions

*News that would cause the public into mass panic thereby creating anarchy and the destruction of the country

The point is that there are secrets that need to be kept from the public.

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Posted in: Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants patriotism and moral education included in school curricula in Japan. Do you think this is a good idea? See in context

Kind of hard to teach moral education if you can't lead by example. But "patriotism" is the general go-to resource when your economy is swirling the toilet. Gotta gear everybody up for the inevitable war. It's coming.

I don't think thats gonna happen. Its a global depression/recession, so every country's economy is swirling in the toilet. Though needless to say, some are better off than others.

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Posted in: Abe calls on U.S. to resolve fiscal uncertainties See in context

BTW, JapanToday has an app for any ios users

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Posted in: Abe calls on U.S. to resolve fiscal uncertainties See in context

Abe, call our gov't after the next elections. The next presidential cabinet, house of congress and representatives should be better than what it is now.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: New U.S. Ambassador Kennedy arrives in Japan See in context

This cant be good. Since Abe and Obama have different political views, we can only hope that Miss/Mrs. Kennedy won't screw things up.

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