Posted in: Michael Jackson dies of reported cardiac arrest at 50 See in context
Rest in Peace. We will all miss your music
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Posted in: Why do Asian pop stars have a hard time succeeding in the U.S. market? See in context
The problem isn't with rasicm, its with a true lack of talent. There are maybe only 3-4 singers in Japan who truly can sing. The rest of them are just puppets. They are chosen by only their looks and marketing value to sing songs written by other people. The songs are also made so everybody will be able to sing them, generating Karaoke revenues. Very sad... But it will never change because all of the Sheep keep following the trends and popularity contests in Japan. Bottom line, 90% of Japanese pop stars Suck.
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Posted in: What is the best way to settle the Yasukuni Shrine issue? See in context
DO NOTHING> I think it is important to remember those who gave their lives fighting for their country. Can you imagine the USA getting rid of any one of their Military grave yards or veterans memorial sites? Get real. Its their for a reason. I just went there for the first time last week. What's the big deal,Its just another shrine.
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Posted in: Behind the scenes with Windows 7 See in context
People in front of windows PCs are usually shaking their heads thinking Why didn't I buy a MAC.... XP was a better OS than Vista, Soldave is right, XP didn't require all of the updates and re-installs like Vista does. So what was Microsoft doing in the time between XP and Windows 7?? Answer: losing market share and stock value!
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Posted in: Japan going to pot: Celebrity busts and student smokers have authorities in a tizz See in context
Anyone know when the next 420 march in Tokyo is? I don't think there is an increase of smokers but rather an increase of police searching for users. I was asked to show the contents of my bag and pockets the other day on the streets, The police were looking for smokers (I assume). But I refused a search. I don't know the Laws here but I don't think they have a right to search anyone randomly. After 30 minutes of arguing with by now 5 police officers, they just let me walk away. Not that I had anything on me, but nice to know that you can refuse a search.
Japan needs to realize the difference between hard and soft drugs and prosecute accordingly. it used to be legal to smoke here.....
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Posted in: Japanese schoolgirl makes pro baseball debut See in context
I hope she grows into a real pitcher. Striking out 1 out of 2 ain't bad at all. TO bad the coach didn't let her finish the game.....
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Posted in: Man arrested for attempted murder after pushing woman off platform at Tokyo station See in context
I think there is a higher percentage of RETARDS to normal people here in Japan. I wonder what it is? The everyday Stress? what ever it is, Japanese authorities have to figure out the root of the problem or This will continue as the economy worsens and puts more stress on people.
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Posted in: Japan goes up in marijuana smoke See in context
I don't think there is an increase in the use of marijuana, I think recently the Japanese Police are just cracking down, and looking for the dope. Therefore more people are getting caught and creating the effect that drug use is rampant everywhere. Before they just used to turn a blind eye.
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Posted in: Female patient stalked after Aichi hospital leaks private information See in context
Fired!! And hopefully no lawsuit...
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Posted in: Temp workers bear brunt of recession in Japan See in context
Where are all the unions in japan? Why isn't any of these HAKEN jobbers covered by some sort of union security?
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Posted in: Students help foreign tourists in Akihabara See in context
I hope this becomes a trend and more areas in Japan become "English Friendly". I also wish each area could have a little booth for English tourist information, kinda of like a koban. but more useful.
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Posted in: Aono, Liu are new World Cup halfpipe champions See in context
Congratulations to Ryoh Aono!! It's too bad he isn't getting more Press from the Japanese Media... He is a true world Champion, yet the Japanese media choose not to follow Snowboarding. It's nice to see this article in japan Today. Next up is the Vancouver Pre-Olympic World Cup, I hope you guys run another article on that as well, Ryoh will win that too!
*PS the Korean comp was the Snowboarding world Championships, not a world cup.
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Posted in: Tokyo Auto Salon See in context
Is this really the best photos that they got from the auto Show.... I expect to see the latest, greatest car or at least the latest greatest race queen.
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Posted in: McDonald's admits 1,000 people paid to join queue for Quarter Pounder debut in Osaka See in context
The only way I would consider eating Mcdonald's would be if I were to be paid 1000¥ per hour while I was eating it.... even then I don't know if I would eat it. think of the rest of the suckers that lined up for free....
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Posted in: Koki Kameda See in context
This guy is a joke, A circus monkey, nothing more nothing less.
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Posted in: Former porn star Ai Iijima found dead at Tokyo apartment See in context
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Posted in: Bush dodges shoe protest during visit to Iraq See in context
To bad Bush the incident couldn't be in Canada, cause they would have been size 10 ski boots! I respect Muntadar al-Zeidi for taking on the ultimate Terrorist of the world. Wouldn't it have been great if everyone in that room started throwing shoes?
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Posted in: Tourism New Zealand launches innovative marketing campaign See in context
I think NZ is a great country but there are a few people that hate asians and harass them. I have seen this happen in bars and on the streets. I used to run tours and bring japanese tourists to NZ but after one such incident, I will never promote tours to NZ again.
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Bee, wages in Japan are WAY down vs. 20 years ago Japan's $based GDP was approx. $40K per capita in…
Posted in: Major Japanese firms to log record profits for 4th straight year on rate hikes
Posted in: Israel says it is committed to Trump plan for Gaza displacement
Posted in: Major Japanese firms to log record profits for 4th straight year on rate hikes
I wonder what Trump is saying . . . maybe . . . Yuk-yuk, look at them all running around…
Posted in: European leaders meet to discuss Ukraine as UK troop offer hardens regional resolve