Posted in: Auto unions seek 1st base-pay hike in 2 years on recovery from pandemic See in context
Imagine a strike in Japan if the car companies do not agree. Lol, it is not happening.
7 ( +7 / -0 )
Posted in: Japanese real estate company introduces 'fully nude' recruitment concept to attract new grads See in context
It is all just marketing. In a country where presentation is valued and how we are perceived is key, there is absolutely no benefit for people to "act themselves". People are not going to show up to an interview and tell the interviewers what they really think about their inane questions, any sensible person who wants to work for this company will tell them what they want to hear...
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: Ian Alexander Jr, only child of Regina King, dies at age 26 See in context
@snowy, I did not down vote you earlier, but you put the words condolences and may you rest in peace in quatation marks, which would indicate to me that you were not being sincere and is a slightly odd use of the qoutation marks. Perhaps you are quoting yourself or you just don't know how to use quotation marks. Take it easy...
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: 3 stabbed at University of Tokyo ahead of entrance exams See in context
Foreigner In TokyoToday 05:44 pm JST
Is anyone else disturbed by how much violent crime goes on here?
Whilst it is disturbing that there is violent crime anywhere, I would argue the amount of violent crime here would be low compared to most other developed countries. For example, knife crime in Britain and gun crime in the USA are seriously out of control compared to here. This website always posts a selection of stories that they know will trigger the mostly foreign readership.
6 ( +11 / -5 )
Posted in: Foreign researchers facing stricter quarantine; 'jailed' in hotel See in context
in reply to gobby: yeah, he has some document from the japanese embassy in his country that is some kind of vax passport, but no dice. these are the conditions that were imposed on his entry a few weeks before entry. Seems draconian, but thems are the rules it would seem...
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Foreign researchers facing stricter quarantine; 'jailed' in hotel See in context
In reply to Virusrex, although this is slightly off topic, Japan does have a hard time attracting foreign researchers. In 2013, Abe pledged to have 10 Japanese universities in the top 100 universities by 2023. However, in that time Japanese universities have steadily slipped in the world rankings and Abe's pledge has been quietly forgotten. Now it would be virtually impossible to achieve with 2-years left. One of the problems for Japanese institutions is that part of the ranking is dependent on internationalization. This includes the proportion of staff who are foreign and international students. On both counts Japanese universities are among the poorest in the world. For researchers, The reasons for this are many, but include poor salaries and little in-house money for research (at national universities), non-English working environments, hostile or ambivilent attitudes towards foreigners, and generally not being set up for to handle foreign academics (cue "the cry me a river" or "suck it up, buttercup" comments). However, Japan does not seem to realise that academia is an international market and the current work and research environment in Japan are not attractive for most foreign researchers. This poor treatment of newly arriving researchers and students is hardly going to enhance Japan's reputation in this area...
7 ( +8 / -1 )
Posted in: Foreign researchers facing stricter quarantine; 'jailed' in hotel See in context
Wrong, my student had 2 doses of moderna, negative PCR test results before leaving, and he must stay in a business hotel at his own initial expense (he will get some reimbursement for part of the amount from the university at a later date) until 15 days has elapsed. It seems it is an ad hoc rule for students and researchers who were allowed to enter Japan.
GobshiteToday 01:51 pm JST
So I read the gov site again and this:
If you submit a copy of a vaccination certificate at the time of entry into Japan, 3-day waiting period in the accommodations of the government will be exempt, and part of the 14-day waiting period after entry will be shortened. Vaccination certificates must meet the requirements. Please be sure to check the details.
As anyone who leaves Japan will have the vax passport, and PCR test result to come back, not such an issue.
Can only assume these people didn't have either.
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Foreign researchers facing stricter quarantine; 'jailed' in hotel See in context
I have a MEXT scholarship student in quarantine here in Kyoto. He has had 2 vacinations and has tested negative consistently. He is required to quarantine for 15 days (the arrival day is not counted). He is allowed to buy things from the combini in the hotel, but that is it. For young active people, it is pretty rough to have to stay in a Japanese business hotel which are renowned for their tiny size. Nothing luxury going in there. Easy for all of you to write "cry me a river" when you are not living it. It is not easy for them despite many of you claiming how easy it would be or how much you'd enjoy this 'break'.
10 ( +15 / -5 )
Posted in: Scholars urge Japan to restart issuing visas to foreign students See in context
Mr KiplingToday 07:55 am JST
Japan usually host thousands of students from developing countries, mostly on Japanese government scholarships paid for by Japanese tax payers. Meanwhile many Japanese students are struggling to pay their fees and living expenses.
Oh come now. This is no different to most developed economies. Stop trying to sow anti-Japanese sentiment.
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Japanese woman finds wallet with ¥1 mil, does right thing, then something even better See in context
Lost my wallet once containing 40,000 yen a debit card, work id card, and a debit card. Got an email from my work place the next day informing to go to the police to pick up my wallet. It was sans money. Also found 3,000 yen on the street and a japanese guy saw me pick me up and he marched me to the nearest koban box and he made me hand it in. I had to fill out a form and refused the money if not claimed within 6-months. I have subsequently seen wallets left on trains and just ignored them, as there were others on the train, lest be thought a thief.
15 ( +16 / -1 )
Posted in: LDP most popular; nearly 40% of voters undecided ahead of election See in context
Regarding the photo, it is clearly an attempt to engage younger voters by having an electric eel dance competition...
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Premier League club Newcastle bought by Saudi sovereign fund See in context
I am not from Liverpool nor even the UK, so you can call me a plastic all you like, but I have supported the toon since 2003 when I moved to tyneside for study. However, even in the 50s, when you started following football, clubs still bought titles by employing ring-ins and good managers in order to ensure success. So this is not a new thing in football nor sports which was my point. But I get your point. Money is ruining football. I think eventually, the premier league will need to do something to limit the effects of the inequalities within football and even within the premier league. It's is not fair and we need to level the playing field for clubs playing for the champions league places versus those newly promoted clubs or those trying to avoid relegation. It is getting boring watching Man City win another title simply because they have the biggest cheque book and they can somehow break the FFP rules with impunity. Maybe we may need to have to have some kind of salary cap which operates in a lot of American sports and seems to make the competitions more equable there. You still have these cheque book teams such as the yankees in baseball and the lakers in basket ball, but there seems a lot more variability in their champions. Also, we need to do something about the top clubs hovering up the young talent. It is not good for the game. The best young players end up at the biggest clubs where they may languish in the reserves and go out on never ending loans until they are 23-24 where they are sold because they did not measure up despite never really getting a chance (looking at you Chelsea).
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Premier League club Newcastle bought by Saudi sovereign fund See in context
The biggest and most well resourced clubs have always bought success through hiring the best managers and signing the best players. Even when clubs are owned by fans, the biggest clubs with greater captialization will be more successful than others. How is it that you support Liverpool when there are loads of other clubs in the area, is it because they are among the biggest and most successful clubs in North West of England? Why not support Tranmere or Southport if you are worried about clubs buying titles (which your club also does)? But, it says a lot about the Ashley reign that the fans would rather see the club run by autocratic and repressive owners with an awful human rights record than Ashley.
> zichiToday 08:26 am JST
personally not happy about rich foreigners owning the British Clubs including my own Liverpool. Clubs should be owned by the fans.
Clubs are buying success not really earning it.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Kishida's longevity as PM hinges on November general election See in context
Wonder if he read all those books?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Women's entry in LDP leader race may not boost empowerment See in context
In reply to the title, "you don't say?"
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan detects suspected Chinese submarine near southern island See in context
I do understand your point (we metaphorically use the term war to refer to things other than war), but I was talking about a hot war (a literal war), which I think was pretty clear. We define war as an intense armed conflict between different groups either from different countries or within countries. Therefore, in reply to your message, war is restricted to "shooting guns".
WilliBToday 02:28 pm JST
Bob Macaroni
It makes no sense for China to engage in war with the Western powers. Everyone would lose...
They are already engage in a war, on many levels: economic, psychological. diplomatic, criminal etc etc.
This depends on your definition. "War" is not restricted to shooting guns.
0( +0 / -0 )
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan detects suspected Chinese submarine near southern island See in context
Fighto!Today 12:33 pm JST
More aggressive behaviour ny the Communists. There is no doubt they are eyeing those southern island chains to build more of their military bases. Okinawa is on their agenda - make no mistake about that.
Further reason Japan has no oprion but to dramatically ramp up military spending. Two more Carriers and 5 or 6 more anti-submarine destroyers would be a bare minimum. More bases are needed in Southern Japan, and a huge military recruitment drive will be needed in the colleges and universities.
Most dangerous times we live in since 1945.
Despite your invective, it makes no sense for China to engage in war with the Western powers. Everyone would lose...
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: 20-year-old man arrested over attempted murder of parents See in context
First, what is this alarming trend? Where are the data you are using to make such a statement? A few selected articles in an online "news" website that are intended to trigger the predominantly foreign readership is unlikely to be representative of family violence in Japan. Second, you need to look up the difference between inter and intra.
snowymountainhellToday 05:56 pm JST
With Japan’s alarming, current trend of inter-familial violence this could have been much worse.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Climate change pushes New Zealand to warmest recorded winter See in context
BlacklabelToday 02:38 pm JST
so what is the negative impact to humans of 0.2 Celcius higer temperature?
The figure you quote was how much warmer this winter's average temperature was compared to the previous record temperature (which was incidentally last winter). This winter was 1.3 degrees warmer than the long-term average. In answer to your question, increasing temeperatures may increase the range of diseases such as malaria. But rising temperatures have a number of negative effects in the climate (e.g., increasing catastrophic weather events), ecosystems (changing ranges of different species), and loss of land due (or increasing costs of remediation to encroachment) to things such as encroachment from the sea. But google is your friend...
2 ( +7 / -5 )
Posted in: China bans men it sees as not masculine enough from TV See in context
WobotToday 09:15 am JST
China is using a more sensible social strategy than the West's ultimately degenerative neo-liberalism though. They will be healthier in the long run.
You do not understand what neo-liberalism is, it is an economic paradigm...
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan's Defense Ministry seeks ¥5.48 trillion budget amid China worries See in context
Japan's spending as a proportion of GDP is still relatively low at less than 1 % which is likely a result of the constitution. Compare that to China's (spending 1.7 % of GDP), Russia (4.3 %), or the United States (3.7 %) and you will see that Japan is not likely to catch up to these other big players any time soon...
6 ( +7 / -1 )
Posted in: Spike Lee re-edits 9-11 documentary featuring conspiracy theorists See in context
One of the few times I find myself agreeing with Bass for Funk. The number of people writing here in support of conspiracy theories should be an indicator as to agendas of the readership in relation other topics. Time to get rid of the comments? Definitely. They serve no purpose...
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: New Zealand virus outbreak grows to 31 cases See in context
MarkXToday 01:49 pm JST
I'm not here to judge or criticize anybody, I'm just very interested with New Zealand being basically closed off to all, and tourism being one of its biggest economic factors, how are they doing economically? We hear about how lockdowns destroy economies and companies, but we haven't heard anything like that from New Zealand.
Most countries have some entry restrictions for tourists (e.g., Japan). But to answer your question (even though you are not criticising anyone), the NZ economy seems to be doing ok and it is growing. In relation to tourism, about 9 % of the GDP is generated through tourism of which less than half that percentage is incoming international tourism. Moreover, domestic tourism has filled some of the void left by the fall in international tourists. So the effect of closing the borders has not been that bad on the economy as a whole (but yes, some tourism operators are struggling)...
Regarding all the commenters piling on the New Zealand government and their prime minister. NZ has managed the pandemic much better than most other countries. For example, the NZ government has spent more on supporting businesses and with greater results during lockdowns than any other OECD economy. Moreover, the amount of time that the country has spent in total lockdown has been minimal and the lockdowns have been effective because of the high rates of popular support for these measures. People who are calling Ardern (you know who you are) seem to have some sort of gripe with center left leaning moderate parties and female leaders. Grow up.
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: Japanese sandwiches give foreign reporters culture shock at Tokyo Olympics See in context
I doubt Bach is eating these abominations...
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Frenchman in Tokyo ends hunger strike over his 'abducted' children See in context
Although none of us commenters really know what went on in this situation, I have every sympathy for this guy. When the children become curious about their father or try to find their father, he has created this history that can be searched by the kids if they just type his name. Therefore, in this case at least, her strategy has a good chance of backfiring if what he claims is true...
10 ( +11 / -1 )
Posted in: Frenchman's hunger strike over 'abducted' kids enters third week See in context
Ashley ShibaToday 07:34 am JST
Yet, foreign men still think it is great to marry a Japanese women and don't think of the consequences if the marriage doesn't work.
Crazy right? I mean who doesn't get into a relationship before thinking about how it might end [that is sarcasm by the way]...
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan to begin accepting requests for vaccine passports from July 26 See in context
RMToday 04:50 pm JST
Segregating the population because of a experimental vaccine is a terrible idea.
A few points: (1) there are multiple vaccines that use multiple methods to confer humoral immunity and (2) how are these vaccines 'experimental'? Please explain the second point as it is really the crux of the point that you are trying to make.
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: Top court says laws requiring married couples to have same surname constitutional See in context
Christopher LoweryToday 08:33 am JST
Personally, I don't understand why you would want two different last names as a married couple, What message does that send? However, the women and the man do both have a choice. To me, the problem isn't the law.
Just because you do not understand something is no reason to disregard someting. But imagine two professionals who have both built their reputations (or brands if you will) under their unmarried names. If they marry under the current law, one of them has to change their name and effectively start with a new brand. This is a big problem for women in academia for example because they may have many publications in their maiden name. Upon marriage, one of them (generally the woman) will have to start publishing under a new name. Can you not imagine the problems this might cause?
5 ( +9 / -4 )
Posted in: Paris Jackson says paparazzi caused her long-term trauma See in context
@yen: I included you in that grouping of plebs and nobodies, because... well, we are ;) All the commenters are. We are know nothing fools wasting our time commenting on these poorly translated and unrepresentative "news" articles. This website posts news that its editors know will trigger the predominantly foreign readership (many of whom do not even life in Japan). Our uninformed opinions about what goes on in someone else's head are completely irrelevant. Time to get a life, don't you think? But thanks for the pep talk.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Paris Jackson says paparazzi caused her long-term trauma See in context
Well, it was a poor choice of words on my part, apologies. And I agree with you that it is all too easy for people to comment on this website and online in general. There is absolutely no reason to have comments on any of the stories on this site. It does not add anything to the content here. But I digress, what I should have written was that you or I are not qualified to comment on the pressures placed on celebs by the media or on anything. None of us have any idea about any of the stories on this site, but there is no shortage of triggered fools shooting their mouths off. Whilst I would agree that celebrities need to accept some intrusion into their lives, us plebs cannot really imagine with what these people have to deal with. You are just speculating and you do come off sounding uncharitable and bitter. Sure, it is not the same as front line combat or being raped, but I am sure it must have an effect on some people's mental health and who is it for us know nothings to say their feelings are wrong or bs. Take it easy and let's leave it there shall we?
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall
nd you are oddly defending in winter that it’s not warm. > im not quiet in summer. > When you…
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall