Japan Today

BobbieWickham comments

Posted in: Man dies after stabbing himself, wife and 6-month-old baby in Aichi See in context


infanticide could be considered the norm

Are you/we fortunate that your mother didn't have that option? I love Japan too but taking a knife to a 6 month old baby? No, no, no, no ... Mental ilness doesn't cover it. There is such a thing as evil, you know. Of course much younger kids are legally murdered all the time so we shouldn't really be surprised, should we?

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Posted in: 147 killed in Baghdad suicide car bombings See in context

At least 721 people were wounded, including three American contractors.

What are the ordinary Iraqui people's thoughts on all this? After all we're supposed to learn from our mistakes ... And we have to ask the question 'Where's the money?' Who is profiteering from American involvement in Iraq etc? To be fair I'd say Obama's hands are pretty much tied in all this. Not a lot he can really do if he doesn't want to pay the price that JFK payed.

On the streets of Baghdad, many Iraqis were angry at what they described as a lapse in security and wary about what will happen when U.S. forces leave.

It's going to be hell on earth with another possible Cambodia on our hands. But never mind, Saddam is dead and long live 'Democracy'.

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Posted in: Saudi female journalist gets lashes for sex show See in context

“I am too frustrated and upset to appeal the sentence,” said al-Yami.

Surely being 'frustrated and upset' would encourage you to make an appeal? As I said it's a mans world alright.

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Posted in: Saudi female journalist gets lashes for sex show See in context

'“I am too frustrated and upset to appeal the sentence,” said al-Yami.' It's a man's world alright.

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Posted in: Vatican seeks to lure disaffected Anglicans See in context

Since Vatican 2 the Catholic Church has become pretty 'Protestantized' in a lot of ways. They won't notice much difference.

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Posted in: What do you think of the quality of Japanese movies? See in context

Thanks Balsa666. Good info. For all you negative people out there please have a look at 'Kikujirô no Natsu' (Kitano, 1999) and then make a judgement.

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Posted in: Should U.S. President Barack Obama visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki when he comes to Japan in November? See in context

With all due respect in Pearl Harbour 2,400 Americans were killed. The atomic bombs claimed the lives of 140,000 people in Hiroshima and 80,000 in Nagasaki. I know that two wrong don’t make a right and that American lives are more important than …

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Posted in: Kim Yu-na, Oda triumph at Trophee Bompard See in context

I don't want to go on about it but Kim Yu-na is something exceptional. I know nothing about ice-skating (it bores me rigid most of the time) but there's something about this girl that suggests 'legend'. Flawlessness, beauty without effort, grace, she's got the whole package. Maria Ozawa (see above) could learn a lot from her.

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Posted in: Kim Yu-na opens huge lead at Trophee Bompard; Asada has poor start See in context

Kim Yu-na is the perfect expression of grace and style. I could watch her all day (and all night if it were necessary ...). A very special talent who we're very lucky to see perform. A bit like Sea the Stars in the horse racing world this year. Once in a lifetime performers.

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Posted in: U.N. says record 1 billion go hungry See in context

World governments spent a record $1.46 trillion on upgrading their armed forces last year despite the economic downturn. $1.46 trillion. That's $1,460,000,000,000 (I think). And over-population is the problam! "Poor countries will need $44 billion in annual agricultural aid, compared with the current $7.9 billion, to increase access to irrigation systems and modern machinery as well as build roads and train farmers." Am I crazy or ...?

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Posted in: U.S. President Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize See in context

Mr. Obama’s record shows that he was the number one supporter of the barbaric practice of ‘Partial-Birth Abortion’ in The US senate. He has just been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Peace is the topic and no matter what he achieves in the future his record will be always tainted by this. I know this isn’t PC but the truth doesn’t have to be. As I said Obama reminds me of the great American quote of the last century every time he opens his mouth: ““Sincerity is everything. If you can fake that, you've got it made” It possibly originated with Groucho Marx but I’ve always thought of it as a classic Bogart line. The incessant bickering between the Democrats and the Republicans above whiffs somewhat of Tweeledum and Tweedledee. The only American president I would have enjoyed a pint with over the last 40 years was Ronald Reagan. At least he could be genuinely funny.

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Posted in: Merry Christmas See in context

Absolutely Mexicanish. I envy you as I'm going to be missing it at home for the first time in many, many years. Disney Christmas just won't be the same. Only 72 days left. I thought they'd forgotten.

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Posted in: Turkey, Armenia sign historic accord See in context

kinniku + rajakumar. Thanks guys (or girls). Very good points. Especially regarding it being a holiday. At the same time one has to admit that the horrible things that happened in Turkey/Armenia don't attract 1% of the interest garnered by the Holocaust. For whatever reason Israel seems to have the monopoly on suffering.

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Posted in: Turkey, Armenia sign historic accord See in context

Thanks Kinku "But Turkey’s Ahmet Davutoglu appeared the far happier top envoy as he smiled broadly while posing for photographs and greeting the other foreign ministers in attendance. Armenia’s Nalbandian, by contrast, only grudgingly smirked as he shook Davutoglu’s hand." "About 10,000 protesters rallied Friday in Armenia’s capital to oppose the signing, and a tour of Armenian communities by Sarkisian sparked protests in Lebanon and France, with demonstrators in Paris shouting “Traitor!”" (See above) This is the 8th comment 4 sadly of which are mine. So who is everybody else? The Armenians are never going to forget the massacre. It is the Turks who have conveniently forgotten it just as Americans conveniently forget that Henry Ford was the main financial contributer to Hitler among other things.

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Posted in: Chavez: Nobel peace committee overlooked U.S. wars See in context

Do you ever take any criticism to heart, SuperLib? Henry Kissinger got the award in the 70s so I would say the Nobel peace prize has very little real value anyway. Nevertheless as one of my students said the other day he should have said 'No thank you'. That would have been the clever option for superman.

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Posted in: Turkey, Armenia sign historic accord See in context

Absolutely rajakumar. You didn't. Sorry. Just trying to make the point that if the Armenians are expected to fogive and forget the Turks then maybe the Israelis/Americans could be expected to ease up a little bit on the Holocaust. Read about the Armenian massacre a while back and it was quite horrific. Tough Turkish soldiers bragging about raping and killing kids and stuff like that. GK Chesterton once wrote that it's one thing to forgive and forget, it's another to forget and expect to be forgiven. You wouldn't expect the Jews to forget about the Holocaust, would you? But that's what the Turks are demanding of the Armenians. So way to go peace but not at any cost.

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Posted in: Gay rights advocates march on DC, divided on Obama See in context

"Many marchers were outraged after the passage of California’s Proposition 8, which canceled the right of gays to get married in the state." I thought that was a democratic decision. Wrong again.

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Posted in: Turkey, Armenia sign historic accord See in context

As for rajakumar 'Way to go' indeed. Way to go Barack, way to go Netanyahu, way to go ...

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Posted in: Turkey, Armenia sign historic accord See in context

“The success of Turkey in pressuring Armenia into accepting these humiliating, one-sided protocols proves, sadly, that genocide pays,” But it's not the holocaust so nobody really cares, do they? They were just Armenian Christians, not Jews unfortunately.

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Posted in: Ireland's Green Party votes to stay in government See in context

Oh God!

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Posted in: Obama says he'll accept Nobel Peace Prize as 'call to action' See in context

"The Chicago democrat machine ain't what it used to be. They were supposed to bribe the Olympic Committee, not the Nobel Committee!" Good to see a sense of humour in the US. We don't see enough of it around here. Too many people taking themselves way too seriously. (Sledge Hammer! only survived two seasons). The Nobel Prize is usually for some vague accomplishment in the past, not some action you just might do in the future. At this rate I have an outside chance of the Fysics award next year. (Sorry, Physics)

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Posted in: Senate passes Pentagon budget, war funding See in context

$1,000,000,000,000? Value for money? I wonder if 14-year-old Abeer Qassim al-Janabi thought so?

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Posted in: Italian group claims to debunk Shroud of Turin See in context

Scientists can prove what happened 700 years ago but they can't tell us what is going to happen tomorrow. Biology books are full of 'facts' of happenings 10 billion years ago but telling us that the Kobe earthquake was going to happen was is beyond scientists. Scientific method requires 100% certainty not inspired guesswork.

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Posted in: Ireland OKs EU reform treaty See in context

United States of Europe here we come. We too will have a Supreme Court to make all the important decisions. What worthwhile democracy would allow the plebs to decide anything? A democratic decision so long as Bushlover etc. agrees with it. Ireland had no choice. If the answer had been 'no' again this time there would have been another vote and another and another until the stupid Irish people got it right. That's how democracy works. That's how 'liberals' operate. Liberal is everything they agree with.

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Posted in: Ireland OKs EU reform treaty See in context

Why would Ireland after spending 700 years plus gaining independence give it all away so cheaply?

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Posted in: American father arrested in Japan had asked Tennessee court for help See in context

"Police said he had grabbed the kids as they walked with their mother to their new school in the southern Japanese city." Poor, poor kids.

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Posted in: Hatoyama arrives in Copenhagen for Olympic vote See in context

Madrid's a great city. And a dark horse. Rio is the sentimental choice and Tokyo would be fun. But Chicago? Well, they did produce 'The Blues Brothers' so they can't be all bad.

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Posted in: Netanyahu hits back at Iran Holocaust claims See in context

We need population figures. ie. There were 10 million Jews in Europe in 1936, 4 million in 1946 therefore ...

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Posted in: Iran President Ahmadinejad proud of Holocaust denial See in context

Is he not afraid of provoking an American 'liberation'? Mael, Mael, Mael ... Has all the brainwashing we've done had no effect at all?

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Posted in: Ringaround See in context

Marriage is a tough school but a good one. If you want to grow up fast try it. Divorce has become too much of an easy option. Marriage with a divorce safety net isn't really marriage.

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