Posted in: Japan's supercomputer suggests changes to travel, work amid airborne virus threat See in context
Memoryfix: Did you just graduate from the millennial college for hyperbole and over reaction? I would suggest you find some hobbies and be kind to yourself for a while. Nobody is telling you to not have fun unless your idea of fun is hanging out on poorly ventilated and densely packed trains. Take it easy...
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Bob Dylan releases first original album in almost a decade See in context
Whilst Dylan could not sustain the level of adulation he sustained in the early years of his career (how could he?). He has never gone away and he has released some excellent records throught the 6 decades he has been active. His lifetime output is pretty staggering and he remains an icon of popular music. Many of you here are displaying your ignorance.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Another new coronavirus case in New Zealand rattles public confidence See in context
Look at the geniuses here commenting about Jacinda's incompetence. Get a life...
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan reports 25 new coronavirus deaths; highest for single day See in context
I predict the number of cases and deaths will continue to grow despite the state of emergency. In Japan as people seem to assume the by wearing a mask, they are immune to this thing. The paper masks that most people seem to wearing are ineffective at preventing the inhalation and exhalation of viral particles so cannot pretect you from the virus. They are merely signals to others that you are conforming to the social norm of wearing a mask. Moreover, people ignore social distancing and isolation measures. I went to the super market on Sunday and the place was packed with families going for a family outing! People do not get that this is serious and they should be limiting their time in close proximity to other people in confined spaces...
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Abe pressed to pay out more cash as coronavirus hits economy See in context
Hunter JamesToday 09:38 am JST
Money should be paid across the board! My reasons for saying this:
Everyone pays taxes. It’s not fair for hardworking people not to get this.
A good point, but perhaps it is up to the employer to do this rather than the government. However, perhaps the government can create an incentive for employers to do so such as subsidizing the increase or offering tax breaks to businesses.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Abe pressed to pay out more cash as coronavirus hits economy See in context
To every citizen? What about every permanent resident with legitimate employment who also pays their taxes?
Doubt it...I read elsewhere that the plan was intended for citizens. This is fairly standard behaviour for governments to restrict recovery to citizens. When I lived in the USA in 2007-2008, there was a recovery rebate given of about $600 which as a foreigner, I was not entitled to...What are you going to do?
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Man arrested for scouting Japanese woman to be prostitute in U.S.
WhoreSpringsColorado: you should move to wherever it is you infected Japan from
Posted in: Explosion at Taiwan department store kills 4; 26 injured
Women used as objects. When will it ever end?
Posted in: Man arrested for scouting Japanese woman to be prostitute in U.S.
Posted in: Japan, China, S Korea eye foreign ministerial talks in Tokyo on March 22