Japan Today

bobthecat comments

Posted in: Kyoko Hasegawa See in context

cute,... but as they say - nice house, except nobody is home.

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Posted in: Italians amazed at fallout in Japan over graffiti See in context

Different cultures, different perspectives, but unfortunately in some cultures there are extremes that are severely taken too far. Still attempting to deface a mosque in mecca, wouldn't be so bad because the authorities wouldn't just slap a fine, they'd probably chop off your hands at the wrists - considering the appropriate punishiment of their culture.

Grafitti is a problem everywhere, its just part of the sub-culture of Popular Culture. Its what defines our generation, at least for some of us.

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Posted in: U.S. has 'ramen moment' as chefs, foodies embrace Japan's beloved comfort food See in context

Only those that don't have chopsticks or know how to use them, use forks.

Oh, yeah I meant to add to the article that there are some Store Brands (generic) that should be avoided completely. Re; Instant Ramen, the foremost is Kroger Instant Ramen, which occasionally is on sale for 1/2 cents for 1-2 packages, though usually on sale for 6 for 10 cents (usa). Mainly because the stuff is utterly vile. The second worst is the Meijer Store Brand. Both soup base packets are about as weak as plain water, the noodles cook fast only because they are cheaply manufactured, fluffy to the point of disintergating at the application of eating utensil.

But thats just my opinion, from my experiences. Nissen has a good product, but comparitively Maruchan makes a better instant ramen at a better price, its amazing they can turn a profit. Maruchan is so popular in the US that in many stores its difficult to keep it in stock.

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