Posted in: Two boys arrested for throwing raw eggs at police box in Shizuoka Prefecture See in context
JohnToday 11:14 am JST
Slow news day? A story like this wouldn't make a small town newspaper in most countries.
This is local news—Japan Today often sources its stories from local outlets.
JT doesn’t cover all crime reports, often missing major incidents, let alone smaller local ones. In fact, many crimes in Japan never even make it to the media.
This story isn’t a meaningful gauge of crime levels, so I wouldn’t read too much into it.
-9 ( +12 / -21 )
Posted in: Two boys arrested for throwing raw eggs at police box in Shizuoka Prefecture See in context
Bow wifeToday 11:08 am JST
Guy_Gin_and_TonicToday 09:58 am JST*
Sounds like something I might have done as a boy - they might also have ADHD and be bored/ frustrated. (not an excuse, just a possible explanation).
I have taught plenty of kids with ADHD who would never do this. No need to suggest ADHD when stupididee is the obvious suspect, hey? Not that that’s any excuse either.
You might want to read the book Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst or Determined by neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky to learn about the causes of human behaviour - hint: neurodiversity likeADHD is one of them.
-13 ( +10 / -23 )
Posted in: Two boys arrested for throwing raw eggs at police box in Shizuoka Prefecture See in context
> Guy_Gin_and_TonicToday 09:58 am JST
Sounds like something I might have done as a boy - they might also have ADHD and be bored/ frustrated. (not an excuse, just a possible explanation).
I have taught plenty of kids with ADHD who would never do this. No need to suggest ADHD when stupididee is the obvious suspect, hey? Not that that’s any excuse either.
You might want to read the book Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst or Determined by neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky to learn about the causes of human behaviour - hint: neurodiversity likeADHD is one of them.
-12 ( +9 / -21 )
Posted in: Growing Muslim population in need of burial plots in Japan See in context
A lot of folks here are showing a lack of understanding and appreciation of Japanese culture and society here:
The Japanese value politeness and tolerance, and inclusivity and freedom of religion.
It is a nation's obligation to serve its citizens and accommodate their religious needs, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, or religion.
Japan has signed and ratified the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, all of which uphold religious freedom and prohibit discrimination, principles also enshrined in Japan's Constitution (Article 20).
-12 ( +9 / -21 )
Posted in: Four Cambodians arrested for 68 copper wire thefts See in context
dutchToday 06:18 pm JST
95%+ of criminals are Japanese.
and 97.2% of the total population is native Japanese.
(why must I have to explain per capita over and over and over and over again?)
Most of the 'crimes' committed by immigrants are visa violations. Most fo the crimes committed by Japanese are theft, fraud, asssault etc.
-17 ( +54 / -71 )
Posted in: Police officer arrested for stealing underwear from girl’s home See in context
> TokyoLivingToday 08:00 am JST
Steal women's underwear in national headlines..
Proving again and again that Japan is one of the safest countries to live in the world..
Japan, I love you, please never change..
Nice attempt at twisting the facts to suit your narrative about Japan. It's not making headlines in other countries because it simply didn't happen there.
-11 ( +60 / -71 )
Posted in: Man arrested for trying to remove woman's underwear on train See in context
Estimates are that there are hundreds of sexual assaults on public transport in Japan every day, so reporting on one kind of hides the magnitude of the problem.
Shiori Ito's new documentary goes into this in detail.
Black Box Diaries (2024) - IMDb
-14 ( +41 / -55 )
Posted in: Swedish man arrested for assaulting common-law wife in Sapporo See in context
Makeyourlifeeasy2015Today 05:50 pm JST
Well, domestic violence is the major crime in Japan, and the factors behind these crimes could be related to financial issues, alcoholism, mental disorders and other
Nope, I checked. The most common crimes in Japan are theft, fraud, property damage and sexual violence.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Swedish man arrested for assaulting common-law wife in Sapporo See in context
YohanToday 02:59 pm JST
BeerDeliveryGuyToday 08:17 am JST
Yes, I've asked before and even sent an email asking JT about this practice, but we have to remember this is Japan after all
Japan is a bit slow in keeping up with the ethical standards of journalistic practice.
Give them time, just like everything else, they'll get there in their own time. All we can do is jeep the pressure on
* *Very well. So you agree that if a crime is committed by US military or JSDF personnel, police officers or politicians, the details of their background should not be mentioned?
This is a very good argument - I don't see any reason why foreigners should be differently treated from Japanese offenders AND their victims whose name and area where they are living are frequently mentioned in the Japanese press. Why should every crime committed by an US military serviceman be kept as a secret, solely because he or she are holding US-citizenship?
About this Swedish man, maybe Japanese press could report him as 'from Scandinavia' or EU citizen? Or is this also against ethical standards which are close to censorship?
If you don't know why, why not find out maybe?!
Others have repeatedly pointed out that this is an issue. It's not a matter of opinion; it's a fact that unnecessarily including nationality, ethnicity, race, etc., in crime news is harmful to marginalized groups and social cohesion.
This is an indisputable and well-researched fact, and frankly, pretty obvious if you understand how bias and stereotyping occur and the harm they cause.
It's also why there are global standards in journalism on this.
This doesn't mean avoiding any reporting on nationality or ethnicity when it is relevant, but it does mean using care in choosing when to do so. In this news story, the nationality of the suspect is not contextually relevant to the crime.
-4 ( +4 / -8 )
Posted in: Swedish man arrested for assaulting common-law wife in Sapporo See in context
Makeyourlifeeasy2015Today 11:35 am JST
Thanks guys! Totally agree with Those who made the following comments: if you don't like the fact of mentioning the nationality of a suspect, don't read the news here but read the local news of your country where they will still mention a suspect's nationality. Also, keep your emotions in check ✔️ and try to read news as locally as possible.
Agree to the fact that some of you guys are just upset because the offender is happened to be a white. In that case, please warn your fellow compatriot not to offend the law, because no one should be above the laws
It's not about liking or not it's an ethical standard in journalism that you, JT and some others are clearly oblivious to.
-2 ( +7 / -9 )
Posted in: Rural Australian town marks 80th anniversary of Japanese POW breakout See in context
IN NZ 49 Japanese POW's were killed when they staged a revolt after refusing to work.
-3 ( +11 / -14 )
Posted in: Swedish man arrested for assaulting common-law wife in Sapporo See in context
MartimuranoToday 06:22 pm JST
I rarely see so much hot-air posted on a news article about a physical assault which is alleged to have taken place.
It doesn't matter in the slightest that the suspect is a Swedish man, nor does it matter that, at 33-years old, he is in a relationship with a woman in her 50's.
These are just small pieces of information which are not worth getting excited about in any way, which the journalist sees fit to include as a matter of completeness in their reporting.
Perhaps there is something that you are not fully informed about, my friend.
Worth a little reading about, I reckon.
-11 ( +32 / -43 )
Posted in: U.N. body to hold in-person review of Japan's gender policy in October See in context
proxyToday 07:24 am JST
This story is a good example of how two, on the surface, opposite views can both be true at the same time.
It is true that Japan should change the law and yet also true that it is none of the business of the UN.
Somebody at the UN has it out for Japan and is targeting Japan.
sakurasukiToday 07:00 am JST
Since when foreign organization can really change on how Japan do their things?
> falseflagsteveToday 06:58 am JST
Use your time and money in something useful rather than banging on about this constantly. What a joke the U.N has become.
Some folks seem a tad uninformed about the role of the UN and other international bodies.
There is nothing to fear, and they don't 'target' anyone.
Think of it as a paid consultation service. Japan, like any democratic nation, receives and welcomes the professional and well-researched advice the UN provides and they pay for it as part of its membership fees.
The UN's role is to help member states establish and uphold widely accepted global standards.
They don't have any real power over any sovereign state; they are there to help and positively influence.
-7 ( +27 / -34 )
Posted in: Japan's Hayata takes women's table tennis singles bronze See in context
Is this going to be a low medal count Olympics for Japan this time/
-9 ( +4 / -13 )
Posted in: Japanese athlete says jewelry, cash stolen from room at athletes village See in context
リッチToday 11:51 am JST
how would most thieves differentiate between Japanese, Chinese, or other Asian tourists?
Thats so racist. You don’t think thieves don’t have better targeting skills than the average person, you’re wrong. Do you go around supporting the racist statement all white look alike or al black people are African? Japanese frankly are targeted around the world not just Paris. Indonesia the locals love to rip them off. The careless behavior gets many things like swiped from them.
I understand your concern, but the point was about the challenges in distinguishing between different tourists based on nationality rather than implying all people of Asian descent look the same. They are unlikely to know which tourists are Japanese, Australians, Chinese, or whatever unless they are familiar with that language and culture.
If you are right, and thieves can identify Japanese tourists from other nationalities,m why would they do that?!
Thieves typically just target vulnerable individuals, regardless of their nationality.
-9 ( +31 / -40 )
Posted in: Japanese athlete says jewelry, cash stolen from room at athletes village See in context
OssanAmericaToday 07:16 am JST
That Japanese tourists are frequently targeted by petty theft in France is well known. But hitting an Olympic team takes the cake.
First, how can you prove that claim? Second, how would most thieves differentiate between Japanese, Chinese, or other Asian tourists?
Even if they could, why would they specifically target Japanese tourists? They don't appear to have more wealth or belongings than tourists from other developed countries.
-5 ( +35 / -40 )
Posted in: A mysterious pile of bones could hide evidence of Japanese war crimes, activists say See in context
GuruMickToday 07:30 am JST
The allies, including USA, consistantly bought back high ranking Nazi scientists to America to work on various projects.
The Catholic Church whisked a whole bunch off the South America, predominantly Argentina, Chile and Paraguay.
Grubby, grubby past .
What about ....! ?
-9 ( +37 / -46 )
Posted in: Man arrested over alleged sexual assault of 12-year-old girl he met on social media See in context
wallaceToday 11:14 pm JST
There can't be a single excuse for this rape or any other one. Children like this one are too young to be responsible for their actions. But an adult is legally fully responsible for their actions.
The man raped a 12-year-old girl. He is three times her age.
Indeed, let's be clear: sexual assault is the fault of the perpetrator and never the victim, no matter what age the victim is.
Puzzled why some folks (not you, Wallace) struggle with this straightforward concept.
Do we blame the victim for murder, kidnapping, robbery, assault, burglary, fraud, human trafficking, arson, stalking, or domestic violence?!
9 ( +12 / -3 )
Posted in: Man arrested over alleged sexual assault of 12-year-old girl he met on social media See in context
EastmannToday 01:35 pm JST
both sides have own part of guilt.
abt that pervert-no comment.
abt that baby-its mainly her parents fault,education etc.
so 50-50
Since when are victims of crimes to blame? Never.
In legal and ethical terms, victims are never to blame for the crimes committed against them. Where did you learn otherwise?
Not for sexual assault, not for murder, robbery, assault, burglary, fraud, kidnapping, human trafficking, arson, stalking, or domestic violence.
The person who chooses to commit a crime is always solely blamed.
6 ( +30 / -24 )
Posted in: Video of man kicking, slapping deer in Nara Park causes outrage See in context
Agent_NeoJuly 24 08:21 pm JST
There were also posts from Chinese people kicking and hitting deer, and Koreans pretend to be Japanese when they commit crimes.
Even when they catch people overseas thinking they are Japanese, they often turn out to be Chinese or Korean.
In the first place, if Koreans are in trouble overseas, they will ask for help from the Japanese embassy instead of their own country's embassy.
In any case, no matter what nationality they are, they should not harass the deer in Nara.
News flash, Japanese commit crimes too and quite telling fibs to stoke hatred.
-1 ( +8 / -9 )
Posted in: Man arrested over alleged sexual assault of 12-year-old girl he met on social media See in context
GaijinjlandToday 07:35 am JST
I blame the parents. Children here are taught absolutely no common sense like don’t talk to strangers! I get that Japan is relatively safe but instilling a reasonable sense of fear and apprehension of the world in your children is a good thing.
Erm, pretty sure the blame rests entirely with the perpetrator, just like any crime.
victim blaming = NG
-10 ( +39 / -49 )
Posted in: Japan to reduce speed limit on residential roads to curb accidents See in context
15 years of driving off and on in Japan taught me one thing; if you go the speed limit or less than 20km over it people get mad with you.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Surge in inbound tourists pushes Japan to explore dual pricing See in context
> SumToday 07:09 am JST
There was an article the other day on Barcelona raising a tourist tax, and no one batted an eye.
Well, raising the tourist tax and charging higher prices in restaurants and bars - are they the same thing though?
-3 ( +9 / -12 )
Posted in: Surge in inbound tourists pushes Japan to explore dual pricing See in context
It could also complicate things for staff; what if a group comes in with some locals and some non-locals? How are they going to charge the group?
My wife is Japanese, and I'm not, but we aren't living full-time in Japan right now. Does she get the local price, and I pay the 'foreign tourist' price, or do we both pay that, and who decides? Do we have to announce this at every establishment we go to?
4 ( +17 / -13 )
Posted in: Japanese soccer player Sano arrested for alleged sex assault See in context
Stewart GaleToday 06:29 pm JST
The amount of men on this website who immediately accuse sexual assault victims of either setting up the accused for financial gain or blame the victim for being sexually assaulted by going to a room with a man/men is both depressing and sickening.
Yes, luckily, such men are in the minority around the world.
I wouldn't say it's ignorance or a lack of intelligence but rather the effects of misogynistic influencers such as Andrew Tate and Trump.
Perhaps we can help them better appreciate the harmful realities of sexual assault and the trauma the very few women who do report such crimes face.
-3 ( +10 / -13 )
Posted in: Japanese soccer player Sano arrested for alleged sex assault See in context
Thomas TwattToday 04:11 pm JST
Bow wifeToday 08:47 am JST
In Japan ... over 97% of women who are assaulted never report it.
And if no reports of these alleged incidents exist, how is the number of incidents calculated, much less credible/verifiable?
What's that gag about 'over 43% of statistics are made up'?
The fact that arrests have been made indicates that, in this case, there is likely to be substantial evidence of a crime being committed, over and above that of the alleged victim's disputed claim alone.
A 2020 article by The Japan Times, "Sexual violence in Japan: A quiet crisis," cites a study by the Japanese government that found only 2.8% of sexual assault victims report the crime to the police [1].
A 2019 report by Human Rights Watch, "Japan: Underreporting of Sexual Violence," highlights that Japan's National Police Agency estimated that only 10% of sexual assaults were reported to the authorities in 2017 [2].
A 2018 academic study published in the Journal of Family Violence, "Prevalence and correlates of sexual victimization among Japanese women," found that among a sample of Japanese women, 34.5% reported experiencing sexual violence at some point in their lives, but only 14.5% reported the incidents to the police [3].
[1] The Japan Times. (2020). Sexual violence in Japan: A quiet crisis.
[2] Human Rights Watch. (2019). Japan: Underreporting of Sexual Violence.
[3] Yoshihama, M., & Horrocks, J. (2018). Prevalence and correlates of sexual victimization among Japanese women. Journal of Family Violence, 33(2), 147-157.
Is rape a crime in Japan? | International Journal of Asian Studies | Cambridge Core
" only 5–10 percent of rape victims report it to police, and police record half or less of reported cases while prosecutors charge about one-third of recorded cases. "
-2 ( +17 / -19 )
Posted in: Japanese soccer player Sano arrested for alleged sex assault See in context
These Andrew Tate wannabes, who dismiss sexual assault reports and accuse victims of lying, have a very disturbing perspective on women.
In Japan, false sexual assault claims are estimated to be around 2-5% of total cases, while over 97% of women who are assaulted never report it.
Reflect on that if you're capable.
-13 ( +42 / -55 )
Posted in: 10 everyday experiences you should try in Japan See in context
Go to a sento.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: 800 cabbages stolen from Aichi field
Posted in: Japan, U.S. eye defense chiefs' meeting in Japan in late March
Posted in: 800 cabbages stolen from Aichi field