Posted in: What do you think about Japan's pension system? See in context
As a Kiwi it sucks as there is no reciprocal agreement & can only get back a few years of Pension if I decide to leave Japan or are stuck here for 25 years if I want to receive anything. i don't think it is fair that I should pay this money especially when I receive a large Bonus as it may never come back to me which makes me feel like the Pension is no different than getting rolled in Roppongi!
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Posted in: Do young Japanese women want to be housewives? See in context
All these people defending Housewives didn't listen to what the women said. The ones that wanted to become Housewives predominantly said the attraction was having more free time & waiting at home for the Husband. They also said being a housewife would depend on the Men having enough Finances! Men are basically ATM's in this country. Where is the love or caring for the husband & family & working together to built a great household as well as being financially stable?
5 ( +9 / -4 )
Posted in: Dior issues Sharon Stone apology for 'karma' remark over China's earthquake See in context
Opps Relief Efforts!!
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Posted in: Dior issues Sharon Stone apology for 'karma' remark over China's earthquake See in context
China's relied efforts propaganda makes me sick. They waited a week to even go into some towns! Too little too late!!
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Posted in: Dior issues Sharon Stone apology for 'karma' remark over China's earthquake See in context
To be honest I think she is right!! China is an evil corrupt brainwashed nation they will get no sympathy from me! Did they give Tibet or Fallon Gong any sympathy?
Corporations like Dior make me sick. They swoon to celebrities to try & increase their sales but as soon as a celebrity does something that may affect their profits they dump them immediately. They do not believe in free speech & are as evil as the chinese regime itself.
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Posted in: Hong Kong promotes 'Summer Temptations' See in context
Hong Kong sucks. Pushy evil people ripping off every gwalo that comes along. Try take a Taxi there if you are white double price if you are Japanese tripple. The extra bag charge button that they push multiple times to run up the charge even when you don't have a bag! Scum of the earth money hungry place. Pollutions also unbelievable. If I were you I would go somewhere in Japan much cleaner & safer.
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Posted in: Unsuspecting passenger returns cannabis after sniffer dog test botched at Narita See in context
To kendodan this is clear grounds to open up any case where the person was caught at Narita & subsequently convicted!! It completely shatters any kind of faith or credibility that Japanese Law Enforcement/Customs may have had! It wouldn't take a smart lawyer to much effort to build an excellent case that their is reasonable doubt that the marijuana was in fact the owners. Now instead of someone else must have packed my bags or someone told me to bring this in for them a person who is now stopped can say perhaps you guys put it in my bags as you have been known to do so before!! Serious doubt can now be cast on any such case!!
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Posted in: Unsuspecting passenger returns cannabis after sniffer dog test botched at Narita See in context
I think this case could give every convicted drug smuggler in Japan a real chance to appeal their sentences as their is circumstantial evidence that the Japanese customs are not beyond planting drugs to justify their existence!!
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Posted in: Unsuspecting passenger returns cannabis after sniffer dog test botched at Narita See in context
This should definetely not be under crime as the victim committed any crime. Unless we assume the Japanese customs officers are he criminals!! This is one of the most disgraceful things I have ever heard!!
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Posted in: Convicted rapist pleads guilty to strangling Japanese woman in New Orleans in 2003 See in context
The mind boggles as to howcome Japanese women always seem to get themselves into such situations overseas. She was their just 5days before she died & she met & hung out with a convicted felon. She obviously was so naive that she never suspected a thing. I think the fantasy land that many Japanese live in & the cool image of the US in their minds makes it only too easy for such predators. I hope any more women thinking about going to the US take some courses in being streetsmart!
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As I predicted. trump is for trump.
Posted in: Japan in contact with U.S. over tariffs; says it will respond appropriately
Posted in: Trump wants denuclearization talks with Russia and China
Posted in: Japan to release 210,000 tons from rice reserves due to surging prices
Posted in: 2 doctors arrested over cover-up of patient’s murder at hospital in Aomori Prefecture