Japan Today

Brent Kooi comments

Posted in: World Rugby advises teams to cover up tattoos at 2019 World Cup in Japan See in context

Or Japan just needs to grow up and realize the entire world doesn’t share their antiquated biases.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Posted in: Seventy years on, few Americans regret Enola Gay's mission See in context

As an American who loves Japan and lives in Japan, the bombs were terrible. But the other option was MUCH worse for everyone. Japan was NOT about to surrender. They were to fight to the very end. Civilians were expected to commit suicide if the Americans took their region, and if they didn't commit suicide, they were killed by soldiers. The battle on Honshu would have been devastating to both sides, with countless millions killed. Additionally, with the USSR declaring war on Japan, invading from the north, what do you think would have happened to Japan? Look at Europe and Korea for your answer. The bombs were awful; but necessary in the face of such evil.

9 ( +13 / -5 )

Posted in: Man dead after setting himself on fire in bullet train; woman passenger also dies See in context

Very sad story. But even more sad is the lack of compassion most commenters display. This man likely was not any of the awful things said about him, but rather, he was very likely mentally ill. Japan has such poor mental healthcare, so few doctors, and such restrictive pharmaceuticals that many people cannot get the care they need. Yet people jump to conclusions and judgments, vilifying this man and thereby making themselves look better. "There, but for the grace of God, go I."

3 ( +9 / -6 )

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