Japan Today

Bruce Martin comments

Posted in: Sharp to make masks amid shortage caused by virus See in context

I wish Abe would be able to repeat something like the news reports in Australia

"It could be any warehouse in Australia. In fact, you may travel past it every day and not even know.

In multiple secret locations across Australia, about $100 million worth of medical supplies — including 20 million masks, antibiotics, vaccines and equipment such as basic hand sanitisers — is sitting on huge pallets wrapped in plastic, ready to be deployed.

It has been gradually accumulated over more than a decade in case of a bioterrorist attack, medical emergencies or pandemics.

It's known as the National Medical Stockpile (NMS).

And with coronavirus almost certain to be declared a pandemic, according to the Prime Minister, the stockpile is now, according to health authorities, set to become a critical element of the response to COVID-19 — its first major use in more than a decade."

Perhaps he can, and if so why not?


3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump threats may not stop U.S. companies moving jobs offshore See in context

A "smart" (?) move to discourage foreign investment. Start up in USA, and subject to Trump, you cannot leave.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Australian conservatives edge ahead in Brexit shadow See in context

Please be careful here. The Liberal party may correctly be described as the conservative party of Australian politics. It is the Liberal party which takes a hard line and refuses to "open borders" particularly to those arrivals who turn up without a visa in an open boat. Close to 100%, subject to my last sentence, of Australians support the Liberal party closed border policy. There are citizens even though acknowledging benefits of closed borders consider the harsh treatment of arrivals, by way of despatching them to camps in either New Guinea or Nauru with no chance ever being permitted to reside in Australia ( by way of penalty ). Perhaps these folk may be determined to liberals. Then again there are those who consider the border should not be closed in its present form, which includes turning back boats, that is allowing the "illegals" to land in the mainland and to determine which of those are genuine refugees, as distinct from, say, economic refugees. The later group of citizens fall more clearly under the description of "liberals" and consist substantially of members of Green party.

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Posted in: Regulators to seek penalty on Toshiba for false accounting See in context

Throughout this reporting we have heard nothing from the external auditors. I know them - do they wish to comment EY? Huberts2

3 ( +3 / -0 )

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