Posted in: Crowing See in context
It's a raven. Crows are smaller and don't have a rounded head.
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Posted in: What's the best way to deal with screaming or badly-behaved children at airports and on planes so that they don't drive other passengers crazy? See in context
Nothing. Kids will be kids.
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Posted in: Former U.S. POWs want Japanese companies to apologize See in context
I used to have weekly conversations with an old Japanese guy from Kitakyushu. He told me that ex prime minister Taro Aso's family made their fortune from coal mining in and around the Fukuoka area going back many generations. I wonder if these are the same coal mines the POW's worked in? I'd like to know the names of such companies.
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Posted in: SMAP kicks off international tour See in context
Is SMAP an acronym? If so what for? If not, let's make some up.
So Much Awesome Phony Slow Moving Aging Phonies
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Posted in: Fellow Americans' suspicions frustrate U.S. Muslims See in context
This cartoon speaks volumes about the complexity that is 'Islamic religion'
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Posted in: 40% of child seats in cars remain unused: police survey See in context
They need to have a celebrity kick off the car seat campaign or else no one would pay attention.
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Posted in: Hunter commits suicide after accidentally shooting friend See in context
Hoserfella, I'll explain what I mean a little better for you. Gunshots --plurial? How does one fire more than one shot if they are killing themselves? Assuming the first one missed and he only wounded himself and was still able to fire a second shot but not likely. A point blank range shot with a rifle is enough to cause serious harm and thus preventing a second attempt. So why were there multiple shots? For those who think it was echo you obviously haven't been around guns enough to know what they truly sound like. Secondly, why aim for the chest? The head is a much easier point to aim for and more deadly. Also, reaching the trigger with a gun 180 degrees the wrong way is damn hard to do with a rifle especially if the barrel is long. The only explanation for this is he used a toe while sitting down, which begs the same question...why more than one shot?
I'm surprised the story doesn't say he shot himself in the back.
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Posted in: Hunter commits suicide after accidentally shooting friend See in context
heard gunshots but found Nakashima with a gunshot wound to the chest? doesn't make sense.
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Posted in: Grow-Your-Own-Rice bra See in context
The rice will go good with the pair of gyozas she is smuggling in her shorts.
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I've never been to Niseko, or known anybody who has been there, but what is so special about it? I…
Posted in: Tourism boom sends prices soaring at Niseko ski resort
Posted in: Justice Department's independence threatened as Trump's team asserts power over cases and staff
Posted in: Hiroshima A-bomb museum logs record 2 million visitors in FY2024
Posted in: Tourism boom sends prices soaring at Niseko ski resort