Posted in: Man arrested for killing pigeon See in context
accused of beating it with a whip and his hands before cutting off its head with scissors.
Tsuji was quoted as telling investigators before his arrest, "I killed the pigeon as it was unfriendly to me,"
covert parochialism click bait
-8 ( +0 / -8 )
Posted in: Man arrested for attempted murder after throwing knife from balcony at passerby See in context
I remember one time I was walking to a convenient store when someone droped some objects from the 7th FL, they nearly missed me. I called the "you know who's" and they did nothing.
4 ( +9 / -5 )
Posted in: U.S. Air Force member gets 5-year term for sexual assault of minor in Okinawa See in context
Brig. Gen. Nicholas Evans, commander of the 18th Wing at Kadena Air Base, said he is "deeply troubled" by the incident and vowed to cooperate with local authorities to ensure the individual completes the sentence mandated by the local court." This is a serious coon psssy . He wont do sht if US citizens are attacked but will always stay vowed to cooperate with local authorities. Thats why people are fools to sign up.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Two men break into Tokyo house, choke occupant, steal his cash See in context
Ok we got a some felonies here:
1 breaking and entering
Trespassing on private property
Assault . and robbery
= Hella jail time in the U.S. if the criminals aren't gunned down.
J- violent criminals got it made, that's why I live in Hawaii, cause five oh/one-time/12 don't play that.
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Suspect restrained with belt handcuffs after becoming violent in detention center, dies See in context
An autopsy will be conducted to determine the cause of death? any guesses?
saw one crossing the street , and he would not move over to let a cyclist pass although his group was walking 4 wide as usual, and the right side was blocked by a raised sidewalk type curb. The blocker's face was pure evillll, just looking to start some swine induced stuff. But cant touch these losers cause we dont want to catch a jn assault case.
-2 ( +3 / -5 )
Posted in: 24-year-old man arrested for abusing one-year-old daughter, breaking her leg See in context
grabbing the legs of his daughter and slamming her against a futon, breaking her right leg
> She's scarred for life now.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Family court sends 16-year-old boy back to prosecutors to be tried for killing his parents See in context
Funny how they bestow light custodial sanctions on theirs, usually, but they try to deflect on me when I pass by the "12" box, for nothing, but as this section indicates, they continue to extirpate thier society....eventually making it intolerable.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Suspect arrested over attempted murder of man on Kumamoto street See in context
The victim, who told police he doesn’t know Yamamoto & “he don't want to talk about it" wtfih?
*random attacks are going down, (attempted murder) time take their photos and contact the hungry rabit jumps...*
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 52-year-old man indicted for raping teenage daughter between 2013 and 2016 See in context
"The defendant has remained silent during the police investigation, prosecutors said."
That's right , always try to control the narrative, but they will never control the overwhelming inevitable wrath.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Man's 18-year sentence upheld for 2017 Japan highway road rage deaths See in context
"Should just stay quiet, let rest area security handle this, otherwise all family can stay together alive."
Yeah in rome do as the romans do. I will take that advice to heart. as they say ...this is japan!
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: 83-year-old man arrested for sprinkling flammable liquid at neighbor’s front door over noise dispute See in context
Ibata has admitted pouring the liquid to intimidate his neighbor but that he had no intention of starting a fire..
Ok, just an demonstrated threat, be careful some of these olf farts, are a powder keg ready to detonate.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Intruder uses stun gun on woman in her 80s, steals cash from apartment See in context
beating the breaks off elderly women , and children try man on man ALLTHE TIME more respectful.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: 80-year-old hospital patient arrested over murder of another patient in same room See in context
"What is going on in these care homes and what is going on with the elderly here lately?{"
Same as on the streets of J, just that it ramps up when they are in a stressful, controlled and restricted place with lots of time. And the staff can also intensify the pressure.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Senior Japanese diplomat in Oregon attacked in alleged hate crime See in context
and when lil kim makes his move, and perhaps US caught of guard , like in pearl harbpr , then one of the real boogy men will be known to mankind.
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: Man arrested for pushing father off bridge into river in Osaka See in context
Wow! Hamura City is next to Fussa, where I work on the base.
Hamura City *in the newsssssssssssss!-1 ( +4 / -5 )
Posted in: Man dies after being found unconscious in cell at Fukuoka police station See in context
*An officer said the man appeared alright when he asked for water at around 12:30 a.m.*
First of all, the only evidence available is what the officers are saying. They didn't take any photos?
A very misleading headline. It should read, man commits suicide in custody........
We have no clue what happened inside, he might need to endure multiple days of long harsh interrogation. Not all people can handle that.
In order to asphyxiate himself, obviously.
not according to Fredrik & sakurasuki post. but I'm glad you were willing to post the MAJOR answer for everyone.
You should have addressed them first.
in da newssssssssssssss
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Man dies after being found unconscious in cell at Fukuoka police station See in context
"Police said the man had tied one end of his pants around the toilet door in his cell and the other around his neck."
"The cause of death was asphyxiation, police said."
"tied one end of his pants around his neck"
Now why would he do that?
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Ghosn says $1 billion lawsuit against Nissan reasonable given his suffering after arrest See in context
"government’s last-ditch effort to prevent a foreign entity from taking a controlling stake in one of Japan’s Big Three automakers."
-14 ( +16 / -30 )
Posted in: Man robs Tokyo supermarket of ¥200,000 See in context
The robber was wearing black pants, a gray top, cap and a face mask......
strikes again!
1 ( +5 / -4 )
Posted in: Man arrested over murder of mother at home See in context
"Sato, a company employee, is accused of stabbing his mother Takiko in the neck with a knife. "
Hello Mother Bye Bye Mother,
Too Thruuuuuuu...
Cause the times are pure eviiiiiiiiiiiiiil,
Salacia: Very Sad
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Convenience store in Tokyo robbed of ¥300,000 See in context
To promote the myth that non-Japanese people commit more crimes than Japanese (they don't)?
They watch certain non J's like a hawk in their stores. (hurry up & buy!) And their neighborhood bullies rely on this here land and "12" to back them up. But that game will eventually force a fold, worldwide.
-2 ( +6 / -8 )
Posted in: Employee of regional police department arrested for assaulting man with umbrella See in context
"Well, he’s in the communication department, a professional. Successful communication is if B fully understands the information that A wanted to transmit. Nowhere is written, that it is limited" not only to those mucus slingers coughing loud in public
It sound like he wanted to experience the life in the cell since he was working for police department.
That's Right!
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 914 child mistreatment cases reported at nurseries in April-December 2022 See in context
"A total of 914 child mistreatment cases were reported at nurseries nationwide"
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Ramen noodle shop owner fatally shot in Kobe See in context
yep sounds like yaks and thangs again
6 ( +12 / -6 )
Posted in: Man arrested for attempted murder at Osaka supermarket See in context
"Article 128 of Japanese civil right law allows "defense with violence in order to disable [the attacker}".
Uh depends on the area it happens in, It was a case many moons ago where a foreigner/gagin in Nagoya, beat the breaks off an unknown Japanese attacker, and still got arrested, handcuffed, and spent time at a koban station, until everything got finally sorted out!
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Man arrested over sexual assault of woman at her apartment See in context
"Hiroki Sakaoka, a company employee" ah not unemployed...probably he'll be back at work, most likely, and his company may not know about his case if it becomes a case , but in the US the fuzz would notify his company/boss soon about it, resulting in termination and incarceration.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Man arrested for beating father to death with hammer and rice cooker See in context
"suspect’s mother: they also found her body wrapped in a futon."
"He then hid his father’s corpse under a futon mattress."
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Man arrested over murder of his 77-year-old mother in Yokohama See in context
his father was quoted by police as saying that for the past few years, his son would become abusive toward his mother whenever he got hungry.
oh hungry... kill mammy
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Man arrested for abducting, sexually molesting teenage boy in car See in context
"Morinaga persuaded the boy to get into his car and drove around for about 30 minutes, during which time he allegedly sexually molested him."
sneaky, ol dirty bastard, pervert...he'll be out in while to repeat ;because no sex offender roster, like in America America now has public data bases available on such criminals too , in America he could get 10 years, and tore up and raped in a US prison; compare that.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Father arrested for inflicting brain damage on 5-month-old son See in context
IMO: He'll get a light sentence as compared to the uSA, other western countries etc, btw the prisoners are very isolated in Japan prisons, highly controlled and watched so getting beat down is unlikely. They are not allowed to talk among themselves too. If and when he gets out very few will know or have access to what he did. You gotta research JN culture and such case outcomes, among a culture that prioritizes saving face , in order to have the proper lens to view this society. Of course such crimes occur everywhere, but JN criminals are not treated like or turn out like Jeffery Epstein etc..
For a country with i.e 2020; the population of Tokyo Metropolis amounted to over 6,402 inhabitants per square kilometer, thats a hella lot of people, stress levels can be high, and much more serious if an apocalyptic event would occur.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
The quality of apples here hasn't been great the last few years here. Hope the farmers recover.
Posted in: Apple harvest threatened after heavy snow blankets Aomori
Posted in: What is your favorite chocolate brand?
Posted in: Trump makes first big foray into Ukraine diplomacy, speaking to Putin, Zelenskyy
Posted in: Why so many marriages in Japan are sexless – and what you can do about it