Japan Today

buddha4brains comments

Posted in: Protest brews over Cheney center at Univ of Wyoming See in context

Ah, but they would welcome a dedication to Che I bet!

Yeah but no one has. But if someone did, there would be protests and rightly so.

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Posted in: Out with the old See in context

Shouldn't news broadcasters stay unbiased?

Explain? Are you suggesting that someone in the media put that poster up in order to report on it? No media is without bias. The ones to be wary of are those who loudly proclaim how unbiased they are while pointing fingers.

As to this photo, well the demise of the LDP is certainly newsworthy and there is no lack of critics to heap scorn on them. For the media, this is low hanging fruit.

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Posted in: Hatoyama backs fiscal regulation; says he's not turning to socialism See in context

Capitalism is not the be all and end all of political economy. Wall St. almost bankrupted America and most of the world economy. The pro-capitalists often sound as rabid as the far left in their denouncements and delusions. Whether Japan veers towards socialism or capitalism is less of a concern as whether of not the people are being well served.

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Posted in: Mexican candidate, his wife and 2 sons killed See in context

Don't forget all the drug users and other enablers (bribed officials etc.) north of the border (yes Canada that includes you too).

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Posted in: Kennedy remembered for 'dream he kept alive' See in context

Midnightpromise actually he was charge with something. How do I know? I stopped to read a newspaper which described the incident. It is not hard to find, try the NY Times.

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Posted in: Kennedy remembered for 'dream he kept alive' See in context

WhiteHawk you got to be kidding.

The wind farm story is all about Kennedy working with Ted Stevens and other Republicans to halt construction. And you wonder why no one bothers to prove you wrong. What are you right about? That Ted Kennedy passed laws with Republicans? Perhaps that is why so many Republican leaders attended his funeral. Even GW Bush, whom I not a fan of, attended - hated his politics and policies, but I can respect his civility.

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Posted in: Kennedy remembered for 'dream he kept alive' See in context

And yet WhiteHawk he was respected on both sides. I guess American politics is just plain dirty ... can't really imagine Ted Kennedy being so self-serving and no one among his peers raising much of a fuss (Kennedy haters not included since they even condemn the air he breathed). You'd think he broke some law to be able to do all those things you allege.

Finally, did you write that yourself or did you just cut & paste someone else's idea?

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Posted in: Marie gives the lowdown on being 'half' See in context

And it's not racist. In Hawaii, hapa children are often said to be the most beautiful... a mixture of Asian and white

Is "white" a race? I always thought it was more of a race-based ideology than a race.

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Posted in: World leaders pay tribute to Kennedy See in context

No one has denied that TK had done some terrible things in his life but that is not the sum total of what he had done.

And the woe-are-we whining from some in the Right is just pathetic. As if they never heard of G. W. Bush. skipthesong a few posts back nailed the sons of privilege thing.

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Posted in: World leaders pay tribute to Kennedy See in context

A very fortunate man indeed and in deed. Very few people could have lived his life. He made serious errors in his life, but has contributed mightily to his country. The NY Times reports on Nancy Reagan talking about how RR's warm relationship with TK and her own gratitude for his support on stem cell research.

Despite the hand-wringing of some on this site, TK was not the embodiment of evil. He was a flawed man, a very lucky man, but flawed nonetheless.

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Posted in: CIA hired Blackwater contractors to try to hit al-Qaida See in context

I wonder at what point the pointy heads in the previous admin realized that they were not in a Jerry Bruckheimer film where basically anything goes if you wrap the flag around it? The rule of law is a b!tch, but it is what separates free societies from the terrorists.

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Posted in: Threats, jeers saturate angry health care debate See in context

I would have grabbed that gun right out of her cold damn hands and said "you don't deserve a gun"

Badsey that is rich. Who gave you the authority to decide which American citizen benefits from the American Constitution and who doesn't?

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Posted in: Threats, jeers saturate angry health care debate See in context

One pleasant surprise (and a welcomed one at that) is the apparent agreement on this board that things (can't call it a debate) are getting a bit much.

I tend to agree that the health care issue has become a proxy for other issues such as Obama being a black man (why else the sign wishing death to his family), sour grapes at loosing the election, or lord knows what else.

Whatever health care plan does emerge it will be flawed because the competing interests will never reconcile. If the GOP had reformed health care it would have been flawed for the same reason.

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Posted in: Yang topples Tiger in PGA Championship See in context

Did NHK 9 O'clock News skip this story? Or was it the very first story? I missed the first minute.

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Posted in: White House appears ready to drop 'public option' on health care See in context

So you guys without insurance willingly risk financial ruin if something goes awry with your health? What's there to protect you?

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Posted in: Obama reprises campaign style in health debate See in context

Badsy I have met many many Americans and many of them did not appear deficient between the ears (some did, but that's true everywhere). They also did not appear shy about standing up and making their views known. Certainly there are under-educated people in America, but with a little gumption a person can go to the library, on the internet, and learn more than what is being offered at school. Citizens from all developed countries have that same easy access to knowledge - but you gotta want to have it. In truly oppressive countries this would not be the case.

But without your health, everything else is second. Why some want to hamstring their fellow citizens over ideology is beyond me. You could have a perfect running capitalist (or socialist) system that serves no one, but the diktats of ideology. What good is that to anyone? A roof, some clothes, food on the table, health and security: if a nation can't or won't provide these basics (either actually or the means to acquire), then I fail to see the reason for the state (or any other entity that fails to provide the same i.e. insurance companies).

That there are 10s of millions of Americans without health insurance, millions more under-insured, and still more million at jobs only for the health coverage (what choice is that!) does not speak well of the United States' ability to function as a state for its people.

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Posted in: Iraqis uneasy at idea of early U.S. withdrawal See in context

techall Ask them what? Did they (the Kurds) appreciate being abandoned by Poppa Bush after being encouraged to rise up against Saddam?

Will life be better for the Kurds and all Iraqis after the US forces leave? One would hope so, but there are no guarantees.

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Posted in: Iraqis uneasy at idea of early U.S. withdrawal See in context

I guess the big question is whether or not life in Iraq will be better after the US forces leave than before they arrived to oust he-who-is-not-relevant-to-this-discussion. All fair-minded people hope the Iraqi can emerge stronger and more secure (and free) regardless of the bogus reasons for attacking Iraq in the first place.

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Posted in: Obama reprises campaign style in health debate See in context

The United States Government has been proudly Socialist since 1913 (Federal Reserve Act).

And yet in the time since 1913 America has become the world's most powerful nation economically, militarily, and culturally in the history of civilization.

Exactly how has socialism (however defined) hurt the United States?

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Posted in: You're Bob Dylan? NJ police want to see some ID See in context

He sings like crap.

Well he has never been regarded as a diva and for most of my life I could not stand him. But a few years back a colleague lent me "Blood On the Tracks" and it was beautiful, the writing, the music and eventually the voice all captured me. It is now on my TOP 10 list.

As for the hippie-hate, that was a long time ago ... let it go, most hippies have.

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Posted in: Obama reprises campaign style in health debate See in context

Oh the evils of socialism in the USA: the US military, coast guard, police, NASA, most roads & bridges, Medicare, US Post ...

You live in a fantasy world if you believe that "socialism" is not already in America. In fact your security depends on collective action, your economy depends on public roads, just like every other developed nation.

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Posted in: Obama denounces media emphasis on health care protests See in context

In Montana the population is very low compared to Chicago so of course gun crime would be low. But anyway I was taking about gun wounds, not gun crime.

Moderator: Readers, stay on topic please. This story is not about gun control.

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Posted in: Obama denounces media emphasis on health care protests See in context

cleo it boggles the mind at to how some equate world class health care to some magically transform into a benefit to the 10s of millions not insured or the millions more who are underinsured.

To say nothing of those stuck in jobs only because they would risk losing all health coverage if they changed jobs as the insurance companies pick through their medical histories for "pre-existing conditions". If this defines world class, then world class is not good enough.

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Posted in: You're Bob Dylan? NJ police want to see some ID See in context

Not everyone their generation gotta bow to an overrated dope head dinosaur like him.

Gee Bushlover who said anything about bowing to Dylan? He is someone who has been world famous for the last 5 decades. It is mildly amusing that 2 cops in his own country had no idea who he was. Mildly amusing is all ... no need for the salty talk over a trivial matter.

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Posted in: Obama denounces media emphasis on health care protests See in context

One came from Randy Rathie, who called himself “a proud NRA member,” referring to the National Rifle Association, and said he got most of his news from cable TV.

I wonder if "proud NRA members" like Mr. Rathie are concerned about how much gun wounds (accidental or otherwise) add to escalating costs of health care in America. Presumably it would be a concern, are they doing anything about it?

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Posted in: Cheney felt Bush stopped taking his advice See in context

zero terrorist attacks on the scale of 9/11 since 9/11...

and by inference Bush, Cheney and the rest should not be held accountable for their inability to protect America on 9/11 (even though that was their job). They are incredibly lucky that they have not been required to answer for their collective inaction.

Molenir you may be correct about the despising of Bush/Cheney on the Right, but silence across the board? That does not sound like a healthy free press.

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Posted in: Cheney felt Bush stopped taking his advice See in context

I think this is part of a larger effort to create a hagiography for ... George W. Bush. Bush has said a million times how history will vindicate him.

Cheney taking the role of the villain, or the biblical scapegoat, does move Bush toward vindication. Given Cheney's disdain for what other people think of him I would not be surprised if he sees this role as an honorable thank you to Bush for sharing the levers of power.

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Posted in: Rove deeply involved in U.S. attorney firings See in context

OMG I did not see that coming! Really? He assured everyone that he was not involved. What gives?

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Posted in: Angry Hillary Clinton: 'I'm secretary of state, not Bill' See in context

Much ado about nothing. I watched the exchange on BBC and she never raised her voice and answered rather matter-of-factly. How else was she to handle the question and would any other SoS or politician answer any different?

Anger? Hardly.

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Posted in: Palin says Obama's health care plan is 'evil' See in context

Almost 90 percent of new medicines on the market today - blockbuster stuff like cholesterol-lowering statins, hypertension medications, breast cancer drugs that now greatly reduce the risk of a recurrence after surgery or chemotherapy - were developed and came to market in one country. I'll let our little brain trust here guess which one.

Which is available to those who have the right kind of health insurance and certainly not available to the 10s of millions with no insurance.

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