Posted in: Noriko Sakai's university loses certification See in context
It seems like Noriko Sakai's eligibility to attend the Souzou Gakuen University, despite her previous drug using, is hurting its reputation and image. Apparently, Japan is vehemently resenting the current and former drug users and any business which is associating with them.
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Posted in: Tokyo Lightopia 2009 See in context
Beautifully glowing lanterns standing in the front of the highly contemporary buildings. The conversion of environment means money for the unidentified international investors. The international officials always tell the ordinary people how to conserve environment for a few decades, but never show them their financial/money-making schemes. Too many secrets which they possess.
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Posted in: Tiger Woods says he lets family down as affair rumors surface See in context
I am never, never a fan of this American golf player since the very first time I ever heard about him in 1990s. Wow. His true colors is finally revealing to amuse and shock the public. I am not surprised at all and keeping everything to myself.
I am heavily sympathizing with his European wife, who is probably realizing that she is marrying to a wrong guy who has a completely distinctive background and born in America. A humanistic male or female need to take into consideration when not to quickly admit a person due to his/her recognization, power, achievement, and money. Personality, similiarity, and background come first. His mistake is teaching men, including myself (despite that I am a single and unmarried man), a very valuable lesson.
He is reminding me of Noriko Sakai of Japan very much, but at a potentially worse scale: paparazzi, rapidly declination of positive reputation, advertisement withdrawal, and sponsor losses. A sex scandal is a big deal to America, as a drug scandal is to Japan.
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Posted in: Noriko Sakai goes to university See in context
I think that Noriko Sakai is secretly working for the Japanese government. Her job is similar to a secret agent (like a FBI informant in America). She is getting paid to act for the Japanese government to get more Japanese to be interested in nursing, because Japan is suffering a serious nursing shortage and not wanting to hire too many foreigners as Japan's nurses. Quite suspicious.
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Posted in: Noriko Sakai goes to university See in context
Wow! Noriko Sakai certainly looked attractive! But, unfortunately, her nice clothes could not hide her problem. It is still too difficult for her to completely escape her old habit, especially like getting off the illegal drugs which she recently used. If she is not sufficiently determined, her new self will be gradually enticed to return to her old self. Establishing a new goal will probably not be able to save her as a person with a new reputation. Fixing her mistake is a lot harder than it looks, unless she chooses a right path, such as changing her career, from high-profile acting to low-profile nursing.
Is she letting the Japanese media to keep following her until she completes her schooling and get a new job in nursing? I hope not. It is not necessary for Japan and the world to know everything about what is she doing.
Ironically, the Sun Music Production Inc is still with her, despite that the rumor indicated she was fired by her company. Why was President Masahisa Aizawa walking with Noriko Sakai, although that her path was now very different? Real-world nursing and entertainment-world acting don't mix up. Hopefully, everything she is doing is not scripted and designed to reshape Japan in a false way. Is she currently paid to be an underground/concealing actress? I am wondering.
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Posted in: Yokozuna Hakuho spends Y1 million for night in Ginza See in context
Must be interesting. It will be nice if I visit Ginza’s Naimiki-dori, although I don't drink. I will be glad to order a glass of Coke and seafood meal. Do they allow foreigners?
Maybe Hakuho is better off and happier if he is a monk who is begging for food than spending Y1 million (~$11,000) on alcohol, food, and untold things.
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Posted in: U.S. urges Japan to decide on base issue before Obama's visit See in context
The Federal Reserve, not the White House, is actually running the U.S. government. Obama is a merely representative of the U.S. government. Ben Bernanke has more power because of his finanical manipulation on our nation, that is connecting to money which we are extremely depending on. No money = no living.
The Federal-Reserve-driven U.S. government is expecting Japan to help them in advancing their military adventures in the Middle East, otherwise harassment will be incited against Japan.
The U.S. government should be constantly reminded that we the ordinary Americans, not the high-ranked officials, owns it. We are growing tired of excessive military-related issues, news, and products.
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Posted in: White-supremacist fringe party invited to take part in BBC program See in context
Sometime, people need to learn how to "deattach" themselves from things around them, as Buddhism indicates. They don't need to be attached to the racial politics and anti-racial politics. They should try to empty their minds and try to stay tranquility through meditation. A land, above vastness of ocean(s), is just a land. A color is just a color. A human is just a human. Nature is just nature.
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Posted in: White-supremacist fringe party invited to take part in BBC program See in context
Sorry. My apology. Just a bit of commonsense. Yes, my question does make a point. We are all concerned about the mainstream media's way of reporting. Biased or not? Your decision. JapanToday is a part of it, too.
Everything seems to be repeated for many decades, but slowly something is changing for better or worse, contradicting or according to someone's wish. It will - guaranteed.
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Posted in: White-supremacist fringe party invited to take part in BBC program See in context
If Japan and United Kingdom make a deal to switch all of their people, UK's 61,000,000 people will live in Japan while 120,000,000 Japanese people will move to UK.
UK people will have to learn how to read Japanese language, take care of rice fields, adopt Buddhism as their main religion, and operate the high speed trains, as Japanese people will have to get familiar with English, Christianity, and Western politics.
Then, will the mainstream media take a shot against Japanese people by writing an article entitling, “Yellow-supremacist fringe party invited to take part in BBC program”?
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Posted in: Prominent Kyoto restaurants say no to Michelin See in context
Very, very, very piggy Michelin!
A picture of him and a Japanese female:
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Posted in: Prominent Kyoto restaurants say no to Michelin See in context
Michelin needs to lose his weigh. He looks too fat and piggy!
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Posted in: Triumph of the spirit See in context
Reiko Aoyama and Hiromi Nishiuchi with their bras and briefs look better than the sexiest women, Miss World contestants, and supermodels wearing bikinis at some beaches!
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Posted in: Flower power helps keep thieves away See in context
What a strange method of distracting the potential criminals. But so interesting theory, indeed. It is helping me to think about my blank front yard twice. Unfortunately, nurturing flowers in a yard means greater responsible and burden.
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Posted in: Shiga man arrested for calling 110 number more than 12,000 times See in context
Hilarious... He is eligible for the Guinness World Records for his number of emergency calls.
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Posted in: Reporter's look at yakuza gets personal See in context
Very, very, very shameful at the United States Department of Homeland Security and the United States Department of Justice for not doing their jobs! They go to the hell!!! Too many corrupted officials working there. They are more interested in protecting the Yakuza than the ordinary Americans.
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Posted in: Reporter's look at yakuza gets personal See in context
Oh well! I am treating Tadamasa Goto (and his Japanese associates), Jake Adelstein, and some officials in the U.S. government as if they are "accomplices". Very twisting! The FBI is being messed up!
I am starting to believe that Tadamasa Goto and Jake Adelstein are actually good friends, instead of acting as real enemies. I think that Jake wrote a "Tokyo Vice" book to save himself and the Yakuza, while making the FBI to look bad. His book is developed to misguide the world.
I am assuming that Jake and Goto are partners who are both involved in criminal businesses, such as associating with underground banking (a central bank can possibly operate and function as an underground bank) and reinforcing the international criminal organizations.
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Posted in: Reporter's look at yakuza gets personal See in context
heavyweight Tadamasa Goto had sold out his own gang to the FBI in order to receive a liver transplant in the U.S. ahead of ailing American citizens
I think that this sentence is a bit confusing. I did misread it. At first, I thought that liver transparents were intended for the rich American people. But it turned out to be the four Japanese gang members, including Tadamasa Goto, who were receiving the liver transparents at UCLA. Wow. Shocking.
The FBI was willing to help him, because he was going to give them more information about the Yamaguchi-gumi front companies, Japanese gangs, and mobsters. FBI had long suspected that the Yakuza was involved in money laundering in the U.S.?
Very, very, very ludicrous and insane!!!!! Why did the U.S. government "allow" the yakuza to visit the U.S., so they could perform money laundering? Very scandalous! The U.S. government has very, very notorious reputation for allowing criminals from different countries to enter in the U.S. Then the FBI, who are the agents of the U.S. government, wants to know a bit about the foreign criminals' businesses, after they do something bad in the U.S.? So stupid and ironic! Why doesn't the FBI investigate the corrupted U.S. government in the first place?! I am greatly irked by the U.S. government's endless scandals!
I have found a much better article which explains about the Yakuza's relationship with the FBI on the liver transparents.
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Posted in: Reporter's look at yakuza gets personal See in context
According to my perception, Jake Adelstein, American himself, is considered more powerful than a Yakuza member, because he knows how to be nosy around the distant foreigners' business or maybe lie a little to boost a public's interest.
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Posted in: Reporter's look at yakuza gets personal See in context
gogogo, wish you good luck with your book. Maybe I am wasting my time discussing about the book. Sex and violence sell very well in all countries, within our planet. A lot of people, both women and men, are strongly attracted to them. They can be ubiquitously found on TV, computer games, books, and Internet. Someone, like Jake Adelstein, is smart enough to take advantage of the human race's addiction and weakness to make money for himself.
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Posted in: Reporter's look at yakuza gets personal See in context
No I'm talking about the Yakitori, hotdog, noddle, pizza vendors that have little mobile stands on the street or from their van / car. They are everywhere from shinjuku to roppongi to yoyogi park
Oh! Oh! My mistake and misunderstanding! I just mixed up stall(standing) with stroll(walking). I was wrongly implying that some people would have to pay to a street vendor, sponsored by a Yakuza organization, for walking on a certain street in a red-light district. No problem.
BuddhismTech- You live in Tennessee, right? To be honest with you, you won't learn much about crime in Japan from where you are.
Yes. You are almost right. I live in northern Alabama, the home of so many smart people. I live there almost all of my life. Well, gogogo just explained about a street vendor to me. Now, I perfectly understood. I only learned about Japanese crimes through watching many Japanese movies and checking on some Japanese mainstream-media websites, like JapanToday, News on Japan, etc.
Personally, I think that I am better off if I don't know too much about criminal organizations, from Japan to America.
Sorry, I still believe that America's criminal organizations are much more lethal. They are closely working with another country which I can't identify on JapanToday. They don't have to act aggressively and violently. I am referring them to the financial cartels who handle propaganda, financial networks, underground banking, military adventures, border opening, unstoppable drug smuggling, surveillance (from camera to Internet), corrupted bills, bailouts, job outsourcing, medical scams, global warming scams, etc . Like I mentioned previously, I really can't specifically discuss on JapanToday, otherwise it can lead to a big argument and upset someone.
I consider the Yakuza very powerful IF they know how to use the Japanese propaganda to encourage Japanese to get involved in a war and largely manage the military industries. If Japan and America "switch" criminal organizations, Japan will experience some undesirable wars in other countries and so many lies made by the mainstream media, while America is dealing with prostitution, drug, and racketeering problems which are "already well known" to America. I will say that Japan is preferring to be comfortable with the Yakuza over the American criminal organizations.
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Posted in: Reporter's look at yakuza gets personal See in context
After thinking about gogogo's report about the street vendors for a while, I believe that they are most likely to be found on the streets of Tokyo's red-light districts. Men will have to pay to walk on the sleaze and shady streets to look at tramps and possibly pretty women, from low profile to high profile. Maybe women get free passes. The street vendors must know the exact locations to make money.
certain individuals were caught coming back into Japan with surfboards full of drugs.
Very, very funny!
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Posted in: Reporter's look at yakuza gets personal See in context
street vendors... want a stall on a public street? pay up
What a hell of a way to do a business in a large Japanese city!
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Posted in: Reporter's look at yakuza gets personal See in context
Yakuza heavyweight Tadamasa Goto had sold out his own gang to the FBI in order to receive a liver transplant in the U.S. ahead of ailing American citizens
How nice. A very wonderful gift to FBI. Only to support the filthily rich people in America. I will love to see the billionaires to be eradicated in America, so the U.S. Constitution can be restored to the rightful owners: the ordinary American "citizens". Capitalism needs to modified to prevent a few special people from excessively generating money and taking advantage of the abundant profits to promote the political and self-serving causes.
I don't think that the fresh livers will do any good to them, as long as they don't know how to eat and exercise properly. My grandmother is about 92 year old and still walking and supporting by herself in her own house.
Ok, I am wondering if I can trust Jake on his Yakuza report, especially a fight to death. It sounds more like a fictitious story.
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Posted in: Reporter's look at yakuza gets personal See in context
Profile of Jake Adelstein:
Jake should not fool around the Japanese underground to make money through writing a book.
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Posted in: Reporter's look at yakuza gets personal See in context
Japanese crime gangs are much more powerful than their American counterparts
NO. The American criminal organizations are much more powerful than extremely conspicuous Yakuza and other Japanese criminal organizations, despite the small Yakuza invasion in America(especially Hawaii) and Mexico for drug, human smuggling, and prostitution operations.
The American criminal organizations are similar to Japanese criminal organizations but their works are much more advanced, versatile, subtle, evasive, and secretive. They are known to run the U.S. media (propaganda to mislead the American society), 9/11/01 plot, military in Iraq and Afganistan (heroin market), puppet installations in the U.S. government, and banking system in America (enables the illegal immigrants to open the accounts in the American banks and micro-manages the mysterious transactions without the ordinary Americans' knowledge, especially via the Federal Reserve. The "Audit the Federal Reserve" bill is already supported by 300 members of the U.S. House of Representratives).
There are even further details which I can't tell on JapanToday. Too controversial, ugly, emotional, political, complicated, and conflict, unlike Yakuza who are only interested in making fast money.
Yakuza, despite their menacing tattoos, look like the gentle kids licking lollipops if compared to the American criminal organizations. Yakuza has no power to massively deceive Japanese, send the soldiers overseas to sacrifice, smuggle all kind of illegal drugs, and build many global military bases. The American criminal organizations already did their homeworks to implement these kinds of operations. Possibly, they looted other countries to support their banking system in America. They have tight control of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. If there is anything wrong with the American banking system, it can be rescued by the central banks in other countries through the injections. They are as powerful as the Japanese emperors before Japan's defeat in the WWII.
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Posted in: Book looks at 24 years of Noriko Sakai's life See in context
First drugs. Now books. Sighing.... It sounds too coincidental and premature. Announcement of the book is already made "before" the start of Sakai's trial? Why?
Klein2 was the first JT reader who suspected about her motivation. I followed Klein2 by my instinct. It looks like Klein2 is so right, but I am uncertain if all of Sakai's incidents were staged.
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Posted in: American arrested in Fukuoka for kidnapping own kids from ex-wife See in context
Oh well, I think that it was very naive for Amy Savoie to get involved in her current husband's problem. She should stay away from his conflict with Noriko, otherwise she would look like a criminal accomplice. She is so stupid and loser!
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Posted in: American arrested in Fukuoka for kidnapping own kids from ex-wife See in context
Thanks. Seems like you are supporting Noriko. I do, too. I can't read all of so many comments in this thread but I did read every sentence of yours under my comment. Smile. A very good comment!
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People can be nice, but everybody has a breaking point
Posted in: Man who killed ex-wife in Nara coffee shop had been issued restraining order