Japan Today

Calvin Loh Kok Howe comments

Posted in: Man arrested for posting death threats against Nogizaka46 singer See in context

Disgusting loser. having to resort to violence and threats to get a girl.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: 14-year-old girl, 21-year-old man jump to their deaths from building roof See in context

When dying becomes more appealing than living, this indicates that something must be seriously wrong with the society as a whole. Has the present lifestyle in Japan cause people to lose the meaning of living in Japan? And what happened to the bond of the family, or the care and encouragement among loved ones in Japan? Is it non-existent?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan's elderly refused by many care homes due to lack of guarantors See in context

I do not say that the government should be responsible for everything, but there must be measures in place for the government to step in and help these elderly when they really need help. A government that does not care for the elderly in return should not expect the people to give their lives for the government and even the country.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Posted in: 'Pregnancy order' rule among nursery workers stirs controversy See in context

Its problems like this that convince me that the japanese government is not serious about tackling the issue of declining population. They are probably ignoring it and paying lip service, all the while intending to push the responsibility of dealing with it to the future generation of leaders. They dont care whether it is too late to rectify anything by then. I feel very sorry for whoever is forced to face the consequences in the future.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: 49-year-old man arrested for abandoning father’s corpse See in context

Very sad work culture, where family ties are no longer important. I wonder if this reflects the kind of relationships between parents and children in Japan nowadays.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Manga creators association says pirate sites could bring about collapse of Japanese culture See in context

I suspect many international readers would not have resorted to pirated sites if the mangas are translated and made available for sales outside of Japan. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Personally, i have bought some through online vendors like amazon, kobo...etc, but i feel that the translation speed for these manga is really slow.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Posted in: Russia accuses U.S. of breaking treaty over defense system sale to Japan See in context

Another hypocrite who created the problem, then accuses the victim for trying to protect himself.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Posted in: Everything metallic gone from isle after N Korean visit, caretaker says See in context

Instead of being grateful for the place of refuge , they looted it when they left. Really robbers and thieves. They deserve no pity.

15 ( +31 / -16 )

Posted in: Mentally disabled man dies after being left in car in hot weather See in context

Isn't is common sense and practice for the last person closing the door to check that no one or nothing is left inside? The inability of the staff to do something so simple seems to imply that they just quickly want to get the job done.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan's population projected to shrink 30% by 2065 See in context

The root cause is that the government is not making it easier for their own people to have children and to care for them. Wasnt there an article recently abt the severe shortage of child-care facilities in Japan? If children in general are seen as a burden rather than a joy by the society and if the nurture and care of children is given such low priority by the government, then we shdnt be surprise that Japan’s polulation will keep shrinking. And as a foreigner myself, let me say that bringing in more foreigners into japan does not solve the real problem that japan faces.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Posted in: Over 47,700 children wait-listed for daycare centers nationwide See in context

This probably explains why Japan's birth rate is declining every year. Seems that children are regarded as a burden by the society at large, and occupies one of the lowest priorities in the eyes of the government. If they are really serious about getting things right, I doubt the objections of the people can stop them from doing what needs to be done.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: China tells Japan 'negative' moves prevent improvement in ties See in context

True, Japan did make some negative motives, but the same can be said about China. To point out about other people's fault while keeping quiet about your own faults is nothing but hypocrisy. Both must make positive moves in order for the relationship to improve.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan closely monitoring China's aircraft carrier See in context

Funny someone said theres no aircraft on the china aircraft carrier. Are u sure there are no aircrafts onboard? I am not supporter of china, but lets not underestimate their capabilities.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Tokyo water parks go on code red alert after pool attacks See in context

Japan may have low crime rate on the surface, but it seems to me that there are quite a number of mentally unsound or warped people running around finding thrills in hurting others...just like those physco characters that we sometimes see in animes.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Posted in: Advice columnist shuts down mother who doesn’t want to give son permission to marry See in context

As a father, I will be glad if my daughter can respect me and come to seek advise from me and my wife concerning the man whom she will like to marry. But I will not abuse her respect for me by making unreasonable demands and objections. Children are under our care, but they are not our property. We are here to guide them in their life's decisions, not to control their lives because ultimately, everyone must be responsible for his or her own life.

Hope this mom will realize her mistake and stop hindering the son's marriage before it is too late, or else she will either destroy her son or herself. And I hope the son will be man enough to say no to his mother. Personally, I think a man who cannot say no to his mother makes a poor husband later on since he will not be able to defend his wife against his mother's unreasonable demands and interference in the marriage life.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

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