Posted in: After the Fukushima disaster, people worried about nuclear power, but they were bound to gradually forget the fear. Furthermore, the Japanese government has been trying to make the people forget, and See in context
Who's fault is that? I still worry about it.
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Posted in: Fukushima town’s sole resident speaks out in documentary See in context
It was not his father's house, but his father's little sisters' house, yes they were turned away due to radiation fears. That broke my heart. Even worse was being turned away from the Evacuation Centre...where is one supposed to go? Also, his **cousin worked for TEPCO, not his neighbor (actually he was both). Matsumura said that TEPCO employees are like brainwashed cult members, and that he couldn't believe that his own cousin lied right to the end...well with an aunt that won't let you in due to radiation fears, poor Matsumura-san doesn't seem to have a very compassionate family. All the best to him, even if he is Japan's 'irradiated champion'.
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Posted in: Man arrested over knife attack on 8-year-old girl in Yamaguchi Pref See in context
Sicko...pick on a poor little girl. 'wearing white'? Maybe a hospital worker or a nearby food processing facility?
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Posted in: Waiting for a sign See in context
Wait, since when does the Bible have 'Acts'? Does that make it a play? I thought it was more like Psalms, or, y'know, chapters and verses. Whatever, Happy Holidays one and all. Believe in whatever you want, just don't push it on me.
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Posted in: Are you going to buy an e-reader or do you already have one? See in context
Paper books. I agree with Smartacus. Call me a dinosaur as well, but the feel and yes! the smell of even a dusty old book beats an e-reader any day.
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Posted in: Kylie Minogue to tour Japan in April See in context
Ooh, I want to see her. I love Kylie!
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Posted in: Children need parental consent in many situations, such as when renting an apartment or getting a mobile phone. We need to quickly form a framework to help children be more independent. See in context
Depends on what you qualify as a 'child'. 18, sorry you're not a child anymore. The legal age here is 20 - that's pretty high, and you are still considered a child until then. At age 20 - geeze I was living on my own for 3 or 4 years already. Not for everyone, but still. In abuse situations, shouldn't 'children' be under supervised care and not shoved out 'on their own'?
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Posted in: Do you think marriage will continue to be a core social institution in the future? See in context
I can't help but notice that the VAST majority of naysayers on this thread are men. Noticeably men who have been burned someway by the dating game or by a previous marriage. Don't be so bitter guys. I'm on marriage #2 myself but couldn't be happier. I have a real partner. Oh, and if you are still looking for a happily married man, have a chat with my husband! He keeps telling me over and over again (usually when he comes home from a nomikai with other married J-men) how lucky he is to be married to me! That's a confidence booster. I would surmise that yes, it comes down to marrying the RIGHT person. None of the 'freedom' I had in my single life can even BEGIN to compare with the joys my daughter brings to me every day. Marriage isn't for everyone and it shouldn't be. It should be for people who want it, and will really give it a good go.
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Posted in: 'Naked Gun,' 'Airplane' star Leslie Nielsen dies at 84 See in context
OH no, not Leslie Nielsen. Rest in Peace fellow Canuck.
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Posted in: It’s the ice age for organized crime. They looked for new earnings in the mainstream economy, but that’s triggered a backlash. Now, some yakuza are worrying where their next meal will come from. See in context
Oh boo-hoo. The poor gangsters. Get off yer butts and get a real job like the rest of us.
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Posted in: Parents who are normally concerned should have the filtering service set up in their children's cell phones. Those who decline the service either have no interest in their offspring or do whatever the See in context
Parents should raise responsible children and not give cell phones TO said small children. What does an 8 year old need to do with a cell phone? Or, barring that, get the child-specific phones which let you only call home and/or Grandma-Grandpa. No internet allowed. There are a myriad of choices, besides a filtering program, and this 'expert' is making a blanket statement about parenting that is quite unfounded.
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Posted in: Kumi Koda wins outstanding achievement award for nails See in context
Those talons make me shudder. Should not the outstanding achievement award go to the nail salon that does her nails?
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Posted in: 'Herbivore' men misunderstand what marriage arranging parties are all about See in context
Glad I snagged one of the last 'manly' J-guys then. Over coiffed babies give me the willies.
I went to one of these 'gokons' in Uni in Japan......ugh. The guys were so freaked out by the gaijin in the mix I think some of the girls struck out. Kinda fun though. Would have been more fun if they had stopped trying to get me to go home with the 50-something year old Bucho.
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Posted in: Tokyo Kimono Week See in context
Kimonos are beautiful...wish I could afford one!
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Posted in: Man arrested for throwing used condom at woman See in context
Well said Frungy - that was what I was implying with my 'mucous membranes' post. May seem funny to some, but just imagine if he had a really nasty STD, how would you feel to get a face full of his ahem genetic material?
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Posted in: Man arrested for throwing used condom at woman See in context
Sorry, this is just sooo gross. hope it didn`t hit her in any mucous membranes....yuck!
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Posted in: If a Japanese submarine intrudes into the territorial waters of South Korea, North Korea or China, it will be bombed. Why doesn't Japan do that? See in context
Dear Lord, will someone please, PLEASE staple this man`s mouth shut? Useless, useless hateful man.
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Posted in: Two boys arrested for shooting fireworks at homeless man See in context
16 year old construction worker??? Wow.
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Posted in: My parents press me to marry and until recently I've been seriously considering that, but I thought I don't want to end up like many of my friends who despite being gay got married and have kids and w See in context
Why the hell would you want to marry someone if you are not attracted to them sexually? The guy is gay, he doesn't want to marry a woman. No one should have to live a lie. I have a gay friend here who has done the same thing - married a woman to get his father off of his back, but it doesn't really do the trick as the next question is when are you having kids? I feel bad for him that he feels that he cannot express who he really is.
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Posted in: A lot of animals that don't fit in people's lives are being killed. See in context
Pukey2 - WHERE are the animal shelters? I would love to adopt a pet, but have come up empty handed each time I ask around about an animal shelter. No one seems to have a clue.
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Posted in: Ebizo-Mao wedding gets average 18.7% viewer rating See in context
Dear god that dress is Hideous. Nice crown princess. Geeze, outta touch with reality much?
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Posted in: If a longtime expat starts offering you advice, walk the other way See in context
Certainly, there is some insight to be gained from a wizened expat entering his second decade here, or a family man with the obligatory Japanese wife and mixed-race child. - Just wow. Is this ignorant or what? What would I be then? The bitchy Western Woman with the non-obligatory Japanese husband and mixed-race child? This guy has SERIOUS sour grapes. His highlights probably look like shit as most highlights on guys do. He`s just pissed that someone called him out on it. Sorry Charisma Man, you are not a rock star.
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Posted in: Companies are facing international competition and do not have the time and resources to train new graduates. See in context
gee, then maybe they should hire people with, uh I dunno, experience?
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Posted in: Cheers See in context
Why are their shorts unbuttoned? Fine line between sexy and trashy. Personally I find these girls the latter.
Moderator: Readers, please do not insult the girls.
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Posted in: The shrinking state of Japanese salarymen's pocket money See in context
Some posters really seem hell-bent on blasting housewives or SAHMs. I was a SAHM but recently went back to work pt precisely because I wanted some pocket money of my own. I dont HAVE to work, I CHOOSE to work. I would like my daughter to see a working woman and someone who comes home and still cooks dinner. I will admit that asking my husband for money (FOR ME) was uncomfortable. I felt like a child asking for an allowance. So, once the baby was older, off to work I went. I pay for my cars gas, tax, and maintenance and my credit card as well as sundries. Plus any discretionary spending for my daughter. Not saying that what my husband and I do is right for everyone. Its right for US. Cleo has an excellent point - its no one elses buisness what married couples decide in regards to pocket money etc. A family is a unit, not a one-man (or woman) show.
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Posted in: There are many people who have traditional values and who see an important meaning in Japan's family system. See in context
Japan's koseki and juminhyo systems are outdated, disctiminatory, and broken. Fix 'em. Family unity my left foot. If your marriage isn't solid enough to endure the gasp horror of seperate surnames then your marriage wasn't very strong to begin with. All this hullabaloo over seperate names? Grow up.
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Posted in: EXILE concert tour expected to draw 1.1 million fans See in context
I don't think they do appeal to teenyboppers. I think they appeal to ahem ladies. Did they grow again? I mean, HOW many dancers do you actually need? Didn't there used to be like only 6 of them?
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Posted in: One reason for the declining marriage rate is the prevalence of so-called parasite singles, or people who prefer to remain unwed and live at home with their parents during the current economic climate See in context
Why don't parents just kick them out? They don't have to get married, this is not the 1700's where you need to be hooked up in order to leave home. Outta uni? Got a job....then out you go.
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Posted in: Television makers' expectations for 3D are high but looking at the degree of interest among consumers, there is a big gap with the enthusiasm of manufacturers. See in context
Tell me about it...who want's to watch TV with glasses on?
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Posted in: Navigating the intricacies of Japan’s gift-giving protocol See in context
Ah kirakira - it seems like you live in my neighbourhood!
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Should have got his dental work done in South Korea or Turkey. Even Thailand. What was he thinking?
Posted in: Baseball star Ohtani’s ex-interpreter sentenced to nearly 5 years in sports betting case
It's not like he needs to "test how far" they're willing to go. It's been self evident for a while…
Posted in: Trump unleashes a supercharged MAGA agenda and Republicans come aboard
Posted in: Trump administration to keep only 294 USAID staff out of over 10,000 globally, sources say