Posted in: Dante Carver mum on relationship with Vivi model See in context
Is it the dream of every women to be lied to? To be betrayed? To be disrespected? When does living in a foreign country allow an individual to leave their morals, and sense of right and wrong behind? Does being famous exempt you from being respectable and having human decency??? I have spent the last four years of my life being with this wonderful and real man DANTE CARVER, and the last year waiting for him, and overwhelm with guilt because he couldnt come back to see me in Osaka for one whole year as he was planning (banking) for our future! Oh the hurt and pain I felt finding out from a newspaper that he was with someone new, a child (as hes called her to me). Even now he denies their relationship, but I know that a womans instincts are never wrong! All i will say is that karma doesnt fare well with liers and cheaters!!
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Put the animal in a prison cell if not in a zoo because he does not belong to the human…
Posted in: Cambodian trainee to sue farm manager in Japan over repeated rapes
Posted in: Price to climb Mount Fuji will double, trail gates will close earlier if new plan is approved
Posted in: Cambodian trainee to sue farm manager in Japan over repeated rapes
You could charge ¥40 000 and muppets will still want to climb it. Close the trail if that's the end…
Posted in: Price to climb Mount Fuji will double, trail gates will close earlier if new plan is approved