Posted in: Female Osaka school clerk's pay docked over tattoos See in context
Most of the comments here are from a western viewpoint, i read on and see that whole "freedom of expression""freedom of art, "individual rights type BS... I lived and studied in Japan for 2 years, and can say that Japanese society lives in an order, it's either you ARE japanese or you're NOT japanese, simple. As a foreigner, i feel like I've adapted much to the culture, I say "leave them be". You simply can't mix freedom and culture. Example, look at the middle east for comparison.
Societal view, in Asian countries tattoos have a bad connotation because it derived prison time. Criminals. Moreover, Japanese culture is a "collectivistic culture" (look it up in your sociology textbook" as opposed to the western "individualistic culture".
Psychological view; Humans are herd animals, we conform. As for the sayings that goes like "be yourself" "forget what others think" are arrogant quotes that people blindly follows. Of course, have dignity and integrity. Applying this to Japanese culture, a person with tattoos or anything irregular will be singled out, this is called the "black sheep phenomenon"
-6 ( +0 / -6 )
Posted in: Japan revises teaching manuals, says disputed islands its territory See in context
Here's a historians pov, and no people here probably won't like hearing this as this is Japanese news source. nonetheless, i would hear responses.
1) Japan did not even have her own name for Diaoyu Islands before 1921, Japan had been following China to call the islands Diaoyu Islands for 800 years until 1921, 20+ years after defeating China, Japan decided to change the name to Senkaku Islands, named by the British.
2) Japan never dared claim Diaoyu Islands until they defeated China in 1895 and claimed the Diaoyu Islands in 1896. If Japan had not believed that Diaoyu Islands belonging to China, Japan did not need to claim the Diaoyu Islands only after defeating China.
3) Japan was granted the administrative right over Diaoyu Island, not an owner of Diaoyu Islands. Japan is the same as a property managing company which responsible to maintain the property in good order, such as collecting trash etc. Although, in reality, the USA did not and does not have any right to grant even the administrative right of Chinese territory to any countries without China's permission.
4) China can produce a lot of historical evidences to prove that Diaoyu Islands have been belonging to China since the 13th Century, but Japan could produce zero pre-1885 historical evidence to support her claim. If Diaoyu Islands did belong to Japan, why is Japan unable to produce pre-1885 evidence to support her claim ?
5) As for now, the USA is using her military superiority to force China to stop getting back the Diaoyu Islands. The act of the USA is against the truth and damaging her own integrity. Regardless, this situation will end very soon.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: U.S. Pacific forces chief concerned over Japan-China tension See in context
Abe is just taking this matter and trying to make it seem bigger than it actually is. listen to his speeches, most are hyperboles type speeches. So, If you look for shit, you're gonna smell it. Throw this guy out of office.
-7 ( +3 / -10 )
Posted in: Foreign men sound off on difficulties of having a Japanese wife See in context
One word; human capital. This explains why the japanese women go for the foreigner men, she up in class. While interracial marriages boomed in the 1970s and 80s in the US, a survey was conducted by a Stanford. Conclusion; minority women dates a white man, she gains class. When a minority man dates a white woman, HE gains class while she lowers a bit.
-9 ( +1 / -10 )
Posted in: Japan warns of unpredictable events over China's new air zone See in context
I understand that this is so the sides are bit shifted. But can anybody comment on what lead up to this, history of this status quo, etc? I had posted the same comment, but was removed today, so here; relate and reply to this. Researching is at your disposal.
1) Japan did not even have her own name for Diaoyu Islands before 1921, Japan had been following China to call the islands Diaoyu Islands for 800 years until 1921, 20+ years after defeating China, Japan decided to change the name to Senkaku Islands, named by the British.
2) Japan never dared claim Diaoyu Islands until they defeated China in 1895 and claimed the Diaoyu Islands in 1896. If Japan had not believed that Diaoyu Islands belonging to China, Japan did not need to claim the Diaoyu Islands only after defeating China.
3) Japan was granted the administrative right over Diaoyu Island, not an owner of Diaoyu Islands. Japan is the same as a property managing company which responsible to maintain the property in good order, such as collecting trash etc. Although, in reality, the USA did not and does not have any right to grant even the administrative right of Chinese territory to any countries without China's permission.
4) China can produce a lot of historical evidences to prove that Diaoyu Islands have been belonging to China since the 13th Century, but Japan could produce zero pre-1885 historical evidence to support her claim. If Diaoyu Islands did belong to Japan, why is Japan unable to produce pre-1885 evidence to support her claim ?
5) As for now, the USA is using her military superiority to force China to stop getting back the Diaoyu Islands. The act of the USA is against the truth and damaging her own integrity. Regardless, this situation will end very soon.
-5 ( +3 / -8 )
Posted in: U.S. vows to defend Japan after China announces new air zone See in context
1) Japan did not even have her own name for Diaoyu Islands before 1921, Japan had been following China to call the islands Diaoyu Islands for 800 years until 1921, 20+ years after defeating China, Japan decided to change the name to Senkaku Islands, named by the British.
2) Japan never dared claim Diaoyu Islands until they defeated China in 1895 and claimed the Diaoyu Islands in 1896. If Japan had not believed that Diaoyu Islands belonging to China, Japan did not need to claim the Diaoyu Islands only after defeating China.
3) Japan was granted the administrative right over Diaoyu Island, not an owner of Diaoyu Islands. Japan is the same as a property managing company which responsible to maintain the property in good order, such as collecting trash etc. Although, in reality, the USA did not and does not have any right to grant even the administrative right of Chinese territory to any countries without China's permission.
4) China can produce a lot of historical evidences to prove that Diaoyu Islands have been belonging to China since the 13th Century, but Japan could produce zero pre-1885 historical evidence to support her claim. If Diaoyu Islands did belong to Japan, why is Japan unable to produce pre-1885 evidence to support her claim ?
5) As for now, the USA is using her military superiority to force China to stop getting back the Diaoyu Islands. The act of the USA is against the truth and damaging her own integrity. Regardless, this situation will end very soon.
-20 ( +13 / -33 )
Posted in: Is Japan really racist? See in context
I don't think it's entirely japanese, but just culture within that region, korea, china etc... I'm korean american, and when I studied in Tokyo last year, most of my friend's were non-japanese, and although my American friend who spoke very well japanese (JLPT2) was not approached, instead they approached me simply because I looked more "like them", my japanese is okay, not good. Same thing with passing pamphlets, the only pass to me, not my friends. The longer I was there the more I more I realized that that it's either you "ARE" japanese or you're "NOT" japanese. Even thought I look somewhat like Japanese, I was still considered gaijin. Now, applying a bit psychology to it, I don't unfair for them to be like that, they're proud to be japanese ranging from economic and industrial accomplishments throughout the previous decades. The word "racism" has a bad connotation, it's heard as bad word, but.. it's in every industrialized city; Eastern Europe beat foreigners, sometimes even killing them. South America, looks upon you in you're Asian descent, even in Scandinavia...people the middle east are criticized for taking jobs, heck in america segregation existed only around a few decades ago. My point is, Japan isn't nearly as bad compared to elsewhere. Lastly, I recall at the moment for the word, but it's explains the phenomenon, why some cultures are like this, the comparative example from the textbook was: Child-A plays by the playground, he doesn't want to be bothered, he built his toys and amenities around him with a bit of effort and time, then the teacher(society, UN) forces him to play with Child-B(outside people) when in reality he doesn't want share to but accepts the teacher policy because the authority sets the norm... My personal opinion; you can't change evolution overnight, beneath our mammalian brian, lies a primate brian, and under that the reptilian instincts, so it's the two lower layers that makes up the brain at the first place, so the mammalian brian thinks "equality". Primate brain says "yes, but personal gain first". Reptilian brain says, "survival instincts first". see the dilemma? Brain polarity changes aren't overnight, evolution is slow, wait folks.
-6 ( +0 / -6 )
Posted in: Gov't to honor Chinese student who rescued drowning boy in Osaka See in context
@tokyo-star I'm guessing probably not. I live in America and I watch CNN and read other news in Asia all the time, I haven't read or came across this story at all.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: N Korean leader Kim slams U.S.-S Korea-Japan partnership and vows to boost his nuclear program
Posted in: Saudi Arabia to showcase kingdom's transformation at Osaka Expo 2025
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall
Posted in: 70-year-old woman arrested after strangling man in his 40s