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Posted in: Mitsubishi Heavy to fight nuclear plant negligence claim in California See in context

Quick review:

Edison is now suing MHI for building the replacement steam generators to their specifications!

MHI is saying that it is not their fault since SCE in-house CA licensed engineers signed off on their design as meeting their requirements.

If SCE and MHI cannot agree upon a settlement, it will go to arbitration by a third party all done behind closed doors!

Left unsaid in the above article is the fact that the US NRC can exert enormous pressure on either or both parties since both want to continue to do business in the USA and therefore cannot ignore direction from the NRC, who wants to get this nuclear engineering debacle behind them ASAP, because the NRC also got much egg on its face because of this debacle because of their regulatory oversight failure!

I look for a settlement of about $200 Million between SCE and MHI. Then SCE will ask the CPUC to accept that amount as full payment in order to settle their ongoing San Onofre Investigation. This will be their first low-ball offer to the CPUC, since SCE (and its partners SDG&E who owns 20% and Riverside County who owns 2%) may be on the hook for well over $3+ Billion.

===> A suggestion for a future article is a listing of just what SCE/MHI may be asked to repay ratepayers should the CPUC actually agree with all the public advocates and find SCE at fault; I know that sounds unlikely but remember the CPUC itself is now being investigated by the Feds for their own San Bruno Debacle* so anything is possible!


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Posted in: Nuclear power only option despite Fukushima: industry See in context

German TV: Armageddon if Spent Fuel Pool No. 4 collapses and melts down — Could change the world — Most likely consequence is that reactors 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 get out of control — Interview with nuclear engineer (VIDEO) http://enenews.com/?p=28996 snip

My personal concern is the fourth reactor block.

The building has been strongly damaged by the earthquake.

There are approximately 1300 spent fuel rods in the cooling pond on level four. In the level above newer rods are stored as well as a lot of heavy machinery. This is all very, very heavy.

If another earthquake occurs then the building could collapse and another chain reaction could very likely occur.

Narrator: So, a meltdown under the free sky which would be the end of Japan as we know it today.

The radiation would be direct deadly.

The work on the ground would be totally impossible.

The most likely consequence is that reactors 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 get out of control.


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Posted in: Nuclear power only option despite Fukushima: industry See in context

Watch Interviewer: Do you believe Tepco is ready to run nuclear plants? — Tepco after 20 seconds of total silence: “That is a difficult question” http://enenews.com/?p=29022

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Posted in: Japan, Canada to launch free trade talks See in context

I hope this not a push for more Japanese nuclear reactors in Canada! Canada cannot afford a Trillion Dollar Eco-Disaster like Fukushima!

Canada does have tha land mass that could generate clean Solar (of all flavors) electricity, which could then be used to disassociate water into oxygen and hydrogen gas, which could then be made into liquid hydrogen (LH) and shipped to Japan to power their generators...

Japan is already considering doing this in Argentina and Australia, and Canada is much closer!

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Posted in: Nursing exam rules for foreigners to be relaxed in response to low pass rate See in context

Very soon computers will be able to provide the translation of what folks are saying in real time, then all this will be a "thing of the past" because with tele-Med someone somewhere else can interact with the patient and then tell the onsite caregiver what needs to be done...

Why not develop that system now and then use it to help patients ASAP...

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Posted in: Nursing exam rules for foreigners to be relaxed in response to low pass rate See in context

I bet many of these new non Japanese folks will be hired to work in Fukushima, because the Japanese people will not want to get the radiation exposure their especially since most of these folks will be women...

I believe that many new foreigners will be hired to work in the North since all the Japanese that can afford not to, will live and or work where it is safer!

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Posted in: Japan ready to shoot down N Korean rocket, if necessary See in context

Maybe someone could post the "cost" of shooting down the NK rocket...

How much money will be spent by the Japanese and is it a good idea to waste it?

If the NK get their International food allotment REDUCED by the total cost of "protecting" Japan's airspace, perhaps NK will think twice before they launch the missile off, (which could be sold instead) and get less food for their people BECAUSE OF THEIR rocketry program...

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Posted in: Japan ready to shoot down N Korean rocket, if necessary See in context

I believe that this is yet another Japanese MSM ploy to shift the growing discussion away from shutting down all the nuclear reactors in Japan, which the Government is trying not to do because of the relationship between the UTILITY GANGS and those in Government that monitor them...

If the Japanese Gov't. want to worry about some thing how about telling US where all the radioactive materials are that are now missing from Fukushima; how much has been stolen and or sold to terrorists for use in "dirty bombs"?

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Posted in: Nuclear power only option despite Fukushima: industry See in context

Well connected GANGS are making a killing off these radioactive waste projects and they stand to make the most money from the Trillion Dollar Eco-Disaster at Fukushima; this will enable them to "RUN" Japan as never before!

No wonder the Japanese people are powerless to stop these GANGS from doing whatever they want... How many Politicians will benefit from this Nuclear dirty money?

Supporting Nuclear just enables their Gang controlled Utilities...

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Posted in: Nuclear power only option despite Fukushima: industry See in context

No wonder folks are protesting Nuclear Benefits of Solar (of all flavors): ✔ Less costly to build ✔ ZERO RISK OF A MELTDOWN ✔ No Trillion Dollar Eco-Disasters ✔ Faster to construct ✔ CLEAN from start to finsh. ✔ No radiation worries or leaks ✔ No foreign dependency ✔ Prices dropping yearly ✔ Creates green jobs ✔ No nuclear cleanup expenses

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Posted in: Nuclear power only option despite Fukushima: industry See in context

This is the **Nuclear Fascism*** at work...

These Governments are ONLY pushing nuclear in order to protect their own nuclear industries instead of doing what is best for ALL the people on the Planet, which is to go Solar in a big way ASAP!

Fukushima PROVED that Nature can destroy any land based nuclear reactor, any place anytime 24/7/365! How will these Governments pay for yet more meltdowns?

What about the effects on Climate Change caused by the radionuclides that were released from Fukushima, most of which are NEVER mentioned in MSM http://is.gd/fzc4Wu and why are all climate scientists not speaking up about them unless they have been told not to? http://wp.me/p21p6a-7DE

*Nuclear Fascism http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=nuclear+fascism

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Posted in: TEPCO’s liability to Japan See in context

Japan is now being ruled by those in Nuclear Denial*; instead of by TRUE Leaders that demand an end to the Trillion Dollar Eco-Disast­er RISK that Nuclear poses to mankind!

How would Japan pay for yet another Fukushima, remember Nature does not follow design basis calculations or even engineering RISK formulas… How low can the PM Bow?

The nuclear industry is fighting tooth and nail to maintain it’s market share; yet NOW Solar (of all flavors) is far less costly to construct, faster to construct and carries with it N☢ Nuclear radioactiv­e baggage that can kill a Countries economy and or those living nearby!

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Posted in: TEPCO’s liability to Japan See in context

Remember of all the groups, the Yakuza will probably profit the most from the 40 to 100 year clean up as the Japanese spend Many Hundreds of Billions of YEN...

I think of Fukushima as a GIGANTIC MAKE WORK PROJECT for them!

They will end up running Japan, growing stronger than ever before...

I also think future generations will look at what is happening in Japan as a perfect example of a Government using Science to condem its citizens to an unhealthy future in order to make money for those that control the Government!

TEPCO is now engaged in a Health War not only against the Japanese People but all those living on Earth, downwind from Fukushima!

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Posted in: Concern about aging reactors grows See in context

@Rick Kisa BTW: California only has two reactors and there is now a big movement to shut both down because they are not only dangerous but their capacity is not required since there are other safer ways to get the Energy!

Here are links to two that will be coming on line very soon that will provide 24/7 Energy from Solar: http://www.solarreserve.com/technology.html and http://is.gd/hwzA8b

Japan has many choices available if ONLY their Utilities will release their death-grip on their distribution grid.

One method is to build solar farms some place like Argentina or Australia and then use the electricity to produce clean burning Hydrogen that can then be shipped to Japan; at least until Energy from Space become a reality...

Japan should RACE Germany toward a clean future instead of continue to use Nuclear because the Utilities want to make money and retain their market share!

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Posted in: Concern about aging reactors grows See in context

I just finished reading "Japan's Tipping Point" by Mark Pendergras­t which is now available as either a paperback or as an ebook! He won an Abe Fellowship for Journalist­s, (an annual grant given to selected writers who then spend six weeks in Japan); he arrived two months after 3/11 visiting their Eco-Model Cities and interviewe­d many of Japan's Eco "Leaders" both in Government and in the private sector.

===>One thing I learned is that Japan's utilities own their electrical GRID and therefore are the only ones that can "approve" of any forms of energy accessing it! If Japan is to "kick" their Nuclear reactor habit, the Utilities will have to OK that decision, which means a reduction in both Control and Market share for them! snip "I discovered­, however, that the real power in Japan lies with bureaucrat­s who have strong ties to big business. They outlast the politician­s. The Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) is the most powerful bureaucrac­y, with a large budget at its disposal."

==> Another thing I learned is that Northern Japan has a different form of alternatin­g current than Southern Japan so that Energy cannot be easily shared Nationwide­! This is yet another roadblock to low cost energy that the Utilities promote to protect their market share in Japan! snip "Each of the regional utilities jealously guards its borders, so that there is limited cooperatio­n between them. Transmissi­on lines are not large enough to allow power to flow easily between regions. Worse still, the northeaste­rn half of Japan uses a 50 hertz frequency, while the southwest operates at 60 hertz, making it impossible to share power between them without huge transforme­rs."

This to me, is the real "Tipping Point", since without a "up to date" modern (Think SMART) grid energy cannot flow to where it is needed, when it is needed, at a fair price from where it is generated! Imagine installing new solar panels and the Energy produced is not allowed to be added to the grid because the Utility wants to only sell it's own energy!

Because Nature has PROVEN in Fukushima, that it can destroy any land based nuclear reactor, any place anytime 24/7/365; now is the time for the Japanese to demand real Change in the way that their Country "deals" with Energy; both in generation and distribution! Until that happens the Japanese people will remain slaves to the Nuclear Fascist* and others, that now Control their lives and are dragging Japan's economy downward!

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Posted in: New fission suspected at Fukushima nuclear plant See in context

Christina O'Neill, You are welcome, the whole idea is to get information that is up to date and accurite then share it whith as many folks as possible! Another source is Huffington Post, just search for "Japan Reactor" or start here and follow your star: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/30/japan-earthquake-2011-gov_n_989682.html

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Posted in: New fission suspected at Fukushima nuclear plant See in context

Zichi Thanks, If you find any links to the Geology please post them for me! BTW: If you have not yet read the book Colonies In Space (1977) by T. A. Heppenheimer, you are in for a treat!

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Posted in: New fission suspected at Fukushima nuclear plant See in context

Paul Arenson Great comment, I hope that ever more Japanese people wake up before any more problems make their lives less healthy! Let me say that this awakening is also happening in other Countries as their citizens also start asking their leaders why they are not be honest and or forthcoming!

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Posted in: New fission suspected at Fukushima nuclear plant See in context

Here is what I located about the Steel Barrier: http://forum.gloresis.com/2011/09/01/groundwater-around-fukushima-nuke-plant-to-be-prot/

Any one have any updates?

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Posted in: New fission suspected at Fukushima nuclear plant See in context

Zichi I would love to get a link (in English) for the Geology of the Fukushima Complex! Since 3/11, I've read that the site was lowered before construction, that there are many faults or cracks in the rock below it and even that there is "landfill" directly under the Complex... I still think (and I have not been on site) that radioactive water is leaking and or flowing below ground into the Pacific Ocean in huge quantities which to me means that there are ground water issues that we know nothing about! I've even suggested many months ago that they close off the seawall and pump it out, to reduce hydraulic pressure under the complex!

The only reason that this has not been done is that I believe that TEPCO would like to restart #5 and or #6 sometime in the future and they want to keep their options open, which is putting their entire Complex at risk because an uncontrollable radioactive steam venting could make the entire Complex highly radioactive, (then what?), not to mention the global pollution implications!

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Posted in: New fission suspected at Fukushima nuclear plant See in context

pawatan MSM at least in America has NOT been following Fukushima and or the pollution that has been coming from it! Even today, what is happening is not one the top stories! Even HuffingtonPost has not started a new page and folks are continuing to update this "old" page from 30 Sept: (with 2,500+ comments) Japan Earthquake 2011: Government Lifts Some Evacuation Notices Near Damaged Nuclear Plant http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/30/japan-earthquake-2011-gov_n_989682.html

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Posted in: New fission suspected at Fukushima nuclear plant See in context

Another concern I have is that while they are constructing the "dam" to prevent radioactive water from leeching or flowing into the Pacific Ocean what are they doing to prevent the Corium(s) from contacting the ground water immediately below the reactor(s) "basemat" which is the only thing between the Soil below the complex? I is very important to prevent the hot Corium from contacting water because of the radioactive steam that will result!

Because of the close proximity of the Pacific Ocean and the ground water under the Reactor Complex this is THE most feared interaction and we need to get an update on what TEPCO is doing to make sure that this cannot happen! A venting of radioactive steam, once started will make access to the entire Complex much harder if not impossible and as everyone knows there is decades of work to be done!

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Posted in: New fission suspected at Fukushima nuclear plant See in context

pawatan The use of "Cold Shut Down" and the information black out has been used to keep Fukushima off the Main Stream Media (MSM) radar, that is why I call them on it... We have heard too many times since 3/11 that everything is under control when in effect the Japanese are dealing with an entirely new phase of Nuclear Physics that is not in any way being totally controlled under laboratory conditions!

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Posted in: New fission suspected at Fukushima nuclear plant See in context

Like Zichi, I also have learned much since 3/11 and what has surprised me the most is the way in which TEPCO can control the flow of information that affects the entire Country of Japan and the rest of the World! Everyone that has been following the meltdowns, melt-thru or what ever label is used has been very concerned with ground water contact with the molten corium that now exists below what used to be the reactor pressure vessels.

Until TEPCO and the Japanese Gov't. start releasing DATA that is factual and not massaged, everyone has cause to be very concerned, especially since TEPCO's tract record for sharing info and or "gaming" the info it does share!

As many of us have been saying for a very long time TEPCO's myth of "Cold Shutdown" is now going to make them look Un-Profess­ional to the rest of the World!

In this case TEPCO's use of "Cold Shutdown" does not mean that the reactor is safe and everything is "Normal"...

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Posted in: TEPCO asks for reported Y1 tril aid for Fukushima See in context

Zichi I believe that if Japan put ¥1 into Clean Green Solar for each ¥1 spent on decontamination, then in 20 years they would recover each ¥1 dollar spent by selling their Green Tech globally, (like Germany is planning on doing), unless another nuclear disaster happens within that 20 years...

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Posted in: Gov't announces plan to store radioactive soil in Fukushima See in context

zichi When do you think the decision will be made on how to move forward? When you refer to "the Operation" is that "just" decontamination ... or does that include ALL costs of what I refer to as part of ... Japan's Trillion Dollar Eco-Disaster?

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Posted in: TEPCO asks for reported Y1 tril aid for Fukushima See in context

Zichi So how did you ge the image to show up instead of the pattern? If TEPCO got privatized then the new Board of Directors could hire new management and then work for the Japanese People instead of themselves which has become the case... In America there is a saying, "A new broom sweeps clean"... I'd be interested to learn what the Japanese People think will be the total coat of this Trillion Dollar Eco-Disaster; my guess is a Trillion Dollars US by the time everything is "done" decades from now! Good Luck

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Posted in: Gov't announces plan to store radioactive soil in Fukushima See in context

SZichi Why should Japan get to dump all their Nuclear Waste into the Ocean? What would Japan think about other Countries dumping their waste into the ocean near Japan? Leave the entire area off limits and accept the fact that radioactive pollution is going to be a major health problem for a long while in the Fukushima area! + To the Editors, I'm sorry for all of my posts that you determined to be "off Topic"and were remeoved!

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Posted in: TEPCO asks for reported Y1 tril aid for Fukushima See in context

Zichi (Good Comment)

How did you add your image, which is very cool! TEPCO should be forced to sell itself to the Japanese People as part payment for the Trillion Dollar Eco-Disaster. Then the Japanese People could then hire and fire new upper management that would then work to make the NEW Company (SEPCO or Safe Electric Power Company) a profitable Energy Company which should become "Solarized" (Non-Nuclear) ASAP in order to prevent yet another Trillion Dollar Eco-Disaster in the near future! I want to make it clear that I am not Japanese but wish them well in their current situation; one that could have happened anywhere, thanks to Nature!

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Posted in: TEPCO asks for reported Y1 tril aid for Fukushima See in context

What will determine the true total cost of this "Trillion Dollar" Eco-Disast­er?

Please feel free to add your comments and or estimates to this list:  Decommissi­oning costs  Loss to all other radioactiv­e decontamin­ation caused by this Disaster.  Loss of revenues by Tepco  Loss to TEPCO's share holders caused by radioactiv­ity  Loss of Japanese personal income caused by radioactiv­ity  Loss to Japanese businesses caused by radioactiv­ity  Loss of all Japanese health costs related to radioactiv­ity  Loss due to unusable Japanese Land related to radioactiv­ity  Loss due to Japanese housing caused by radioactiv­ity  Loss of Japanese Property Values caused by radioactiv­ity  Loss of fishing grounds caused by radioactiv­ity  Loss of manufactur­ing caused by radioactiv­ity  Loss to the value of the Yen caused by radioactiv­ity  Loss to other Utilities caused by Fukushima'­s radioactiv­ity  Loss to Japans credit rating caused by Fukushima'­s radioactiv­ity  Loss to the Japanese peoples Lives because of radiation

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