Japan Today

caribjustice comments

Posted in: Adult fun See in context

Congratulations! Reflect on where you have been and where you need to go!

netminder wrote:

First day as an adult or last day as a child? I am confused.

@netminder. Both at the same time!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Rugged up See in context

Very interesting that the board is reading negative values as green and positive as red...I would expect the drop in value to be negative and the rise positive.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Mexican visit See in context

I hope the visit strengthens ties.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Celebrity hack puts focus on Internet 'cloud' See in context

A fundamental point that folks need to keep in mind with Cloud technologies is that you are trusting another entity to store and safeguard your data. Whether it be grandma's cookie recipe or yes even naked photos. As much as possible folks should keep personal items on their own systems. If it leaves a machine that is not under your control then you run the risk of your data being compromised.

Like it or not if you deposit money in a bank you are trusting that bank to safeguard your money. Perhaps if cloud storage had an insurance system that compensated you for your loss it may be an option but in the case of banks the FDIC is a government created entity that insures the amount of money you put in up to 150K or 250K.

But even that is a stretch to far and I don't want the government getting into insuring what "personal" data means to its citizens.

Bottom line is that with companies that offer cloud storage, there is no insurance (or assurance for that matter) if your data is lost or stolen.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Should naked photo hacking be considered a sex crime? See in context

A fundamental point that folks need to keep in mind with Cloud technologies is that you are trusting another entity to store and safeguard your data. Whether it be grandma's cookie recipe or yes even naked photos. As much as possible folks should keep personal items on their own systems. If it leaves a machine that is not under your control then you run the risk of your data being compromised.

Like it or not if you deposit money in a bank you are trusting that bank to safeguard your money. Perhaps if cloud storage had an insurance system that compensated you for your loss it may be an option but in the case of banks the FDIC is a government created entity that insures the amount of money you put in up to 150K or 250K.

But even that is a stretch to far and I don't want the government getting into insuring what "personal" data means to its citizens.

Bottom line is that with companies that offer cloud storage, there is no insurance (or assurance for that matter) if your data is lost or stolen.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Is smoking pot harmless? See in context

Seems like the jury is still out on the long-term effects of pot on the human body. So, for those that can exercise control when smoking or under its influence then I would say the result would be "yes" its harmless. For those that are a danger to themselves and others I would say "no" it it is not harmless.

Does it impair thinking while it is smoked and for a time while its in the body? Answer is yes. Does it have other physiological effects on the body? Answer is yes. Potential for rapid heartrate and increased blood pressure (among other conditions) are not "harmless" physiologically for an overweight, unhealthy person.

Overall though for a healthy individual who can exert self control those conditions won't cause permanent damage.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: Rough start See in context

A picture is worth 1000 words, isn't it? They certainly are not telling him, "I love your officiating!"

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Obokata to retract one stem cell paper See in context

I'm not getting the swirl on this...She (and her team) apparently used photos that were not of the actual experiment in some of the reports. That's the drama part of this whole thing and frankly is not of major interest to me. The part of interest to me is the scientific point of this whole event. She stands by the fundamental results of her experiment. The science part is whether her research is accurate or not. Hold a conference (doesn't have to be media there but make sure other scientists are there) and replicate the experiment under the conditions that she says is needed....After that, everyone can see if it worked or didn't work...

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Institute rejects stem cell research scientist's appeal See in context

I'm very much interested if she was able to recreate her own results post paper release or was this a one time result?

I'm just wondering what her motivation would be to subject herself to such scrutiny if she didn't believe her results to be accurate. I just don't think it was malicious on her part. Horrible application of the scientific method? Yes.

There are many questions, like what happened to the STAP cells produced by the test(s)? Where are the 'control' set of cells? Has a comparison been done since between them? What was the verification and validation procedure to ensure testing accuracy? Was there contamination?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Disney adding Marvel heroes to 'Infinity' game See in context

This is great! I bought Infinity for my daughters who play it often. They have the Frozen characters and the one from Tangled. I wouldn't mind getting a Capt America figure to join them at times!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Specter of racism still haunts U.S. sports See in context

I don't think a truly racist man would spend decades involved in a sport dominated by Black players. Nor would the NAACP feel compelled to nominate him for a Lifetime Achievement Award.

A truly racist man feels that his race is superior and other races are inferior. In this case Sterling a White Jew feels that Black people are inferior. This feeling can manifest itself in many ways. Some want no association with the race they consider inferior. Others like in Sterling's case can associate so long as they remain in a position they consider superior.

This in no way means that all White Jews consider Black people inferior but it does give some an opportunity to focus on other issues like the fact that the girl tapped his private comments or that he shouldn't be punished for private thoughts.

A better question to me is why would a man who had EVERYTHING. Billions of dollars and not a want in the world be so focused on what his "friends" thought wrt to his girlfriend associating with Black people. And why this distaste for a group that brought him so much wealth?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: S Korea to ask Japan, China to watch for ferry bodies See in context

Under a very tragic circumstance, this sad event allows these three parties to put aside their differences to help recover the dead

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Osaka to host all-star concert on International Jazz Day See in context

I think its great that the Jazz festival is getting such good press!! A wonderful example of how Japanese do in fact open themselves to external cultures.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Jackson outburst shows problems with 'other' faces See in context

@falseflagsteve: It's important to watch the video before making sarcastic comments about "poor black people" Sam Jackson was busting the guy's chops. Your sarcasm says directly about how you feel about blacks if some of them complain about something.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Do you think fad diets are effective in helping to lose weight? See in context

BertieWooster is spot on. Allow the definition of the word to speak for itself.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: China's UK envoy compares Japanese militarism to Voldemort See in context

Time and time again, Abe has demonstrated that he is willing to be insensitive to the perception of Japan's neighbors.

I wonder what the perception would be if a high level official gave a heartfelt apology and the government decided to move those 14 indicted war criminals to another location? The digging up of the bodies "disturbing the site of the criminal dead" would be a huge sign that Japan was serious about separating the war dead and those who were indicted as criminals and would act as a symbol to divorce Japan's past role as a brutal aggressor from its current need to express sincere sorrow for that aggression.

On the other hand comparing Japan to Voldemort is certainly not helpful and my concern is that there is a constant cry from within China that Japan can do no good and that Japan has never expressed apologies.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: 80% of 'black companies' guilty of illegal business practices, survey finds See in context

@inkarob, It has to do with "suspected" vs. actual wrong doing. What they are saying is that 80% of the companies suspected of wrongdoing are actually engaging in illegal activities. Many suspect it is more including those companies not considered black companies.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Sony unveils Avengers-style expansion of Spider-Man franchise See in context

Its unfortunate that characters who are strong allies in fictional Marvel universe are pitted against each other for corporate and profit reasons. So it looks like a Spider-Man is unlikely to show up for an Avengers cameo or vice versa. Captain America and Spider-Man are two of my favorite heroes. I'd love to see them both on the big screen some day.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Jaded Serena Williams withdraws from Pan Pacific Open See in context

Hmmm, I wonder why the reporter chose "jaded" Serena...? Granted jaded can mean overworked...etc. but it also has a negative connotation of being cynical because she felt slighted. Nothing in the story suggest she has a lack of interest in playing in the Pan Pacific Open. The reporter could have chosen a better adjective. Fatigued, exhausted, weary, drained are probably more appropriate words, IMHO.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: In memory See in context

May they rest in piece. I wonder though why even in such a great tragedy that affected all on the ground, we have to mourn separately.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Aso retracts Nazi remarks amid criticism See in context

Good grief with this guy. Its like he's deliberately giving fodder to China and Korea. What gives?

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Posted in: Man United touches down See in context

Interesting how he's really giving the fans wide berth.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Chinese ask: Why doesn’t Japan hate America for dropping the A-bombs? See in context

By Chinese raising this question, it may be an opportunity for them to examine their own attitudes toward Japan.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Do you think the U.S. operation to monitor Internet users and phone calls is necessary for national security? See in context

How the heck did you know about that... @ PeaceWarrior: Funny!

@PapaSmurf: You had me until the liberal/conservative crap. As if only conservatives want security for the country via tapping electronic communication.

The issue isn't catching and preventing the terrorists from acting! I can't imagine anyone but the terrorists being concerned about that. The issue is for folks who have serious disagreements with government actions and voice it. If those same folks take action to voice their disagreement and go further to try to legally stop government activities for which they disagree, an administration can attempt to characterize their activities as anti-government. For example, if it were possible for someone to organize a country-wide boycott of banking and investing in the NYSE. Such an act would be considered very harmful if you have millions of people doing it. Such a rabble-rouser could be seen as attempting to cause serious harm to the government. Which a boycott of the banking system would do because the financial sector would be hit hard. With social media, such a person could reach millions very easily and if enough like minded folks sign on it could be trouble.

I understand the need for electronic surveillance. I'm just uncomfortable with a government potentially using the exercise of free speech to characterize it as anti-government especially with potentially millions being able to sign on to a act virtually instantaneously.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: S Korean media slam Abe's 731 jet photo See in context

So I think, I get the link (huge stretch to me but let's go with it)...731 (number of trainer) to Unit 731 that committed atrocities.

Fact is Unit 731 committed horrible acts of barbarism and treated their captives as non-human. No excuse for Japanese acts during WWII. To Koreans and Chinese, remember though that those Japanese are dead and the Japanese today are not doing those acts. Japan was sorely defeated with 2 atomic bombs that killed many civilians, singeing the flesh off of bones due to the intense heat, radiation poisoning, children born with horrible mutations, etc. Not trying to draw an equivalency here but to the victims of Japanese aggression no amount of revenge or retribution can atone for what those Japanese did but the reality that is hard to accept is that the Japanese who did those things were defeated.

In today's world, what matters is, did Abe's handlers pick that plane number on purpose? If they did, gross insensitivity and a refusal to be serious about the atrocities their ancestors committed.

If it was not on purpose, what is the solution to not offend Korea and China? From now on do the Japanese SDF have to count ....729, 730, 732,...?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Do you believe there are still Japanese abductees alive in North Korea? See in context

Likewise, no 'I couldn't care less' option.... Who cares about others in that boat, so long as you are not, huh? Belief yes or no is one thing but complete indifference to those who have been abducted?

I erred on yes because they have admitted of kidnapping cases. But "I don't know" would have been better.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Global PC units in the first quarter fell by 14%. Will PCs soon be obsolete? See in context

depends on what "soon" means. PCs in a commercial form have been around more or less since 1975. Will they be obsolete in another 40 years or so? I can see a new graphical UI with another more efficient input UI being on the market within 40 yrs. I'd say yes. I can't write code on a tablet like I can on my laptop for example. They may still be around but I won't "need" one to do my day to day SW computer tasks like I do now.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Birds and blossoms See in context

Nice shot!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Robot suit gets global safety certificate See in context

Wow, one can get a suit for less than a gaming computer and multiplies strength by up to a factor of 10. I'd like to see a demonstration of an able bodied person running and jumping. Very powerful applications of this technology can be imagined in the near term!

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Posted in: Rescued by monks See in context

This article was heartwarming. Although I do agree with the warnings others have posted, the fact that the writer was able to experience an innocent encounter that left him rejuvenated was just the uplifting story I needed today. I may pay a visit to Chokai-san International Zendo on my next trip to Japan. Thanks!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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