Posted in: Gov't to pull out of ¥60 bil wind power project off Fukushima See in context
Very good that they have come to a decision. To meet the climate change nuclear is the best solution.
As you can find out renewables are just a wet dream that doesn´t effect the climate change at all, The Germany have built a lot of renewables but the result is hardly no elimination of CO2-exhaust.
Fukushimas actual radioactive exhaust yeardoses of 120 mSv. An astronaut joining the Mars lander will reciep a yeardos of 360 mSv and that will increase the risk for lungcancer with 3 percent. The Chernobyl where the animals and flowers have returned will have yeardoses of 800 mSv and 200 persons do still live in restricted area. A 90 years man do live fit for life.
The total radioactive waste in Sweden represents 6 000 cubic metres while three wind power plants with 90 metre long wings will have a volyme of 90 cubic metre. 300 Wind powers will therefore have 50 percent more waste than the radioactive waste. The waste will never become without risk for your health. The epoxi do have a great risk of cancer.
Smoking will increase the risk for lungcancer with 1 500 percent. You ought to have restricted area around every smooker.
If nuclear in Sweden have to de constructed as effect of accidents anywhere in the world wind power ought to be constructed in same way. That is circumstances anywhere in the world must be taken care of by constructing wind power. No operation ackomodation will be allowed without this changes of construction.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Gov't to pull out of ¥60 bil wind power project off Fukushima See in context
The bubble is bursting. Wind power do need a huge amount of raw material and with a short lifelength you could burn fossil fuel with less CO2 exhaust. We have just been told a lie.
Do watch the video "planet of the humans"
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: 65% of Fukushima evacuees have no intention of returning home: survey See in context
As they were raptured with their rots from places they have been living for a long time. The evacuation wasn´t according to British nuclear experts not necessary based on the radiation. The risk for lung cancer 1 percent while an astronaut following the Mars lander during one year do increase the risk for lung cancer with 3 percent. Smoking do increase the risk with 1 500 percent.
When they now becoming comfortable at their new site they wouldn´t wish to be raptured once again specific as the service and society duty do not function at their original site.
Death of people as effect of the evacuation should be avoided if no evacuation at all had happened. Their were a huge traumatic stress that they live under and wouldn´t happened. A better solution had to be an evacuation during a specific time and then moving back.
Nuclear have killed 41 persons as effect of the disaster in Chernobyl. 28 imediately and three persons within seven days plus ten children as effect of lack of ionide.
Compare that with 166 persons killed worldwide in accident of Wind Power (2016). What is the most dangerous?
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Tsunami-hit Onagawa nuclear reactor gets OK to restart See in context
As the increased risk for lungcancer is just one percent while smoking do increase the risk with 1 500 percent. Smoking is quite more risky. The three accidents just resulted in about 40 deaths compare to Wind Power killing 166 persons worldwide in year 2016. One single year results in more deaths than during the nuclear operation so far and probably the future accidents will have less impact on the environment than reacent years.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: JR Central to delay planned start in 2027 of maglev train service See in context
Really pity as the delay will mean a lot of missing income during the delay time. This is a question for the goverment.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Bullet trains, expressways, airports deserted ahead of Golden Week See in context
UV-light may kill virus and bachteria. Plus spraying of desinfection.
-11 ( +6 / -17 )
Posted in: Criticism of Japan's coal policy raising climate awareness at home: Koizumi See in context
Quite correctly. Windmills and Solar panel is a very expensive source for electric energy. It demand much more raw material. Senseable is nuclear the most suitable source for electric energy and electric effect.
The radioactivity in Fukushima corresponds to a group of six persons. Each one have an internal radioactive level of 20 mSv.
The risk for lungcancer do increase with just one single percent compared with smoking 1 500 percent. Even passive smoking do increase the risk for lung cancer.
Coal burning beside of the clima effect do result in healthy problem for everyone in the surrounding and will also kill a lot of people.
In just one single year for a lot of years ago 166 people were killed in accidents in connection with the windmill industry. This means a lot more than what the nuclear power plant have killed totally.
200 persons do also live within restricted area in Chernobyl. A man there is now in an age of 90 years and is very healthy. The animals as well as flowers etc have returned to Chernobyl.
The radioactive value there is 800 mSv or four times the natural background radioactivity in crowded areas in India.
Summary with all problem with every source of electricity my suggestion is that nuclear is the most effective source with relatively low risk in combination with accidents. The Facit show that the problem out of nuclear accidents haven´t become such a result than estimated. The hight of the walls were proposed to be eleven metre. Such height had resulted in no accident at all with nuclear power.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: At climate talks, Koizumi confronts critics over coal See in context
The relative risk with nuclear meaning that the radiation from Fukushima is lower than the background radiation in India in heavely populated areas is 200 mSv versus 120 mSv in Fukushima and this will represent an increased risk for lungcancer with one percent while smoking do mean 1 500 percent.
Compared with coal burning this will effect in a lot of healthy risks as well as deadly exposure out of dust from coal power plants. A deadly killing that ought to be avoided and compare with that the nuclear is to prefere.
Renewable of cource but neither Sweden nor Germany have got any CO2-exhaust reduction in high degree so for to reduce that nuclear is a much better tool in the long run.
Brittish experts say re the evacuation of Fukushima were not needable. What about water power that killed 10 000 people in Japan. Why not scrapp this too. Look at the problem in a senceble way.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan to keep pushing coal in developing world despite criticism See in context
Sweden have expanded the renewable but have minimum effect of CO2-exhaust while they have 98 percent fossil free exhaust as effect of building nuclear plants in combination with water power plants. Nuclear is an effective tool to reduce CO2-echaust so why not use that. The radiation from Fukushima is lower than the background radiation in densely populated areas in India and the risk for lungcancer out of Fukushima will be one single percent while smoking will be 1 500 percent.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan to keep pushing coal in developing world despite criticism See in context
Nuclear power is more healthier than coal power. So restart the nuclear plants.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: 3 workers sustain burns while inspecting maglev train See in context
Reply to DMC27. The Maglev train has quite lower maintenance cost and almost no wearing and tearing compare to ordinary wheel on rail high speed train. Have wheels upto 160 kph which will then becom fold in similar to an aeroplane.
Do not need the widespread maintenance tasks as Shinkansen.
Summary the ticket price ought to be lower for the maglev train.
The Germa/Chinese maglev train Transrapid is cheaper to build and maintain in 500 kph or 600 kph than an HSR (High Speed Rail) in 250 kph meaning that if you can afford a 250 kph ticket the maglev ticket will be lower.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: At Fukushima plant, a million-ton headache: radioactive water See in context
Why don´t you accept correct news. What I mean is that as much correct news you do know the better decision you will take. As more objectiv views of a matter the better the result will be even if it not is in coordination with your initial thought.
Of cource nuclear power have it´s problem but don´t base the decision good or not good on fake news.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: At Fukushima plant, a million-ton headache: radioactive water See in context
I tried to copy a fact sheet re nuclear power.
The radiation from Fukushima to the Atmospheric is 10 - 30 PBq petaBequarel and direct 3 - 30 pBq.
In the ocean there are Uranium with a radiation of 37 000 PBq Thirtyseven tausend PBq and Potassium--40 with a radiation of 15 000 000 PBq that is 15 million PBq. That is the wast water have very low impact mixed by Uranium and Potassium.
Look at the situation in a sensible wiew. Everything alive do exhaust radiativety and a group of four persons do represent a radiation equal to the exhaust of Three Mile Island. The City center of Tokyo do have high level of radiation as effect of crowded streets.
Prior they scared common people with explosion in the car engine, the police etc and were also going with a red flag in front of the cars. Today they have fake news about the radiactive exhaust from nuclear.
Instead of attacking the civil nuclear power do turn you towards the military use of nuclear weapon. One percent reduction of military weapon have more effect than to close down all nuclear power plants.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Disputing Koizumi, new industry minister calls no-nuclear power policy 'unrealistic' See in context
That are more people killed from windpower worldwide than from nuclear.
In total a bit more than 40 persons have been killed by nuclear while in one single year 166 persons were killed worldwide.
In oceans there is potassium-40 with a radiation level of 15 million PBq (PentaBequarel) and Tritium from Fukushima do have the radiation level of 30 PBq. Their you see the difference so the wast water will do a extremely low impact of the natural radiation in the sea.
For to do a correct decision the relatively risk have to be considered based on fact and nothing else.
Earlier ordinary man was scared by explosions in the car engine. Don´t look at the nuclear as a gost.
-5 ( +0 / -5 )
Posted in: Disputing Koizumi, new industry minister calls no-nuclear power policy 'unrealistic' See in context
There are risks for radiation from Tritium but we have to look at the relatively risk. As example Potassum-40 då have 15 000 000 pBq per unit while Fukushima do have 30 pBq so even all the wast water do impact the water guality do a relatively low degree.
First you have to inform youself by real fact and not see the gost as soon as speaking of nuclear. As you can see the radiation is much more higher in connection with nuclear weapon and this was what happened in the Nevada desert when US did testing of above ground of atomic weapon,
Pity it´s not possible to import the document in question. I may see if I can got other solutions for that.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: Nuclear regulator to re-investigate Fukushima nuclear disaster See in context
In Sweden they have shooten rain deer before the Chernobyl disaster with higher radiation than recommended.
In the 60th the background radiation were higher as effect of overground explosion of nuclear weapon in the Nevada desert in US. After that the world background radiation have decreased.
You may also at the positive side or radiation as it is used for treatment of cancers worldwide. Low level radiation may also have a vaccination effect. More studies about that ought to be performed,
The higheast background radiation in Sweden quite more than in Fukushima have also the higheast life length.
So the reality is more complex than only to avoid radiation. Yourself have an internal radiation which means that a group of four persons do have as heavy radiation level as the Harrisburg.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: TEPCO will have to dump radioactive Fukushima water into Pacific, minister says See in context
If the radiation is lower than the normal background radiation I don´t see why this would be so dangerous. Normally they dump the water from nuclear plants so why not now. The radioactive dose from Fukushima is yeardoses of 120 mSv which increase the risk for lungcancer with one percent while smoking do increase it with 1 500 percent. 200 mSv yeardose was earlier allowed for workers in nuclear plant. This is the natural exposure from crowded area in India. Never visit countries aboard before accurate detection of each contries normal background radiation. Even at flight the radiation is indicated with Geigermessuring device. With no detection on several places within a nuclear plant,
The dangereness in connection with nuclear have to be considered in a realistic way.
You are radioactive yourself so the exhaust from Harrisburg correspond to the exposure of four persons. What are you afraid of. Everything alive is radioactive and probably low dose radiation have an vaccination effect.
Areas in Sweden with higheast background radiation have also the longeast life length and treating cancer you do it with radiation. More people will be alive as effect of radiation than them that will be killed.
-3 ( +5 / -8 )
Posted in: Can Tokyo's efficient rail system handle Olympic strain? See in context
Really do hope that the Chuo-Shinkansen for a shorter distance can come inte operation to a bit release the traffic jam.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Abe visits Fukushima to check areas affected by 2011 nuclear disaster See in context
Zichi thank you
I found an article that compare the radiation from coal versus nuclear.
The committee said that while exposure levels are very low, the coal cycle contributed more than half of the total radiation dose to the global population from electricity generation. The nuclear fuel cycle, it said, contributed less than one-fifth of this. The collective dose for coal generating technologies is 670-1400 man Sieverts, depending on the age of the power plant, while that of nuclear is 130 man Sv. This is followed by geothermal at 5-160 man SV, natural gas at 55 man Sv and oil at 0.03 man Sv.
UNSCEAR also evaluated radiation exposure per unit of electricity generated, using 2010 as a reference year for comparison. The committee concluded that the values for coal and nuclear are about the same in the short term: 0.7-1.4 man Sv per GWe for coal and 0.43 man Sv/GWe for nuclear.
Zichi I have also an article in Swedish re the exposure of an astronaut following the Mars-Lander. The yeardose there will be 220 - 350 mSv increasing the risk for lungcancer with 3 percent while smoking do increase the risk with 1 500 percent. I´m not sure if I can copy the article in question. Are you able to translate to english.
A coal power plant of 2 500 MW do have the same radiation exhaust during normal condition equal to Harrisburg after the accident. This radiation is equal to a group of four persons. Yourselfe do have an internal radiation to 1/4 of the radiation from Harrisburg.
The common sence is that we are very afraid of radiation from nuclear but not from coal.
The radiation level in deer shoten before the Chernobyl disaster do have higher radiation value than the recalculated limits.
Every industrial activity do have risks but if nuclear can improve the airquality that will be a good result.
If we can electrify the whole transport sector cars, buses, trucks, lorries, ships, aeroplane and convert blast furnace from coal to hydrogen and this by using nuclear we will reduce energy consumption with two third.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Abe visits Fukushima to check areas affected by 2011 nuclear disaster See in context
A worker in a nuclear plant was earlier allowed for a yeardose of 200 mSv but the limit were reduced to 20 mSv. May Wechselmann and Gösta Elmquist measured the radiation level at the worst exposed areas in Fukushima and registrated that the radiation were five to six times the new radiation limit. That is 120 mSv.
The background radiation in crowded area in India is also 200 mSv.
The evacuation of areas around Fukushima were a result of the Tsunami and earth quake. Like the British experts no evacuation were needed as effect of the radiation.
The explosion were caused by the hydrogen exhaust. More modern reactors have filter for that to avoid explosion and why therefor discussing hydrogen cars at all.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Abe visits Fukushima to check areas affected by 2011 nuclear disaster See in context
The radiation from Fukushima yeardoses of 120 mSv do increase the risk for lungcancer with 1 percent while smoking do increase it with 1 500 percent. British experts do questionised the evacaution at all.
In India crowded areas do have yeardoses of 200 mSv and if you do a flight a Geiger-measuring device do react continouesly while inside a nuclear plant no reaction in many cases. If you are afraid of radiation then do not flight ever.
Like Harrisburg the outdoor radiation were equal to a group of four persons as every single person do have an inside radiation.
An astronaut following the Mars-lander will be affected by a yearly radiation dose of 350 mSv which according to the University in Kiev that developed the measuring device which followed the Mars-lander. According to them the risk for lungcancer will increase to 3 percent.
What I mean is that we have to look at the nuclear risk in a sensible way comparing with the risks we have in combination with other industrial processes.
By get rid of coal burning plants for electric generation the health effect will be even better than to not use nuclear for civil production. Instead try to mimize nuclear weapon production which is quite more unnecessary.
To reduce nuclear weapon with 1 percent the result will be more effective than to remove all civil nuclear production.
-14 ( +1 / -15 )
Posted in: Gov't to lift evacuation order in town hosting Fukushima nuclear plant See in context
Replay to Zichi. 8 to 10 mikroSievert pro day gives 3.65 mSv pro year while the limit value is 20 mSv. Prior a nuclear worker were admitted for 200 mSv and this is the actual background value in highly populated areas in India.
The radiation level onboard a flight is higher than indoor the nuclear plant in most cases. A geiger measuring device don´t registrate anything while xontinously on a flight
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Gov't to lift evacuation order in town hosting Fukushima nuclear plant See in context
The risk for lung cancer is 1 to 2 percent while smoking increase the risk to 1 500 percent.
The yeardose is 120 mSv that can be compared to crowded populated areas in India with a background radiation level of 200 mSv. British experts do recognise the radiation level in Fukushima not needable for evacuation. People that were evacuated were affected by higher psycical stress than if they haven´t been evacuated. Tearing up with their rots for to start a completely new life in another area plus the scare for radiation from other surrounding people were not fare to them.
In Sweden deers were shoten before the Chernobyl accident with increased radiation values and the background radiation where higher in the sixties as effect of above ground atomic vapen research in the Nevada desert in US.
The radiation from Harrisburgh after the accident were comparable with a group of people of four to five persons.
As you probable know all human activity do mean radioactivity. You self have a radiation of 20 mRem or 7 000 Bequarel and the Harrisburg do have 80 mRem. A doctor handling with Tomographi do have a yearly dose of
5 000 mRem and a person smoking 20 cigarettes a day 35 000 mRmem. Everything according to hospital physiker in Eskilstuna.
We must have a realistic view of the dangerousness of radioactivity so we can compare it with the risks in other areas.
Windpower do killed 166 persons in just one single year while the civil nuclear plants have killed 50 persons in total and mainly that from the Chernobyl which were a military plant. All security were disconnected and when they tried to reconnect it it was not possible. Mostly of civil plants do reduce the effect while risk of overheating while the Chernobyl were the opposite.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Ex-TEPCO execs make final plea for acquittal over Fukushima nuclear crisis See in context
The wanted to build a quite higher wall according to the plans but that were not allowed when the got the building allowence.
This was of cource an accident which also resulting in damage of a water power station with 10 000 killings. But this is not much speaking of. The buildings that were destroyed as effect of the Tsunami so the people have to be evacuated. Why wasn´t the buildings stable enough to withstand the Tsunami.
Everything in the society were hardly destroyed but why would just the nuclear plant have to be built to withstand the Tsunami when nothing else is.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Tohoku reconstruction to continue beyond FY2020 under new body See in context
Open minded Yes I read this article too. I think they have a hidden agenda which they not speak of. Al the time they speak about the nuclear disaster and now they try to even sat the evacuation as a result of that. The earth quake and tsunami that destroy a lot of houses with result that the inhabitants have to evacuate. This has nothing to do with the radiation at all. Brittish specialists investigate the disaster and based on the radiation noone have to be evacuated. Noone was killed.
That means Tepco wasn´t responsible for the damaging of the houses and the radiation level still will give lower lungcancerrisk than smoking and even passiv suchone do result in lungcancer.
That 10 000 people was killed as effect of damaging of a water power station isn´t hardly mentioned. What can we read out between the row. Still as I see it an antinuclear propaganda.
If the Fukushima has had hydrogenfilter like Swedish plants no explosion have been the result. Why in that case implement hydrogen gas driven cars.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Global coal phase-out raises viability questions about Japanese plants See in context
Without nuclear we can´t handle the future energy requirement. Renewable is a very expensive way for electrical production. Wind power do kill more people than nuclear ever has and never will do.
In Tjernobyl 28 was killed immediately while further 3 persons within seven days plus 10 children in Leukemi and 1 000 can live be lifelong medicination. Harrisburg and Fukushima noone killed. Compare that to 166 persons killed worldwide in Wind Power accidents. Even the requirement for raw material is higher re renewable plus that you never can estimate the energy production from wind power. One thing is the highly dependence on the speed of the wind. By 12 m/s a 3 MW plant do produce close to 3 MW but by 5 m/s just about 220 kW.
The radioactivity from Fukushima yeardoses of 120 mSv do increase the risk for lungcancer with 1 -2 percent while smoking increase it to 1 500 percent. You have areas in high density populated areas in India with a background radioactivity of 200 mSv quite more than Fukushima. Brittish expert have defined the evacuation unnessecary and the evacuated people was exposed for higher mental stress than if they haven´t been evacuated.
Af course that is risk with nuclear but it ought to be handled in a sensible way like IPCC says that this is a risk we can handle.
Coal do kill enormues amount of humans and the health risk is quite high.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: Gov't threatens to cut solar power subsidies See in context
Perhaps the solar power is effective in the private case but nothing for a country´s main electrical production. In Sweden they install in the final end 10 MW solar power and speaking about replacing nuclear. This 10 MW installed effect although giving just a fortune real effect to the net represents just one promille of the installed nuclear power. Where is the overview from the solar bransch. Do they really beleave that solar power could replace nuclear if so they haven´t any overview at all.
Like the solar bransch investigation and development is also ongoing in the nuclear bransch. Sofar build gen III+ avvaiting for gen IV and Thorium-reactors. This have an ability to save our climate while solar power
The radiation from Fukushima is lower than the natural radiation in Norway. The risk for lungcancer will increase to between one and two percent while an astronaut following the Mars Lander is exposed for a radiation level increasing the lungcancerrisk to three percent. Smoking do increase with 1 500 percent.
Summary. The air quality by means of nuclear and electric cars can become improved much more and giving less unhealthy effect than as it is today.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: High court rejects bid to shut down Shikoku Electric reactor See in context
Nuclear is the best electric energy distribution method. As IPCC says nuclear do have it´s risk but that is risk we can live with. I base it at two fundamental reasons.
Evacuated Norwegian persons from Fukushima with direct flight landed in higher radiation level in Norway. Should we evacuate Norway too? The radiation level in Tokyo shopping center is higher than in Fukushima. Should we evacuate there?
An astronaut following the Mars Lander will be exposed for a radiation level during one year of about two to three times that of Fukushima (yeardose). According to the University in Kiev that developed the measuring device said the risk for lungcancer will increase to 2-3 percent. The Fukushima radiation increase the risk for lungcancer based on this statement to 1-2 percent.
Active smooking do increase the risk to 1 500 percent and even passive smooking is not healthy.
As well as other risks it has to be meat at a senseable level.
With this as a background can you tolerate the nuclears relatively danger or not. Wind Power worldwide do kill more people yearly than the nuclear do have during its all lifelength.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan's nuclear industry growing, but slower than government hoped See in context
The real truth about the Fukushima disaster was that the Norwegian that was evacuated from Fukushima by extra flight do landed in higher radiation in Norway.
If you want less Japanese people killed than the Wind Power is not actual as quite more are killed every year worldwide than the nuclear has so far since the start of operation.
Just one single year the Wind Power killed 166 persons worldwide during one single year and the nuclear has killed 40 - 50 persons totally.
Try to lift your mind and find out that nuclear is much secure than Wind Power ever. Why not install SMR-reactors Small Modular Reactors of about 300 MW each.
The radiation from Fukushima represents an increased lungcancerrisk of 1 to 2 percent while smoking do increase it with 1 500 percent.
If you install nuclear than you reach to ability to electrify the whole transport sector and thereby reach a quite higher quality and less polution towards the air. And newer nuclear plants are more secure than the existing although just the Chernobyl a military plant do result in death with no death out of civil plants.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Japan rejects U.N. call to stop returns to Fukushima See in context
Norwegean were evacuated from Fukushima with direct flight to Norway. One of the main problem was that the radiation level in Norway were higher. Shall we evacuate the whole Norway? What do you suggest. Even the radiation level in the city of Tokyos Shopping center is higher. The same their should we evacuate Tokyo?
4 ( +6 / -2 )
I will be watching the Puppy-Bowl.
Posted in: Trump, Swift join Super Bowl party as Chiefs chase 'three-peat'
Posted in: Trump pressure to boost Japan defense spending could strain alliance
Posted in: Trump pressure to boost Japan defense spending could strain alliance
Japan is already preparing for war.
Posted in: Trump pressure to boost Japan defense spending could strain alliance