Japan Today

CAW comments

Posted in: Blinken to Taliban: Any legitimacy 'will have to be earned' See in context

Well he can always threaten with a red line

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: U.S. airstrike targets Islamic State member in Afghanistan See in context

Why would Biden order an execution drone strike with his own US citizens still trapped there within easy reach of the terrorists? Guess whats going to happen now as Isis k are very willing to die. This political optic was very poorly timed one has to really question the leadership in that administration.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Posted in: Organizers defend Bach's return to Tokyo for Paralympics See in context

Its very curious how Dr. Omi chose a national televised platform to criticize Mr Bach on his simple re-entry to Japan to honor the efforts and accomplishments of the handicapped world athletes. Last year Dr Omi stated that a vaccine for covid was impossible to produce in one year. His recommendations caused the very slow vaccination rollout and the continuing mutation of the variant putting the over 50% unvaccinated population at extreme risk. Don’t like the IOC? Fine and dandy but thats not the issue for Dr. Omi. , rather a deflection from the major hurt thats coming in the next couple of months and to reduce his own culpability.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: Toyota halts donations to Republican objectors to Biden's win See in context

Putting aside the hate analysis and objectively observing the situation in the US election system there was a massive four year effort to impeach an elected president that involved a level of deceit and fact manipulation by the media and political opposition.

This in itself creates the question "was it a fair election?"

Joseph Goebbels: On the "Big Lie". "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Posted in: Petition to cancel Tokyo Olympics submitted to Koike See in context

Are we talking about the same doctor union that is holding up the vaccination effort because of

the foreign made vaccine?

Wouldn't it be a better situation all around if the Japan vaccination rate was 75% at least by June?

Can we reasonably assume that 99.8% of athletes and "authorised foreigners" allowed entry into Japan for the Olympic period will be vaccinated?

So where exactly is the risk ?

It appears that the Japanese Medical bureaucracy by targeting the Olympics is deflecting from the real issue,

the lack of vaccinations.

Another example of planet Japan moving on its own fixed xenophobic elliptical path similar to the 1930's

and the Japanese population paying for it big time.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

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