Japan Today

Cecilia Gonzales comments

Posted in: Solitary seniors who seek soul mates descend into stalking See in context

Oh my, even I have been approached many times for those ojiichan, and I usually follow the conversation to a healthy and safe degree.. Sometimes I checked they wanted to approach more so I said, Well I have to go! but other times, I used to get gentle smiles.. I even got to know my Tennis oji chan sensei in that way! He just approached to me for helping me with my tennis, and I became good! Most of Japanese stalkers, are just humans sick of loneliness that want to try the direct approach and don't give up on it.

I just hate the way they are all classified as sick or dangerous.. when they are mostly searching for acceptation and human love.. Grrr so upsetting..

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Posted in: Bieber is latest child star to battle public fall See in context

In Japan any agency would have finished their contract with Justin. Here the good example is the priority. But in USA they can't do anything because money is the priority.

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Posted in: Japanese woman reporter shot dead in Syria's Aleppo See in context

It's really sad. We are just citizens, but there should be anything we can do to show our concern about what is happening in Syria, what makes me really feel pain, is to know that there are every days children dying, or innocent people that is not really related to that, and by the hands of their own government.. If it was our case, and our presidents started killing our people, we would be begin for the help of the developed countries, to stop this.. But maybe we are part of those powerful countries that only watch and does not do anything.. Feeling sad for that does not help.. there would be something to do

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Posted in: Anti-nuclear candidate loses Yamaguchi governor election See in context

France proves that cheap, safe nuclear power can be done... which I guess is why anti-nuclear activists prefer to ignore it. If the anti-nuclear activists really cared about safety and the health of Japan, society and economy, instead of calling for the end of nuclear power, they would call for the Japanese government to copy the French policies on nuclear power.> The case in France can not be compared with Japan's case. Because the risk is not in the different policies about nuclear power, the risk is in the seismology of Japan and it's geomorphology. Japanese soils are full of faults, and in some cases this faults have not being activated yet, so even if they place reactors wherever, it is possible there is a non discovered fault near.. in France they doesn't have these problems. So Japaneses are being optimistic on thinking they can predict the seismic behaviour on construction sites, but thats not true, they now about the small possibilities of an earthquake that surpass the considered earthquake at the moment of the design of the reactor's structures. Even like that they continue.. I am civil engineer studying about isolation in Japan, so Iam concerned about the risks the are not considering in that decision.. isolation is thought as a solution but there is always the worst case of faults activation.. so Nuclear power should not being used in Japan.

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Posted in: Fukushima nuclear plant still vulnerable, says director See in context

This is terrible, but as long as they dont tell the true about the reactor condition and its real effects, everything is just speculation.. I think whatever is happening they are working so hard to prevent it get worse.. so in this cases normal people -that cant help- with a excess of information its so dangerous for the sake of the survivors..

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Posted in: Ohio shooter says he chose victims at random See in context

What is easier to cut? Illegal guns, or games that teach children how to kill and enjoy that? It is correct, guns doesn't kil, people does. So even without guns they can use whatever as long as there are games, blody movies, etc that corrupt children minds making look funny what is evil.. so that should be illegal for them.

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