Japan Today

cees.loppersum comments

Posted in: New fences installed at Mount Fuji photo spot to curb jaywalking See in context

There is one sign near the station pointing the way to Mt Fuji. On the way back there’s one sign indicating the way to the station. I got lost, walking around for more than an hour. I tried to ask people for directions. They either didn’t bother to stop or if they did they didn’t know or didn’t understand my question: Station please? All street signs are in Japanese. At Lawson a friendly shop person called a taxi.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Posted in: 3 dead, 2 wounded in shooting at Wisconsin tavern See in context

There's people explaining the Law, the rules, the mortality rate, the rising incidents and the "fact" that something must be done.


Change the 2nd or umpteenth amendment?

The fact is there are 400.000.000 arms in that country. They need to be taken away, all of them, and destroyed. There's one guy here saying if he could he would buy. Even in Japan, if I'm correct. What will he do with that weapon? Does he already have target(s)?

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Posted in: Grief hasn't subsided for some survivors of tsunami See in context

My Japanese sister in law had lived in the Netherlands over 40 years at the time of the earthquake. As soon as she could she travelled to Tokyo to make plans with her friends on how to provide help in the affected area. She ended up going 3 years in a row. Defying the risks of (too high) radiation. Cancer killed her, 6 years and 11 treatments later.

These stories bring tears to my eyes. For the survivors, their loved ones and for my sister in law Kimiko. She was a courageous woman and I thank her for sharing her strength and motivation with me, who took care of her house and beautiful garden when she was away. Helping.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Gilead prices COVID-19 drug remdesivir at $2,340 per patient in developed nations See in context

and this is just the price for the course. add to that the price for treatment. two friends were nose-swabbed at the same hospital: open paid $119 the other got a bill for over $6,500. so, with the US topping the world list of covid infections, it is clear how this is going to pan out. Gilead will hit the jackpot, the (rich) patients will suffer to a lesser degree and the majority won't be able to afford it. what rip-off!

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Posted in: Biden clinches Democratic nomination for 2020 race against Trump See in context

To concerned citizen: How do you know, if I may ask. You should be concerned, however. About your own mental health!. You one of the people to parrot drivel about Biden? You like the dictator in the WH, enveloped in a shroud of racism, better?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Electronic seals gaining attention as teleworking spreads See in context

You can already do that with Adobe Acrobat (and a lot more) for a long time. They make sure it is safe.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump spoke privately about ending Japan defense treaty, Bloomberg reports See in context

I wonder why not more Americans are coming to Japan. It is a lot safer country than the United States of Trump.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Posted in: Woman arrested for leaving father with Alzheimer’s at expressway parking area See in context

maybe it is just a case of (hereditary) alzheimer

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Mosque on wheels See in context

Who ordered / paid for this vehicle? And where is it supposed to go after the Olympics?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Japanese novelist Murakami to host radio show See in context

Wow! I really hope that this one-time show gets translated for those of us who love his books but cannot understand/speak Japanese.

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Posted in: Toyota talk See in context

In a sea of men, I count 2 (two) women. Maybe high technology? Low, or almost no, emancipation!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese maestro Ozawa in hospital with cardiac issues See in context

In the Netherlands Maestro Ozawa's recordings can be heard almost daily on classical radio. E.g. yesterday with a beautiful registration of a Bach cantata. May Maestro Ozawa's treatment be successful and his recovery quick.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

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