Japan Today

Chantella Jackson comments

Posted in: Ayumi Hamasaki marries UCLA med student See in context

omgosh, my favorite singer in the entire universe. :) I'm not gonna say anything negative obviously. I hope she is happy(which I'm sure she is) Been listening to her since before junior high, I hope she does well.

16 ( +18 / -2 )

Posted in: Do you think suicide is an honorable way to atone for a crime or scandal? See in context

Suicide in general I won't judge people on. I've been there, as many other people have, when you have SO much hurt that THAT is the only way to be freed from it all. In that situation it is NOT cowardly because you have to be unafraid of death to do so. But when talking about killing yourself to escape punishment for a crime, it's wrong because you're just taking the easy way out so you won't have to suffer. Especially when they've done things to harm others, because it's not fair that they can escape and leave their victims here to suffer the aftermath of what they've done.(I know I'm probably gonna get yelled at for saying all that, but that's how I feel and what I know is true.)

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: M6.7 earthquake hits north of Okinawa See in context

Oh man, I hope everyone there is doing okay. According to this post there aren't any reports of injuries, hopefully it stays that way and no one gets hurt. <3

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: S Korean president warns Japan over war sex slavery apology review See in context

@tyvtgo1US: I think being raped repeatedly by a bunch of soldiers is very "disrespectful" too. Everyone is commenting against them without even thinking about the fact that they were RAPED REPEATEDLY. ANYBODY would be upset after that!!!

11 ( +15 / -4 )

Posted in: S Korean president warns Japan over war sex slavery apology review See in context

Might get downvoted for this(or the comment might get deleted) but oh well. but I just hope this gets resolved. I know how it feels to be forced into that kind of slavery. I understand how upset they are because this is VERY touchy for people who go through this and then have to have the whole world form opinions about you just because you want justice, most of those people having NEVER ever felt that kind of pain. It is upsetting seeing people on here judging those women. My dad was full blooded Japanese and he did THIS to me, along with some of his Japanese friends. No, I don't hate Japan, I love Japan with all my heart, I just wish people were strong enough to admit that sometimes Japanese people CAN be wrong. There's no justice for rape victims anywhere...I really hope this gets resolved. I feel really bad for them.

12 ( +16 / -4 )

Posted in: Name your 10 favorite TV shows of all time. See in context

InuYasha(ALWAYS number 1), Yami no Matsuei(favorite is Hisoka because we're similar), Pok'emon(been watching since I was six or seven), Elfen Lied(Mayu is favorite because we're similar), Samurai Champloo, Gintama, Kodocha, Ichi Rittotu no Namida(cry everytime, and respect Aya SO much), FMA, Case Closed...there's more, but that was just ten. Yes, all but one are anime because I am an otaku!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Tokushima man arrested for keeping 3-year-old son on leash See in context

I know I'm gonna get downvoted a bunch for this, but I fail to understand the downvotes on all the people who are saying this is wrong. This IS wrong, regardless if it was in Japan or any other country. I am half Japanese, I am not offended by the people saying putting your child on a leash like this is wrong because it is. I don't understand why speaking against it is a bad thing. It's not fair to the boy to side with the father or basically make it like it's not that bad...I really do hope the boy is okay.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Missing girl says she can't remember anything of past four days See in context

@7solace9: Yes. I agree with everything except...what you said about denial could be true, but it's not fair to the girl. I say online what I would tell her to her face, which is I believe her. :)

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Missing girl says she can't remember anything of past four days See in context

Sometimes when traumatic things happen you loose all memory of it and everything that happened around that time. I do hope she is safe, but I think it's unfair to just flat out assume anybody is a liar, especially when something really bad might have happened.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Missing girl says she can't remember anything of past four days See in context

Thank God. She is safe, I'll pray for her. I REALLY hope nothing bad happened that is the reason why her memory went. ♥

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Polish woman raped in India while traveling with daughter See in context

I see what you mean. But again, saying that she wouldn't have been raped had her actions been different is saying she is kinda at fault. The rapists would have found someone else if not her, and regardless of what she did or didn't do, if they wanted her they would have taken her REGARDLESS. She'd feel like crap if you were to go up to her and say "well if you didn't do that then it wouldn't have happened." The rapists CHOSE all on their own to rape her, NOTHING forced or made them do it. If I see an open purse, I don't steal the money and then say "Well they shouldn't have left it open". Just because you don't use the word "blame" doesn't mean it's not blaming.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Polish woman raped in India while traveling with daughter See in context

@falseflagsteve: That is blaming the victim. A rapist will rape regardless. It does not matter where you are or what you were doing. The victim has NOTHING to do with what the rapist does. I am a rape victim. I have researched this, to say that a victim can cause his or her own rape is not correct.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Polish woman raped in India while traveling with daughter See in context

@ Ah_so: This isn't an attack on you. But neither female nor male rape victims can do anything to make them more of a target. The rapist does that ALL on their own. They will attack a tree if they can't find a human or animal to harm.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: 10 little-known rules for eating Japanese food See in context

@Frungy: It's not so much as a "gender gap"; that makes it sound sexist...it's hard to explain clearly in English...it's like how girls shouldn't sit with their legs so wide open, or shouldn't pass gas around others, or burp loudly. Things like that. It's to stay cute and things like that. It's kind of hard to explain. It's not meant as a double standard like maybe some people will see it(if you see it that way I respect why you feel that way, but I promise it's not like that). As for the rules: I have personally done things with Japanese family and friends like take big wide bites out of food and stuff, and no one was repulsed, so it's okay. You can eat relaxed. <3

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Don’t call them fat; call them Marshmallow Girls See in context

At the "it's a big no-no", please don't be scared if you aren't very skinny. I have Japanese family, many of them are not stick skinny, and I have never seen them be treated horribly. Yes, there are mean people there who will pick on you just like anywhere else in the world, but it's not as super serious as the post makes it seem, or as super serious as some people are taking it. <3

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Travel across Japan in under an hour without leaving the comfort of your home See in context

I do this ALL THE TIME! Since about four or five years ago! Before Google, there was a website where you can walk through the town and through all the buildings and stuff and I used to do it for hours and just cry because I wanted to be away from where I was and go to that country so bad <3

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Has preferential treatment for women gone too far in Japan? See in context

@falseflagsteve: I was raped way back when I was seven years old until now, and then again last year. My reporting of a crime is done, and you know what? One of them never went to jail. And of course it wouldn't be okay to discriminate, but this that they're doing isn't for discrimination. It's not to say "Ahahaha no men allowed" it's to say "This is to protect the women from being molested by men." Because it happens there and right now, this is just one way of "stopping" it. The women feel safe there, and being safe isn't against the law. I know how hard it is to admit it for a guy, I have a brother who went through it with me. Everybody is different though so the difficulty level is different depending on the person, not the gender.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Has preferential treatment for women gone too far in Japan? See in context

It has not gone too far. It's for their protection. You have no idea how hard it is there to admit that you've been felt up or something and the embarrassment of everybody knowing. I should know, I've been abused. There is a shame that isn't yours that follows you around. That is why they are doing this.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Posted in: Man arrested for using fountain pen-like spy camera to film up girls' skirts See in context

This is disturbing. I'm glad he got caught.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Stressful events often create false memories, say researchers See in context

This is good research, but as a person who was abused sexually as a child and in adulthood it also scares me really. I don't want random people coming up to me and telling me that "You're lying because I read this one post on the internet..." or saying "That didn't happen you probably imagined it.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Implications huge for Japan if casino legislation passes See in context

I don't like this idea :( Japanese people don't work hard and make all that good money to have it thrown into a hole...to be fair, I DO love casinos, but I don't want them to be in Japan because I am very scared it'll cause a shift in how the public population will be like because there is nothing that just only affects the people involved, it affects everybody...I am half Japanese, so that last statement may sound weird but it's fully understandable from my end, I just can't put it into clear English sentences that will be easy to understand because they'll be all jumbled. I know the pachinko and the like, but this is different.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Teenage girl jumps to her death at Machida Station See in context

I feel for. I don't like seeing people judge her. All you read was that she committed suicide, you don't know why. I know first hand how life can mess with you, and I know how it feels to not want to be alive anymore. I wish I or someone could've been there to help her and see what was so wrong? <3

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Mother, child apparently starve to death in Osaka apartment See in context

Thisawful! So sad! I KNOW how abuse feels, she probably felt all alone and helpless regardless of what any of us on the outside may think. And that poor child...RIP I'll draw something for rhem:

天に良く笑いて~♥     ∧,,∧ キーコ (・ω・)   ~ (_゜T゜     ゜ ̄゜

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: 2 inmates hanged, bringing number of executions to 5 under Abe See in context

Cruel? Um...ANYBODY who raped or murders, let alone the people already on death row, did a WAY more cruel thing than them having to wait for execution because of hurting another person. What THEY did is cruel, they can wait as long as they need, it's punishment. My goodness...

3 ( +7 / -4 )

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