Posted in: Brits having less sex - but more variety, according to national survey See in context
Are these figures for the average number of monthly sexual partners or are they supposed to be lifetime numbers? If they are the monthly figures I suspect that some people must be exaggerating. I consider myself fairly successful with women but I have only had five sexual partners this month, and it is my third highest monthly figure this year. If it is supposed to be lifetime figures then the survey is obviously flawed. These figures cannot be calculated until the person questioned is dead because that person could start out on a sexual spree the day after the survey and end up with numbers in the hundreds.
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Posted in: Author Barry Lancet finds Japan fertile ground for thriller novels See in context
What about the book Blinded by the Night by Charles Pringle? That's a thriller set in Japan.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
No offense, but please go somewhere else. i hear Canada is nice, Vancouver maybe?
Posted in: Japan's first casino resort likely to open in late 2030: report
These days, whether the candidate has a shred of patriotism.