Posted in: Asashoryu, Hakuho drop in on Hatoyama See in context
That shot looks like they have him in custody. Either that or they're about to take one step back each and rip him right in half.
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Posted in: Dolls' day See in context
My wife is from Hokkaido and had never heard of this. So she looked it up and found that it started in heisei 1 (1989) and this is the 21st annual. She told me that she thinks they burn the dolls instead of disposing as the article states. Anyone want to speculate as to why they might burn them as she got annoyed with my line of questioning?
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Posted in: Protest brews over Cheney center at Univ of Wyoming See in context
Only 150 signatures? Isn't that the entire population of Wyoming?
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Posted in: Egyptian cuts off penis after family nixes wedding plans See in context
Now that's taking matters into your own hands. Wonder how long it will take him to regret that action.
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Posted in: Michael Jackson seeks comeback in London See in context
Eagles' music gets better with age." You have got to be old.*
Depends on your perspective of "old." I'd say if you don't know anything about the Eagles , get a education in Rock 101. Anyway, I wouldn't go see MJ if you gave me a free pair of tickets.
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Posted in: Three men arrested for robbing drunken salarymen in Tokyo See in context
Very polite of the youths to reason with the salaryman, rather than just rolling and robbing him.
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Posted in: Ripe Lips See in context
I'd love to see those hoops smashed on a crowded subway.
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Posted in: WBC a big hit with TV viewers in Japan See in context
Smithinjapan- please quit saying "points" when refering to how many "runs" were scored in a game. I've read a tone of posts from you the last few days regarding the WBC and it's obvious you don't follow baseball, so why do you comment so much? Perhaps it's the same reason why you and others are compaining (again) about the lack of coverage on TV when it's been like that for many years and nothing's changed. Japan is still down 1-0 in the top of the ninth against Korea. Is the tiebreaker (if Korea wins) total runs head-to-head or sum total of the entire round(against mutual teams)? Seems that Japan would get the tiebreak if it's head-to-head and play Australia(if they can win again) instead of Cuba next round. Huge diffenrence there.
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Posted in: Michael Jackson seeks comeback in London See in context
pointofview-I believe I read the Eagles GH vol 1 was the biggest seller all-time in the US, while Thriller was far and away the biggest seller ever worldwide, with nothing else even close. I personally had both on cassette tape and could care less about MJ now while the Eagles' music gets better with age.
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Posted in: Firefighter arrested for filming up high school girl's skirt in Ibaraki See in context
Thenewfront- You're right, he's definitely a sicko perv. But he appears to be a hebophile or ephebophile, meaning he is attracted to post-pubescent adolescents. Technically a pedophile/paedophile is attracted to those who haven't reached puberty. And just b/c many 16yo girls in Japan look like they haven't reached puberty yet....
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Posted in: Holocaust-denying bishop scuffles with reporter See in context
Checked out Sabiwabi's websites of and Do you have any sources for your claims that aren't propagandist crap? BTW, I made the mistake of typing in accidentally and discovered it is a video porn site. Whoops!
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Posted in: Holocaust-denying bishop scuffles with reporter See in context
How embarrassing for the bishop and sabiwabi. Seriously, can we see some evidence that millions of Jewish people weren't murdered as the whole world believes (except for a few nutcases). I suppose Stalin didn't kill millions of Russians, the Japanese didn't kill hundreds of thousands of Asians and that the Rwanda genocide never occurred. I have to agree with the very sane Kinniku, whose tete-a-tete with Sabiwabi I have thoroughly enjoyed. It is most definitely up to the deniers to present some legit evidence to back up their despicable claims.
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Posted in: Tokyo Metro See in context
Where I come from this is common sense and courtesy. I think even if I'm in Tokyo my mom would reach out and smack me in the back of the head if I just sat there while some old or handicapped person stood beside me.
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Posted in: Paris Hilton See in context
You'd think with her dough she could afford some implants. If his legs were any skinnier, they'd break. And as far as baseball talent, he never had a great amount, being good enough to bounce between triple A and a MLB bench.
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Posted in: Daisuke Matsuzaka and his wife to make first appearance on 'SMAPxSMAP' See in context
He can't slice veggies but is still allowed to fry things? Living life on the edge, isn't he?
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Posted in: Former President Bush touts son Jeb for top job See in context
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Posted in: Falconry See in context
It is known that falcons were given as presents to Chinese princes as early as 2200 BC, but these may have been for pets and not for hunting. 200 BC - Japanese records note falcons given to Chinese princes 9th century - Japanese records mark the presence of women falconers
And as cliffworks noted, it is well-noted that the Tokugawa shogunate and earlier enjoyed falconry and using birds to hunt.
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Posted in: British may ban 'happy hour' to curb binge drinking See in context
hahahahahahaha. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. And to think I was going to take a vacation in London soon. What's next? No pukin' or pissin' on the sidewalks before 8 at night ya sods!
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Posted in: Japan to be known as 'Samurai Japan' at WBC See in context
Oh brother. How about Nippon Ninja?
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Posted in: Fears of a Democrat crackdown lead to boom in gun sales See in context
Are Bible sales up too?
Nah. They give one away with the purchase of a new shotgun and box of shells.
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Posted in: Obama confident, McCain seeks upset See in context
Sorry. I meant "scarier than"
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Posted in: Obama confident, McCain seeks upset See in context
Amen to that! U really R da man! VP Palin a heart attack away from the presidency is scary that anything that I saw on Halloween.
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Posted in: Obama confident, McCain seeks upset See in context
Your stereotypes are great but I'm glad you have that you have that much faith in Obama to bring about all that change. But I'm afraid I'll have to disagree w/your doomsday outlook. I hardly believe that a healthcare plan to help 50 million uninsured gain some type of health coverage (note: not free), increased education breaks for the poor and more disposable income for the masses will lead to mediocrity as you believe. Your argument is old hat as the Right wingers said the same things about clinton in 1992, but none of it came true. Instead, the economy performed wonderfully(as it usually does under Democrats) and we had one hell of a surplus until Bush came to power. I find it almost ridiculous that you think the Bush administration has done anything to help anyone in this country other than himself and his rich buddies. I hope to speak you again in 4 years when, of course, none of your fantasies come true.
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Posted in: Obama confident, McCain seeks upset See in context
Haha. Get ready for an electoral college landslide on Tuesday Sarge. No point in being bitter for the next 4 years regarding your new commander-in-chief.
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Posted in: Obama confident, McCain seeks upset See in context
"I would vote Palin and Joe the Plumber if I had the choice"
You might just get it it 2012!
Wow Sarge. Glad to see you have finally gotten over your delusions about McCain winning in 2008. The greedy ole party surely can come up w/someone better than Palin by 2012, don't you think?
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Posted in: Obama, McCain roll through western swing states See in context
I think President Bush secretly admires Obama and wishes he could openly support him like Colin Powell. Who knows? Maybe he did vote for Obama just to support a winner.
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Posted in: Obama, McCain roll through western swing states See in context
I wonder what GWB was thinking when he cast his vote. He must have hated voting for McPalin with cheese after they've been dogging him this week.
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Posted in: Sugamo a clearinghouse of all things traditional from rice balls to granny panties See in context
This is so true. I have a pair of red boxer-briefs my wife really likes. Everytime I wear them she has to comment on my aka-panties as she calls them. I'm thinking about going all red in 2009.
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Nope, just stopped eating eggs, just like anything ELSE that costs too much
Posted in: Soaring egg prices in U.S. piquing interest in backyard chickens
Posted in: Trump pressure to boost Japan defense spending could strain alliance
Bad mistake Sir. History shows trump cannot be trusted. trump will abuse you and Japan.
Posted in: Ishiba, after meeting Trump, voices optimism over averting tariffs
Please let all of these losers lose bigly.
Posted in: Trump, Swift join Super Bowl party as Chiefs chase 'three-peat'