Japan Today

chiisaishima comments

Posted in: 4 Kanagawa cops admit sexually harassing female officer See in context

Its common for Japanese men and women to use the drink as an excuse for unbecoming behaviour. What I usually do when I am out drinking with them is that I would preempt their behaviour by having a chitchat on my experience, being a a onsummate drinker, that one is never too "drunk" to do the things one DID NOT INTEND or WANT to do in the first place. The drink only serves to give one the COURAGE to do the things we intend or want to which we would otherwise be too inhabited to do so.

Never have any problems with anyone "misbehaving" after that.

P.S. those cops should be fired. Their character and values are not honorable.

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Posted in: Driver arrested after 7-year-old boy run over, killed in Chiba See in context

don't find this news surprising at all and there will always be more to come. I've lost count of the number of times I've witnessed the callous attitude of parents here towards their child's safety especially road safety. Children as young as 4 or 5 years old are expected to walk alone to their schools which can be over 5 kilometers away. I have witness 2 boys age 7 or 8 playing catch in the middle of the road crossing while the parents were busy loading groceries into the car. I have witness a father letting his son run amok on the train platform going beyond the yellow line nonchalant. I have witness a 4 year old girl running behind to keep up with her parents who were walking briskly across the road. I have witness all the above in just 1 week. Yep, you will definitely be reading more of such "unfortunate" accidents for as long as this kind of parenting is accepted, tolerated and even applauded here in the name of training the kid to be independent.

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Posted in: Should the international community provide food aid to North Korea? See in context

Yes, even if only a trickle goes to the starving population. It still helps. They are already victims of the regime and should NOT be further victimised with food sanctions. If you could just imagine yourself as an average North Korean citizen, it must be hell for them now.

I always wondered how the US Govt could imposed sanctions on an impoverished country and at the same time tread the high moral ground on human rights protection. Such irony and hypocrisy.

At the end of the day, its all about self-preservation.

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Posted in: Name some scenes from movies that had such a powerful effect on you that you thought about them often for days after you saw the movie. See in context

From the movie "The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and her Lover" the scene where the wife forced her husband (the cook) to eat her lover whom he had killed earlier.

Unforgettable lines from Helen Mirren who played the wife " Try the cock, Albert. Its delicacy and you know where it has been..."

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Posted in: Sony is forecasting a 220 billion yen loss for fiscal 2011, its 4th straight year of red ink despite massive cost cuts and restructuring efforts in recent years. What do you think are the main reasons See in context

@Godan : "self-fulfilling prophecies"? Maybe but if the foreign boss is worth his salt, he would rise above the odds and still produce results. Then he would be worshipped like a God.

@tmarie : Yeah you are right. the "old farts" were really foolish to emulate their counterparts at Enron, AIG, Lehmah brothers, Citigroup,etc.

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Posted in: Sony is forecasting a 220 billion yen loss for fiscal 2011, its 4th straight year of red ink despite massive cost cuts and restructuring efforts in recent years. What do you think are the main reasons See in context

Its not just Sony that is reporting losses, Sharp, Hitachi, Panasonic, Olympus. These were once household names. I am seriously worried for Japan even when oginome thinks its fine as Japan still has a stronghold in advanced manufacturing (maybe another 5 years advantage).

@Godan : I share your observation that some Japanese absolutely despise their non-Japanese bosses and in my view for very good reasons. Foreign bosses are usually assigned to their post and did not work their way up the ranks. Some can be very brash and arrogant in the eyes Japanese. Leadership in Japan is about humility and consensus building. I guess its even harder to gain respect when these non-Japanese bosses aren't producing results with their methods.

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Posted in: Japan losing its manufacturing edge to South Korea See in context

Here's another one


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Posted in: Japan losing its manufacturing edge to South Korea See in context

I think this article will help to us appreciate oginome's position on South Korea's dependance on Japan's components and exactly what he meant by advanced manufacturing or producer goods. Clear and specific examples are provided in this article.


Just fyi.

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Posted in: Japan losing its manufacturing edge to South Korea See in context

@oginome Do you mean the High Tech machine tools including robots used in the manufacturing of components or the assembly of consumer goods? Could you share any links to info or data on this pls. I think the point here is Japan needs to strive harder cause others are catching up very fast especially SK.

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Posted in: Japan losing its manufacturing edge to South Korea See in context

@oginome I am afraid Japan is already loosing its 'Advanced Manufacturing' advantage. US, Taiwan and SK are fast catching up or have already caught up in supplying high tech solutions. Using your iPhone example, I have culled up this article which specify the potential list of iPhone 4S components and their respective manufacturers. http://9to5mac.com/2011/10/11/iphone-4s-manufacturing-bom-analysis/

just fyi.

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Posted in: Noda to ask China for disaster zone pandas See in context

need to correct an error in my earlier post Thanks for the link. I read it, and it says that a explorer encountered the panda in the mountains of eastern Tibet. It does NOT mean that Panda originated in Tibet or that it only lives in Tibet. Panda can be found in Central China also. Animals do move around, issa1

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Posted in: Noda to ask China for disaster zone pandas See in context

Thanks for the link. I read it, and it says that a explorer encountered the panda in the mountains of eastern Tibet. It does mean that Panda originated in Tibet or that it only lives in Tibet. Panda can be found in Central China also. Animals do move around, issa1.

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Posted in: Noda to ask China for disaster zone pandas See in context

@issa1 your link doesn't work. And how come we don't see any pandas in Tibet? are you talking about the same species?. Pandas cannot survive in Tibet. It will starve to death and faint.

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Posted in: Noda to ask China for disaster zone pandas See in context

@issa1 : I thought it was interesting that you mention panda is a bear native to Tibet (cause Panda main diet is bamboo and few vegetation could grow at Tibet's high altitudes). So I went to Google to verify your statement

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_panda "The giant panda lives in a few mountain ranges in central China, mainly in Sichuan province, but also in the Shaanxi and Gansu provinces."

look at your own folly before you criticize others, at least Mr Noda is trying to make the children smile again. What have you done to help the tsunami victims?

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Posted in: Lee urges compensation for sex slaves; Noda says issue is settled See in context

I think the Japanese Govt is afraid that if it compensates these Korean women even for humanitarian reasons. It would open up the flood gates of fresh compensation demands from other nations who suffered under the Japanese occupation. Already, they have their hands full dealing with the aftermath of the tsunami, Fukushima and the economy.

For the Koreans pls preserve your dignity and move on. No amount of compensation can atone for the crime and atrocities that was inflicted by the Japanese. To beg for compensation is akin to saying that the crime was alright for the right amount of money. You cheapen yourselves as humans and as a nation.

Let the law of nature and Karma to run its course.

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Posted in: Japan asks China to pay for damage to patrol boats See in context

This dispute should be settled in the international Court of Justice. Both can present their evidence there. Japan can take the lead to bring this case to the courts given that they seem to understand the principle the rule of law better than the Chinese. Wonder why the Japanese never challenge the Chinese to take it up with the International Courts. Are they afraid that their case may be too weak to win?

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Posted in: What do you think Yukio Hatoyama's legacy as prime minister will be? See in context

Future Prime Ministers can learn from his mistakes and hopefully be alot wiser and stronger.

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Posted in: Pros and cons of visiting Shanghai Expo See in context

still struggling whether its worth putting up with the uncivilised behaviour of the Shanghainese to visit the expo. The thought of having to visit the public restrooms in China is daunting. I don't know if the classy Japanese toilets can survive the Chinese patronage. But I do agree this will be one of the best and biggest expos ever. Thinking thinking...

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Posted in: Chinese navy chopper approaches Japanese destroyer near Okinawa See in context

don't over react folks..that helicopter is a joke.. it should belong in a aviation museum.

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Posted in: Tokyo experiences coldest mid-April day in nearly 50 years See in context

Redmango : I like the joke LOL hahaha

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Posted in: Right-wingers vow to block release of 'The Cove' in Japan See in context

The Cove is just another attempt by some foreigners who think that their views and culture is holier and more civilised than thou and trying hard to shove their opinions and way of life down on others throats. There is no Aryan Race in the animal kingdom and to hold the notion that some animals are cuter and more intelligent than others to be slaughted or consumed is hypocritical. Stop bullying the villagers of Taiji. Leave them in peace. To the Taiji people, I just want you to know that there are many foreigners who support and respect your way of life and tradition.

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Posted in: Right-wingers vow to block release of 'The Cove' in Japan See in context

The Cove is just another attempt by some foreigners who think that their views and culture is holier and more civilised than thou and trying hard to shove their opinions and way of life down on others throats. Stop bullying the villagers of Taiji. Leave them in peace. To the Taiji people, I just want you to know that there are many foreigners who support and respect your way of life and tradition.

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Posted in: Japan, China still at odds over 'Rape of Nanking' See in context

tkoind2: thanks for posting and putting history in perspective.

Hitokiri: Pls google and get your history straight... com'on man this is the Information age. Japan wanted a East Asian Empire, and USA was in the way, that's why Japan was "forced" to attack Pearl Harbour. And also Japan was forced to "liberate" the Asian countries from the colonial masters. Japanese soilders were "forced" to kill, rape and loot the civilian population because Japan wants peace and prosperity for herself. My colleague's grandfather was shot in the head by a Japanese soldier right infront of her pregnant grandmother. That was how the Japanese "liberated" the people. The rest of the world would want to let this painful memory fade. And instead of helping to heal the wound, Japan continues to rub salt to it. You have managed to perpetuate and built up the animosity towards Japan. Seriously, this is not a wise move in the long term....

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Posted in: Why is groping so prevalent on trains in Japan? Anyone care to hazard a guess as to the psychological reasons on why men grope? See in context

Japanese are sex crazed people (men and women alike). look at all the host & hostess bars, soaplands love hotel, hentai, porno. its like a national past time, all part and parcel of the Japanese culture. Family bathing together, mix sex communal baths are normal to the Japanese. During the heydays, companies would organise sex tours as incentive for their employees. Sex is a national obsession and its got nothing to do with love; They grope the girls not because they want to have a relationship but don't know how to relate to the ladies. They do it to simply satisfy their sexual desires. (i know it sounds primitive but that's all to it) During world war 2, rape was rampant and condoned. The military even have a program and system in place to ensure that soldiers are not sexually deprived. believe "comfort woman" rings a bell.. The groping will continue... the society regards this behaviour a menace rather than a serious criminal offence.

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Posted in: Australian WWII hospital ship sunk by Japanese filmed See in context

Wars are brutal, cruel and lives will be lost. Most Japanese don't feel the need to be apologetic nor do they ask for any apology or compensation from the US for the thousands killed in air raids and the atomic bombs. No amount of apologies can bring back the dead infact it would be regarded as an insult that a mere apology and compensation is sufficient to appease the souls lost. Yes they started the war and deserved the ending. They have surrendered, apologised and moved on. The rest should too in honor of their own war dead.

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