Posted in: Hollywood should resist Trump pressure, says director Todd Haynes See in context
"I know it's what it is. It is just lamentable and regrettable that our so-called freedoms allow these deeply twisted people to mass market their so-called creations that show only what their diluted minds and hearts see and want the rest to see."
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: What's in store for growing number of people who cut family ties? See in context
@Michael Machida Today 09:51 am JST
So, what's the point you're trying to make? The article's minimal content and not hiding the fact that no attempt was made at a deep research and analysis irrevocably points to a click bait article.
Being informed as to what the narrative been shoved out there is, is the reason for reading it. Otherwise, it is hard to fight when we do not know the angles and ways being attacked from. Not for replying here. But out there in the world, what idiocies are being flaunted and flung out there.
Unlike online clickbait videos I doubt the impact of reading the article has that much repercussion.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: What's in store for growing number of people who cut family ties? See in context
This goes to show how agenda driven is JT. Just a lame article to start flaunting the idea of "dead of the family" and that people can be ok without it.
The writing verges in the alarmist, while manipulating the reader into believing humanity has reached a point where family has lost its original meaning and value.
Due to the highly delicate and sensationalist nature of the article, no respectable place would publish it back in the day.
Thus, it shows what kind of place JT is (has been).
The west does not represent the world. Japan needs not be like the west. The west cultures are not the panacea of goods. Plenty of evils have leeched their way along with the seemingly goods.
Basic logic fails at this type of articles. Like first and foremost, WHY would family bad examples be abounding recently". Instead taking for granted that the "family concept" might be at fault. Without considering how societal pressures and changes, and the underlying reasons for such, have affected it. Society (western mostly but as we know its influence quickly spread like venom elsewhere as well) if anything has become more materialistic, more INSTANT pleasure and entertainment driven, not to mention isolating by the personal devices usage, therefore families struggle for quality family time against all those countless options (people working around the clock, staring at screens, etc), not to mention inflation has put much pressures and thus stress in people, particularly parents, same for the antagonizing political correctness landscape, the crime rise, the drugs available, the lack of morals, the diseases, the disasters, etc. Which also cuts contact with the extended family like grandparents and uncles, aunts, which not only reduces the number of carers and nurtures for kids, but the support system for parents, who also, no big news here, STILL do not have proper training or education on how to be a parent, what it implies, etc. NO DOUBT families struggle, because the induvial in those families ARE struggling through with all the crap and distractions in the world today. Simply put, we CANNOT say we live in a family friendly world anymore, on the contrary, MORE AND MORE we live in a n environment set to test families and make them fail. Poor salaries, long hours, bad education at school, bad TV, hours upon hours of online content, lack of values throughout, lack of support systems (quality nursing homes, parks, family friendly economical entertainment that doesn't rub and agenda in your fce, etc.)
NO WONDER THE FAMILY is struggling, but rather THE FAMILY IS BEING VERY DIELIBERATEDLY KILLED in front of our eyes, and these articles contribute to it.
If all of that were corrected and improved, families and therefore caring, strong, polite individuals would thrive again. But is not what is wanted. There is your issue.
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: Pet shop owner faces 30 years in prison for sexually assaulting 4 female employees See in context
I see what you are trying to say, so like "if you say something, you're done, if you don't come back we'll hunt you, if you don't follow along, you're done. You belong to me or else."... kinda way?
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump signs plan for reciprocal tariffs on U.S. trading partners, ushering in economic uncertainty See in context
@VanillasludgeToday 08:30 am JST
I’m sure everyone here knows it, but just a reminder. Tarrifs are taxes paid by the importer, not the exporter. Foreign governments will not be paying any tarrifs.
This is clear, and should be clear. NO government ever pays or HAS to pay tariffs incurred in any commerce!! governments receive those payments, jajaja. So in this case those wanting to import these goods, or mind you, those wanting to import those goods will have to pay the tariffs. Which is what you are apparently confused about. Tariffs are to paid to allow some product inside the country. No matter if you from inside the US want to bring in for re-sale, etc. or if you as a foreign business what to sell you product abroad (the importer might tell you I want your product but I am not paying the tariff). In actuality, there are something called INCOTERMS which according to the contractual terms, mean the exporter pays the tariffs or the importer. Now, except in the where the importer refuses to pay the fee outright, and the burden full solely on the exporter to pay it WITHOUT expecting it being paid back to him as part of the price paid by the buyer, tariffs are indeed normally reflected all the way back to the final consumer that ends of paying a higher cost. Which is the objective of this all, that previously unfairly cheap goods posing unfair competition to domestic industries are now priced higher so they can compete more fairly to domestic products. THAT IS ALL!!
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump signs plan for reciprocal tariffs on U.S. trading partners, ushering in economic uncertainty See in context
The articles title is heavily biased. Certainly, anyone can at least guess that "uncertainty" is absolutely not he objective of any action taken by him. It's a calculated move. Some will see uncertainty and that is part of the calculation. The objective being to bring benefit to domestic industry. Any country in a similar situation will take and have taken similar tactics through history. Nothing new there. Trump did it in his last term, and some other presidents before him. It wasn't the end of the world. That is for sure.
-6 ( +2 / -8 )
Posted in: Pet shop owner faces 30 years in prison for sexually assaulting 4 female employees See in context
Very few details in this reporting. So, some things don't seem to add up Not trying to excuse anything, of course. Just not understanding how this happened.
Their boss abused them for 4 years and they continued to go to work and go this house? Separately? or all at once? and couldn't they escape? Or he had such control over them they couldn't quit nor escape, nor contact the police or somebody and had to comply to going back to his house for 4 years? Just trying to be sure that is what the article is saying.
1 ( +7 / -6 )
Posted in: Legal hurdles keep high-profile rape victim's film off Japan screens See in context
MeiyouwentiToday 10:25 am JST
What’s at issue is how evidence submitted to court should be used outside court. Ms Itoh could have consulted with her former lawyer before releasing it in her film,
I have no real knowledge here. So, inm Japan, isn't all court evidence considered public domain? Unless there is an NDA, I would believe all court evidence enters the public domain (in some way or another), so journalist and the public can openly request it, or it is released. I would like to think.
7 ( +15 / -8 )
Posted in: Legal hurdles keep high-profile rape victim's film off Japan screens See in context
They sound more like the lawyers for the culprit than her lawyers.
The hotel, taxi driver and police officer feel the complicity as well for their tacit acceptance that a crime was committed / allowed to go unpunished under their eyes. They should have no rights for privacy.
A crime was committed and justice obstructed, ALL THE WORLD SHOULD BE ALLOWED to know ALL about it without protecting ANYONE.
Funny how J-police is hell bent and relentless in pursuing petty crime, or illegal aliens or CEO's accused by their firms of overpaying themselves yet get all flimsy and clumsy when dealing with sexual assault.
Truth does not need to be constrained by a pledge. This is what happened and everyone involved, directly or indirectly has to deal with it. Maybe hotels need to stop accepting people dragging other people into hotel rooms. Maybe taxi drivers need to deny service as well. Maybe it should be a red flag when a woman is wasted and the man is not. Maybe a police force should know better than just be a fasade and actually protect the victims, maybe society needs to be intolerant and uncaring towards culprits and not towards victims.
(granted with Japanese justice, innocence is not assumed but needs to be proven, so that hurdle still exists, so everybody needs to be very careful not to be guilty by being at the wrong pace wrong time, but that is not the point here, this is talking when guilt is clear).
Show the damn thing everywhere. Let those that need to and have to be ashamed, be ashamed.
2 ( +22 / -20 )
Posted in: What are tariffs and how do they work? See in context
gokai_wo_manekuToday 05:58 am JST
I'm pretty sure that Trump supporters do not realize or understand that they are paying for the tariffs. They add to their cost of living.
This presumes: 1) the consumer will accept the cost increase and pay it, without looking at the other now similarly or cheaperly priced options (which is the point) and more importantly 2) that the importer will continue importing such product taking the risk of it not selling that well as before due to the increased cost. Several importers will simply stop selling the imported goods as they are no longer as sellable as before. In the end, it will become as with many other products in the world, the local product is cheaper than the foreign one (for some items). International negotiations sometimes allow that country A sell it's cheaper produce A in country B, which country B lacks, or doesn't have a lot, while country B can do the same for its produce B selling it in country A. Where it becomes unfair, is when country B has good internal production of produce C, but country D is allowed to sell its cheaper produce C in country B, therefore damaging the local industry of produce D production. That is what these tariffs are trying to revert or prevent.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: What are tariffs and how do they work? See in context
What an obfuscated article. Anything to get at Trump, right?
He added tariffs his first time around, and nobody said anything like this.
Tariffs have been around forever, so it's no news and shouldn't be anything new to know how they work or how they impact the final consumer.
If American importers decide to deduct the tariffs from the prices they pay to the exporters, it's going to harm the exporters more.
This is not exactly how it works, has anyone heard of INCOTERMS?? Depending on the INCOTERMS, the code used for each specific contractual international commercial transaction, either the seller of the foreign goods (the exporter) or the buyer of them (the importer) pays the tariff upfront to the US government (or the government of the country where the goods enter). However, the final burden of the tariff is logically always borne in the end by the importer (we ship our products from Japan to the US, our contracted Incoterms, DDP, mean we take care of every cost, including tariffs, from the time our product leaves our facility to the time it reaches our customer, so at first we pay it to the US customs, but of course we have included that cost in the price we sell the product to our customer, and they know it!!), which will then most likely pass it to the final consumer to cut its losses (our customer then bases his selling price on the cost he paid us, which includes the tariffs!!).
The end result is the customer will see and increment on the price of the product, meaning if a Chinese product was ay cheaper than a US product, therefore increasing its chance of selling, now it will be priced similarly or even more expensively, meaning it won't sell or may be less likely to sell. Therefore, the original importer has to decide if it worth the risk to continue importing those products only to have them not sell as before.
The fact that the consumer will bear the grunt of the tariffs, presupposes that the original importer will take the risk of selling the same product but more expensive. And yes, the objective is to eliminate the price gap existing that makes Chinese products cheap. So in the end, it serves its purpose. There's nothing outrageous about it. Japan hits US automobiles with the same high tariffs, so does China, so why shouldn't the US do the same?? China can circumvent that by producing their products out of China.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump says there are only two genders, will end diversity programs See in context
Not a fact, and again making personal appeals to your own authority is nonsensical from an anonymous account.
So, how about that reference where a respected institution, anywhere in the planet supports the original claim.
You really put yourself on the spot. The fact that there are transgender people is the proof that there are only 2 biological sexes. Otherwise, if there are no sexes, there are no transgender, simple. The fact that there are exceptions does not disprove the 'rule', it actually confirms it.
Biologically for centuries on 99.97% of world population have been biologically male or female by most accounts, the few sparse exceptions are what they are. They need their care and supper and proper humane treatment.
Sex and gender are the same and indivisible. Being male or female does not preclude one for having whatever personality traits. Shouldn't you be rather offended by the woke idea that because some male has soft character, or wants to be nurturing and caring, etc he most therefore be a female?? How ridiculous!! Or that because a girl wants to be physical, decisive or whatever, she then therefore must be a man?? Nonsense, men and women can be as they wish and are without any detriment to whatever sex they have. Personality is Not bound to the sex/gender. That is the true issue here. The other issue is about intimacy. And I suppose that is where the madness comes mostly from, if a man wants to be intimate with men, does that make him a woman? Or viceversa... Does that require a re-thinking of biological sex?? Just because some few want to be intimate with the same sex??
It is not for politicians, doctors or scientists to decide. We are all human. We are all part of the same experience.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Trump says there are only two genders, will end diversity programs See in context
@ virus rex
doctors and scientists
As if these figures were almighty infallible entities.
Not all world doctors and scientists agree. It is rather weird than prominently doctors in specific places in the US come up with defenses of what used to be psychiatric issues as now normal issues. These same pseudo scientist have yet to explain why would a full grown man claiming to be a girl be had to be believed or a teenage girl saying she wants to be a boy be believed and affirmed, and not someone black claiming to be white or a boy claiming to be turtle or an alien inside. How they differentiate delusion from non-delusion or outright lies is unfathomable.
Not to mention the fact that doctors and scientists can also be biased, bought, act on their own agendas and plain and simple be as evil as any politician.
The fact that there are 2 sexes and thus 2 genders, does not in itself discriminate against gender dysphoria people. These people indeed need some way to fit in society, it's got to be helpless when having to choose between one or the other and not truly fitting physically and biologically from birth in any of those. It is a true issue and one that still needs solution. Sadly their plea was lost for peddling those with only the mental delusion or disorder of feeling or rather wanting to be something other than they were born with. Their issue is a different one. But sadly they were straddled together.
Affirming that biologically there are only 2 sexes and thus genders, can on the contrary bring back to the table the topic of those that truly as @taiwanisnotchina said have been "screwed up" by nature and truly provide support, understanding for their condition and give them their place in society. Also gender definition should also and actually does not limit one gender it the other character. Men can be soft, kind, caring, nurturing and women can be strong, independent, decisive, etc, and vice versa, because they are both Human and all human can have all personality traits!!
0 ( +5 / -5 )
Posted in: Robbie Williams: 'I’ve been a cheeky monkey all my life' See in context
What's with everybody trying to look like Tin-Tan. This Pachuco, zazou or zoot fashion is ugly as hell. What people do to be trendy and feel relevant.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 150 Vietnamese trainees' unpaid wages exceed tens of millions of yen See in context
But, one would guess, they have no problem paying their Japanese employees, right?
There are many things they can do, forfeit executive salaries, sell company assets, bank loans, foreclosure, etc! How can you even request and be granted 150 trainees if in a dire financial situation is strange enough. Pay now!!
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: What a merger between Nissan and Honda means for the industry See in context
One way for Honda to do it is to merge with an already successful maker like Tesla, or BYD instead of re inventing the wheel, Mazda did it and it's doing well.
Mazda has not merged with any already successful maker... check your facts. And it is certainly not doing well. Or rather is not doing better by any stretch.
7 ( +7 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump vows to 'stop transgender lunacy' as a top priority See in context
And you call Trump populist?0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: With Trump's win, some women wonder: Will U.S. ever see a female president? See in context
With Trump's win, some women wonder: Will U.S. ever see a female president?
Voters had the chance this election to break the highest glass ceiling in American politics by electing Kamala Harris the nation’s first female president. Instead, they returned Donald Trump to the White House, a comeback that relied on significant -- even somewhat improved – support among women.
Really?? Is that the highest glass ceiling in American politics? I am not even American, but elections are the same in every democracy: it is not a pageant, or a novelty context or a piteous event to give the price to the one that has never had one.
It is a utmost requirement to be the highly knowledgeable at almost everything to deal with everything a president does, and have sound, realistic solutions.
What is next after the "1st female president"? the first latino? the first asian president? the first fat president? What benefit did the 1st black president bring to America or the worlds or black people in general that it is so good to vote for face and color instead of content and capability?
Does it have to be ANY woman to be the 1st president? shouldn't it be one truly deserving one in order for it to be worthwhile and actually lead to something good?
You have your expectations set in the wrong place. As long as life is good and/or improves for the better, who cares who is at the helm? lady presidents abound already in the world and have been around long enough, see Margaret Thatcher (ok, PM), and their results are the same as any man, ok, so that has been proven, there's nothing else to proof there. When a good enough lady candidate appears she'll be duly elected president. This Kamala was not, that's it. End of it.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Tesla shares tumble below $150 per share, giving up all gains made over the past year See in context
@Sandoval Today 09:42 am JST
So many promises and so little stuff done.
Not really trying to defend the company, couldn't care one way or the other, however it noisome to see ill adverted comments. It's no secret Tesla's project timelines almost always extend beyond the original plan by far. You are right. However, it would be actually deridable and laughable it it were an long stablished car manufacturer. For this you need some in depth knowledge of how development of new cars work in the traditional auto industry, and then how in works in Tesla.
Although is not desirable for them to continuously miss the deadlines, for the amount of new technologies and their controls being developed (look at the umber of patents they have accumulated over the years) it is actually impressive it hasn't taken them double or triple the amount of time it has already taken them.
And this is where your comment above "so many promises so little done" misses gravely.
Just look at the most recent Cybertruck the amount of new technology, and new manufacturing processes, new quality verification processes, for things regular automakers wouldn't have dreamed of venturing for mass production in the amount of time in took Tesla, like the steer by wire, or the usage of different voltage for the wiring system (reducing the amount of actual cable required, and thus overall weight, but required re-developing from scratch everything to be able to handle a different voltage, etc. etc.)
Other EV companies have also missed the original ambitious deadlines, see Fisker, early Rivian, Lucid.
Lately they've become less prudent and granted Tesla could do that as well, but all in all, your comment lacks depth and understanding.
-5 ( +0 / -5 )
Posted in: 'Scolded' braless passenger wants meeting with Delta Air Lines boss See in context
The male analogy would be not with male nipples, but with male genitalia perhaps through a very tight spandex shorts or something, would she be ok with a male riding a plane next to her like that? wouldn't she complain to the airline? It is what it is. Think it through, ride with it. Don't make a fuss
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: Hit TV satire reveals how Japanese society has changed See in context
@ Moonraker
Now some are still around, railing against signs that Japan is importing "wokeness", losing its chauvinistic traditions and less a heaven for their prejudices.
I do think Japan shouldn't care about wokeness, Japan should improve it's society the way it fits its society, i.e., whomever has an inconformity should just state what they would like to happen to them and work out the best ways to have that corrected within the Japanese society, and not just repeat slogans or ideas from abroad just because the west has it like such.
It's like your use of the term "chauvinism". While seemingly widely accepted in western vocabulary, it is not at all appropriate to apply it to a different society. It is as if Japanese would call American progressiveness for "robbing men of their chi" or some other shinto concepts. Cannot judge a society through another's bar.
That is why the world has different societies. Outside serves as reference, but when reflected inwards it must be dealt from within the spirit of each society. The concepts of masculinity and femininity are different in Japan than in the west, and are rooted in different concepts that those of the west of course, and have very different levels and degrees of acceptance and permeation in each culture, and therefore cannot and should not try to bring them to the same end-result through the same means as they are NOT the same.
We shouldn't be wanting to do away with lovely Japanese women femininity, specially if Japanese women don't want to at large!
-3 ( +4 / -7 )
Posted in: 'Scolded' braless passenger wants meeting with Delta Air Lines boss See in context
Don't if this lady had done this before and being able to fly, in that case, she might have had an argument, some comment that a visual is needed to know whether her choice was tasteless or not, and surely an image would help. However, if the airline people saw and understood she was wearing no bra, and she confirm it, come on, she should know better. Again, not clear on how often she gets out with it, but I cannot fathom it being OK'd anywhere I've ever traveled. Surely breast are not a weapon, and surely they are lovely, the reasons for keeping female breast from not being to revealed are long known and accepted way back. I find it annoying she plays the victim. It is what it is. The male analogy would be not with male nipples, but with male genitalia perhaps through a very tight spandex shorts or something, would she be ok with a male riding a plane next to her like that? wouldn't she complain to the airline? It is what it is. Think it through, ride with it. Don't make a fuss.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: Hit TV satire reveals how Japanese society has changed See in context
Agree with some commenters that life in Japan is not better because they adopt foreign standards of life.
Economic issues in the end, cause stresses and tears in family and societal fabric that bring it to its knees. Japan's society nucleus used to be the family, but first with the exaggerated importance to work, fathers tended to neglect their families entirely, leaving wives neglected as well, to burn out, father eventually burning out from work as well, and leaving kids with just school and friends as their focus in life, it has slowly changed, but as it changed, economy has deflated, salaries flat and price of life increases, focus on bunch of outlier issues like climate, sexual preferences or such, instead of revitalizing the nucleus of the society in the family to make it stronger and make more young people desire to form a family, instead, as the article points out the show let's see, matrimony is not equaled to happiness anymore (it was allowed to degrade like that), and people do not date, do not marry, do not have sex, do not have kids. How anyone would see this as conducing to a better future it's mind boggling. Strengthen family, better support parents, better job schedules, better salaries, better school times and care facilities, more incentives, otherwise it is the end, eventually.
-2 ( +3 / -5 )
Posted in: Plunging births push Japanese diaper maker to switch to adult market See in context
This is a serious issue that is long been not dealt with by government and society at large. Support for working parents (like care centers, and/or jobs with flex time or better times), and the resulting overall dull life of a salaryman/parent life make it so unappealing to the new generations they just don't care anymore. Also, the long standing "fate" of Japanese couples that go sexless once a child is born, coupled with a general disinterest in traditional sex (there's so much online stuff, toys, etc) from young generation and a slowly creeping de-musculation of men even in Japan (lately TV role-models are highly feminized) and it all but spells more doom for the future of birth rate. Yet, high schools are more worried in having inclusive uniforms, or people make such a fuss for same-sez marriage legality not being addressed, when a much bigger, deeper and with much more greater consequences problem of falling birthrate exists. Talk about nitwit, nincompoop, backwards society of our times.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Why are Americans fighting over no-fault divorce? Maybe they can’t agree what marriage is for See in context
Nothing happier than to be a kid in a household where the parents fight incessantly and are constantly at war with each other. Great way to grow up, but divorce? Ooooh, taboo.
The fact that family has a purpose and an objective doesn't mean all families will achieve it.
It takes 2 fully committed competent adults to do so.
Yes, several families will struggle, even those with some semblance of thinking, considerate adults. But everything in life is a struggle.
That a family can become dysfunctional is very true and a high risk as well. But it means the adults in it, the married couple have not he tools. maturity, commitment etc. to make it work.
Even families that struggle to a degree, if there is commitment, some kind of communication, and some resourcefulness can end of improving. Nothing is ever perfect. Not should it be expected to be.
I don't think anybody is saying all divorce should never be allowed. When the physical and/or emotional security and safety of the members is compromised, it may be the only viable solution.
But that doesn't in any way preclude or detriment the fact that the family has a very special purpose and specific objective. The onus is on each married couple to be aware of it and prepare themselves for the toil.
It helps if actual adult love is involved, and some wit and wisdom as well.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: What can convenience stores and supermarkets do to reduce the amount of food waste? See in context
Give away the food to dog owners or, to homeless people sleeping in the streets.
> give it to people who don't have enough?
People saying this, please think it through.
If perfectly edible food were just to be given away come certain time... wouldn't the number of people just expecting that increase? because why make the effort to earn some yens if you can get it for free later on. And isn't it proven to be better to teach people to fish, rather than just giving free fish? Do people living in the street should stay that way and be supported to stay that way? or rather encouraged and supported to having a better living condition?
Surely there is a time for compassion and free-giving, but that and a system of just giving, is a very different monster. It cannot be so that people become dependent and reliant on it for survival. There has to be some accountability of sorts, some verifiable effort to move on or move back and a commitment to do so. Which a convenience store is not prepared to follow up and control.
Could forward the leftovers to organizations that help children. Children by definition and moving on, meaning growing up and have every expectation to end up sustaining themselves. So it's an easier scenario. I thonk.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: LGBTQ groups demand Japan adopt equal rights law by G7 summit See in context
Really? what is there to gain from defending this way of life and way of thinking that "everything goes"? Because in the end it's what is comes to. Like I mentioned look to the US. It started as tolerance of a private issue, and now it's everywhere, even when the occurrence has never been demonstrated to be healthy normal (as in being the result of a healthy situation) and when as Jenni pointed out is existence is not defendable as beneficial for mankind's existence. And other reasons.
Bigotry is a thrown out term to silence criticism and legitimate claims and questions.
There's no need for their lifestyle to be normalized. There is no gain. And they suffer no real intolerance legally as marriage has a purpose of rising children.
They don't need to be legally married. As they don't have a purpose.
Just "being in love" is no purpose.
-1 ( +6 / -7 )
Posted in: World 'dangerously unprepared' for next crisis: Red Cross See in context
your quick degradation to personal attacks
Touché. I did realize that. Mea culpa.
I wanted to point out instead of educational or trying to enlighten, how you come across as pedantic and with a superiority complex.
The link you provided is highly interesting.
I see your point about what a consensus actually is the context you are talking about. As the article you provided shows consensus in this case is not "100%" as a default. My understanding as I wrote my comment was that consensus meant "100%" accordance. Which is not. So I stand corrected if indeed in your comments you mean consensus as just "a large majority" as in so far I could read there is no consensus as to what percentage upwards can actually be deemed consensus (60%? 70%? 80? 90?) . Which actually serves to be boarder point that given consensus is not 100%, means there is still the scientific reality of it not being entirely truth or other possibilities may also exist.
Also, although the link you provided is a very well put up study, just because a study is done it doesn't mean it's a scientific one. Scientific studies are those made using the scientific method of proving hypothesis through a replication of the conditions in a controlled environment.
Studies that don't do that are either empirical studies, or just statistical, mathematical, etc. papers (studies).
True, most are generally spoken under the umbrella of "science", true that several scientist who actually perform scientific studies ALSO perform empirical, mathematical, etc studies. All of this though does not in reality make them scientific. For strict scientific definition purposes.
That is a huge thing. The study you linked cannot claim to have scientifically proven that doctors are in consensus. It has statistically empirically (by observation of surveyed anecdotal references) demonstrated it in the universe polled (I think doctors in Chekoslovaquia was their main sample?)
So, I do remain suspicious of politicians. I grant you, I do not wanna bother to research myself, no excuse there.
-2 ( +4 / -6 )
Posted in: Toyota CEO taps younger successor amid paradigm shift in industry See in context
They want to give the message that despite the leadership change, we are still a traditional sexist Japanese company.
For crying out loud, you must feel so proud of yourself for noting the beautiful sexy girls and not feeling attracted or aroused by them, but actually wanting to see some lady in a suit leading the way.
Sarcasm aside, what actually do you really want? and more importantly why?? Is it just the attention? the satisfaction to have pointed out something so trivial to a world's top organization? or what? wanna see women presenting a car company in Japan? why and why? to what end? not saying it is bad? but really honestly why?? just because some quota, or because seeing dudes as presidents is boring, or out of trend?? or what? what would it actually benefit the world? beyond some idiosyncratic platitude about equality.
Women are perfectly capable of reaching this position and doing it, but could you first at least ask around to actual ladies in the auto industry if they would be willing to put the work and the effort and actually achieve and perform the job of president of Toyota? Or do you just want it handed to to them? The fact of the matter is if a woman wanted it she could get it. Is that simple.
But it is indeed a man's field. Production engineers, quality engineers, designers, not to mention laborers etc. are all mostly men in this industry I am also part of. And in Japan, at least from my experience few women are willing to toil toe to toe to executive men, and more importantly, seemingly none want it not desire it.
So your comment is totally moot.
You with your US world view do not represent the panacea, nor the only truth and right, if you don't like it here go back to your beloved US.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: World 'dangerously unprepared' for next crisis: Red Cross See in context
"There is a reason why the scientific consensus is not on the side of the antivaxxers."
"Scientific consensus"?? Where in the world is there such a thing? Where do you get your scientific consensus? There's "scientific" powerhouses that dominate the sphere and whose "conclusions" are taken as to be truth.
There is no such thing as "one" science, science is a method. And it's a method that in and itself begs and accepts all types of questions, doubts and x factors.
A scientific study is such because it can only replicate reality to a certain degree, depending on which its result would be either extrapolatable to a boarder universe or deemed statistically significant or not, much of which depends on variable control to be able to determine if what you suppose cause certain effect indeed cause it or not.
Not once in the news or out of any draconian politician quoiting "science" were the mentions of the statistical significance of such studies or whether the science was good enough to extrapolate to the entire population.
How can you trust that as the rabid scientific zealot you seem to be, is a testament of your blindness.
"Since those "experts" are actually antivaxxers pretending the experts said things they never did this is correct, the misinformation came completely from antivaxxers."
You did see the WHO chief say "vaccines didn't work as expected" (sorry paraphrasing here), didn't you? And not to mention Fauci...
What makes an expert worthy of your trust anyway?
If others in the scientific community respect them at a time, just because they veer of the mass mentality is not a fair cause to mistrust them, ON THE CONTRARY I would say!
Like I said above, science is by definition open to question and discourse and division and repeated endless corroboration and correction of previous understandings, thus having a "consensus" is a oxymoron in science, when a "consensus" is reached is the END of science. Questioning and doubting should persist for science to be science.
When you say "shut up, is science" you automatically become the LEAST scientifically versed person and anti-science. You become dogmatic and religious.
In most governments and committees there is an understanding written or not, I do not know, that even if all are in unison accord, one should be in discord just so as to not eliminate the idea that all other could be wrong and a very minimum outline defined for the very least action to take in the event the majority was wrong.
Do you have this capacity in you?
-3 ( +4 / -7 )
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