Japan Today

ChinhDao comments

Posted in: Trump pardons ex-Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio See in context

The power to grant reprieves and pardon is nearly absolute, " except in cases of impeachment," according to section 2 of Article II of the US Constitution, ̣Gilbert, 1984, p 285, col 1.

Trump, however, has dangerously played with the thin rule of law. There are many limits to the power of pardon, especially in cases of abuse of power such as High Treason, Bribery or or other high crimes and misdemeanors. section 4, Art II, Gilbert, 1984, pp 285-286.

Both Senator McCain and House Speaker have criticized Trump's move. The night is still very green.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan remains on high alert after latest N Korean missile launches See in context

Japan had to find out another way to punish Quixotic Jong-un. E.g., to play fire with fire. The "so-called" socialists or workers could only hear the hissing sounds of missles and bombings.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Abe, Trump hold telephone talks on N Korean missile threat See in context

Aug 15th. An emotional and unforgettable day for mankind. Let's hope that the Quixotic Kim Jong-un will learn something from the Chinese "assistance" to Vietnam, Kampuchea and Laos since 1950. The most dangerous threat were always the Chinese assertiveness and re-assertiveness.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: N Korea dismisses Trump's threat; says only 'absolute force' can work with him See in context

Kim Jong-un is unpredictable and a true war criminal, in the strictest sense. Nevertheless, there are some missing links in this war scare. A majority of silent Americans have paid more attention to Special Counselor Mueller's investigation into the Russian probe.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump warns N Korea of 'fire and fury' if it threatens U.S.; North threatens Guam See in context

The latest UN sanction is another sign of weakness and impotence of the free world against the Quixotic Kim Jong-un. Don't forget the so-called "Communist" strategy: permanently offensive. Threats and diplomacy are useless. The only effective response is the termination of his weapons.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Posted in: Pence slams report on possible 2020 presidential groundwork See in context

By 2020, Trump will be seventy four years old., and may be torn up by scandals, war against the mainstream media and, possibly, the endless investigations. What will be next year? And the year after that?

Apparently, Trump has unofficially at least launched his reelection bid as indicated by the fact that his son's lawyer's fee has been covered by the election fund. It may be too early to discuss this matter, but Vice President Mike Pence doesn't need to enter the war with the press.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Grand jury subpoenas issued in relation to Trump Jr's meeting with Russian lawyer See in context

The night is still very green. What will happen? If Mueller continues to work on President Trump's financial records, there would be a political storm.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Posted in: Xi says China will never permit loss of any piece of land See in context

Zhongnanhai "score leader" is right. All territories under sky belong to Xi Jin-ping. Have you recently mentioned the border land that Russia occupied with Putin, the Russian "score leader?" It's quite large, isn't it? 1.5 million square kilometers.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Missile Wars: Where North Korea stands after ICBM launch See in context

How could the North Korean people endure this kind of leadership? Quixotic Jong-un belongs to a prison cell. What happen to the North Korean people when the Great Furry to be ushered in? From Japan, South Korea and certainly the USA. That is not to say other great powers. Take him down before it's too late.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: N Korea calls for execution of ex-S Korean leader over 'assassination' plot See in context

Don Quixotic Jong-un should have committed suicide. He himself, despite his young age, has killed a lot of people, including his half-brother and a 22-year old American student in prison.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: N Korea accuses U.S. of 'smear campaign' over student's death See in context

Kim Jong-un should be dragged to the International Criminal Court. The world is in the 21st century, while Jong-un is holding back North Korea at the Medieval Age. An inhumane assassin. Let's hope that the world opinion will react as in the case of Xi Jin-ping's Southeast Asia Infamy.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: N. Korea calls Trump a 'psychopath' See in context

Kim Jong-un should be taught a lesson. Sooner rather than later. Let's start with the International Criminal Tribunal.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: N Korea fires what appeared to be land-to-ship missiles See in context

A better way to solve this headache is to get rid of the Quixotic Kim Jong-Un.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S., Japan agree to expand North Korea sanctions See in context

The crucial problem is all sanctions only increase the suffering of the North Korean people on the streets, not the ruing criminals. To kill a snake one should cut off its head from its body.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: TPP could be revived at Asia-Pacific meeting See in context

A noble effort for the future of Asia. Let's hope that Japan and South Korea will be more positive acts.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Macron elected French president See in context


2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Asia weighs risk and reward in Trump 'bromance' with China's Xi See in context

Xi's China has been the true enemy of Southeast Asia and Australia. Watch out.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Posted in: Japan eyes putting TPP into force without U.S. See in context

It's a great idea. Congratulations.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: N Korea ready for war if Trump wants it, official says See in context

Let's see how Trump will "take care of North Korea."

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump aims to ease Asian allies' qualms when he meets Abe See in context

Japan, in Professor John Dower's terminology, has always been the US "Super domino" in the Far East. There will be no reason for a less amical relation between the two countries. I strongly believe that Japan, South Korea and Australia will be able to stand firm against the Zhongnanhai war criminals. As for Putin, we can wait.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Obama urges nation to 'forge unity' after bitter election See in context

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle have preserved their role in history. Let's hope that his Pivot to Asia policies will remain intact.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Anti-Trump protesters take to streets for third night See in context

A historic election, historic results, and long hangover. God Bless America on the path of one ruling party.super power.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Clinton, Trump blitz through battleground states Monday in final bid to energize supporters See in context

Unbelievable. Trump the Psychopath hopes to create a revolutionary movement after the Election Day. The question should be asked is how much money from the election accounts left? Did he use all the election funđs) Dieu seul le sait. Don't forget that Crooked Trump didn't pay income tax for about 18 years. "Transparency" doesn't exist in Trump's daily vocabulary. Let's hope that the Attorney General will appoint a Special Prosecutor to look at his possible connections with the enemies. And congratulations to the would be first Lady President of the USA.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Posted in: FBI clears Clinton after new email review See in context

It's too late, but it seemingly won't affect the final result. Hillary Clinton will be the US first Lady President. The so-called October Surprise was simply an aberration of the legal procedure. It's time for the USA and its trusted friends to march ahead. The characteristics of the constitutional democracy have, once more, been consolidated through the unavoidable change within the globalization.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: This isn't 'Survivor,' Obama says; Trump, Clinton fire away See in context

The USA has gone through a long crisis of power transferrings, characterizied by the end of President Barack Obama's two terms, and the possible inauguration of the first female President. The historic moment in the US history, as well as the turn around of the global situations. In addition, there have been the Crooked Trump and his cronies who have endangered the nation and poisoned the world opinions by pathetic, Fascist-like "and Gobbels/Stalinist-made political surprises," with the assistance if not inspiration by the enemies of the US national interests and security. The US people, however, will overcome this difficult time of change. We're more than joyful to welcome Prime Minister Abe Shinzo in eayly 2017.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Blame Comey's moral vanity for dumping U.S. in newest election mess See in context

Hillary Clinton should overcome this crisis and move on. There will be a long legal struggle ahead. Meanwhile, Trump and his third wife are facing a new sexual offense lawsuit. A woman has sued Trump for rape when she was thirteen years old. The accuser, however, failed to appear at the news conference with her lawyer because of "terrible intimidations.". The mainstream media have not touch this latest bombshell. Trump and his wife, of course, threatened to sue the accuser after the election's over. (AOL.News, 2 Nov 2016). Welcome to the finish line.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Clinton, Trump warn of dire consequences if rival wins See in context

Honestly, I strongly believe that Hillary Clinton deserves a glorious victory, despite all scandals. Trump doesn't have the decency of a President of a super power as the USA. His empty promises and cheating behavior throughout his six business bankruptcies to avoid taxes clearly unmask him. There will be no place in the US history for Crooked Trump and his cronies.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Posted in: China's J-20 stealth fighter makes public air show debut See in context

Stealing the other's invention has been the national virtue of the Maoist-oriented China. The Zhongnanhai war criminals, however, will find out that there are many advanced technology that the Chinese spies could not steal.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: FBI review involves thousands of newly discovered Clinton emails See in context

Trump has more than once thanked Comey, Weiner and "huma" [Abedin]. Trump and his cronies have also toned down their whining of "rigged election" before the game's over--a familiar apparatchi struugle technic. Seven days to go. What an election.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Democrats sue Trump for alleged voter intimidation in four states See in context

In their desperate attempts to alter the final results, Trump and his cronies--including though not limited to Vladimir Putin's admirers or puppets who have advocated a people's democracy--would do anything to undermine our constitutional administration, to transform the USA to a sort of "third world country." I'm wondering whether Trump and his cronies know that this Maoist expression has been rejuvenated in China as the Zhonghua gongchandang making Xi Jin-ping its "core" leader? Director Comey should have informed the Americans about the danger of our enemies' interferences into our election and confirm his investigation into the hacking of the Democrat e-mails. There will be no problem with better relations between the two peoples of the Russian Federation and the USA. Bit it would be a betrayal if one capitalizes our democratic foundation to serve our enemies' espionnages.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

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