Posted in: Armed forces to be deployed to key sites in Britain after Manchester suicide bombing See in context
What should we do with with people from the UK who have visited Syria, Pakistan or Libya, contacted terrorist groups there and then come back to the UK (these are muslim people we are talking about)
For one thing... Why did they come back??!! That's what I can't understand.
They seem to fundamentally disagree with our way of life but yet they come back.
It's a mystery.
But anyway... what should we do with these people?
Any ideas anybody?
Just ignore them.
Monitor them?
Put tags around their ankles?
Ask them to be good boys and girls?
Anybody have any ideas?
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Armed forces to be deployed to key sites in Britain after Manchester suicide bombing See in context
@Toasted Heretic
What do you think of *"*A video of an imam appearing to call for the murder of Jews in a sermon during Friday prayers" ?
(The part "during Friday prayers" almost made me laugh)
It happened in Denmark, of course.
Also, what do you think of this guy?
We've got your point about the IRA etc etc but what do you think of these examples?
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Armed forces to be deployed to key sites in Britain after Manchester suicide bombing See in context
When does a moderate Muslim become a radical Muslim hell bent on death and destruction?
When his family and/or friends are blown up by drones while minding their own business. When his country is invaded by another country that has no business being there. When he is in his homeland and treated like a criminal by virtue of his belief in god. When his fellow countrymen are telling him he needs to be monitored because of his belief in god. When he is harassed at airports because of his name. And so on and so on.
It's all our fault!!
Here are some other possible reasons...
Imams (if that is what they are called) preaching hatred... such as the Danish imam reported this month preaching hatred and even death to the Jews in a mosque in Denmark. (Also referring to Jews as filth).
A preacher in a mosque in Britain openly declaring: 'You cannot accept the rule of the kaffir [non-Muslim]. We have to rule ourselves and we have to rule the others.'
"Integration" of muslims into Western society, as promised by proponents of multiculturalism, is at best skin deep at worst non-existent.
Muslim hate preachers in Europe promoting support for ISIS...
Muslim groups demanding separate Sharia law for the UK (don't seem to like the British legal system).
Over half of British muslims think homosexuality should be illegal (who taught them that?)Well, this list could get longer and longer...
I think muslims really need to look hard at their own communities and what is being taught and how that fits with Western values. Any muslims who can't accept Western values should move to Saudi Arabia or a similar place.
1 ( +4 / -3 )
Posted in: Fake monks targeting foreign visitors to Japan? See in context
"Real" Japanese monks are kind of like conmen too, but in a more sophisticated way.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Rare whale meat barbecue restaurant in Osaka spreads food culture See in context
your use of masking to hide bad language from the moderators is inappropriate.
Sorry that I upset your delicate sensibilities there.
Hope there was no lasting damage.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: What do you think of the new Japan Today design? See in context
After using it for a couple of days I have to say...
I don't like it all.
Everything is way too spaced out.
This is Japan after all... we are used to having a lot of information in a compact format.
Look at any Japanese newspaper, magazine or homepage... there is a hell of a lot of information jam-packed onto every page.
Personally I like that style and JT was like that before.
We could scan over the top page and find interesting stuff in seconds.
Now everything is so widely spaced out it's just a royal pain in the @ss to find anything at all.
It's like "Design 101" gone mad... you know... when the teacher solemnly says something like, "Think about white space..." or some similar rubbish... as if "white space" is like some sort of holy grail that will magically make everything wonderful.
Now there is so much white space it's hurting my eyes.
Please JT go back to a more compacted format.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Death by overwork: Japan's 100-hour overtime cap sparks anger See in context
100 hours cap!!
This is like a sick joke.
Or more like a vicious trap that catches and slowly destroys the poor workers.
It really makes me angry... it's just stupid and wrong.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: What do you think of the new Japan Today design? See in context
This new version seems too "big" and widely spaced.
The original version was better:
6 ( +7 / -1 )
Posted in: Ethics textbook change causes widespread constroversy See in context
As far as I can see, bread and Western-style sweets are about 10 times more popular than wagashi among Japanese people.
Wagashi is OK but it's kind of "furu-kusai" and not so delicious.
For young Japanese people, bread and sweets are about 100 times more popular than wagashi.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Rare whale meat barbecue restaurant in Osaka spreads food culture See in context
What's this ludicrous nationalistic propaganda pretending to be news?!
Maybe this kind of cr@p is normal in Japan but for an international readership it's just ridiculous.
This kind of "article" should be consigned to magazines such as "Japan Whaler" or "Right-Wing Nippon Weekly" or similar.
It's not appropriate for mainstream news.
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: Cheers for cherry blossoms See in context
If I were one of the three guys this lovely pic would have an epilogue about a hospital visit.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Kyoto 'Silence Taxi' service prohibits drivers from instigating small talk See in context
I'm going to start offering a 'silent eikaiwa' service.
13 ( +15 / -2 )
Posted in: Japanese women list top 10 romantic scenarios by which they’d like to meet new boyfriend See in context
"A half-inebriated foreigner staggers over and says hi in HUB"
I was convinced that was going to be number 1.
14 ( +14 / -0 )
Posted in: 3 men, 1 woman found dead in minivan in apparent suicide See in context
Just out of interest, is this method pain free... like going to sleep?
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Foreigners in Japan face significant levels of discrimination, survey shows See in context
The foreigners played up to all the stereotypes that Japanese have about "gaijin"
There were a wide range of foreign people on the show including black African people, Indian people, Pakistani people etc.
Are you referring to just the white people?
The Karakuri-terebi guy was Thane Camus.
He was born in America not Canada.
His slot was called "Funniest English"
It was funny but just light comedy.
For example, some young woman who works in a department store says "I am de-pa-to girl" so Thane Camus says "Oh, you are shuppatsu girl".
Funny stuff. I liked it.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Foreigners in Japan face significant levels of discrimination, survey shows See in context
Are you serious? The seat next to me is the last one to get occupied on a crowded train.
Sorry... just being sarcastic.
You see, in your original post, your describe your perceived experience as "discrimination", but dismiss others peoples' experiences as "strange stories".
It's funny.
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: Foreigners in Japan face significant levels of discrimination, survey shows See in context
... nobody sitting next to me on the train.
What's this strange story you are talking about?
I never experience that.
I think the Japanese can sense I've been here a long time.
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: Foreigners in Japan face significant levels of discrimination, survey shows See in context
Why don't they have a programme about non-Japanese who live and work in Japan?
To give them credit, they do occasionally have such programs.
It's just that the "Nihon wa sugoi!" type programs outnumber them by 1000 to 1.
But the discussion about Japanese TV is interesting.
People who have lived in Japan for a long time will remember a show about 20 years ago called "Koko wa hen da yo, Nihonjin".(roughly translates as "Hey, Japanese people, this place (Japan) is weird".
It featured a bunch of mouthy foreigners who lived in Japan criticizing Japan (or defending Japan) in regards to different issues.
It was the most interesting program on TV at that time, according to some of my Japanese friends.
I really enjoyed it too.
However, since then there has been almost nothing like it.
In fact, it's gone the other way. Almost the only time we ever see foreigners on Japanese TV now is when they are praising Japan to the high heavens.
I think it's all part of the the Japanese government's right-wing push for increased nationalism in society, in schools, etc.
I even think that the Japanese government may have coerced TV channels behind the scenes... "We don't want any more "Koko wa hen da yo" type programs... from now you will only show foreigners who heap praise on Japan".
I can't think of any other explanation for the ridiculous plethora of nihon-praising programs we have now.
16 ( +21 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan kills 333 whales in annual Antarctic hunt See in context
...that fishes...
I'm talking about mammals.
Maybe there is a discussion about fishing on another thread.
0 ( +12 / -12 )
Posted in: Japan kills 333 whales in annual Antarctic hunt See in context
It seems very greedy and arrogant of Japan to grab large mammals on the other side of the globe.
If my country was grabbing mammals from a pristine environment on the other side of the globe I would be very ashamed and would strongly oppose it.
5 ( +16 / -11 )
Posted in: Foreigners in Japan face significant levels of discrimination, survey shows See in context
One thing that really must be addressed is Japanese oyajis making a clucking noise or tsk! sound when they walk past me.
26 ( +35 / -9 )
Posted in: Japanese tourists in flu masks frighten British supermarket shoppers See in context
I was wondering if they'll ever make a full-face surgical mask, or even a full-head or full-body mask.
Nothing would surprise me in Japan.
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: Why can't Japanese teachers of English ... speak English? See in context
I like the fact that the Japanese are poor at English.
I hope it never changes.
3 ( +9 / -6 )
Posted in: Workers at Japan's top companies get meager pay hikes See in context
Japanese companies are so stingy.
It makes me sick.
I hate them and hope they go bankrupt and that the hardworking employees make companies that are more successful and pay a decent wage.
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: These findings show that children of a relatively young age have been on the receiving end of harassment. It is important that children are taught about these issues in school from an early age to pre See in context
A while ago, all of this would have been explained as: "You're dating a jerk... get rid of him".
What is "restricted activity"?!
Is "economic abuse" when she had to pay her half?
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Akie Abe discovers downside of 'first lady' role See in context
I am very perplexed as to why I am attracting so much attention
Are you stupid?
You agreed to be a principal for a nasty extremist right wing school that was sending hate mail to parents about Koreans and Chinese.
16 ( +19 / -3 )
Posted in: Actress Emma Watson says revealing photo does not undermine feminism See in context
I like her but I just wish she was a bit bustier.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Fewer workers, higher wages: Japan Inc feels pinch See in context
Japanese companies are just really stingy.
They should link generous wages to productivity and work well done.
Also put in place generous overtime arrangements.
Then more workers would want to work for them and those workers would work better.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Life's no hoot for owls in Tokyo cafes, activists say See in context
These cafes are just wrong.
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: If money were no object, would you buy an apartment, existing home, or have one built to order in Japan? See in context
I'd like to do a "before-after" job like the TV program on Sunday evenings.
A really old farmhouse, deep in the heart of the Japanese countryside.
Keep the fantastic old features but make it super modern and cool inside.
Somewhere really hot in summer and really snowy in winter.
Maybe I'll be able to do it some day...
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Mod. has itchy trigger /delete finger today. Following me around like a stalker.
Posted in: Frozen in time: Hospital room preserved since 1945 Tokyo firebombing
Posted in: European leaders meet to discuss Ukraine as UK troop offer hardens regional resolve
google "Silent Spring " a warning / book from decades ago.
Posted in: Pesticides causing widespread harm to animals and plants: study
Posted in: Trump begins firings of FAA air traffic control staff just weeks after fatal DC plane crash