Japan Today

Chris Catalano comments

Posted in: Interpol issues arrest notice for Sea Shepherd founder Watson See in context

Watson has always been disliked by many here in B.C. for his rashness and arrogance, BUT, even though his tactics seem brutish, underneath the bully exterior is someone who has been aware of, and willing to go out on a plank to bring to light some very serious issues having to do primarily with the gutting, exploiting, and polluting of the world's oceans by those who would know no limits if they disn't face a little hot-headed opposition now and then. A lot of supposed "Eco-terrorists" are similarly brash, single-minded and annoying, but the term itself is a bit of an oxymoron. And sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Posted in: U.S. Coast Guard cannons sink tsunami ship after 4 hours See in context

it was absolutely a museum piece for the ages. I mean, this was the THE media captured disaster in modern times, and that ship had a story whose meaning could have resounded for many years. Sorry, a blunder, all the way...

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Posted in: 50 reasons Tokyo is the world's greatest city See in context

I lived in Chiba and worked in Tokyo for five years, and left in 2009 to return to Vancouver. I love both places, but they both have equal parts good and bad. If anyone thinks Vancouver is cheap, they are out of their minds. Recently rated as the most expensive place in NA. And unlike Tokyo, it is a den of thieves trying to cash in on real estate and anything new and ephemerally dumb...oops that last bit sounds like Tokyo. As far as world class music: unless you are jPop in Tokyo, forgot about any real support. Japanese music industry does not want hear about it. Japanese musicians, on the other hand, are very knowledgeable about the world's best music. Audiences are great too, just not until after the show where they are allowed to express some emotion. Bizarrely constrained during any performances I saw, except at some bananas punk shows. But, they get it, and respect is better than over the top idiocy when it has nothing to do with the music!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Mirrorless digital camera See in context

Nikon users have been able to use their lenses on virtually every Nikon SLR/DSLR ever made. That will not change any time soon, and is the main reason they are used so widely by professionals. The mirror gone will not account for the brief latency that comes from every digital shot. Nice, but I have thousands of shots where the mirror was not even a factor...

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Posted in: Study shows deeper meltdown than thought at Fukushima nuclear reactor See in context

It is only the beginning of a nightmare that will have persistent, horrible effects for...uh, wait, PLUTONIUM IS FOREVER...

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese woman sentenced to death in Malaysia for drug smuggling See in context

Um, sorry, but this is just plain barbarism. Let's execute their justice system (and every other that uses capital punishment to deal with a substance) by shooting it in the heart, repeatedly, until it dies and is replaced by something that is more humane and tolerant (anything would be more so).

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Thousands march against nuclear power in Tokyo See in context

Sorry, but the numbers need to keep growing to have any impact. There are that many people at one crossing of the Hachiko intersection every day, all day. That is not too great a stretch.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan beats U.S. in shootout to win Women's World Cup soccer See in context

Yeah, Japan, I miss you!

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