Japan Today

Chris Rennie comments

Posted in: No. of foreign workers in Japan hits 1.28 mil See in context

@John-San .. I am a white American.. I work at Mitsubishi Aircraft as a Engineer.. and I work with a lot of Female woman.. all jobs are different! There are plenty of skilled women in Japan who work!

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Posted in: 1st Japan-assembled F-35 fighter unveiled See in context

@gogo.. 0.. I was in the US and helped build Japan's first 2.. and many others for US and other countries..

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: McDonald's Japan wonders where its customers went See in context

To answer you Bass.. I am an American living in Japan and I do occasionally go to McDonald's.. I think it is 100% better here in Japan then the U.S. And if you actually check.. The salads in the states are less healthy then some of the burgers! But anyhow.. I live in Nagoya and I have never had any issues with cleanliness or customer service there.

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Posted in: Heart-warming father-daughter Toyota commercial moves Japanese viewers to tears See in context

Great commercial! I have twin daughters.. Going through some of that right now!

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Posted in: Gov't plans new rules for drone flights See in context

I have a drone that can fly itself and follow me and take video of me.. It's called an Iris from 3DR Robtics.. I don't have to manually fly it.. Just use its GPS.. They need guidelines in the rules for licenses..

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