Posted in: 4 killed, 141 injured after 7.4 quake hits Miyagi Pref, vicinity See in context
You don't always get early warnings. And some of the early warnings tend to turn out to be a bit of a dud.
Better safe than sorry though, I guess.
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Posted in: Xoom emerges as first real iPad competitor See in context
{big long article response because JT only give a cryptic "not posted because it contains potentially offensive content." WTF?}
Another article I read has stated that Motorola will get around to releasing the Xoom in Japan late April some time. However, it will be WiFi only, no 3G. Contrast that with the iPad 2 which is expected March 25th.
Other articles have mentioned that, while nice, the Xoom feels like a first gen product and was rushed out the door to get it to market before the iPad 2 hit the streets.
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Posted in: Why do you think such a big deal has been made by media and police about a student's online cheating during university entrance exams? See in context
I am more surprised that they are acting like this the first time this has ever happened. I would be even MORE surprised if it actually WAS the first time this has happened.
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Posted in: Ebisu Muscats form 'sexpendables' to promote Stallone movie See in context
Is that "muscats" or "muskrats"??
Probably "muscats" as in Muscat Grapes or Wine.
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Posted in: Chinese woman goes missing after security inspection at Narita Airport See in context
Why didn't the airport go into lock down when they noticed her missing? At the very least, they would have (should have) unloaded all the suitcases when she failed to turn up to get her stuff out of the hold. Please tell me they at least did that?
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Posted in: Pedestrian paradise See in context
I would think they are praying to the spirits of the departed.
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Posted in: Pedestrian paradise See in context
I was thinking the same thing as Maria. Bit of an odd place to take the photo.
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Posted in: Here and there See in context
This movie's release is still 3 months away here in Japan. Bit early to be making the media circuits around here, isn't it?
Truth be told, "Mr. Baseball" spoke to me more about life in Japan than "Lost in Translation" did. Guess I have been here too long.
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Posted in: 23-yr-old student held for allegedly molesting 4-yr-old girl in Shiga games arcade See in context
I thought Inoue was a girls name.
Inoue tends to be a LAST name.
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Posted in: 23-yr-old student held for allegedly molesting 4-yr-old girl in Shiga games arcade See in context
The article implies they only IDENTIFIED him from the security tapes, not necessarily caught him in the act. Presumed innocent before proven guilty and all that but he is lucky I didn't catch him around a 4 year old child of mine! Who wouldn't have been left in the care of an older sibling unless they were well into their teens.
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Posted in: 'Toilet God' song makes a star of songstress See in context
'Toilet' in English can actually sound a little dirty.
It can also refer to the act of dressing and grooming yourself. Word definitions change with age.
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Posted in: Ehime man secretly films over 1,000 women with collection of hidden cameras See in context
quoted as saying that filming the women satisfied his sexual desire.
You are doing it wrong or else don't know what you are missing.
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Posted in: 'Toilet God' song makes a star of songstress See in context
toirenokamisama!! I bet they will make children's book out of it soon.
Maybe, but there was a drama about it already which aired last night.
No, I did NOT watch it.
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Posted in: European anarchists grow more violent, coordinated See in context
Anarchists becoming more organised. How ironic.
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Posted in: What are some of the worst movies you saw this year? See in context
The Road was indeed a bit dreary but well acted I suppose. The trailer lead me to believe there would be a lot more action and tension in it but there wasn't a lot of either. I wouldn't call it the worst movie I have ever seen (this year or any other) but it didn't really live up to my expectations. The book is probably better.
Most of the rest of the movies I have seen have been on TV and are a bit oldish now. Nihon Chimbotsu was REALLY bad.
20th Century Boy: Part 3 was pretty good but that is for a different list. Don't recall much of anything else.
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Posted in: Deer me See in context
The deer is saying "GIVE ME A CRACKER!"
There aren't any in the bowl, dude.
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Posted in: Car mounts sidewalk, killing 9-year-old boy and injuring 3 others See in context
slightly wounded as they jumped out from the backseat
Pretty sure that is supposed to read "as they were THROWN out of the car from the backseat."
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Posted in: TV presenter Kuniko Asagi outed by lover's ex-wife on Twitter See in context
What about a man that sleeps with a woman he knows to be married?
One of the morning talk shows yesterday was going in to the timeline of it and it was likely that Asagi wasn't fully divorced from her husband when she took up with this new guy.
But then, this was over 4 years ago. Who really cares?
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Posted in: Rabbit season See in context
Rabbits tend to eat half of the stuff they poop out, I think.
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Posted in: Rabbit season See in context
could you tell me where you see the cruelty in this picture?
You don't see dressing up an animal that already has a nature provided fur coat in "human" clothes to be cruel? The poor thing will be a laughing stock for all its friends! I'll bet dogs think the same thing.
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Posted in: McDonald's starts home delivery from one outlet on trial basis See in context
I think I am within the 10 minute delivery area but I can WALK to a McD's in 10 minutes and actually exercise off the calories I would otherwise consume there.
If I really wanted McD's, that is.
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Posted in: Town in upstate New York honors Capra's 'It's a Wonderful Life' See in context
Mr. Potter? Is that you?
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Posted in: 70,000 commuters delayed by quarrel over cell phone on train in Chiba See in context
It is one thing to argue about manners on a train, it is another to hit the emergency stop button at the station which is what caused the most grief for the 70,000 commuters because it stopped not just that train but trains all up and down that line.
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Posted in: A Japanese version of JFK's assassination See in context
They can make it into a J-film and beg people to go and watch it.
Actually, this has already been made into a film under its original Japanese title "Golden Slumbers"
I saw it on an airplane back in May. While a bit far fetched in some aspects, I quite enjoyed it. Recognising the author's name, I thought he might have a new book out which is why I checked this article out, only to find that it was the same story.
Might try picking up the original if I have time.
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Posted in: 18-year-old female university student dies of alcohol poisoning See in context
During questioning, other students in attendance denied that the girl had been coerced into drinking.
I am pretty sure they she was certainly "actively encouraged" to imbibe.
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Posted in: Are you going to buy an e-reader or do you already have one? See in context
Does the iPhone count? I have read a number of books on it so far during my commutes.
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Posted in: Real estate in Japan: A good time to buy or not? See in context
In a recession, there is usually one investment which is a safe bet—real estate.
Ummm...isn't that how we got into the current mess in the first place?
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Posted in: What do you think about the quality of reality TV shows? See in context
I am with Papiquilio. I don't think reality TV shows are very popular in Japan. I was one of the 3 people in Japan that watched the Japanese version of "Survivor" (all seasons) for lack of anything else to watch.
About the nearest thing I can think of is those "Toubou" (Runaway) shows that appears as specials with entertainers playing hide and seek with Men In Black. I think those are a bit of fun but they don't really count as "reality" TV shows.
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Posted in: Mirror floor at bar exposed waitress' underwear; owner arrested See in context
There are specific laws against shops that provide a certain level of "titillation" without a license.
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Y70 years old, 70! Can you believe it? Are you new to JT? There are articles here nearly every week…
Posted in: 70-year-old woman arrested after strangling man in his 40s
Posted in: Trump pressure to boost Japan defense spending could strain alliance
Beyonce scored the top prize at music's Grammy Awards on Sunday, Of course.
Posted in: Beyonce, Sabrina Carpenter win Grammys as musicians honor Los Angeles
Posted in: Soaring egg prices in U.S. piquing interest in backyard chickens