Japan Today

Citizen2012 comments

Posted in: Tokyo governor asks residents to grocery shop only every 3 days See in context

This fatal for 1% has been heard so many times however all the current numbers and data are showing totally different figures : https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Abe touts Avigan as COVID-19 treatment despite experts urging caution See in context

In my opinion, Politics should stop interfere with medical and let medical doctors handling the situation

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Mayor linked to bribery scandal over nuclear plant re-elected See in context

face palm

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Posted in: Tokyo launches coronavirus drive-through tests See in context

have no car, so instead of low quality mask, please send small covid19 test kit ^^

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Posted in: 2 firms recall undelivered cloth masks from Abe's handout program See in context

In some country like France, selling a mask to the population is forbidden and you can go to jail if to try so it is good to receive some mask in Japan from the gvt but honestly, those masks are not worth the money paid and are not the best for fighting the contamination.

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Posted in: Many pachinko parlors stay open despite state of emergency See in context

I can confirm it, wide open, doors all open.

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Posted in: Tokyo governor asks residents to grocery shop only every 3 days See in context

If you ask the population to go to supermarket every 3 days all together instead of spreading the flow on 7 days, you will certainly just do the opposite of what you want to achieve, just saying...instead use your age, and spread the population based on the last digit of your age ^^

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Aso refers to shooting armed N Korean refugees in crisis See in context

Will the Self-Defense Forces be dispatched and shoot them down? We'd better think about it seriously."

Since when the SDF is an armed militia sent for doing mass murder assassination in foreign countries ? He is really out of his mind!

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Posted in: N Korea has Guam in mind, says Japan's defense minister See in context

Japan seems to have great difficulty in choosing a competent Defence Minister.

Because it is not Japan but Abe who is choosing.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: N Korea threatens to sink Japan, reduce U.S. to ashes and darkness See in context

"Let's reduce the U.S. mainland into ashes and darkness.

DT is actually doing a better job at doing just that

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Posted in: N Korea has Guam in mind, says Japan's defense minister See in context

N Korea has Guam in mind, says Japan's defense minister

Picture of Defense minister reading NK leader's mind using telepathy.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: LDP to come up with rough draft on revising pacifist Constitution See in context

Of course hence the 'Missile launch, take cover': Another terrifying wake-up call for Japanese to get support

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Posted in: 'Missile launch, take cover': Another terrifying wake-up call for Japanese See in context

Actually this Japan scaring Japanese people more than NK shooting in space.

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Posted in: Atomic Energy Commission supports nuclear power despite Fukushima See in context

Atomic Energy Commission supports nuclear power despite Fukushima

simply LOL@ , because of course they want to keep their profitable job of profit over public health

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Posted in: High court dismisses journalist's claim against Syria travel ban See in context

"Freedom of travel can be restricted for the sake of public welfare" although it is a basic human right assured by the Constitution.

The Japanese constitution has less and less value, how can it be restricted if it is a basic human right assured, I think this is a dangerous precedent.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: New exhibition in Tokyo focuses on Japanese 'comfort women' See in context

And for all those who live to blame Japan solely for sexual crimes...

It is only you, who lives to claim "a sex crime does not need to condemned " if happening somewhere else than in Japan or done by somebody else than a Japanese citizen, why can't you just and condemn the act clearly for a change ?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: N Korean missile launch calls into question Japan's defense ability See in context

Japan's Self-Defense Forces did not take actions to intercept the missile, with Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera saying the decision not to bring it down was taken because radar data ruled out the possibility of the projectile falling on Japan.

Of course, missile was in space

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Posted in: Aso retracts Hitler comment after criticism See in context

"These words damage Japan's reputation at the very time when all Americans want to show their solidarity with Japan, our sister democracy and ally, following the missile launch from Kim Jong Un's North Korea," he added.

This idiot pro-nazi is also damaging Japanese businesses abroad, he should step down and if not Abe should fire him. The only reason he can be PM is because Japanese do not vote directly for their PM.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan wakes up to N Korean missile warnings See in context

Anyone know at what altitude the missile passed over Japan?

Around 500 kms, in Space.

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Posted in: N Korean missile flying over Japan makes Tokyoites more wary See in context

That missile was flying in space actually and re-entered the atmosphere over the pacific ocean.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump defends decision to pardon Arizona's Arpaio; insists Mexico will pay for wall See in context

President Donald Trump on Monday defended his decision to pardon Joe Arpaio, calling the former Arizona sheriff a "patriot" who loves his country

Wow, so the signal sent by the president is... you can beak the law and get pardoned if the purpose is to be a patriot, US is not longer a state of law but a state of clan.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Posted in: N Korea fires missile over northern Japan; Abe speaks with Trump See in context

"The Constitution is going to be revised and there won't be a word about it. Why? Because the state of the planet demands it.

Speaking like a true Starship Trooper Sky-Marshal,

The Japanese government's J-Alert system broke into radio and TV programming, warning citizens of the possible missile. Bullet train services were temporarily halted and warnings went out over loudspeakers in towns in Hokkaido.

"I was woken by the missile alert on my cell phone," said Ayaka Nishijima, 41, an office worker from Morioka, the capital of Iwate prefecture, 300 km (180 miles) south of Cape Erimo.

"I didn’t feel prepared at all. Even if we get these alerts there’s nowhere to run. It’s not like we have a basement or bomb shelter, all we can do is get away from the window," she told Reuters by text message.

Japan did not shoot down the missile ahead passing Japan because the government would prefer to play the victim card in every situation but also I suspect they probably clearly identified the trajectory would not hit Japan land, Japan protesting is of course normal but issuing the useless scary alert on the population, with no protection to offer anyway, is just a political attempt to use that threat for pushing national agenda.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Posted in: Robot for hire programmed to perform Buddhist funeral rites See in context

Pathetic! A tablet on wheels for your funeral ceremony, SB must be really desperate.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: Multilingual weather forecast app released for tourists to Japan See in context

Indeed, weather widgets are already multilingual, another useless app bringing nothing new and only spamming a market already over-saturated, but I guess funded by the 2020 Olympics boards with a price of development 10x the real cost.

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Posted in: Kagoike, wife served with fresh warrant over fraud See in context

No judges or prosecutors are going against the LDP.

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Posted in: U.S. Navy relieves Seventh Fleet commander after collisions in Asia See in context

Oil Tankers are maybe moving too fast for the US navy, must be the reason...

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Trump defends response to Charlottesville violence; hints at pardon for Arizona sheriff See in context

Everybody should protest against hate and racism it is a worldwide duty of the modern citizen, we are all watchdog(s) to avoid history to repeat itself, left or right does not matter...only haters and racist will refuse to protest against hate and racism.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump to send more troops to Afghanistan as part of new strategy See in context

Or how to lie to get elected and then do like the others because money talk louder than ethics.....I feel sorry for those who voted him, well, actually not really !

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Chinese woman found dead in dormitory See in context

A lot of Chinese women seem to be getting killed here in the last couple months.


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Posted in: 4 more people suffer food poisoning from E.coli 0-157 bacteria in potato salad See in context

The deli said it got the potato salad from a food processing company outside Saitama Prefecture. Deli staff then added pieces of ham and apples.

Let me guess since it is not named....something ....raki or something ...shima, cheap, cheap

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