Posted in: British caver says he is considering legal action after Elon Musk 'pedo' tweet See in context
Prove it Elon or apoligise as a gentleman should.
12 ( +12 / -0 )
Posted in: Japanese women confront grim taboo by saying 'me too' See in context
Police making her reenact the rape with a life size doll is absolutely disgraceful and cruel. For such an advanced society this is really dumb policy....
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: University student arrested for assaulting Brazilian man See in context
Kids need to learn to not kick someone when they are down. Especially in the head... Fight if you have to and know when to walk away.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Gang member dies in hospital after fight with police in Gunma See in context
What is with the Yaks shouting at lowly paid shop workers demanding respect ????
6 ( +6 / -0 )
Posted in: Former Australian PM Rudd seeks nomination for U.N. top job See in context
Rudd was a disaster for Australia. God help us if he gets let loose at the UN. ..
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Abe says he may drop direct apology in WWII statement See in context
I am not an expert but I think Mr Abe is trying to do his best for Japan. If you have better policies make your voice heard and not just on the internet......
-6 ( +7 / -13 )
Posted in: Japan planning moon mission See in context
I wonder which country will be the first to extract precious minerals from the moon first ? The race is on.....
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Lesbian couple hold symbolic wedding ceremony in Tokyo See in context
Children should have male and female role models. For gay couples hopefully they have a caring Aunt or Uncle to show both sides of life. To listen, learn and have an open mind is most important.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Malaysia urged to punish Muslims for forcing church to remove cross See in context
Religion has caused more bloodshed than all the wars in the world combined.....
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Maglev train sets world record speed of 603 kms per hour See in context
603 KM per hour !! Japan really lead the way in train travel. As a world traveller Japan has the best most comfortable trains in the world I have ever been on. Anyone who disagrees should try the the trains in India,Italy or Australia. Also the ticket inspectors are the most polite. In Oz they carry a baton in Japan they give service with a smile. Congratulations JR.
11 ( +13 / -2 )
Posted in: Man arrested for strangling girlfriend See in context
So the bloke loved her so much he had to kill her....Should have given her bunch of flowers and wished her the best luck with her new life. So sad....
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Iwo Jima vet, Okinawa survivor wrestle with WWII legacy See in context
My Japanese wife had a Grandfather and seven uncles...he was the only one of eight to return. Her family view the war with great sadness. My late Grandfathers also fought and could not bring themselves to talk of the utter devastation it caused. The world needs to move on from the evil that was.
We are a new generation and cannot be blamed for the atrocities of the war. Lest we forget so it never happens again. Those who still have the anger and hatred taught to them from birth need to travel and see that people are the same. Love and helping people for no reward is the answer.....
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump administration to keep only 294 USAID staff out of over 10,000 globally, sources say
Posted in: Trump says Israel would hand over Gaza after fighting; no U.S. troops needed
Posted in: Entrepreneur launches support service for international school kids in Japan
If the tourist would "steal" a ¥3 plastic bag, why didn't he steal a more expensive shopping item?
Posted in: Tourist arrested in Japan for striking convenience store clerk over 3-yen bag altercation