Posted in: Frosty face-off: Over 120 teams throw down in epic Japanese snowball tournament See in context
In Japan, standardised snowball fighting, known as "Sports Yukigassen", has players across the country's heavy-snow areas and boasts an official body that has campaigned to take the sport to the Winter Olympics.
Do it! It's immense fun. I've done a few, it's a great experience. Unfortunately the better teams are usually very cautious baseball players and just wait for the other teams to make mistakes.
If I remember rightly, you have 90 pre-made snowballs per team, and they are rock hard, made with 'takoyaki'-esque presses. You win by seizing the other team's flag or eliminating all their players. If you drop a snowball on yourself, you are out. You can't re-use snowballs or make them in game. Agility and reflexes are crucial, as well as a good arm.
Very Japanese and very recommended.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: The squad saving deer from tourist trash in Nara See in context
How to solve the problems?
1.Reduce access to the deer, by fencing them off.
Charge admission to an enclosed area which is staffed to allow tourists to interact with them under supervision.
3.Double the cost of vending machines in the area of the park to reduce plastic waste.
With as much respect as I can muster, these are dire 'solutions'. Cruel, joyless and just awful. Worse than any bureaucrat could come up with. Abject.
Imprisoning the deer in stinking pens and turning it into a filthy, miserable and expensive petting zoo.
I'm not sure that Nara want's to completely ruin its tourist model. Removes all of the joy from being in Nara.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Two nurses in Australia suspended for reportedly making antisemitic comments See in context
Funny how people saying that murdering tens of thousands of Palestinians aren't deemed to be Islamophobes who have to be prosecuted, fired, expelled
You've been cheering on the invasion of Ukraine for 3 years that has claimed over 500,000 lives. That's lots and lots of 'tens of thousands' who you have been more than happy to not care about as long as Russia is gobbling up land.
Because of this, you don't have any credibility on either topic I'm afraid.
8 ( +8 / -0 )
Posted in: The squad saving deer from tourist trash in Nara See in context
Read the words above! It’s a trial, right? Imagine needing a trial for garbage bins-ridiculous!
You read them again, verrry slowly.
It's a solar powered bin that compresses trash, not a basket. Of course it needs a trial.
I‘ve seen these measures in Japan before and guess what? Nothing changes!
Where have you seen them before? You haven't, have you?
When the measures are adopted then you can sound off…
One has been adopted and is working. You stated that they have 'no ideas' to deal with the problem, and have now admitted that they have two.
So naturally your next step is to whinge about the solutions that you previously stated they don't have. Pathetic.
What do you suggest they do?
8 ( +12 / -4 )
Posted in: The squad saving deer from tourist trash in Nara See in context
The problem is that the bureaucrats in the city office have no idea how to treat the problem that foreigners bring nor do they wish to.
I think the problem is that you didn't read the article. Or you did and you just didn't get it.
Not only do the bureaucrats not have 'no idea how to treat the problem', they have TWO ideas quite clearly detailed in the article.
"a quiet but dedicated team of litter-pickers patrols the stone paths, collecting plastic waste that threatens the animals' health."
"Nara authorities are trialling high-tech, solar-powered bins near the park in a 20-million-yen project."
8 ( +16 / -8 )
Posted in: Japan to host Brazilian President Lula as state guest in late March See in context
Ah yes, Japan - one of the safest and economically stable nations on Earth - must be dying to learn from Lula,
Another frothy, irrelevant rant.
Do you think Lula is coming to Japan to teach those things Japan? Or even to learn?
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Facing 40 lawsuits, Trump blasts judges, fueling fear of constitutional clash See in context
Elon Musk, joined by his son X Æ A-Xii
Poor kid, daddy named him after an algorithm or his fave slime mould or something weird.
10 ( +14 / -4 )
Posted in: Google changes name of Gulf of Mexico to 'Gulf of America' for U.S. users See in context
nah too minor of a thing.
Nah come on, it's a massive win. You now own loads more saltwater. More Lebensraum!
it’s not as big as your colleagues are making it out to be.
How big is it?
5 ( +8 / -3 )
Posted in: Trump says there will be no right of return for Palestinians in Gaza under his plan for U.S. 'ownership' See in context
Rebuilding Gaza is more than helping them.
No, it's not, because they can't go back there. Trump won't let them. Read carefully Trump's words;
" said “No, they wouldn’t” when asked if Palestinians in Gaza would have a right to return to the territory."
11 ( +12 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump says there will be no right of return for Palestinians in Gaza under his plan for U.S. 'ownership' See in context
“We’ll build safe communities, a little bit away from where they are, where all of this danger is,”
A ghetto perhaps, sir?
Trump has arrived at his 'Final Solution' within his first month.
Already working on a little bit of Lebensraum too.
12 ( +13 / -1 )
Posted in: Eagles deny Chiefs Super Bowl three-peat with dominant defense in 40-22 rout See in context
Why is this a news in
Because if they only reported JAPANese sports it would be monumentally dull.
And the Superb Bowl is quite a big thing.
0 ( +9 / -9 )
Posted in: Top climate scientist declares 2-degree C climate goal 'dead' See in context
Even if we achieve net zero right now we still have to lessen what's already existing don't we?
Exactly. The step after that is carbon negative, where the planet can absorb more CO2 than it / we produces.
Net zero just a first step. We are making hard work of it though.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Top climate scientist declares 2-degree C climate goal 'dead' See in context
It doesn’t matter how the climate changes.
It really, really does! Especially if you like things such as 'food' on a regular basis at reasonable prices.
There will always be parts of the earth which are habitable and if we aren’t able to adapt then some other type of life will.
Adapting is what we are trying to do now. All we really have to do is not burn as much black stuff. Quite simple really. In return we get cleaner air, water, almost unlimited energy, less wars and more independence.
But you don't want to adapt now so you won't then.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Top climate scientist declares 2-degree C climate goal 'dead' See in context
In the 80s the "climate crisis" was global cooling.
False, and then some. Global cooling was simply conjecture that aerosols in the atmosphere might offset some of the warming effects from CO2. Scientists have been predicting this global warming far before Al Gore annoyed you with it, because they understand the properties of things like CO2.
It was never a 'thing', although it's unsurprising that climate change deniers try to make it one in their endless quest to avoid seeing what is in front of them.
So now you know.
4 ( +7 / -3 )
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall See in context
but we've had close to 150cm in four days
Wow, Apocalypse Pow. Where is that?
We had 150cm in 2014, on top of 80cm a few days earlier in an area not really set up to cope with such snowfalls. Best week of my life.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall See in context
Yeah conveniently changed global warming to climate “change” once it wasn’t getting warmer as claimed for decades.
It was changed to help thick people understand that snow can still fall in a warming climate. Previously they presumed that global warming meant that everywhere should be hotter at all times, everywhere, always.
Apparently we underestimated the thickness of these people who are oddly silent during the summer months.
1 ( +13 / -12 )
Posted in: Ishiba heads to U.S. for Trump summit See in context
Trump intellectually challenged ? Ok, cool. Guess that must be the reason why you are POTUS and Donald is here posting on JT then.
From the same fawning logician that brought you, 'Ghosts made Russia invade', and 'Why aren't you fighting in Ukraine like I'm not?'
Which country are you president of?
0 ( +7 / -7 )
Posted in: Japan concerned over impact of U.S. tariffs on China, others See in context
You come across apprehensive and afraid while the rest of us live in peace because we know Putin Xi and Trump are stable solid leaders.
"This is amusing. It’s all in your head. Look at what Western media has done to you."
Imagine thinking that the world is a better place for those three murdererous psychopaths.
What happened to you?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Tourists in Kyoto cause chaos at railway crossing near Fushimi Inari Taisha See in context
Nobody discussing countermeasures: paint lanes with arrows on where to walk; widen crossing; increase time between trains; crossing guards like train platform in busy subway station; put turnstile like that locks and blocks people when maximum number is in que to cross; pedestrian bridge;.
Apart from the last one, which most people will usually ignore for the shorter and faster way, these are all pretty dumb suggestions.
Don't take that wrong. Or do.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Musk's U.S. government 'takeover' sounds alarm bells See in context
There were no Hitler salutes. The guy has autism, and when you have that, you often do sporadic and awkward body movements
Lol, what a load of deliberate self-deluding rubbish. He sounds like a DEI hire. You know as much about autism as you do about (insert topic here).
Maybe Musk is turning into Dr. Strangelove?
7 ( +8 / -1 )
Posted in: 'Riviera of the Middle East' — Trump says he wants U.S. to take charge of Gaza Strip and redevelop it See in context
Yes, they bring money, or are you suggesting keeping it a terrorist haven? I think the women and children deserve better. They will never get it with the leadership they have now, never.
Insane. Imagine when you woke up at the start of your 16hr shift this morning that within a couple of hours you'd be recommending ethnically cleansing millions of people, stealing their homes, levelling them, replacing them with golf courses and resorts, and sending in the US army to occupy the place.
Can you see the bottom coming up yet?
8 ( +11 / -3 )
Posted in: 'Riviera of the Middle East' — Trump says he wants U.S. to take charge of Gaza Strip and redevelop it See in context
The really mental thing about Trump's speech is that he wasn't just shooting from the hip and dreaming about ethnic cleansing in order to build a few golf courses and tacky resorts.
He was reading the insanity from a script.
9 ( +12 / -3 )
Posted in: 'Riviera of the Middle East' — Trump says he wants U.S. to take charge of Gaza Strip and redevelop it See in context
To everyone hyperventilating over Pres Trumps remarks, breath into a paper bag for a minute.
I'm wondering whats in the paper bag you are breathing from to invent such a ludicrous coping method for excusing this insanity.
This is insanity, and you know it full well.
10 ( +13 / -3 )
Posted in: Sweden says ship broke Baltic Sea cable by accident See in context
It'd be fantastic if certain quarters could just admit they were plain 110% wrong all along.
They are. That is why you are reading this article. You are fortunate to be able to read independent media here despite your desire to make the world a place where it cannot exist.
It would also be equally fantastic if certain quarters could admit to Russia invading neighbouring countries multiple times, and not have to pathetically try and blame it on countries not actually doing those things in order to help them cope with their shame of supporting said invasions.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Marianne Faithfull, British singer and pop icon, dies at 78 See in context
There's a third reason perhaps?
I'm sure you can work out what it is.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Salah takes Liverpool nine clear; Forest hit Brighton for seven See in context
Lousy day for VAR. That was never a penalty for Liverpool
Stitched on pen. Cherry player clearly ankle tapped him from behind when he was through.
Great day of footie, some really big and surprising results. Hope Citeh can do us a favour tonight. 9 points ahead with a game in hand would be lovely.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Putin ally Lukashenko declared winner of Belarus vote that West calls a charade See in context
You know as well as most on here do the " Russian shovel rabble is out of missiles and ready to surrender at first sight of gamechangers " nonsense was repeated here day in and say out by you and team Biden. We all know it. You can easily look up you own post history to see it, lol. But we get it, it's pretty embarrassing to admit to your egg omelet.
Then prove it! If you can't, then your claim can be dismissed.
You can't even be bothered to so why should I do it for you?
Do you want me to tell you what people actually said, rather than what you think they meant?
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Putin ally Lukashenko declared winner of Belarus vote that West calls a charade See in context
oh and I did Google it. No articles found saying “trump is sending weapons to Ukraine.
First hit on your quote.
"Trump’s aid freeze leaves weapons flowing to Ukraine"
Yet to be 'suspended'. He's taking his time, isn't he? Probably busy renaming bodies of water and ethnic cleansing.
Did you hear Trump say that he was stopping weapons going to Ukraine and therefore giving Putin absolutely no reason to join peace talks?
1 ( +4 / -3 )
Posted in: Trump's idea to 'clean out' Gaza threatens Jordan, Egypt: analysts See in context
Trump is right. Gaza needs to be cleaned out
Genocidal maniacs often use household phrases like, 'Clean Out', or 'Final Solution' instead of ones like 'Eradicate', or 'Eliminate'.
Makes 'murder' so much more palatable for their vicious followers.
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Putin ally Lukashenko declared winner of Belarus vote that West calls a charade See in context
Probably same sources that told it Russians were down to their last shovel and Harris was gonna win by 11 million plus because nobody was gonna vote for Trump. Biden fan predictions have not aged well.
I'm not a Biden fan. Nor a Trump fan, or a Putin, or a fan of any politician.
Nobody ever said that the Russians 'were down to their last shovel', or 'were out of missiles' or whatever strawman nonsense you need to cope with supporting Putin's million-man-murder invasion. Pure dishonest rubbish.
1 ( +4 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan, China, S Korea eye foreign ministerial talks in Tokyo on March 22
Let’s not forget that Russia is the real winner today, since it was brought up. As well as the Wall…
Posted in: Japan, China, S Korea eye foreign ministerial talks in Tokyo on March 22
Posted in: China removes its buoy from Japan's EEZ near Senkakus
Posted in: China removes its buoy from Japan's EEZ near Senkakus