Posted in: 2016 Olympic bid cities await IOC evaluation report See in context
I hope Japan gets them. During the Wold Cup there was so much excitement. I think the Olympics could do some good for Japan. Let's hope they get it.
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Posted in: American consul general in Okinawa doused with coffee See in context
Good post timorborder!!
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Posted in: Man held for punching 50-yr-old woman on Saitama train over playing games on cell phone See in context
Then again, if he goes around punching people for nothing it's no wonder he lost his job his wife his family.
Umm...I gave an example. I didn't say that he lost his wife and family because he was punching people. You just made that up.
That's what we're saying. Normal people are different from this guy. Normal people do not go around breaking the jaws of people they are annoying in a confined space.
Who said this guy was normal? What if we were to find out he was really crazy and couldn't get his medication because he lost job and had no insurance or couldn't get to the hospital. Maybe playing that cell phone game was the only thing keeping him from going off and not being able to control his emotions he snapped. What would we be saying now? The story was one sided. I am trying to see why he did it. I am sorry that you are so closed minded to fit the pieces in where there are blanks but I am trying to see the whole thing. If people are going to fill holes where they make sense I want to look at it from another point to open the minds of others. It seems to not have worked in this case with you but maybe someone was able to see it from another point.
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Posted in: Man arrested after taking taxi from Tokyo to Fukuoka and refusing to pay Y359,230 fare See in context
He should have asked for a deposit before taking off. The driver made an expensive mistake.
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Posted in: Man held for punching 50-yr-old woman on Saitama train over playing games on cell phone See in context
Man.... I thought this would be done by now. If someone is staring at me and I ask them to stop and they punch me it is not ok. Later on if I find out that he lost his job his wife and family. I could understand why he did what he did. But that does not make it ok. How simple is that. But barking at someone is considered a threat. Now how a person perceives it is different. If I go down the street and yell at a person who is playing video games and they feel threatend and hit me who is in the wrong. Listen HE SHOULD HAVE NOT HIT THE OLD LADY. There is no justification to it. But why do people feel it's so wrong want to understand why he hit her. Don't you think that but looking at the situation through his prospective that we can learn something from that. Himajin - you are taking parts of what people are writing and flipping them. If someone asked me to turn down my music in a nice manner I don't think that I would be upset. Not matter how bad my day was. Now IF someone yelled at me or was very rude to me and IF I was having a bad day I might react in a different way. Does that mean I will hit the lady no. But I am differnt from this guy.
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Posted in: Man held for punching 50-yr-old woman on Saitama train over playing games on cell phone See in context
smithinjapan - I am still trying to find out where IchyaWarFare was justifying what happened. All he is saying is that he sees or understands where the kid is coming from. Does that mean he agrees with what he did, I don't think so. Everyday there are things in society we see and know it’s wrong but don't do anything about it. Does that mean it is justified by society? It has been said over and over that the kid was wrong. But no one is wondering why the kid did it. Maybe if we find out what caused him to do this that we can learn from this so that it doesn't happen again? Maybe IchyaWarFare was thinking about that side. But to say that he is justifying what happened is a far stretch.
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Posted in: Sex on the first date: Good idea or not? See in context
I think if both people are willing why not. Does it mean that the relationship won't work, who knows. But if it is a no for the first date then when is a good time. I remember a girl saying that I needed to wait six months. I liked her but got tired of waiting for something. It seems like we were both waiting for that six month day. I ended it after a week....just kidding. We decided to just be friends. But during that time. I considered us friends. There was no paying for everything. I think some women feel like if they make a guy wait they can request anything and they guys will do it. Ladies trust me the guy is not doing it for you. My simple rule is when it happens be happy.
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Posted in: What are your views on parents hitting their children as a means of discipline? See in context
I think that every parent does it a different way. I was brought up where getting hit was a last resort. I was taught what was right and what was wrong. If I was hit it was because I chose not to follow those simple rules. The punishment always fit the crime. Trust me, I did receive a lecture before I was hit. But it wasn't a punch or kick. It was a spanking. That taught me never to make the same mistake twice or simply not get caught for making that mistake. I knew what was right and what was wrong. I will raise my child the same way. Until someone pays all my bills and takes the responsibility of raising my child then there is no one to tell me that I am wrong in what I am doing. I am not breaking the law so discipline my child is a home issue. Not a society one.
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Posted in: Man held for punching 50-yr-old woman on Saitama train over playing games on cell phone See in context
Cleo - if he was suspected of striking the lady and it took two passengers to bring him to the Koban wouldn't you think that they would detain him until they can find everything out. I mean that sounds really simple. But the police gave this guy enough space to hit this old lady again in the face. That is poor police work too.
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Posted in: Man held for punching 50-yr-old woman on Saitama train over playing games on cell phone See in context
Man....This guy didn't care about what is going to happen. He should have done that when he was 19 and he wouldn't ge going to jail. Kids today need to be taught respect. Maybe it should be a subject in school.
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Posted in: Man arrested for fatally stabbing girlfriend in Tokyo apartment See in context
There seems to be a problem and I don't see anything being done to assist people with these problems. Where are the counselors, social workers, teachers, and bosses, anyone who cares making a statement or trying to rectify the situation? I see the same problem in the news all the time but nothing from the elected officials stating that they are going to try and make a change. Japan just doesn't have those things and if they do they are not readily available for people to use them.
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Posted in: Man arrested for fatally stabbing girlfriend in Tokyo apartment See in context
What I can't understand is what were the arguing about that caused him to stab her so many time.
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Posted in: Two men arrested for pouring water from apartment balcony onto people below See in context
If it was me I don't need the police. I would have taken care of it. They are too old to be playing around like that. If it was just me maybe I could walk away. But my son.... I think that they should feel the pain.
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Posted in: 17-year-old gunman kills 15 in Germany before taking own life See in context
Damn...seems like parents need to hug their kids more. More involvement with children and acts like this will be decreased.
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Posted in: Three youths in hospital after gang fight in suburban Tokyo See in context
Where do they come up with calling them gangs? They said three were injured but no mention of how many were out in the street fighting? Couldn't this be my group of friends fighting their group of friends?
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Posted in: Student arrested after threatening undercover policewoman with box cutter See in context
Good job by the police. But he is not going to serve any real time. They will put him in the hospital and when he turns 20 clean record and he can do what ever he wants. The system needs to be fixed.
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Posted in: 14-year-old Saitama girl commits suicide after being bullied online See in context
I guess I am confused too. I was bullied while growing up. It was always by older kids. It stopped but growing up it was just part of being a kid. I don't think there is one person that can say they were never bullied. What confuses me is how normal that every one here is making it sound. I am sure that Parents, Schools, Teachers, let me just say every one knows that Bullying in Japan is a big problem. Why are we not hearing about what is being done to prevent this? I mean this is Japan. I am used to there being a solution to any problem. I mean I don't care if it is a knee jerk reaction. It doesn’t make sense to me to say that it is normal in Japan that a child that is bullied kills themselves. If it is then when the next child does it there shouldn't be any cry of out rage. It makes no sense to get all upset about it as a society if nothing is being done about it. Where are the parents? Are they active in the child’s life? Do they have a relationship with the child other than feeding them and giving them a place to sleep? Something more needs to be done.
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Posted in: Pachinko man See in context
I think that it's kinda cheap to use his photo like that. But hey I guess they have to do what they have to do.
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Posted in: Man arrested for assaulting U.S. Marine in Kanagawa See in context
Happy to hear that this marine did the right thing. If he would have protected his self by fight back he would have gotten in trouble. Gotta watch out for the camera. The Japanese guy wasn't provoked. Didn't matter if he had some bad expirence. He was wrong and it was caught on camera. Time to open up the bank account and pay up.
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Posted in: Boy attacks sleeping father with survival knife in Saitama See in context
Wow. This OLDER kid is a punk. He waited to until the middle of the night to try and kill his dad. I mean where are they learning to kill and then act like it is someone else’s fault. I mean he knows he is 17 and nothing is going to happen to him. I mean where the standards are. If any kid can try and kill their parents and get away with it there is something really wrong with this society. When are the law-makers and government officials going to realize that the kids today are not the same as they were when the law was written? I mean kids and pimp other kids and they just get a slap on the wrist but as soon as you reach 20 your thought that you have learned everything and you can accept responsibility. Things here need to change soon or there is going to be a generation of kids that are going to be untouchable. These OLDER kids need to understand they there are consequences for their actions. I mean if you don't want to put them into Jail/prison then release the family name. Make it public who they are and who their families are. Maybe that will make parents more responsible for their children.
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Posted in: What bad manners annoy you the most in public places? See in context
Or people riding their bikes on the street. I just want to toss that bell into traffic that I have walk in because they feel it's their side walk to ride their bike on.
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Posted in: What bad manners annoy you the most in public places? See in context
Mine would have to be the drivers here in Japan. I mean I am all about getting to my destination fast but 110km on a one way street is not cool. I have been walking with my son after day care and I almost got hit.
Also when the drunk Japanese person feels it's necessary to stumble into me and attempt to talk to me. Yeah you have the juice in you but you don't have to breathe on me so much. I don't need to smell everything you drank that night. When I try and get them off of me everyone looks at me like I am the bad person. I can care less. That is annoying.
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Posted in: Men's bras getting a lot of support See in context
Hey come on there are some guys that would rather wear the Manzier than to go to the gym and tone their body up. I mean I am a big guy and there is no way in hell that I would wear that. I mean how would a girl look at you when you try and get close. I mean she is going to think your GAY too. So that is why we say GAY. Look they are selling this thing to men who have no self confidence. I mean what is going to be next...The Mankini? I mean if I see that at the beach I will have to move. Guys don't waste your money on this. Put it into a gym membership and go. It's the New Year. Trust me. You will be happier with the gym then the Manzier.
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Posted in: 3-year old girl dies after abuse by mother's partner See in context
MeanRingo - Not sure where you getting your definition from. But every dictionary and encyclopedia states that a ghetto is:
A ghetto is an area where people from a specific ethnic background, culture, or religion live in seclusion, voluntarily or more commonly involuntarily with varying degrees of enforcement by the dominant social group. The first ghettos were established to confine Jewish populations in Europe. They were surrounded by walls, segregating and so-called "protecting them" from the rest of society. In the Nazi era these ghettos served to confine, and subsequently exterminate Jews in massive numbers.
Today the term ghetto is used to describe a blighted area of a city containing a concentrated and segregated population of a despised minority group. These concentrations of population may be planned, as through government-sponsored housing projects, or the unplanned result of self-segregation and migration. Often municipalities will build highways and set up industrial districts around the ghetto to further isolate it from the rest of the city. The continued existence of ghettos in many parts of the world is a blight upon humanity that requires resolution.
So there is no ignorance on my part. People might think that they know the meaning of the word but they have been using the wrong way for a long time.
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Posted in: 3-year old girl dies after abuse by mother's partner See in context
memyselfI - You use the term Ghetto a lot. Do you know what you are talking about. Child abuse is not from the Ghetto. Beating your kids to death is not a common occurrence in the Ghetto. So let’s just change what we say a little bit.
What I am not sure about is the statement "Ghetto people having ghetto children. Usually the ghetto woman is a baby making machine. Never using proper protection from having babies." The child was abused by the mother and her boyfriend. I am not sure but I didn't read anywhere where it stated that they are Ghetto.
A Ghetto is a section of a city occupied by a minority group who live there especially because of social, economic, or legal pressure.
So by this definition she is not ghetto or from the ghetto. It is a tragedy what happed to the little girl. Social services should take the rest of her kids away so that no other children get hurt.
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Posted in: 37-year-old woman arrested for using lost credit card at Tokyo Disneyland See in context
Just dumb? If she got away with it on the first purchase what would make her think that it was going to be ok for the second one? Greedy.
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Posted in: Palin defends terrorist comment against Obama See in context
Where do get that they were pals? They worked on reform for inner city schools. They worked on a bill together. Not everyone who works together to make a change are pals. So I get confused when this gets brought up. Palin is just telling half truths. That seems to be the new plan. It seems like they have to try and do this low ball stuff because when it comes to real issues they can't talk. If they stick to the problems and how they are going to fix them then there will not be a chance in hell for them.
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Posted in: U.S. nuclear aircraft carrier George Washington deployed in Yokosuka See in context
Nuclear bombs? Where are you getting your information from? With all the talk about people hating that the ship is here. It was really quiet. I guess it is not as bad as people made it out to be.
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Posted in: U.S. nuclear aircraft carrier George Washington deployed in Yokosuka See in context
I am pretty sure that it's not the guys off the ship driving.
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Posted in: Harris and Trump detail their starkly different visions in tense, high-stakes debate
Even Foxnews commentators are saying Harris smoked Trump.
Posted in: Harris and Trump detail their starkly different visions in tense, high-stakes debate
Posted in: Sony to release PlayStation 5 Pro on November 7
Posted in: Harris and Trump detail their starkly different visions in tense, high-stakes debate