Posted in: Minneapolis police face investigation after Floyd murder verdict See in context
@P. Smith
"Obviously none of these reasonable conservatives are Trump supporters."
Kelvin King is a Trump supporter.
-1 ( +5 / -6 )
Posted in: Minneapolis police face investigation after Floyd murder verdict See in context
@Toasted Heretic
Evidently, there are small enclaves (as evidenced above) who watched a different video to the rest of the world.
Links to your videos, please.
-2 ( +4 / -6 )
Posted in: Fujifilm starts new late-phase trial of Avigan in Japan for COVID patients See in context
We anti-vaxers have lots of arrows in our quiver in the fight against "the covid" and the facists. Avigan has given us on more. Thank you Fujifilm. It doesn't mess with your DRA/RNA and it's a tablet; not a needle to boot. Winning.
-4 ( +6 / -10 )
Posted in: Japan expects to receive 50 mil additional doses of Pfizer vaccine See in context
The "vaccine" was released for emergency use only. It's experimental and there are known and yet-unkown risks; potentially fatal. Doesn't prevent you from catching covid. Doesn't prevent you from spreading covid. Will not get you off the hook for not wearing a mask; you'll get harassed. Doesn't prevent you from being told to stay home. Doesn't prevent you from being tested. Probably requires yearly boosts. Doesn't cover many strains of the virus. Costs money. Is a subscription to a disease you may not ever catch.
You get the "vaccine" and you haven't heard the last of it.
-4 ( +2 / -6 )
Posted in: Some foreign residents in Japan consider traveling to other countries for vaccines See in context
Your life is not in peril if you must wait a couple months for the "vaccine". Or if you choose not to get it. Or, as in my case, you do not qualify for the "vaccine". If you really need your fix and can't wait, then go abroad? That's a pretty big price to pay for a questionable expeimental drug. Irrational behaviour galore.
-5 ( +0 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan expects to receive 50 mil additional doses of Pfizer vaccine See in context
And I was going to say: I'm ineligible because I'm not stupid enough to take them.
-7 ( +2 / -9 )
Posted in: Japan expects to receive 50 mil additional doses of Pfizer vaccine See in context
Agreed. They're talking about additional doses. Pfizer. That airport worker yesterday got covid. He'd been "vaccinated". Pfizer! Once you getthe "vaccine" you're "immune". But you can still catch covid and spread it to others, so social distance, wear a mask at all times and present to authorities documentation and reason for leaving your home should you be stopped and questioned. "Vaccines"! What kind of ... do you have to be to believe this ... ?!
-3 ( +3 / -6 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 843 coronavirus cases; 1,242 in Osaka See in context
They don't respond to reasoning. Focus on your own well-being.
-10 ( +1 / -11 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 843 coronavirus cases; 1,242 in Osaka See in context
They have no faith in the tests or the numbers. Yet they come here day after day to check them. Oh, the true number is maych higher, they say. When the numbers drop: They're just trying to make it look good for the Olympics.
Face it: you guys LOVE covid. And you want it! Because then you can have one more chance to critisize the government.
But you couldn't catch it even if you wanted it. It's THAT rare!
I've never seen so much foolishness in all my life.
-15 ( +1 / -16 )
Posted in: Japan expects to receive 50 mil additional doses of Pfizer vaccine See in context
I am actually ineligible for the "vaccine", so I will not be taking them.
-4 ( +1 / -5 )
Posted in: Teacher disciplined for drinking alcohol during class in Okinawa See in context
@Michael Machida
Today 08:27 am JST
"He probably could teach better after one of those delicious Chu-Hi with their amazing taste!"
That's it! My morning chuckle. Posts like this one are very enjoyable to read. More of that!
5 ( +8 / -3 )
Posted in: S Korean students shave heads in protest over Japan's Fukushima water release plan See in context
Today 09:58 am JST
Yes, I was being sarcastic.
"My whole class back in high school shave their heads in support of a classmate going through cancer treatment, some went to the local Barber others use electric trimers and regular razor and shaving cream."
Very moving story.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: S Korean students shave heads in protest over Japan's Fukushima water release plan See in context
Today 09:58 am JST
"I hope this was sarcas, if not, I would like to know what you are talking about."
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: S Korean students shave heads in protest over Japan's Fukushima water release plan See in context
Listen. Have any one of you ever taken up the pursuit of cutting to the root every single hair on your head? You will know it is not an easy thing to do. Weeks of planning are involved and medical professionals need to be on hand and be at the ready should you have the misfortune to peirce your skin with the scissor ends. These brave young souls have taken up an enormous sacrifice! Their hair will take months and months to re-grow. Since their cause is honourable and just, let's dismiss the IAEA recommendations and from here on in, consult these youthful idealists.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Minneapolis ex-policeman Chauvin convicted of murder in Floyd case See in context
Today 08:34 am JST
"NO, it was on the evidence and facts"
Point of contention. What were the facts?
-3 ( +4 / -7 )
Posted in: Minneapolis ex-policeman Chauvin convicted of murder in Floyd case See in context
Every once in a while, a news event happens which has a tendancy to disturb your worldview. And the occurances of these past few years certainly do seem to be happening at an accelerated rate.
Today, we had such an occurrence. Although we were hopeful that, in this trial, the evidence coming forward would ultimately prevail, in hindsight it was obvious the outcome would rely on mob justice. If there is a lesson to be learned here, it is this: if angry mobs are to decide anything, expect a negative outcome. Expect rational viewpoints to be rejected. Expect truth to be denied.
Unsurprisingly, it was completely political. And I think it is very telling that they threatened violence whatever the verdict would be. The case should have been thrown out.
The United States may have been the noblest undertaking in history; a calling for the world to unite under the flag of freedom and reason. And with regards to multi-cultural and multi-racial harmony, it was a remarkable achievement.
But that is all gone out the window. It's on the sidewalk being trampled on by the mobs. Still, this chapter in the leftist narrative is only just beginning. Here, in the case against the police officer, the clamours of the crowds outside the courtroom got their way. And so they've been further emboldened. Thuggery has been vindicated. Do you think they're gonna to stop now? And as one of the posters so rightly pointed out: what kid in their right mind would dream of becoming a police officer now? Who wants to serve and protect whilst getting shouted at, pointed-green-lasers at, accused at every turn. Of course, I am just kidding! That doesn't REALLY happen! Those videos have been deleted. :) We shall be seeing more of these occurrences for years and years to come. Sooner or later, it'll hit closer to home.
But in spite of this, we must stay hopeful. Continue to pray for the goodness in humanity. Love thy neighbour. Protect what you hold dear. Stay close to your family. This is key! It is a time to look not to worldly ways but to seek shelter on higher ground.
And... say NO! to drugs.
-6 ( +5 / -11 )
Posted in: Fully vaccinated NZ airport worker tests positive for COVID-19 See in context
That is RICH! Lockdown, "Look world, this is how we do it!", no lockdowns, then lockdowns again after cases occurring in previous lockdown..., early covid detection app "made in NEW ZEALAND!", "bubble" travel with Australia, "Look at us! we've beaten covid!", covid from "vaccinated" airport worker.
Presumably, the passenger(s) are wandering around the country now?.
What arrogance and vanity!
-5 ( +0 / -5 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 711 coronavirus cases; Osaka records 1,153 See in context
711 cases today. Yesterday it was 400 something, wasn't it? The panic is simply not in proportion to the reality. When they come at you with asinine retorts such as "on your back like a dying cock roach", I am inclined to side with your going to work, providing for yourself and your family as being a much more level-headed response the the circumstances; arguably much more admirable than to fret over the over-inflated non-issue of what's been labled the "plandemic". One must also keep in mind that these posters do not wish you well. They would delight in a lockdown or government measure that sees you lose your job or a significant portion of your income.
-8 ( +1 / -9 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 711 coronavirus cases; Osaka records 1,153 See in context
Today 04:32 pm JST
"So the real figures are over 7000, at least."
any proof to back up that statement?
No, they evidently just conjure up hysterical figures that are convenient to the cynicism they espouse. The true number is probably around 711; they multiply it. And through the magical power of up-votes and down-votes, they conspire to create a new "consensus" of facts.
-13 ( +4 / -17 )
Posted in: Winners of $20 mil contest make concrete to trap carbon dioxide announced See in context
How much CO2 should they plan to get rid of? And at what cost?
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: World running out of time to tackle climate crisis: U.N. See in context
"Without enough data of proper quality no, that is how something become part of the consensus, by defeating with evidence other explanations of what is happening in the world."
Plenty of "proper" data suggests there's no causal linkage between CO2 and global temperature. Climate alarmists are becoming more desperate. Junk science is probably the biggest intellectual fraud in the history of science.
-4 ( +5 / -9 )
Posted in: World running out of time to tackle climate crisis: U.N. See in context
"Had a great ski season this year!"
How D A R E you!! (`ヘ´)
-2 ( +4 / -6 )
Posted in: Will Japanese Olympians be vaccinated ahead of the public? See in context
@A Johnson
So you're out and about, are you? Able to walk into stores, watch a movie, travel by plane without a mask now? How has the "vaccination" changed your life?
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Will Japanese Olympians be vaccinated ahead of the public? See in context
Japanese athletes are in Japan.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: World running out of time to tackle climate crisis: U.N. See in context
Wait... scientists can change their views from the 70's but now they can't...?
0 ( +6 / -6 )
Posted in: World running out of time to tackle climate crisis: U.N. See in context
Who is to blame? I got downvotes several time for asking that. Why? How should they pay? Be specific.
0 ( +6 / -6 )
Posted in: World running out of time to tackle climate crisis: U.N. See in context
Who is to blame?
-7 ( +6 / -13 )
Posted in: Will Japanese Olympians be vaccinated ahead of the public? See in context
Get the "vaccine". Or I'll call it vaccide! Get it if you must. But you're gonna regret it!
-17 ( +3 / -20 )
Posted in: World running out of time to tackle climate crisis: U.N. See in context
Ok, posters, how has your life been affected by climate change so far? :)
-10 ( +9 / -19 )
Posted in: Australia-New Zealand travel bubble begins after 400 days See in context
Why would a country go into full lockdown because of one or two cases? Keep in mind the covid transmissions in question occured DURING a previous lockdown.
Why would anyone in their right mind visit a country that keeps alternating between lockdown and not.
Visited NZ many years ago with my family. N and S Islands. Aukland, Rotorura. Queenstown. Skiing. Some of the most beautiful places on Earth. But, as a tourist, if you're living day to day with the threat of a lockdown and sensitive mask and social distancing rules (actually, yes, your gov. website states under Level 1, these rules are still in effect)... Takes the joy out of visiting. NZ is too long a flight to put up with that nonsense.
-4 ( +1 / -5 )
Posted in: USAID is stripped of its lease and staffers turned away from DC headquarters
OK producer, subpar rapper, terrible lyricist, appalling human being.
Posted in: Kanye West's account on X goes dark after hate-filled rant
With a shrinking population the burden per capita continues to increase.
Posted in: Japan's total debt hits record ¥1,317 tril in 2024