Japan Today

Cognac comments

Posted in: Half of Japan's population has received at least 1 dose of COVID-19 vaccine See in context

Maybe you've not heard, but there's a hell of a lot more people in hospital or dead around the world due to covid.

excuse me, can you provide me with some data ?

cause if I check online I just see that less than 4,5 million people on planet Earth died for Corona, are those numbers "a hell of lot people" ? not considering that 7,6 Billion, not million, people are living on planet Earth.

do the math to see the 0,00...% of people died by the virus

Get vaccinated people.

no thanks

-13 ( +2 / -15 )

Posted in: Half of Japan's population has received at least 1 dose of COVID-19 vaccine See in context

Wow. That is nice!

Very big progress!

Hopefully end of the year we reach 80% and can start to go back to our normal life.

which normal life ? Already Delta variant infects who got a shot, then in Autumn they are already talking about Lamba variant, this story will never end, human beings becoming like a PC where you have to update your antivirus (take a vaccin) every year

Stop this "let's return to normal life" thing, we will never return like 2019 or before

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Posted in: Vaccination site for younger people to open in Tokyo's Shibuya district See in context

The LDP is too stingy when it comes to doling out money to anyone but themselves,cronies and corporate partners; but what about a 100 dollar (10,000 yen) gift for getting vaccinated like in the US? The young people can get their shot then have a night on the town. Economic stimulus.

with locals closing at 20:00 I would hardly say "a night on the town"

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: New island discovered south of Tokyo after submarine volcano erupts See in context

I'm sure China has already claimed it and is getting the dredges ready,

don't worry, if they find oil over there you can be 100% sure the USA will send some troops

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Tokyo counts cost of $15 billion pandemic Olympics See in context

Tokyo and many other parts of the country are under virus state of emergency, and only around a third of the country is fully vaccinated as the Delta variant fuels surging infections.

so why I have to get vaccinated if I can get Delta variant ?

completely nonsense

-21 ( +3 / -24 )

Posted in: United Airlines will require U.S. employees to be vaccinated See in context

another shame

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan starts accepting applications for 'vaccine passports' See in context

If a piece of paper in English can maybe make it easier to cross borders, then why not? I have not been back to my own country and I have not seen my beloved children for approaching two years.

(The vaccination itself is no big deal and I feel absolutely no different after receiving two. I continue to double-mask in public. By the same token I know that I can still catch this thing depending on the circumstances.)

why not ? cause it's a discrimination

the vaccine is not mandatory and anyone can choose to take the shot or not, with the vaccine passport you are forced to take the vaccine if you want to come back to your country and visit your relatives.

(The vaccination itself is a big deal, if you check carefully on the internet, and I feel very well without it. I continue to go out without a mask. By the same token I know that I can still catch this thing in the same way I could have caught influenza in the previous years).

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Posted in: Japan starts accepting applications for 'vaccine passports' See in context

vaccine passports are the most discriminating thing made in the last 60 years

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

Posted in: U.S. airlines say COVID-19 variants aren't hurting bookings See in context

great, go to travel and spread the variants, cause that's what the vaccines are doing, creating variants, then new vaccines will put on market then new variants will appear and so on, McAffee and pc viruses showed the way.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 1,832 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 4,943 See in context

the rising in numbers is due to Delta variation


current vaccines don't protect from Delta variation (neither will do from Epsilon, Beta, Gamma, Theta and so on)


vaccination is pointless, variations are coming out because the vaccines force the virus to a mutation and so now we have Delta, Epsilon and start learning the Greek alphabet

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

Posted in: NHL calendar includes break for Beijing Games: report See in context

To note, the Phenonix Suns have one player in the finals and the Millwakee Bucks have 2. After finishing their game 7 (great series by the way) the players will fly out to Japan and have maybe 3 days and 1 full practice with Team USA before it’s game against France….not the best for recovery or health.

Bucks in 6 ;)

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: The new kids on their blocks at the Tokyo Olympics See in context

Love all those sports but don't think they belong in the Olympics. Sports inflation is one reason the cost of hosting the Games has skyrocketed. Clean house: eliminate all sports that were not in the, say, '32 Olympics.

why not in 1896 at this point ? lol

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: The new kids on their blocks at the Tokyo Olympics See in context

Are you capable of surfing or skateboarding?

of course he doesn't, if not he would have not written that

criticizing snowboard to be a sport when biathlon is part of the winter olympics, compare who goes skiing and shooting targets on weekends with who takes a board and go down a hill, which is the more popular actually ?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan to issue vaccine passports free of charge See in context

so if I don't get vaccine I am forced to live here forever, I can't visit my family, I can't visit my wife's family.

It's an open air jail and people looks like is happy for this, the most unconstitutional thing ever made by every state, human beings have lost their freedom of travel.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 716 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 1,881 See in context

was in Roppongi last night myself - every single bar open and tons of people about.

included you

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Posted in: Stop politicizing origin tracing of COVID-19 See in context

CCP propaganda piece. China needs to come clean on Covid19 's origins and the role of the WIV.

you should check dr. Fauci connection with Wuhan laboratory

and dr. Fauci is not a communist chinese but a citizen of united states of america

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: Stop politicizing origin tracing of COVID-19 See in context

one of the deadliest pandemic ?

less than 4 million people died, go check how many people died for spanish flu in the beginning of XX then come back and write a correct article....

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Doves and fighter jets: China's Communists mark their centenary See in context

That's correct. The CCP replaced "communism" with "nationalism" to keep the populace together. And being that China is a socialist state, they have become National Socialists. In other words, Nazis.

a country is communist or socialist, another example of clearly ideas about communism....

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Doves and fighter jets: China's Communists mark their centenary See in context

Apparently Eisen is unfamiliar with China or even a single Chinese national.

if you think soviet union communism (or actual north korea communism) is the same as Xiping communism, well, you are clearly confused about communism

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Tokyo reports 673 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 1,751 See in context

the Debbie Downers here downvote anything remotely positive & uplifting.

they’ll be heartbroken when this pandemic is over

I give you an upvote as most of the positive comments :)

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Posted in: Ugandan Olympic team member tests positive for coronavirus upon arrival in Japan See in context

A member of Uganda’s Olympic team has tested positive for the coronavirus and was barred entry into Japan

stay home, stay safe :D

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Ugandan Olympic team member tests positive for coronavirus upon arrival in Japan See in context

just another example of the uselessness of vaccines :P

-19 ( +1 / -20 )

Posted in: I felt that the vaccination schedule wasn't advancing and that if I were in Japan, I wouldn't know when I could get vaccinated. See in context

So he jumps on a plane 'in a pandemic' and travels across the ocean to another massive city full of people completely exposing himself to the virus all along the way...

Then he goes back the other way again potentially bringing in new 'variants' because the vaccines don't stop transmission.

Well done, dude. Really smart move instead of waiting a few weeks in your apartment where you're in all likelihood working from home as a programmer while you order shopping online

this is the result of daily mass media work : people brainwashed

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Female worker being held hostage at internet cafe in Saitama See in context

Yeah, the place has a reputation. But you are not making friends if you are in a pub and talk about ださいたま and it turns out your neighbour is from there.

surely is better (and safer) than walking in Roppongi or Kabukicho

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Bear shot dead after rampaging through Sapporo See in context

who keeps asking "why why why" or "poor bear" probably never had a chance to face a bear in real life

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Gov't to begin issuing vaccine passports in July See in context

vaccine passport, a great example of discrimination in XXI century

now downvote me all, as usual

-13 ( +11 / -24 )

Posted in: Japan to provide greater COVID vaccine support to foreign residents See in context

I assume the picture on the front page today contains a sign saying something about a vaccination center. Would it have been so difficult to have the the words "Vaccination Center" written on it so at least those folks who do not read Japanese know they are in the right place?

the picture is so easy to be understood :

first line, something in Tokyo

second line, there is something big related to a center

go straight for the acceptance

-18 ( +0 / -18 )

Posted in: Japan to provide greater COVID vaccine support to foreign residents See in context

English is the de-facto business language of the world, but nobody can speak it here, especially all the zombies that work in the city halls, and immigration departments.

another great example of arrogance

you can back to your country if you dont like all those "zombies that work in the city halls"

-14 ( +7 / -21 )

Posted in: Japan to provide greater COVID vaccine support to foreign residents See in context

thanks to the government for the effort

but I don't need vaccine, no problem

-17 ( +1 / -18 )

Posted in: Just how many seasons does Japan really have? See in context

just two : windy days and not windy days (from july to august)

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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