Posted in: Japan gives preliminary OK to Moderna, AstraZeneca vaccines See in context
Everyone should be going to their local clinic and demanding to know what’s in these fast tracked chemical cocktails and the effects. We must know! If there’s nothing to worry about, why are such simple questions “bad”?
-6 ( +0 / -6 )
Posted in: Japan gives preliminary OK to Moderna, AstraZeneca vaccines See in context
..And can we get a list of the ingredients and effects on the body of those ingredients?
if this gets down voted, why would you NOT want to know what’s in these and whether or not they’re actually safe?
-6 ( +0 / -6 )
Posted in: Japan considers COVID-19 vaccination certificates for those traveling overseas See in context
Why can we freely criticize every other industry but not big pharma and va((ines?
Science changes all the time, it is never settled!
Doctors used to recommend cigarettes! If facebook and instagram existed during that time, we would be banned for saying statements contradictory to the 'official narrative' of doctors, 'science' and big tabacco.
Doctors/media: 'The science is settled; Cigarettes are great for your health!'
Conspiracy theorists: 'Beware everyone, Cigarettes are causing cancer!'
FACT CHECKED and conspiracy theorists' opinion BANNED!
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Facebook to label all posts about COVID-19 vaccines See in context
Why can we freely criticize every other industry but not big pharma and va((ines?
Science changes all the time, it is never settled!
Doctors used to recommend cigarettes! If facebook and instagram existed during that time, we would be banned for saying statements contradictory to the 'official narrative' of doctors, 'science' and big tabacco.
Doctors/media: 'The science is settled; Cigarettes are great for your health!'
Conspiracy theorists: 'Beware everyone, Cigarettes are causing cancer!'
FACT CHECKED and conspiracy theorists' opinion BANNED!
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: Facebook to label all posts about COVID-19 vaccines See in context
If you suppress free speech on a topic, you aren't proving it do be a lie, you are proving that you fear what is being said. If the va((ines actually work then why are they worried about other opinions?
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 335 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 1,280 See in context
Okay... So? How many actually recovered? Why aren't those numbers ever reported? I guess it just doesn't fit the media's fear mongering agenda.
-7 ( +12 / -19 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 676 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 2,631 See in context
Why don't they ever report the number of recovered? Always fear! FEAR!
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: COVID-19 app fails to pass on some contact warnings See in context
Time to buy a flip phone before they are outlawed. Or just don't carry a phone. There are some smartphones that have kill switches on the Data, Wi-Fi, Camera, Microphone, etc.. Might be a good investment. Don't sign-up for your own surveilance.
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan enacts laws setting fines for antivirus measure noncompliance See in context
"The slippery slope to a totalitarian regime. To those cheering this, be forewarned: it's your rights to your own body and life that you just lost. Next, it won't be an influenza-like illness (ILI), but just any demand by the government "for the good of the public". You really do not comprehend how awful this power truly is."
Also, how many times can someone be fined? If you resfuse to participate in an "epidemiological survey", whatever that means, then you get fined 300,000yen. Could someone be fined an indefinite number of times for refusal? 2 times a week, month? Where does it end? It ends when we all stand up and say "enough is enough". Are medical staff and police going to walk door to door dragging people out of their homes for tests and fining those who refuse?
If the masks actually work, why bother with this testing? It's never about health, but compliance. Otherwise, why don't they recommend vitamins, minerals, exercise, fruits, vegitables...? Ah, wait, those aren't profitable for big pharma and the politicians they bought off to roll out this medical tyranny.
3 ( +7 / -4 )
Posted in: Lower house OKs bills to introduce fines for those who don't comply with anti-virus measures See in context
"China is now testing for the virus using anal swabs. If they decide to do that in Japan, under this new law, you could be fined 300,000 yen for refusing. Governments all over the world are taking too much power from this virus."
I remember hearing rumors about analswabs months ago thinking it was a joke, that it could never become this insane. I stand corrected, nothing suprises me now. Governments and politicians had their taste of power with lockdowns and now they keep pushing the bar. When will people say "Enough is enough!" ?
Do people really think that those in power will give up their newly accuired control?
"Show me your papers."
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Lower house OKs bills to introduce fines for those who don't comply with anti-virus measures See in context
"...300,000 yen for those who fail to participate in epidemiological surveys by health authorities."
Nope! We need to stand up against this Medical Tyranny that is rolling out all over the world. Roughly the same number of people who died yearly in 2018 and 2019 have died in 2020. All the heart disease, cancer and other ailments have been reclassified as Covid to prop up the scare tactics narritive. Losing more of our freedoms every day...
4 ( +13 / -9 )
Posted in: Kono says gov't will shoulder all costs associated with coronavirus vaccinations See in context
And who shoulders the liability if there are serious side effects: government or the manufacturing company? If it's a government, then who truly holds the power? Why would a government want to protect a company? You couldn't pay me to be a lab rat and take that experimental chemical cocktail.
1 ( +4 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan likely to hit COVID-19 herd immunity in Oct: researcher See in context
Herd immunity could be acheived if we naturally get the "virus" and our immune systems take care of it. Oh wait, what am I saying? We don't use immune systems anymore; we must live in fear of everyone and our own bodies, watch the TV religiously and obey our corporate overlords because they always have our best interest...
-2 ( +4 / -6 )
Posted in: Cabinet OKs bills to penalize people who do not comply with antivirus measures See in context
@daito_hak exactly!!! Thank you!
-4 ( +6 / -10 )
Posted in: Cabinet OKs bills to penalize people who do not comply with antivirus measures See in context
Looks like it's about time to leave Japan sadly...
So the state now has control over our bodies.. Knew this day would come. We no longer have bodily autonomy.. How can anyone not see how terrrible this is? We are losing more and more of our human rights every day...
-23 ( +17 / -40 )
Posted in: Biden lays out plans for COVID-19 testing, vaccinations and masks See in context
Politics should not mix with big pharma. That is tyranny. *This is tryanny. Anyone remember V for Vendetta?
-5 ( +1 / -6 )
Posted in: In Tokyo, some drink on despite gov't request for bars to close at 8 p.m. See in context
How is that selfish? If you want to stay home out of fear, stay home. If you want to go eat or drink, then do it.
Is it selfish because we should be responsible for everyone’s health? We should only be responsible for our own health! If you want me to be responsible for your health, I will put you on a treadmill, make you drink green smoothies, take vitamins and minerals to boost your immune system naturally. Meditate/Pray, stop living in fear.
so, do you want me to be responsible for your health now?
2 ( +4 / -2 )
Posted in: Tech, health firms team up on digital vaccination certificates See in context
Knew this was coming...
no travel without a medical passport. - no job without a medical passport. - no banking without a medical passport.
if the mask works, why the distance?
if the distance works, why the mask?
if both work, why the vaccine?
if the vaccine works, why are pharma companies exempt from liability?
if the government takes on that liability, who has the actual power? The company or the governments? Why would a government protect a corporation?
this is tyranny! It’s about control, not health.
if you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar; You telling everyone else that you fear what he might say.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump's already harsh rhetoric on migrants is turning darker as Election Day nears
Explains why they drive on the left side of the road in Japan.
Posted in: Engineer Edmund Morel helps launch Japan Railways in 1870
Posted in: Island ride
Posted in: New analysis suggests national debt could increase under Harris, but it would surge under Trump